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of all her property. Manuel and Francisca were already deceased, leaving Vicenta to pay to the plaintiff Vicenta one-half of the rents which might have been
and Matilda as heirs. derived from the upper story of the said house on Calle Escolta, and, much
less, because one of the living rooms and the storeroom thereof were used for the
CONCEPT, CHARACTERISTICS, CAUSES THAT GIVE In 1888, the defendants (Matilde and Gaspar), without judicial authorization, nor storage of some belongings and effects of common ownership between the litigants.
friendly or extrajudicial agreement, took upon themselves the administration and
RISE TO OWNERSHIP enjoyment of the properties left by Calixta and collected the rents, fruits, and The defendant Matilde, therefore, in occupying with her husband the
products thereof, to the serious detriment of Vicenta’s interest. Despite repeated upper floor of the said house, did not injure the interests of her co-owner,
DE GUIA vs. COURT OF APPEALS demands to divide the properties and the fruits accruing therefrom, Sps Gaspar and her sister Vicenta, nor did she prevent the latter from living therein, but
Matilde had been delaying the partition and delivery of the said properties by means merely exercised a legitimate right pertaining to her as a co-owner of the
FACTS: of unkempt promises and other excuses. property.

Two parcels of land covering a fishpond equally owned by Primitiva Lejano and Vicenta filed a petition for partition with damages in the RTC.
Lorenza Araniego. The one half undivided portion owned by Araniego was later
purchased by plaintiff from his father Teofilo Abejo, the only heir of the original RTC decision: absolved Matilde from payment of damages. It held that the revenues
and the expenses were compensated by the residence enjoyed by the defendant SALANTADOL vs. RETES
owner (husband of Araniego). Prior to this sale, the whole fishpond was leased by
the heirs of Primitiva Lejano with the knowledge and consent of Teofilo A. Abejo in party, that no losses or damages were either caused or suffered, nor likewise any
other expense besides those aforementioned, FACTS:
favor of De Guia. De Guia continues to possess the entire fishpond and derived
income therein despite the expiration of the lease contract and several demands to
vacate by Teofilo Abejo and by his successor-in-interest, Jose Abejo. Abejo filed a Counsel for Matilde took an exception to the judgment and moved for a new trial on On January 17,1965, EUFEMIA OMOLE sold her one-third (1/3) share of said Lot No.
complaint for recovery of possession with damages against De Guia. However, Abejo the grounds that the evidence presented did not warrant the judgment rendered and 513 for P l,000.00 to defendant CATALINA RETES. On January l8, 1965 the Register
failed to present evidence of the judicial or extrajudicial partition of the fishpond. that the latter was contrary to law. That motion was denied by the lower court. of Deeds or the Province of Negros Oriental wrote to plaintiff Flavia Salatandol which
Thus, this petition. letter was received on January 21, 1965 informing her about the document
ISSUE: presented for registration affecting the one-third (1/3) share of Lot No. 513 in favor
ISSUE: of Defendant Catalina Salatandol to surrender the owner's Duplicate Certificate of
Whether a co-owner can file ejectment case against a co-owner? Whether Abejo was Title. Plaintiffs were never notified by the late EUFEMIA OMOLE nor by Defendant
entitled to rent the property? WON a co-owner is required to pay for rent in exclusively using the co-owned Catalina Retes about the proposed sale.
HELD: On January 30, 1965, Plaintiffs wrote to Defendant CATALINA RETES informing her
RULING: of their desire to repurchase the said one-third (1/3) share of Lot No. 513 which the
Under Article 484, “there is co-ownership whenever the ownership of an late Eufemia Omole sold to her and failing to get a favorable action from Defendant
undivided thing or right belongs to different persons. A co-owner of an Article 394 of the Civil Code prescribes: Catalina Retes, Plaintiffs on February 5, 1965 deposited the amount of Pl,000.00 with
undivided parcel of land is an owner of the whole, and over the whole he the Clerk of the Court of First Instance of Negros Oriental and who, on February 13,
exercises the right of dominion, but he is at the same time the owner of a “Each co-owner may use the things owned in common, provided he uses them in 1965 wrote Defendant Catalina Retes informing the latter about the deposit and of
portion which is truly abstract.” accordance with their object and in such manner as not to injure the interests of the Plaintiffs' desire to exercise their right of pre-emption as co-owners of Eufemia
community nor prevent the co-owners from utilizing them according to their rights.” Omole.
Article 487 also provides that ‘anyone of the co-owners may bring an
action for ejectment”. This article covers all kinds of actions for the recovery of Matilde Ortiz and her husband occupied the upper story, designed for use
When Defendant Catalina Retes failed to get the deposit with the Clerk of Court, on
possession. Any co-owner may file an action under Article 487 not only as a dwelling, in the house of joint ownership; but the record shows no proof
February 16, 1965 (plaintiffs) filed the instant action for Legal Pre-emption. on
against a third person, but also against another co-owner who takes that, by so doing, the said Matilde occasioned any detriment to the interests of the
February 22, 1965 while this case was still pending, Defendant Catalina Retes resold
exclusive possession and asserts exclusive ownership of the property. community property, nor that she prevented her sister Vicenta from utilizing the said
the said one-third (1/3) share of Lot No. 513 back to EUFEMIA OMOLE.
However, the only purpose of the action is to obtain recognition of the co-ownership. upper story according to her rights. It is to be noted that the stores of the lower
The plaintiff cannot seek exclusion of the defendant from the property floor were rented and an accounting of the rents was duly made to the plaintiffs.
On March 11, 1965 Eufemia Omole donated the said one-third (1/3) share of Lot No.
because as a co-owner he has a right of possession. 513 to Defendant Catalina Retes as evidenced by a Deed of Donation.
