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his story is a Christmas-themed one shot Ask any kid if Santa is real and they’ll laugh at you before they
designed and balanced for a party of five steal your coin purse, “of course not”.
characters at level 5. It is an Evil/Neutral scenario The parents, however, know better...
intended to be run in isolation; through this Wintermas has always been a day of celebration, a day to
scenario the players may receive opportunities gather round the fire to drink and eat, but the presents are a
which would entirely derail a longer planned mystery. Not long ago, beautiful little toys, sweets and cookies
campaign. started appearing in every house across the land, all labelled
‘from Santa’. Every Wintermas morning, without fail. M ost
This adventure is balanced and designed around the 5th edition
people love these presents and accept it as a blessing, but there
ruleset (for which Basic Rules are available free online), but for
are others who see competition…
your ease of adaptation is not tied in to a specific world. It takes
place in the broad medieval fantasy setting, in and around a cold,
Northern area. Setting the scene
It’s the night before Wintermas. You’re huddled in the large stone
Premise archway of a tall and narrow 5-storey tower. The wind howls
past and thick snow obscures your view beyond a few metres. A
The players are hired by a morally suspect toy company to discrete brass sign on the door advertises…
infiltrate Santa's Workshop. They will be generously paid to...

Find out how he distributes toys HappyJoy Toy and Tobacco

Steal/disable the means if possible Company
(Bonus) Kill Santa.
Northern Region Headquarters
World background Frosthold
The world is not a happy place. A trip to the countryside means
Your interview is in 5 minutes time, and it appears from the small
being torn apart by a pack of monsters. A good month means
crowd gathered [the other assembled players] that you’re not the
only one or two villagers have died painfully. ‘Being fit and
only one who has been selected for this job. What would you like
healthy’ means you still have half your working teeth. It’s
to do?
perhaps not surprising that children here are tough, cynical little


Scene 1: HappyJoy Toy
This is Quentin Happyjoy Junior, corporate
and Tobacco Company businessman before his time. He'll briefly
interview the players for a little RP introduction
Reception then provides a short summary of the quest.
M otivational posters and adverts for dubiously virtuous He skirts over the element of killing Santa,
HappyJoy products line the walls. An advert for a teddy bear instead describing 'thoroughly achieving your
'that really smokes' catches the eye. A bored looking receptionist
is using a slate tablet and chalk. He'll explain they've sent scouts to Santa's
home at the North Pole, but none have
returned and they've only received the briefest
The receptionist is uninterested in small talk notes by sending stone; the entrance lies in a
and unimpressed by any of the players. She will glacial crevasse, there are patrolling flying
take names and classes (players to describe creatures, enchanted holly barbed wire and
themselves) and give them ‘Hi, My Name Is…’ candy mines along the top, something unclear
name badges. Once all given out, the players about no man’s land.
are directed though into a lift (pulled by team
of gnomes who make elevator sounds) to the He'll give each player 250g payment upfront
top floor. and a further 750g each on completion.
He'll warn that if they run with the pre-
payment, he'll place the 750g as a bounty on
Quentin HappyJoy's Office their heads.
A large painted portrait of a smiling man in a purple suit holding The encounter ends with the players offered an
a bunch of colourful balloons takes up most of the right wall, a hour to collect any items they need; directed to
small plaque underneath it reads... the nearby town square (optional; see
Appendix) to then return and be teleported to
the North Pole by Quentin's Corporate Mages.
Quentin Happyjoy Senior
Founder, Happyjoy Family Toy Co. To return, they are given an enchanted
snowglobe which they may smash to create a
temporary portal (1 minute) to Frosthold.
The far wall of the room is entirely taken up by a large window
through which you can only see snow blowing past. The only
item of furniture is a dark mahogany desk holding a neat stack of
parchment, a magical Newton’s Cradle and a slate tablet. In front
of you is the greyest man you have ever seen.

