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SASDI – Southern Africa Sustainable Development Initiative is a Christian organisation, driven by

motivated Southern Africans who are committed to developing the region in a transformational
manner. SASDI works in partnership with; local and international Corporates, NGO’s, churches and
other organizations to develop and implement high impact Social Investment Projects that deliver
meaningful results to all stakeholders. SASDI focuses on fundraising, project management and
leadership development as these are three crucial skills, often found lacking in the development

Our projects are usually construction-based and seek to either improve or expand the facilities of an
organization/individual doing phenomenal work in the community. However, we are diversifying to an
extent and are now also involved in small business development in the townships. The most important
thing for us is that a project does three things: works to alleviate poverty; develops the community and
builds leadership.

Our current projects:

- Sans Educare Sandra Lucas started a creche in Mfuleni 7 years ago. She employs 9 staff

members and has 200 children on her premises. Sandra is able to sustain the educare

facility financialy. She approached Sasdi and with their assistance and guidance, a school

was build with the help of donors that Sasdi recruited.

- Ekukhanyeni Soon to be renamed Ekukhayeni. Amelia Poswa has been running a safe

haven for abandoned and abused children for 40 years in Mfuleni. Sakhumzi accomodates

198 children of different age groups. Amelia’s dream is to have a live and learn centre built

for her children. The centre will comprise of a community hall, 6 cottages, an administration

building, an educare centre and a clinic. The cost of this project is R10 million.

Homestead The Homestead is an NPO that focusses re-intergration of street children to

their families and communities. A project is in place to build a child and youth care centre.

The centre will comprise of a community hall, cottages and a learning centre. The cost for the

Project is R12.5 million.

 E-mail :  Telephone : (021) 801 0380  Mobile : 079 390 5686  Website: Registration Number: 2005/160 460/ 23 VAT Number: 489/023/2624
Our Mission Statement

Engaged – “a proactive and integrated community”

• Leading social change

• Promoting sustainable community

• Advocating on behalf of previously disadvantaged communities

Educated – “an enabled and skilled society”

• Encouraging effective skills transfer

• Facilitating project management & fundraising

• Developing and recruiting talented entrepreneurs who demonstrate great potential

Yours sincerely

Kissmea Adams

 E-mail :  Telephone : (021) 801 0380  Mobile : 079 390 5686  Website: Registration Number: 2005/160 460/ 23 VAT Number: 489/023/2624

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