Each co-owner of realty held pro indiviso exercises his rights over the
If one co-owner alone occupies the property without opposition from the whole property and may use and enjoy the same with no other limitation
than that he shall not injure the interests of his co-owners, for the reason ISSUE:
other co-owners, and there is no lease agreement, the other co-owners
cannot demand the payment of rent. Conversely, if there is an agreement that, until a division be made, the respective part of each holder cannot be
to lease the house, the co-owners can demand rent from the co-owner determined and every one of the co-owners exercises together with his Whether or not SALANTADOL has a right of legal pre-emption, given that no notice
who dwells in the house. other co-participants, joint ownership over the pro indiviso property, in was given by Omole regarding the sale
addition to his use and enjoyment of the same.
The Lejano Heirs and Teofilo Abejo agreed to lease the entire FISHPOND to DE RULING:
GUIA. After DE GUIA’s lease expired in 1979, he could no longer use the As the hereditary properties of the joint ownership of the two sisters, Vicenta Ortiz,
entire FISHPOND without paying rent. plaintiff, and Matilde Ortiz, defendant, were situated in the Province of Ilocos Sur, The Court ruled that Art. 1623 of the Civil Code clearly and expressly prescribes that
and were in the care of the last named, assisted by her husband, while the plaintiff the thirty (30) days for making the pre-emption or redemption are to be
Vicenta with her husband was residing outside of the said province the greater part counted from notice in writing by the vendor. In the case at bar, the
PARDELL vs. BARTOLOME of the time between 1885 and 1905, when she left these Islands for Spain, it is not plaintiffs have not been furnished any written notice of sale or a copy
at all strange that delays and difficulties should have attended the efforts thereof by Eufemia Omole, the vendor. Said plaintiffs' right to exercise the legal
FACTS: made to collect the rents and proceeds from the property held in common right of preemption or redemption, given to a co-owner when any one of the other
and to obtain a partition of the latter, especially during several years co-owners sells his share in the thing owned in common to a third person, as
Spouses Miguel Ortiz and Calixta Felin died in Vigan, Ilocos Sur, in 1875 and 1882, when, owing to the insurrection, the country was in a turmoil; and for this provided for in Article 1623 of the Civil Code, has not yet accrued.
respectively. Prior to her death, Calixta, executed, on August 17, 1876, a reason, aside from that founded on the right of co-ownership of the defendants, who
nuncupative will in Vigan, whereby she made her four children, named Manuel, took upon themselves the administration and care of the property of joint tenancy But, even assuming ex gratia argurmenti, that the notice from the Register of Deeds
Francisca, Vicenta, and Matilde, surnamed Ortiz y Felin, her sole and universal heirs for purposes of their preservation and improvement, these latter are not obliged of Negros Oriental to co-plaintiff Flavia Salatandol of the document transferring the

one-third (1/3) share of Eufemia Omole to defendant, was equivalent to notice from ISSUE: determinate share. Thus, the MTC held that respondent had no right to evict
the vendor, still, it appears that, while the disputed one-third (1/3) portion of petitioners therefrom. Consequently, respondent’s Complaint was dismissed.
Eufemia Omole and the one-third (1/3) share of the plaintiffs, (there is no mention Whether or not Arnelito can validly maintain the ejectment suit
of the other third portion) are embraced in one certificate of title, there had been Notably, the MTC held that respondent and the spouses Bascon were the owners in
an actual partition of the land described in the certificate of title and each HELD: common of Lot No. 2587 and their respective shares had not yet been determined by
co-owner is in possession of his respective share. This is deduced from the partition as proven by a testimony given by respondent.
order of the trial court, dated 30 July 1966, where the court restrained the parties
NO. The theory of succession invoked by Arnelito would prove that he is
from harvesting the nuts on the "and in question," referring to the one-third (1/3) RTC:
not the sole heir of Dominador. Since he was survived was his wife, upon his
share of Eufemia Omole.
death, Arnelito and Graciana became co-owners of the lot. Upon her death, her
share passed on to her relatives by consanguinity thus making them co-owners as The RTC reversed the Decision of the MTC.
As expressed in Article 484 of the Civil Code, a co-ownership exists whenever the well.
ownership of an undivided thing or right belongs to different persons. Under such
It held that Article 487 of the Civil Code, which allows any one of the co-owners to
concept, a co-owner cannot point to a particular portion of the property
Petitioner contends that Art. 487 allows him to file the instant petition. (Art. 487. Any bring an action in ejectment, may successfully be invoked by the respondent
owned in common as his own, because his portion thereof is intangible
one of the co-owners may bring an action in ejectment.) It is true that a co- because, in a sense, a co-owner is the owner and possessor of the whole, and that
rather than identifiable. Here, the portion of Eufemia Omole as well as
owner may bring such an action w/o necessity of joining all the co-owners the suit for ejectment is deemed to be instituted for the benefit of all co-owners. The
those of the plaintiffs had been identified and localized, so that co-
as plaintiffs because it is presumed to be instituted for the benefit of all RTC also ruled that assuming petitioners were authorized to occupy a portion of the
ownership, in its real sense, no longer exists.
BUT if the action is for the benefit of the plaintiff alone, the action should co-owned property, they could resume this occupation when the properties shall
be dismissed. have been partitioned and allocated to the ones who gave them permission to reside
Hence, the right of redemption or pre-emption under Article 1620 of the therein.
Civil Code can no longer be invoked by the plaintiffs over the portion
Since petitioner brought the suit in his name and for his benefit alone and
appertaining to Eufemia Omole.
his repudiation of the ownership of the other heirs, the instant petition CA: Affirmed the ruling of the RTC
should be dismissed.