Scene 2: The North
Pole Frosty the Snowman
Large construct, neutral
Armor Class 12 (natural armor)
As you land in a flash of light, your first view is of snow and ice. Hit Points 78
As you look up an icy plain stretches out in front of you, a bitter Speed 40ft.
wind is howling, it's dark but your way is lit by the stars, the full
moon, and an incredible aurora above. About a kilometre in front
of you, a huge cliff of ice stretches hundreds of metres into the STR DEX CON INT W IS CHA
air. A wide, jagged crevasse cuts into its face. You can see many 19 (+4) 9 (-1) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 8 (-1)
figures in the distance in front of the opening, but none appear to
be moving. Damage Immunities Cold
Skills Perception +3, Stealth +3
Senses passive Perception 13, darkvision 60ft
There are approximately 50 figures in neat
Languages Common
rows. On closer inspection they are snowmen.
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
A skill check from the players reveals that
whilst most are just vague lumps of snow,
three close to the crevasse entrance appear to Berserk. If a companion is killed, Frosty goes
be more distinct. berserk. On each of its turns while berserk, it
attacks the nearest creature it can see, making an
The players may attempt to sneak past, but this extra headbutt attack (+7 to hit, 1d8 bludgeoning
will be very difficult. If they don't manage, or damage) in addition to Double Swipe .
they ignore this entirely, the largest snowman
will greet them. Weakness to Fire. If Frosty takes fire damage, it
has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks
The top of the ice cliff is essentially until the end of its next turn.
impassable, it is patrolled by flying creatures
(see Paindeer) and strewn with traps.
Multiattack. Frosty can use Double Swipe and
Chilling Ray on its turn.
You notice the largest of the figures begin to shift as you Double Swipe. Melee Weapon Attack: Two
approach, it turns to face you and you see it has coal eyes, a attacks with +7 to hit, reach 5ft., (1d10+4)
carrot nose, three blue gems in a line down its chest and two arms damage plus (1d6) cold damage.
carved along its sides. It appears to smile widely.
Chilling Ray. (3 charges) Frosty targets one
creature it can see within 30 feet of it. The target
He will introduce himself as 'Frosty' and will must succeed on a DC13 Constitution saving
not be immediately hostile to the players. He'll throw against this magic or take (3d6) cold
happily greet them and tell them that damage and be paralyzed for 1 minute. The target
Wintermas is tomorrow, they’ll have to wait for can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of
their presents! its turns. Taking any fire damage will end the effect
immediately. If successful, or the effect ends, the
He has two sidekick animated snowmen who target is immune to Chilling Ray for 1 hour.
are near to him but not immediately apparent Snow Meld. As a bonus action, if on ice or snow
amongst the decoys without having been terrain the Snowman may disengage from any
searched for specifically, or with a successful adjacent targets and meld into the ground,
DC18 perception check. reappearing instantly at any space within 40ft.
He will encourage the players to leave and not
spoil the magic of Wintermas. If they do not
leave quickly, it's time to roll initiative.

If the players have already noticed the two
sidekicks, they will immediately start the fight Animated Snowman
with Frosty, otherwise add them to the initiative Medium construct, neutral
track and they will attempt a surprise attack
(with advantage) on the players closest to them Armor Class 12 (natural armor)
at the start of their turn. Hit Points 41
Speed 40ft.


18 (+4) 9 (-1) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 8 (-1)

Damage Immunities Cold

Skills Perception +3, Stealth +3
Senses passive Perception 13, darkvision 60ft
Languages Common
Challenge 3 (700 XP)

Weakness to Fire. If the snowman takes fire

damage, it has disadvantage on attack rolls and
ability checks until the end of its next turn.
Brothers in Arms. The snowman has advantage
on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of
its allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally
isn't incapacitated

Double Swipe. Melee Weapon Attack: Two
attacks with +6 to hit, reach 5ft., (1d8+4) damage
plus (1d6) cold damage.
Snow Meld. As a bonus action, if on ice or snow
terrain the Snowman may disengage from any
adjacent targets and meld into the ground,
reappearing instantly at any space within 40ft.

