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10 Steps for MSC Implementation


1. Raise interest amongst key

stakeholders and get their commitment
to participate

2. Define the domains of change What has broadly changed in people’s

3. Determine the reporting period – over
the past year, six months, three
months etc.
4. Collect the significant change stories Ex. ‘Looking back over the last year, what do
from participants you think was the most significant change in
the quality of people’s lives in this
5. Select the most significant stories. From among the stories selected, what do
Every time stories are selected, record you think was the most significant change
criteria used to select them. of all?
6. Feedback the results of the selection From among the stories selected what do
process. Include stakeholders to you think was the most significant change
review the process, stories selected of all?
and assess the domains of stories
7. Verify the stories Who told the story? Who captured the
results? When and where did the story
take place?
8. Quantify the results
9. Conduct a secondary or meta-
monitoring analysis
10. Revise the system based upon lessons
10 Steps for MSC Implementation

The central part of MSC is an open question to participants, such as:

“Looking back over the last year, what do you think

was the most significant change in the quality of
people’s lives in this community?”

1. ‘Looking back over the last year…’ – It refers to a specific time period.

2. ‘…what do you think was...’ – It asks respondents to exercise their own judgment.

3. ‘…the most significant…’ – It asks respondents to be selective, not to try to comment on

everything, but to focus in and report on one thing.

4. ‘…change…’ – It asks respondents to be more selective, to report a change rather than

static aspects of the situation or something that was present in the previous reporting period.

5. ‘…in the quality of people’s lives…’ – It asks respondents to be even more selective,
not to report just any change but a change in the quality of people’s lives. This tag describes a
domain of change and can be modified to fit other domains of change.

6. ‘…in this community?’ – Like the first part of the sentence, this establishes some

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