Whether or not the respondents have the right to evict the petitioners from the
RESUENA vs. COURT OF APPEALS property therefrom

Private respondent, the late Juanito Borromeo, Sr., is the co-owner and overseer of it is unmistakable that respondent has a right to eject the petitioners from Lot No.
certain parcels of land located in Pooc, Talisay, Cebu, designated as Lots Nos. 2587 2587.
and 2592 of the Talisay-Manglanilla Estate. Respondent owns six-eighths (6/8) of Lot
No. 2587 while the late spouses Inocencio Bascon and Basilisa Maneja own two- Article 487 of the Civil Code, which provides simply that "[a]ny one of the co-owners
eights (2/8) thereof. On the other hand, Lot No. 2592 is owned in common by may bring an action in ejectment," is a categorical and an unqualified authority in
A house and lot (lot 7226) was registered in the name of Dominador Adlawan, the respondent and the heirs of one Nicolas Maneja. However, the proportion of their favor of respondent to evict petitioners from the portions of Lot. No. 2587.
father of (petitioner) Arnelito Adlawan. He is the acknowledged illegitimate child of undivided shares was not determined a quo.
Dominador who is claiming that he is the sole heir. He then adjudicated to himself
This provision is a departure from Palarca v. Baguisi, which held that an action for
the said house and lot to himself and out of generosity allowed the siblings of his
Prior to the institution of the present action, petitioners Tining Resuena, Alejandra ejectment must be brought by all the co-owners. Thus, a co-owner may bring an
father to occupy the property provided that they vacate when asked. Time came
Garay, Lorna Resuena, Eleuterio Resuena, and Unisima Resuena resided in the upper action to exercise and protect the rights of all. When the action is brought by one co-
when he demanded that they vacate and when they refused he filed an ejectment portion of Lot No. 2587, allegedly under the acquiescence of the Spouses Bascon owner for the benefit of all, a favorable decision will benefit them; but an adverse
suit against them.
and their heir, Andres Bascon. On the other hand, petitioner Eutiquia Rosario decision cannot prejudice their rights.
occupied a portion of Lot No. 2592, allegedly with the permission of the heirs of
His aunt and uncle on the other hand, Narcisa (70) and Emeterio (59) denied his Nicolas Maneja, one of the original co-owners of Lot No. 2587. Respondent claims Respondent’s action for ejectment against petitioners is deemed to be
allegations claiming that the said lot was registered in their parents name and they that all petitioners have occupied portions of the subject property by virtue of his instituted for the benefit of all co-owners of the property since petitioners
had been living in the said house and lot since birth. The only reason why the said own liberality. were not able to prove that they are authorized to occupy the same.
house and lot was transferred in Dominador’s name was when their parents were in
need of money for renovating their house, their parents were not qualified to obtain
Respondent developed portions of Lots Nos. 2587 and 2592 occupied by him into a Petitioners’ lack of authority to occupy the properties, coupled with respondent’s
a loan and since Dominador was the only one who had a college education, they
resort known as the Borromeo Beach Resort. In his desire to expand and extend the right under Article 487, clearly settles respondent’s prerogative to eject petitioners
executed a simulated deed of sale in favor of Dominador. facilities of the resort that he established on the subject properties, respondent from Lot No. 2587. Time and again, this Court has ruled that persons who occupy
demanded that petitioners vacate the property. Petitioners, however, refused to the land of another at the latter's tolerance or permission, without any
The MTC dismissed the complaint holding that Arnelito’s filiation and the settlement vacate their homes. contract between them, are necessarily bound by an implied promise that
of the estate are conditions precedent for the accrual of the suit. And since
they will vacate the same upon demand, failing in which a summary action
Dominador was survived by his wife, Graciana, her legal heirs are entitled to their
On 16 February 1994, respondent filed a Complaint5 for ejectment with the MTC for ejectment is the proper remedy against them.
share in the lot. The RTC ordered Narcisa and Emeterio to turn over the possession against the petitioners.
of the lot to Arnelito. It also granted the motion of execution which was opposed by
the nephew and nieces of Graciana who claim that they have a share in the lot. WITH REGARDS TO RESPONDENTS BEING ESTOPPED FROM FILING AN
The CA reinstated the decision of the MTC holding that Arnelito and the heirs of
Graciana are co-heirs thus he cannot eject them from the property via unlawful Found that Lots Nos. 2587 and 2592 were owned in common by respondent with "[e]stoppel is effective only as between the parties thereto or their successors in
detainer. Thus the case at bar. other persons. It ruled that respondent did not have a preferential right of interest;" thus, only the spouses Bascon or their successors in interest may invoke
possession over the portions occupied by petitioners, since Lots Nos. 2587 and 2592 such "estoppel." A stranger to a transaction is neither bound by, nor in a position to
were not yet partitioned nor the disputed portions assigned to respondent as his take advantage of, an estoppel arising therefrom.

undivided; it is impossible to pinpoint which specific portion of the property is owned WON the consent given by one of co-owner of a parcel of land to a person to
by Olanday, et al. and which portion belongs to petitioners. Thus, it is not possible to construct a house on the co-owned property warrants the dismissal of a forcible
ARCELONA, ET AL vs. COURT OF APPEALS show over which portion the tenancy relation of private respondent has been entry case filed by another co-owner against that person?
established and ruled upon in Civil Case D-7240. Indeed, petitioners should have
been properly impleaded as indispensable parties. HELD: NO.