Scene 3: Cavern of Paindeer
Christmas Lights Large beast, neutral
Approach Armor Class 13 (natural armor)
As you step into the crevasse, you see a long passage before Hit Points 60
you, starting wide and tapering to a point from which a dim glow Speed 50ft. (flying)
emanates. Whilst it is mostly dark, floating, ethereal Wintermas
Lanterns illuminate patches of the path. Taking a step forward, STR DEX CON INT W IS CHA
the sound of the howling wind becomes muffled. It’s replaced by
a far more ominous sound, a deep, low rumbling as if the ice were 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 8 (-1)
A chip of ice falls from above and you see shadowy shapes Damage Immunities Cold (1/2 damage)
flying overhead, they don’t appear to have spotted you. The ice Skills Perception +5, Stealth +3
walls, however, are moving very slowly together. You need to Senses passive Perception 15, darkvision 60ft
hurry, and would guess you’ve not got long before this cavern
Languages Common
Challenge 3 (700 XP)
closes entirely.

As a Pack. The Paindeer has advantage on an

This section is a race against time set piece. attack roll against a creature if at least one of its
allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally
It can be run in several ways to suit your isn't incapacitated
A series of stealth checks running
through the cavern Actions
A fight with an actual physical time limit Multiattack. The Paindeer uses both Bite and
(e.g. 3 minutes per enemy) Gore on each attack.
A fight with increasing risk of damage
per round (falling ice) Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5ft.,
A simple fight against the Paindeer with (2d6+4) piercing damage.
a long corridor to get through. Gore. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5ft.,
(2d6+4) piercing damage. On successful attack,
Depending on how they're doing, you may target must make a DC12 Constitution saving
introduce between 1 (easy) and 4 (deadly) throw, on a failed save target bleeds (1d4) damage
Paindeer. at the end of every turn until 1 or more hit points
are restored or an action is spent tending to the
As you reach the end of the cavern, you can see where the glow Snow Breath (Recharge 5-6). The paindeer
is coming from. Through a crack in the ice (about 10 ft wide and exhales a blast of freezing wind in a 15-foot cone.
20 ft tall) a gentle light shines and you can see snow falling Each creature in that area must make a DC12
slowly beyond. It would seem you've found the entrance to Dexterity saving throw, taking (4d8) cold damage
Santa's Grotto. on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
successful one.

Santa’s Cookie Lab (A)
Scene 4: Santa's Grotto Ho Ho Holding Cells (B)
As you step through the wall, the scene changes immediately.
You’re in a beautiful cavern lit with a warm golden light, with Santa’s Workshop Portal (C)
gently falling magical snow coming from somewhere high up
Paindeer Stables (D)
above you.
Snow tipped stalactites and stalagmites rise from the floor and
descend from the ceiling, not necessarily in that order. Striped
candy cane picket fences line a stone path which leads forwards Throughout this area, everything is whimsical
to a small central square dominated by a giant Wintermas tree and magical, but detailed player investigation
before splitting into four. The air smells like peppermint and
should be rewarded with hints of corruption;
gingerbread is going mouldy, things look run
down, a creeping sense of something sinister.
Above you, a green banner with silver lettering hangs between
two stala… stones. It is written in gnomish. If the players search for presents under the
trees you may offer joke loot (optional; see
SLEEPING This is an opportunity for a rest. should the
HE KNOWS WHEN YOU'RE AWAKE players need to recharge after the previous
encounters. If they sleep or nap, they have
strange and terrifying dreams which they can't
At the end of the four short paths, you see three gingerbread remember any detail from upon waking.
houses, and set in the centre of the far wall, a tall stone archway
within which the air has a shimmering water-like quality. They
each have tiny signs next to them, which appear to be made from
chocolate, with iced [gnomish] writing on them.
There doesn't appear to be any movement from any of the
buildings.. for now. What would you like to do?

