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Once upon a time, there was a fox. He was always hungry. One day, the fox saw a bird eating
some cheese.

And the fox said,’ Hey you, give me your cheese. I like cheese and I am really hungry.’

The bird said,’ No, you can’t have my cheese.’

And the fox said,’ Can you fly, bird?”

And the bird said ‘ Yes, I can fly.

‘ So fly down here to me and give me your cheese.!

And the bird said, ‘ Look I can fly but you can’t have my cheese.’

And the fox said ‘ Can you sing bird?’

And the bird said, ‘ Yes, I can sing. Listen to my song.’

And the bird………….(opens his mouth and the cheese falls to the ground)

And the said, ‘ Ha, ha, ha,……………..Now I have got your cheese. It is my favorites…..mmm.’

And the bird flew and flew……

Then the bird met a monkey and the bird said ‘ Monkey, I am too sad. Please, help me!

The fox cheated me and ate my cheese. ‘

The monkey said, ‘ What can I do for you?’

The bird: ‘ You can help me in cheating the fox.’

The monkey said,’ I’m sorry. I’m afraid of him. Maybe a mouse can help you.

And the bird flew and flew…..

The bird saw the mouse. The bird said ‘ The fox cheated me, so I want to cheat him. Can you
help me?

The mouse, ‘ I’m sorry. I have no idea about how we can cheat him but a cow can help you’.

The bird flew and flew…….

And the bird saw the cow. The bird said, ‘ Help me cow! I want to cheat the fox. ‘

The cow asked ‘ Why?’

The bird said’ Because he cheated me and ate my cheese.’

The cow said’ Sorry, I can’t help you. But, I’m sure king of the jungle can help you.’

The bird’ Who?’

The cow said ‘ Lion-King of the Jungle ‘

And the bird flew and flew…..

The bird met the lion and said ‘ I’m helpless. Please help me the king of the jungle. You are my
last chance.’

The lion asked ‘ What happened?’

The bird said.’ The fox cheated me and ate my cheese.

The lion said, Don’t worry! I’m the king [of the jungle. I will hold a meeting with all of the
animals in the jungle. I will talk with all of theme and we will help you.

The bird asked ‘ How are we going to cheat fox?

The lion said, ‘You will take a white stone on your mouth and wait for him at the same place. The
fox will see you and think that you have some cheese again. The fox will try to cheat you. I’m
sure he will ask same questions. While you are singing, white stone will fall to the ground. The
fox will eat it and break his teeth. So, the fox can’t dare to cheat anybody.’

And the bird said’ It is a good idea.’

Then all of the animals in the jungle (lion, bird, monkey, mouse, cow, giraffe, bear, elephant,
bee) held a meeting. At the end of the meeting, they accepted the lion’s plan.

The other day, the bird cheated the fox as planned. This plan taught the fox a lesson he will
never forget. After that day, the fox has never cheated the animals and all animals have lived
happily in the jungle forever.

The End
Environmental Segregation
Musical Instrument

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