Formerly, Article 487 of the old Civil Code provided that "any one of the co- A co-owner cannot devote common property to his or her exclusive use to the
Petitioners Marcelino Arcelona, Tomasa Arcelona-Chiang and Ruth Arcelona are
owners may bring an action in ejectment." It was subsequently held that a prejudice of the coownership. A co-owner cannot give valid consent to another to
natural-born Filipinos who are now naturalized Americans residing in California,
co-owner could not maintain an action in ejectment without joining all the build a house on the co-owned property, which is an act tantamount to devoting the
U.S.A. Petitioner Ruth Arcelona is the surviving spouse and legal heir of the deceased
other co-owners. property to his or her exclusive use.
Benedicto Arcelona, brother of Marcelino and Tomasa. Together with their three
sisters — Pacita Arcelona-Olanday, Maria Arcelona-Arellano and Natividad Arcelona-
Cruz (hereinafter collectively referred to as Olanday, et al.) — petitioners are co- Clearly, the decision in Civil Case D-7240 cannot bind petitioners and cannot Article 486 states each co-owner may use the thing owned in common provided he
owners pro-indiviso of a fishpond which they inherited from their deceased parents. adjudicate the entire co-owned property, not even that portion belonging to Olanday does so in accordance with the purpose for which it is intended and in such a way as
The six Arcelonas (two brothers and four sisters) are named as co-owners in et al., ownership of the property being still pro-indiviso. Obviously, the failure to not to injure the interest of the co-ownership or prevent the other co-owners from
Transfer Certificate of Title No. 34341 which evidences ownership over the fishpond. implead petitioners barred the lower court from making a final using it according to their rights. Giving consent to a third person to construct a
adjudication. Without the presence of indispensable parties to a suit or house on the co-owned property will injure the interest of the co-ownership and
proceeding, a judgment therein cannot attain finality. prevent other co-owners from using the property in accordance with their rights.
On March 4, 1978, a contract of lease over the fishpond was executed between
Cipriano Tandoc and Olanday, et al. The lease contract was for a period of three (3)
years but was renewed up to February 2, 1984.

Private Respondent Moises Farnacio was appointed in turn by Tandoc as caretaker- ALTERATION OF A PROPERTY UNDER CO- Under Article 491, none of the co-owners shall, without the consent of the others,
make alterations in the thing owned in common. It necessarily follows that none of
tenant of the same fishpond, effective on the date the contract of lease was
executed. After the termination of the lease contract, the lessee (Tandoc) OWNERSHIP the co-owners can, without the consent of the other co-owners, validly consent to
surrendered possession of the leased premises to the lessors, Olanday, et al. the making of an alteration by another person, such as respondent, in the thing
owned in common. Alterations include any act of strict dominion or ownership and
Three days thereafter, on February 7, 1984, Private Respondent Farnacio instituted any encumbrance or disposition has been held implicitly to be an act of alteration.
“Giving consent to a third person to construct a house on the co-owned The construction of a house on the co-owned property is an act of dominion.
Civil Case D-7240 for "peaceful possession, maintenance of security of tenure plus property will injure the interest of the co-ownership and prevent other co-
damages, with motion for the issuance of an interlocutory order" against Olanday, et Therefore, it is an alteration falling under Article 491 of the Civil Code. There being
owners from using the property in accordance with their rights.” no consent from all co-owners, respondent had no right to construct her house on
al. The case was intended to maintain private respondent as tenant of the fishpond.
the co-owned property.
“The construction of a house on the co-owned property is an act of
On May 25, 1991, after remand of the case to the court of origin, private respondent dominion.”
was placed in possession of the entire property covered by TCT 34341. Consent of only one co-owner will not warrant the dismissal of the complaint for
forcible entry filed against the builder. The consent given by Norma Maligaya in the
FACTS: absence of the consent of petitioner and Luz Cruz did not vest upon respondent any
Petitioners then filed with Respondent Court of Appeals a petition for annulment of
right to enter into the co-owned property. Her entry into the property still falls under
the aforesaid judgment against private respondent and the implementing sheriff. The
Leonor, Luz and Norma are co-owners of a parcel of land. Norma allowed Teofila to the classification "through strategy or stealth".
case was docketed as CA GR SP No. 24846. On May 8, 1991, Respondent Court
build a house on a lot adjacent to their co-owned land. The house intruded on a
issued a resolution directing petitioners "to implead as party defendant the Regional
portion of their property. Entry into the land effected clandestinely without the knowledge of the other co-
Trial Court of Dagupan City, Branch 50, Dagupan City."
owners could be categorized as possession by stealth. Moreover, respondent's act of
Leonor was surprised to see a part of Teofila's house intruding unto a portion of the getting only the consent of one co-owner, her sister Norma, and allowing the latter
co-owned property. She then made several demands to demolish the intruding to stay in the constructed house, can in fact be considered as a strategy which she
structure and to vacate the portion encroaching their property. utilized in order to enter into the co-owned property. As such, respondent's acts
Whether or not the final judgment be annulled on the ground of lack jurisdiction for constitute forcible entry.
not including petitioners who, as co-owners of the subject property, are
Leonor then filed a forcible entry against Teofila.
indispensable parties
CRUZ vs. LEIS (132 SCRA 97)
Leonor's contention:
Redemption by a co-owner doesn't terminate the co-ownership nor give her title to
She contends that the consent and knowledge of co-owner Norma Maligaya cannot the whole property subject of the co-ownership
Rule 3, Section 7 of the Rules of Court, defines indispensable parties as parties-in-
defeat the action for forcible entry since it is a basic principle in the law of co-
interest without whom there can be no final determination of an action. As such,
ownership that no individual co-owner can claim title to any definite portion of the FACTS:
they must be joined either as plaintiffs or as defendants. The general rule with
land or thing owned in common until partition.