A) Santa's Cookie Lab C) Santa's Workshop Portal
This seems to be where the delicious smells are coming from. A pale blue light emanates from this stone archway. The air
Strange machinery lines the walls of this small gingerbread house, within it shimmers like a gently disturbed pool.
and bags of sugar, cinnamon and lots of unknown magical dusts
are piled in boxes and shelves. Seven silver plates lie in a row on
Players may walk through the portal, but
a bench fixed to the far end of the room. Each plate has a small
nothing will happen unless they first eat the
pile of cookies on it, each with a different iced design.
correct cookie
Investigation reveals cookie crumbs on the
This is a logic puzzle (see overleaf), the clue to
solving which lies with Dave Grinch in the
Holding Cells
High DC investigation or detecting magic here
will suggest some of these ingredients are
really pretty strange.. magical characters may
D) Paindeer Stables
determine with a suitable check that they You can smell hay and a strange sort of chocolate smell coming
include Brain Stem Fluid and Infused Essence through the doorway of this squat building with wide, open
of Consciousness; substances known for their doors. Inside you can hear snoring.
ability to affect peoples minds.
If the players are really struggling, you can Looking (stealthily) through the doors the
allow them to decipher a recipe scrap to players can see three Paindeer sleeping, and
identify one of the 'bad' cookies. several empty bays. The Paindeer will attack if
disturbed. (DC12 Stealth to pass through)
They have strange names on their collars.
[Doner, Souvlaki and Gyros]
B) Ho Ho Holding Cells
At the far end of the stable on a very high shelf
The door to this building is locked, and there are candy cane bars they can see a small statue of a Paindeer, with a
on the gingerbread window holes. Inside, there is a single cage ruby nose. Detecting magic or just knowledge /
taking up half of the room, it contains a wild-eyed gnome with skill check shows it’s a magical item.
bright green hair.
Appropriate DC16 skill check to retrieve, failure
initiates combat.
This is Dave Grinch, prisoner of Santa. He is
half-mad, irrational and hostile. He hates Once they hold the statue, a simple check
Christmas, hates joy, it’s just not right, what’s identifies it as a Wondrous Statue, once per
he after etc. day as a bonus action they can summon
Rudolf the Paindeer to aid them, he appears
His tribe are missing, he's followed tracks here and casts a ray of red light from his nose,
and believes it's because of Santa. causing (4d10) radiant damage to a single
target, half on a DC15 Dexterity save
He’ll offer the players a deal, if they free him
and bring him the head of Santa, he’ll help
them into the workshop and as reward, create
them any item they wish.
Social challenge tells them that his tribe of Ice
Gnomes are natural artificers, many of them
can duplicate and transport items, but some of
them (the tribe leaders) have the ability to
create matter from energy, in either case, once
per year. They ironically see this as a curse,
they create presents but hate them.
If pressed about getting into the workshop, or
if they accept his offer, he’ll give them a riddle
which will allow them to solve the puzzle (see
Killing him (he will die with a single blow) gives
them it on a piece of paper found on his body.

Cookie Puzzle
The Moon cookie allows passage through the
portal, the Santa Hat cookie provides
The Tree, Present and Holly cookies cause the
player to be knocked prone and lose (1d4)
Intelligence points

Puzzle adapted from a riddle described in Harry

Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
Fail: Darkness fills your vision and madness overwhelms
Scene 5: Santa's you. Roll for initiative then hand me your character sheet.