reference to the making of parties in a civil action requires, of course, the joinder of
all necessary parties where possible, and the joinder of all indispensable parties Leis and Isidro married each other in 1923. Isidro subsequently acquired from the
under any and all conditions, their presence being a sine qua non for the exercise of Teofila's Contention: Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources a parcel of land, which was titled in
judicial power. It is precisely "when an indispensable party is not before the court her name, with the description that she was a “widow”. Leis only passed away in
(that) the action should be dismissed." The absence of an indispensable party She counters that the complaint for forcible entry cannot prosper because her entry 1973 without executing a will.
renders all subsequent actions of the court null and void for want of into the property was not through strategy or stealth due to the consent of one of
authority to act, not only as to the absent parties but even as to those the co-owners. She further argues that since Norma Maligaya is residing in the house Isidro then secured a loan from Cruz (PhP 15,000, with 5% interest) secured by a
present. she built, the issue is not just possession de facto but also one of possession de jure mortgage on the land from DANR, but failed to pay on due date. Isidro executed 2
since it involves rights of co-owners to enjoy the property. contracts in favor of Cruz: a Deed of Absolute Sale and a Contract indicating a pacto
Petitioners are co-owners of a fishpond. Private respondent does not deny this de retro sale. Isidro still failed to repurchase the property within 1 year, so she
fact, and the Court of Appeals did not make any contrary finding. The fishpond is ISSUE: consolidated the ownership of the land in favor of Cruz.

When Isidro died, Cruz demanded her heirs to vacate the premises. The heirs then insofar as these transactions deprived them of their shares as co-owners of the said ISSUE:
filed a complaint with the RTC averring that the land was conjugal property having property.
been purchased during their marriage. The RTC found in favor of the heirs. The case Whether the respondents are withholding their consent and whether this withholding
was appealed to the CA, but the CA merely affirmed the ruling because Cruz failed to The defendants moved to dismiss, contending that the action was barred by prior is prejudicial to the petitioners.
get a judicial order to have the land consolidated in his name after failure of Isidro to judgment and that in any even whatever rights might have pertained to the plaintiffs
comply with the requirements of the right to repurchase (Art. 1607). had already been prescribed under the Rules of Court and the Civil Code. RULING:

ISSUE: ISSUE: From the foregoing, it may be deduced that since a co–owner is entitled to sell his
undivided share, a sale of the entire property by one co–owner without the consent
Whether or not the land in question is conjugal property, and therefore subject to Whether or not the plaintiffs are barred by prescription from questioning the alleged of the other co–owners is not null and void. However, only the rights of the co–
the rules on co-ownership? extrajudicial partition owner–seller are transferred, thereby making the buyer a co–owner of the property.

HELD: RULING: To be a co–owner of a property does not mean that one is deprived of every
recognition of the disposal of the thing, of the free use of his right within the
Although the land was purchased during the marriage, upon Leis’ death, the conjugal The claim of prescription is based first on the contention that under the Rules of circumstantial conditions of such judicial status, nor is it necessary, for the use and
property regime ceased, and gave Isidro an equal portion of Leis’ half of the Court the deed of extrajudicial partition should have been impugned within two years enjoyment, or the right of free disposal, that the previous consent of all the
property to be divided among his legitimes. Co-ownership of the land then began. from the date of its execution in 1941. As the challenge in the instant case was interested parties be obtained.
made only in 1956, when Civil Case No. 3941 was filed, that first case, and more so
However, upon failure of Isidro the heirs to exercise the right to repurchase, the the case at bar which was commenced in 1968, should be and were properly
ownership of the land transferred to Cruz. Despite the TCT being void for non- dismissed for tardiness under Rule 74, Section 4, of the Rules of Court.
compliance with 1607, the ownership did not transfer back to the heirs, for
compliance with 1607 is merely for purposes of registering the title in the Torrens It is clear that Section 1 of Rule 74 does not apply to the partition in question which
System. was null and void as far as the plaintiffs were concerned. The rule covers only valid EXTENT OF CO-OWNER’S RIGHT
The partition in the present case was invalid because it excluded six of the nine heirs
who were entitled to equal shares in the partitioned property. Under the rule, "no When a co-owner sells the entire property without consent from the other co-
SEGURA vs. SEGURA owners, only his pro indiviso share on the property is transferred to the buyer.
extrajudicial settlement shall be binding upon any person who has not participated
No extrajudicial settlement shall be binding upon those who did not participate in it. therein or had no notice thereof." As the partition was a total nullity and did not
affect the excluded heirs, it was not correct for the trial court to hold that their right FACTS:
to challenge the partition had prescribed after two years from its execution in 1941.
The dispute covers 2 lots, Lot 757 and Lot 1091, which were owned by Agatona
Paulmitan. She had 2 children, Pascual and Donato. Pascual’s (7) children (Alicio,
FACTS: Elena, Abelino, Adelina, Anita, Baking, Anito) are the respondents and Donato and
his daughter and son-in-law are petitioners.
This involves a parcel of land owned by Gertrudes Zamora. She died intestate and RAUL ARAMBULO vs. GENARO NOLASCO
without debt and was suvived by her 4 children who never decided to divide the Donato executed an Affidavit of Declaration of Heirship, adjudicating to himself Lot
property among themselves. The conflict arises when Gertrudes' grandchildren filed A co-owner may dispose a portion of his share without the need of consent from 757 claiming that he is the sole surviving heir thus the OCT of Agatona was cancelled
a complaint for recovery of ownership and possession of the disputed inheritance. other co-owners. and a TCT was issued in his name. He executed a deed of sale of Lot 1091 in favor
of his daughter, Juliana. For non-payment of taxes, the lot was forfeited and sole at
On April 6, 1961, three of the nine grandchildren - Nicolas, Santiago and Gaudencio FACTS: a public to the Provincial Gov’t of Negros Occidental, however, Juliana was able to
Segura, executed a deed of extrajudicial partition arrogating the entire property to redeem the property. Upon learning these, the children of Pascual filed w/ the CFI a
themselves alone as equal pro indiviso owners. The partition was not registered Petitioners, together with their siblings and their mother co-owned a 233sq.m. Land complaint against petitioners to partition the land plus damages. Petitioners’ defense
immediately, but only 5 years later, in 1946. in Tondo, Manila. When their mother died, she was succeeded by her husband, was that the action has already prescribed for it was filed more than 11 years after
Genero Nolasco and their children. the issuance of the TCT and that Juliana has acquired exclusive ownership thru the
Before such registration, the following developments transpired: Deed of Sale and by redeeming the said property.
On January 8, 1999, petitioners filed a petition for relief alleging that all co-owners,
The land was sold to Amojido with right to repurchase. Such right was not exercised. except for Nolasco, have authorized to sell their respective shares to the properties, The CFI dismissed the complaint and became final and executory. With respect to
In November 28, 1946, Amojido executed an affidavit of consolidation of ownership saying that in the Civil Code, if one or more co-owners shall withhold their consent to Lot 1091, the court decided in favor of respondents. They are entitled to ½ of Lot
and obtained a TCT with a reservation of the rights of the other heirs annotated the alterations in the thing owned in common, the courts may afford adequate relief. 1091, pro indiviso. The redemption did not in anyway prejudice their rights. The land
therein. Amojito sold the land to Mirope Mascarenas vda. de Eliso who obtained the was ordered to be partitioned and the petitioners were ordered to pay the
TCT in her name, which did not retain the annotation. In turn, Elison sold the land to Nolasco responded that they did not know about the intention to sell, because they respondents their share of the fruits and the respondents to pay their share in the
Mildred Elison vda. de Javelosa. Mildred sold the land to Ernesto and Igmedio were not called to participate in the negotiations regarding the sale of the property. redemption of the land. The CA affirmed the decision thus the case at bar.
RTC: ruled in favor with petitioners and ordered Nolasco to give their consent to ISSUE:
On January 16, 1958, the Civil Case was dismissed on motion of the plaintiff's sale.
counsel. (1) Whether or not Pascual’s children and Donato and Juliana were co-
Nolasco filed a notice of appeal to the CA. owners of their mother’s lot
The complaint in the case at bar involves the six excluded children. They alleged that (2) Whether or not Juliana acquired full ownership by redeeming the
the partition and all subsequent transfers of the subject land were null and void CA: reversed the RTc decision, saying that the petitioners cannot compel Nolasco to property
give their consent.

HELD: On 4 November 1998, the MeTC issued an order for the issuance of a writ of - Whatever benefits may be derived from the island shall be shared equally
execution in favor of private Virginia Teria, buyer of the property. On 4 November by the co-owners in the following proportion:
(1) YES 1999 or a year later, a Notice to Vacate was served by the sheriff upon petitioner a. Benedicto – ¼ share
who however refused to heed the Notice. b. Jose – ¼ share
When Agatona died, her estate was still unpartitioned. Art. 1078 states that “Where c. Domingo and Baldomera – 2/4 share (which shall be placed under
there are 2 or more heirs, the whole estate of the decedent is, before its partition, On 28 April 1999 private respondent started demolishing petitioner’s house without the care of their father, Fr. Manuel)
owned in common by such heirs, subject to the payment of debts of the deceased”. any special permit of demolition from the court.
Since Pascual and Donato were still alive when she died, they are co-owners of the The co-owners entered into the actual possession and enjoyment of the island. 2
estate. When Pascual died, his children succeeded him in the co-ownership of the Due to the demolition of her house which continued until 24 May 1999 petitioner was years later, they agreed to modify the terms and conditions of the agreement
property. forced to inhabit the portion of the premises that used to serve as the house’s toilet entered into. The new agreement provided for a new sharing and distribution of the
and laundry area. lands and whatever benefits may be derived therefrom:
When Donato sold to his daughter the lot, he was only a co-owner of the same thus
he can only sell his undivided portion of the property. Art. 493 states that “each co- On 29 October 1999 petitioner filed her Petition for Relief from Judgment with the - The first ¼ portion shall belong to Benedicto
owner shall have the full ownership of his part and of the fruits and benefits RTC on the ground that she was not bound by the inaction of her counsel who failed - The second ¼ shall belong to Jose
pertaining thereto, and he may therefore alienate, assign or mortgage it and even to submit petitioner’s appeal memorandum. - The third ¼ shall belong to the children of their deceased brother,
substitute another person in its enjoyment, except when personal rights are Eustaquio Pansacola, namely: Mariano, Maria and Hipolita
involved. But the effect of the alienation or mortgage, with respect to the co-owners, RTC decision: denied the Petition and the subsequent Motion for Reconsideration. - The fourth and last ¼ shall belong to their nephews and nieces –
shall be limited to the portion which may be allotted to him in the division upon the Domingo, Baldomera, Marcelina, Francisca, Candelaria, Gervasia, who
termination of the co-ownership.” being all minors, are still under the care of their brother, Fr. Manuel. The
CA (Petition for Certiorari): dismissed the petition for lack of merit
latter is the real father of said minors
Only the rights of the co-owner-seller are transferred making the buyer (Juliana) a ISSUE:
co-owner. In 1907, the representative of the heirs of all the original owners of Cagbalite Island
intered into an agreement to partition the island, supplemented by another
Whether or not the portion of the petitioner should be included in the sale, agreement dated 1908.