Workshop Success: Through power of will you force the voices to stop.
Roll for initiative.
This room is huge. Unbelievably huge. It’s a giant stone dome,
almost half a mile in diameter. From halfway up the dome, the
roof is enchanted to show stars and the aurora above. The same
gentle golden light illuminates rows and rows of small stone Santa's stat block is overleaf.
altars, all pointed to a circular plinth which is raised up from the Once a significant portion of Santa's original
centre of the room. set of health has been depleted (feel free to
At each altar, a gnome sits with a frozen smile on their face, base on fight difficulty), around a few minutes,
staring blank-eyed towards the centre. A wide aisle cuts a path maybe a KO and around 2/3 of player
through the endless concentric circles, leading from the portal resources expended, then Santa falls.
behind you straight towards the centre. A large silhouette is
visible upon the plinth, its back to you, it appears to be a very
fat, very tall man, wearing a crown and large, bulky robes. What
would you like to do?
Santa falls to the ground, unconscious, and his crown falls off.
The gnomes surrounding suddenly stop, their eyes no longer
As soon as the players move towards the blank, and a cheer goes up around the room. They begin to rush
centre of the room, the portal will disappear towards the heroic players. They don’t get far.
behind them. They may only notice this if they A ringing, shrieking, metallic sound echoes from the spot
check. where Santa fell. It almost deafens you, it's the sound of a giant
suit of plate armor being torn in half by a hundred pairs of metal
They may attempt a stealthy approach but, claws. The air seems to twist and shatter in front of you. This is
come on, this is Santa. He's seen them as soon all wrong. The gnomes look panicked and begin running to the far
as they've entered the room. Once they get to
walls. A ripple of shouts and conversation passes rapidly
within a reasonable range he turns and smiles.
between them. You catch three words over the noise. ‘He is
A writhing monstrosity unravels itself from the fallen crown,
its form is hard to distinguish, all black smoke and boiling flesh.
Santa wheels round. His jolly voice booms out. It bends space and light as you look at it, shifting in and out of
Ho Ho Ho.. Hello, children. Wintermas isn’t until focus like an optical illusion, at one moment it appears to be
tomorrow! made of tentacles, then a screaming face, then a grotesque cluster
of eyes and sinew. It’s somehow all around you whilst
Santa will try to lure the players to the centre occupying a space in front of you. It is utterly terrifying. Its
‘for presents’. voice sounds like a raspy whisper in your ear but hurts as if it
were shouting.
Perception will reveal the portal has closed…
Aim for sinister / creepy notes but overall very You have interrupted the plan.
friendly demeanour. We prepare for my arrival in this
If they get close enough, or delay for too long, world.
he’ll apologise that they’re on his naughty list I see your thoughts.
and attempt to possess one of the players...
We are not so different.
Join me and I will spare you.
Wear the crown.
As Santa locks eyes with you, you feel an intrusive presence in Wield power over all minds.
your mind. Something isn't right. You hear screams and reality
lurches, your very sanity is being attacked.
The monstrosity shifts and appears to be closer to you. What
would you like to do?
The player must make a DC15 Charisma save,
failure means this player is now under the
control of Santa, who will initiate combat with Intelligence/History check tells players this is
the players. the avatar of an Old One. A challenging foe,
but only a portion of the true God's strength.
Save (once per turn at the start of each turn for The players may accept its offer or fight it.
affected player), breaking Santa's concentration
or damaging the controlled player ends the See final page for options and consequences.

Santa Old One's Avatar
Large humanoid, neutral evil (possessed) Huge abberation, lawful evil

Armor Class 15 Armor Class 16 (natural armor)

Hit Points 134 Hit Points 116
Speed 40ft. Speed 40ft. (teleport)

24 (+7) 10 (+0) 22 (+6) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 22 (+5) 22 (+5) 22 (+5)

Damage Immunities Cold (1/2 damage) Damage Immunities Psychic

Skills Perception +8 Condition Immunities blinded, paralyzed, prone,
Senses passive Perception 18, Truesight 60ft stunned
Languages Common, Elvish Skills Perception +10
Challenge 9 (5,000 XP) Senses passive Perception 20, truesight 120ft
Languages Undercommon, Telepathy 120ft,
Winter's Aura. Cold winds swirl around Santa, Deep Speech
any creature starting their turn within 5 feet of Challenge 9 (5,000 XP)
Santa takes (1d6) cold damage.
Weak Ties to This World. The Crown of
Legendary Resistance. Twice per day, upon Domination (whilst unworn) may be targeted with
failing a saving throw, Santa may instead choose to spell or melee attacks (AC12). Dealing 40hp of
succeed. damage will destroy the crown and banish the Old
Almost Immortal. Upon reaching 0 hit points, One's Avatar immediately.
Santa will fall unconscious and the Crown of Legendary Resistance. Twice per day, upon
Domination will fall from his head. It may failing a saving throw, he may instead choose to
otherwise only be removed by a Remove Curse succeed.
spell from a 9th level spellcaster.
Legendary Action. Once per round, after an
Legendary Action. Once per round, after an opponent's turn, the Avatar may attempt to
opponent's turn, Santa may choose to use one of Dominate a target within 60ft. Target must make a
his Actions. This does not count towards his two DC 15 Charisma saving throw or be forced to take
Action total. a single movement, attack or cantrip action.

Actions Actions
Faster Than He Looks. Santa can use two of the Multiattack The Avatar takes two of the below
below Actions per turn (cannot use the same Actions per turn (may use the same Action twice)
Action twice on a single turn.
Psychic Tentacle Reach Weapon Attack: +7 to
Naughty or Nice. Close Burst Spell: reach 10ft., hit, reach 15ft., (2d6+4) psychic damage. On
(2d10) psychic damage to all in range who successful attack, target must make a DC12
damaged Santa in the last turn, (1d4) healing to all Dexterity saving throw, on a failed save target is
who did not. prone and takes 1d4 psychic damage at the start
Gnome Missile. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to of their next turn and again until upright.
hit, range 30ft., (2d6+4) bludgeoning damage. Telekinesis. This spell may function as per the
Santa telekinetically launches a Gnome at a target Mage Hand cantrip, though capable of lifting up to
within range. 200lb of weight up to a distance of 60ft. It may
Crown of Domination. Santa attempts to lock also be used as a ranged spell to lift a player into
eyes and control the mind of a creature within the air or throw them against an object (DC14
sight. Target must make a DC15 Charisma saving Intelligence saving throw) at which point they will
throw, on a failed save target is forced to take an fall and take 4d6 damage (Dexterity save for half)
attack, move or cast a cantrip at a target of Santa's Twist Reality. The Avatar makes a duplicated
choice. image of itself (may be repeated to make, 4, 8, 16
Belly Blow. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, copies) at any square within 30ft. Roll with even
range 5ft., (2d10+6) bludgeoning damage. Santa chance to determine which image is the real Avatar
wobbles his belly like a bowl full of jelly.. then and which is the image. A DC14 Perception check,
smashes it into a target. damaging the correct Avatar or the correct Avatar
taking a (non-legendary) Action will end the
Cloak Swirl. Santa may disengage with a swirl of illusion.
his cloak and reappear instantly at any empty
square within 20ft.

Refuse the offer, kill the Avatar,
Scene 6: Conclusion then wear the crown anyway
Effectively the ending is up to the players. They've now got The player will freely gain the ability to control minds, including
several very evil routes to creating any item they like, and the room full of gnomes who can duplicate and teleport items
disributing thousands of copies of that item to anywhere in the once, and Santa if he is still alive (players are immune to the
world. Accepting the power of the Old One should not come effect having just defeated the Old One's Avatar) but get a sense
without consequences, so feel free to make this as poisoned a the crown is drawing strength from them. After (1d10) days the
chalice as you see fit. Old One compulsion returns, following save rules above.
They also have the option for redemption, and if they help
Santa they can save Wintermas, but if your players do 'evil' Kill Santa
anything like mine, Santa is probably dead and tortured, whilst The item copying gnomes will be terrified and attempt to flee.
the players are leading an army of 10,000 flaming dread steeds They will not assist the players in any way unless compelled,
into the sunset. for example through an extremely high DC persuasion check. If
A few suggestions for how this could play out are suggested proof of death is taken to the Grinch he will provide any item
below... within reasonable character knowledge / imagination, no greater
than 5ft x 5ft in size. The Grinch cannot create sentient beings
Refuse the offer, kill the Avatar, but can create a mindless construct in the manner of a golem.
leave Santa alive and well
Santa will be grateful, his intention will be to destroy the crown Fulfil the brief and return to
and the thrall cookies that he has been setting up to send, instead HappyJoy
he'll persuade the the gnomes to make normal toys and sweets, as The players may return to HappyJoy should they wish, and
equals, not slaves. Wintermas has been saved! He will resist evil they will be paid the 750g bounty, and may negotiate for an extra
plans and fight the players if they attempt anything of the sort. 250g each if they have also killed Santa.