(2) NO notwithstanding the fact that she did not affix her signature in the alleged deed of
When she redeemed the property, it did not end the co-ownership. The right of 100 years later, in 1968, private respondents (Alejandra Pansacola, et al) brought a
repurchase may be exercised by a co-owner w/ respect to his/her share alone as special action for partition, including as parties the heirs and successors-in-interest of
RULING: the co-owners of the Cagbalite Island in the 2nd contract of co-ownership. In their
stated in Art. 1612. But she may compel them to reimburse her for half of the
repurchase price for a co-owner has the right to compel other co-owners to answer, the petitioners herein (Del Banco, et al) interposed such defenses as
Article 493 of the Civil Code gives the owner of an undivided interest in the property prescription, res judicata, exclusive ownership, estoppel and laches.
contribute to the expenses for the preservation of the thing and to taxes.
the right to freely sell and dispose of it, i.e., his undivided interest. He may validly
lease his undivided interest to a third party independently of the other co-owners. ISSUE:
But he has no right to sell or alienate a concrete, specific or determinate part of the
thing owned in common because his right over the thing is represented by a quota
Whether or not Cagbalite Island is still undivided property owned in common by the
SANCHEZ vs. COURT OF APPEALS or ideal portion without any physical adjudication.
heirs and successors-in-interest of the brothers, Benedicto, Jose and Fr. Manuel

A co-owner’s share of the property shall not be included if she did not consent to the Although assigned an aliquot but abstract part of the property, the metes and
sale bounds of petitioner’s lot has not been designated. As she was not a party to the
Deed of Absolute Sale voluntarily entered into by the other co-owners, her right to
1/6 of the property must be respected. Partition needs to be effected to protect her YES.
right to her definite share and determine the boundaries of her property. Such
partition must be done without prejudice to the rights of private respondent Virginia There is nothing in all four agreements that suggests that actual or physical partition
Lilia Sanchez, constructed a house on a 76-square meter lot owned by her parents-
Teria as buyer of the 5/6 portion of the lot under dispute. of the Island had really been made by either the original owners or their heirs or
in-law. The lot was registered under TCT No. 263624 with the following co-owners:
successors-in-interest. The agreement entered into in 1859 simply provides for the
Eliseo Sanchez married to Celia Sanchez, Marilyn Sanchez married to Nicanor
sharing of whatever benefits can be derived from the island.
Montalban, Lilian Sanchez, widow, Nenita Sanchez, single, Susana Sanchez married
to Fernando Ramos, and Felipe Sanchez.
The agreement, in fact, states that the Island to be purchased shall be considered as
On 20 February 1995, the lot was registered under TCT No. 289216 in the name of AURORA DEL BANCO, ET AL vs. INTERMEDIATE APPELLATE COURT and
private respondent Virginia Teria by virtue of a Deed of Absolute Sale supposed to ALEJANDRA PANSACOLA, ET AL
have been executed on 23 June 1995 by all six (6) co-owners in her favor. In the second agreement entered in 1868 the co-owners agreed not only on the
sharing proportion of the benefits derived from the Island but also on the distribution
FACTS: of the Island each of the brothers was allocated.
Lilia Sanchez claimed that she did not affix her signature on the document and
subsequently refused to vacate the lot, thus prompting Virginia Teria to file an action Pansacola Brothers (Benedicto, Jose and Fr. Manuel) entered into an agreement
for recovery of possession of the aforesaid lot with the MeTC. With the distribution agreed upon each of the co-owner is a co-owner of the whole,
which provided the following terms: and in this sense, over the whole he exercises the right of dominion, but he is at the
same time the sole owner of a portion, in the instant case, a 1/4 portion (for each
MeTC decision: in favor of Teria, declaring that the sale was valid only to the They will purchase from the Spanish Government the lands comprising
- group of co-owners) of the Island which is truly abstract, because until physical
extent of 5/6 of the lot and the other 1/6 remaining as the property of petitioner, on
the Island of Cagbalite which has an area of 1,600 hectares. division is effected such portion is merely an Ideal share, not concretely
account of her signature in the Deed of Absolute Sale having been established as a
- The land shall be considered as their COMMON PROPERTY determined.
forgery. - The co-ownership includes Domingo Arce and Baldomera Angulo, minors
at that time represented by their father, Fr. Manuel who will contribute In the agreement of January 20, 1907, the heirs that were represented agreed on
RTC decision: affirmed the RTC, because they failed to submit their pleadings. for them in the proposed purchase of the Cagbalite Island how the Island was to be partitioned. The agreement of April 18, 1908 which

supplements that of January 20, 1907 reveals that as of the signing of the 1908 sale although the fact is that the said portion sold thought of by the parties to be lot to claim half of the property, in dispute as null and void. Estoppel by laches is a rule
agreement no actual partition of the Island had as yet been done. No. 1495 is a part of lot No. 1496. of equity which bars a claimant from presenting his claim when, by reason of
abandonment and negligence, he allowed a long time to elapse without presenting
Definitely, there was no physical partition of the Island in 1859. Neither could there Flaviano died and 5 years after, the plaintiffs demanded the defendants to vacate the same.