Take the offer, wear the Crown of We're putting the crown on our pet
Domination with the Avatar alive dog / reindeer / Dave's head.
The player will gain the ability to control minds (see Appendix), If the Avatar is alive and the players choose not to wear the
but be immediately under the control of the Old One, whose first crown themselves, it'll attempt to kill them. If they kill the
imperative is killing Santa (no save). Avatar, the crown may be freely removed until (1d10) days have
If the players achieve this, they must make a DC16 Charisma passed.
saving throw immediately, then again each time they attempt to Whoever or whatever wears the crown will quickly use it to
use the crown and upon waking each day. try and fulfill their character goals, the Paindeer are prideful and
On a failed save, the crown compels them to carry out a course will force others to worship it and bring it food, the Grinch will
of action for 24 hours, broadly to start a cult and/or enslave the force everyone out of his way and get his tribe back. In any case
world, and +1 is permanently added to the save DC. The crown the consequences should not be pleasant.
cannot be removed without killing the player.

Written by /u/jmanc. Formatted with The

Homebrewery. Images are my own composites
from public non-copyrighted sources, with the
exception of the front cover which has been based
on a (CC-A) photo by Shane Gorski .
Appendix: Crown Appendix: Loot
Crown of Domination Boots of Teleportation
Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement) Wondrous item, rare

This crown is of a simple spiked design, it appears to be cut Once per day as a bonus action you may speak a command word
to make these boots teleport to any space within 60ft. You do
from dark stone, but is surprisingly light. The crown has up to 4 not move with them.
charges, and (1d4) are restored daily at dawn. Whilst wearing it
you may expend a charge to dominate the mind of a single
powerful creature, or multiple weaker creatures within a 100ft
Dominate. You may telepathically suggest a single, simple Horn of Invisibility
course of action, which the dominated subject(s) will follow to Wondrous item, rare
the best of their ability, persisting even if this action causes harm Once per day you may blow this horn to become invisible. You
to themselves or others. The suggested course of action can must continue blowing the horn to remain invisible. It can be
continue for the entire duration. If the suggested activity can be heard within a 500ft radius.
completed in a shorter time, the effect ends when the subject
finishes what it was asked to do. You may specify conditions,
for example; "You will attack the first non-human to walk through
that door". Brassiere of Eternal Flame
Single target. You may target a single creature within range. If Wondrous item, rare
the target is a creature with a CR of 5 or higher, or a player
character with 5 or more levels of experience, the target must This item is continually aflame and cannot be extinguished. It
appears to be a set of racy underwear.
make a DC16 Charisma saving throw. On a failed save the target
is dominated for up to 24 hours. On a successful save the crown
has no effect and they are immediately aware of the attempt to
influence them.
Multiple targets. You may target any number of creatures Hat of Disguise Self
within range, each with an individual CR of 4 or lower, or Wondrous item, rare
multiple player characters each with 4 or fewer levels of
Once per day this hat can cast disguise self. The hat chooses
experience. These weaker targets are immediately dominated for when and what it changes to.
up to 1 year. They have no save vs. the effect and are unaware of
the source of their compulsion.

Ring of Beast Turning

Wondrous item, rare
Once per day you may speak a command word to turn a single
beast. It will slowly rotate on the spot until it is facing 180
degrees in the opposite direction.

Scroll of Mass Confusion

Wondrous item, rare
This magical scroll appears to be very powerful. It requires a
DC50 Intelligence check to decipher.

Wand of Magic Detection

Wondrous item, rare

Curse. Upon suggesting a course of action, the wearer must The gem atop this magical wand glows orange when a magical
make a Charisma saving throw, in the first instance with a DC of item is within 50ft. This includes itself.
15. On each failed save their suggestion may be altered (as subtly
or overtly as the GM chooses) to further the aims of the item's
original creator, and the save DC permanently increases by 1 for
this wearer. Upon reaching DC20, the crown may only be
removed by the wearer's death. Remove Curse has no effect.
Appendix: Frosthold Points of interest
This is the biggest town in the region, but that isn’t saying much. Michael C Hammer’s Smithy and
It’s a circular walled town atop a hill, with four gates; North, Tanner
East, South and West. Heading towards the centre there’s a small A small but well-stocked shop selling standard Armory gear.
square where most of the action seems to be happening. A bard M ichael sells all simple and martial weapons and armor within
sings Wintermas carols whilst locals and guardsmen are watching reason at standard price.
transfixed. Stocks (1d4) +1 weapons at considerable cost (750gp) in a
Around the square there’s a Blacksmith that is also a secure cabinet. Anything worth over 100gp is Alarmed.
Leatherworker, a combined general store and tavern on the corner
with the windows covered up, and a Temple of Helm. There are The Legitimate Business Tavern and
also a few merchants selling their wares from stalls near the Store
centre of town, including an alchemist, a jeweller and a few This large single-storey building has a bar and a small shop
tradesmen selling Wintermas trees and Wintermas treats. counter where the players may purchase alcohol, food, drinks,
You know this as a tough town with a tough reputation, today rations and adventuring gear.
though there’s a generally happy hubbub as people go about With successful check, e.g. Thieves Cant or perception +
their Wintermas preparations. The smell of roasting meat and persuasion, players may fence stolen items and can access a back
chestnuts fills the air. room with a black market catalogue, including a selection of
sketchy items;
Usually this is a town full of gruff Northern Bear trap. (DC14 Dex save or prone, advantage to target if
workers; the work here is hard and the thrown) (50gp)
conditions unforgiving. The primary business
Blade poison. (1d6 damage, 3 applications) (100gp)
is hunting, collecting and processing bone and
Flashbang. (single target, thrown as ranged attack, disadv
ivory for HappyJoy’s toys.
next attack) (50gp)
Whilst everyone has a rough Northern accent, Knife boots. (adv on climbing, bonus action attack for 1d4
almost everyone the players pass today is like a damage, -5ft move) (50gp)
'gee golly, mister' Disney character, they'll talk Klaxon-bomb. (distraction, 60ft range, DC14 Wisdom
about how happy and joyous they are on this saves) (50gp)
one day of the year where they can forget about Darkvision goggles. (grant darkvision, bonus action to
the donkey blight, the pain pox, the bandit activate) (100gp)
attacks and the constant fear. Cloak of Stealth (adv. on stealth checks) (750gp)
People may mention how glad they are for their Scroll of haste (500gp)
miraculous presents, and how great it is that Scroll of invisibility (500gp)
nothing bad has ever happened to Santa.
Bob’s Bargain Bottles
Sells a small selection of sealed potions, unlabelled. Has 10 in
stock. All are 50gp. Some are alcohol, few are poison, some are
useful. Roll (1d6) for contents.
Optional vignettes 1 – poison 2 – foul liquid 3 - alcohol 4 – common potion,
(healing, climbing or darkvision) 5 – uncommon potion, (gaseous
Tiny Tom form, greater healing) 6 – rare potion, (potion of fire breath, frost
As they enter the general shop, an incredibly small human with a giant strength)
broken leg and makeshift crutch is counting out copper pieces
very slowly to pay for the smallest pigeon available. He'll keep Marvo’s Miraculous Magical
dropping his change and getting the price wrong. The players Medallions
can't be served until this ends. Sells various gems at (PHB price +20%) and a range of amulets
for 100gp which have minor magical effects. Roll (1d6) for effect.
Bing Crowsby 1- granting advantage on performance (dance) checks 2-
The bard here is singing with an incredible voice, and a group of granting an impressive moustache 3- making hair billow
guards and locals are watching transfixed. There's a large hat filled dramatically 4- one weekly charge of message 5- lowering voice
to the brim with mixed coins (180gp) for the local orphanage and pitch significantly 6- one weekly charge of thaumaturgy
it doesn't look like anyone is watching it.
Temple of Helm
Candy from a Baby An altar here holds 1 potion of healing, holy water and a
You see a mother negotiating for a Wintermas tree at a side-of- donation box which is very full of coin today (250gp total).
the-road vendor, her baby is next to her in a basket, wrapped up The priests here can cast cleric spells up to Level 3, for (100gp
warm and happily unwrapping a huge lollipop. It looks like a per spell level)
very tasty lollipop.

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