have been one in 1894 because the manner of subdividing the Island was only the premises where they had their house and piggery on the ground that Flaviano
provided for in the later agreements entered into by the heirs in 1907 and 1908. had no right to sell the lot which he sold to Geminiano as it belonged to the conjugal We have ruled that at the time of the sale in 1952, the conjugal partnership was
There was a distribution of the Island in 1868 as agreed upon by the original co- partnership of Flaviano and wife Monica, and the latter was already dead when the already dissolved six years before and therefore, the estate became a co-ownership
owners in their agreement of April 11, 1868. Any agreement entered into by the sale was executed without the consent of the plaintiffs who are the heirs of Monica. between Flaviano Moreto, the surviving husband, and the heirs of his deceased wife,
parties in 1894 could be no more than another agreement as to the distribution of Monica Maniega.
the Island among the heirs of the original co-owners and the preparation of a Spouses Pamplona refused to vacate the premises occupied by them; hence, a case
tentative plan by a practical surveyor, a Mr. Jose Garcia, mentioned in the first was instituted by the heirs of Monica seeking for the declaration of the nullity of the We agree with the petitioner that there was a partial partition of the co-ownership
paragraph of the 1907 agreement, preparatory to the preparation of the real plan to deed of sale as regards to the ½ of the property. when at the time of the sale Flaviano Moreto pointed out the area and location of
be prepared by the surveyor Amadeo, mentioned in the agreement of April 18, 1908. the 781 sq. meters sold by him to the petitioners-vendees on which the latter built
The defendants claimed that the sale made in their favor is valid as the lot sold is their house and also that whereon Rafael, the son of petitioners likewise erected his
A co-owner cannot, without the conformity of the other co-owners or a judicial registered in the name of Flaviano Moreto and they are purchasers believing in good house and an adjacent coral for piggery.
decree of partition issued pursuant to the provision of Rule 69 of the Rules of Court, faith that the vendor was the sole owner of the lot sold.
adjudicate to himself in fee simple a determinate portion of the lot owned in And since Flaviano Moreto was entitled to one-half pro-indiviso of the entire land
common, as his share therein, to the exclusion of other co-owners. It is a basic After a relocation of lots 1495, 1496 and 4545 made by agreement of the parties, it area or 1,173 sq. meters as his share, he had a perfect legal and lawful right to
principle in the law of co-ownership both under the present Civil Code as in the Code was found out that there was mutual error between Flaviano Moreto and the dispose of 781 sq. meters of his share to the Pamplona spouses. Indeed, there was
of 1889 that no individual co- owner can claim any definite portion thereof. lt is defendants in the execution of the deed of sale because while the said deed recited still a remainder of some 392 sq. meters belonging to him at the time of the sale.
therefore of no moment that some of the co-owners have succeeded in securing that the lot sold is lot No. 1495, the real intention of the parties is that it was a therefore may alienate, assign or mortgage it, and even substitute another person in
cadastral titles in their names to some portions of the Island occupied by them. portion consisting of 781 square meters of lot No. 1496 which was the subject its enjoyment, unless personal rights are in question.
matter of their sale transaction.
It is not enough that the co-owners agree to subdivide the property. They must have
a subdivision plan drawn in accordance with which they take actual and exclusive The title may be pro-indiviso or inchoate but the moment the co-owner as
ISSUE: vendor pointed out its location and even indicated the boundaries over
possession of their respective portions in the plan and titles issued to each of them
accordingly (Caro vs. Court of Appeals, 113 SCRA 10 [1982]). The mechanics of which the fences were to be erected without objection, protest or
Whether the petitioners are entitled to the full ownership of the property in litigation, complaint by the other co-owners, on the contrary they acquiesced and
actual partition should follow the procedure laid down in Rule 69 of the Rules of
or only one-half of the same tolerated such alienation, occupation and possession, We rule that a factual
partition or termination of the co-ownership, although partial, was created, and
RULING: barred not only the vendor, Flaviano Moreto, but also his heirs, the private
CORNELIA PAMPLONA vs. VIVENCIO MORETO, ET AL respondents herein from asserting as against the vendees-petitioners any right or
PETITIONERS ARE ENTITLED TO THE FULL OWNERSHIP OF THE title in derogation of the deed of sale executed by said vendor Flaiano Moreto.
Under Article 776, New Civil Code, the inheritance which private respondents
Flaviano Moreto and Monica Maniega were husband and wife. During their marriage, The records show that the conjugal estate had not been inventoried, liquidated, received from their deceased parents and/or predecessors-in-interest included all the
they acquired adjacent lots Nos. 1495, 4545 and 1496 of the Calamba Friar Land settled and divided by the heirs thereto in accordance with law. The necessary property rights and obligations which were not extinguished by their parents' death.
Estate, covered by certificates of title issued in the name of “Flaviano Moreto, proceedings for the liquidation of the conjugal partnership were not instituted by the And under Art. 1311, paragraph 1, New Civil Code, the contract of sale executed by
married to Monica Maniega”. heirs either in the testate or intestate proceedings of the deceased spouse pursuant the deceased Flaviano Moreto took effect between the parties, their assigns and
to Act 3176 amending Section 685 of Act 190. Neither was there an extra-judicial heirs, who are the private respondents herein. Accordingly, to the private
They had 6 children – Ursulo, Marta, La Paz, Alipio, Pablo, and Leandro, all partition between the surviving spouse and the heirs of the deceased spouse nor respondents is transmitted the obligation to deliver in full ownership the whole area
surnamed Moreto. was an ordinary action for partition brought for the purpose. Accordingly, the estate of 781 sq. meters to the petitioners (which was the original obligation of their
became the property of a community between the surviving husband, Flaviano predecessor Flaviano Moreto) and not only one-half thereof. Private respondents
More than 6 years after the death of his wife, Monica, Flaviano Moreto, without the Moreto, and his children with the deceased Monica Maniega in the concept of a co- must comply with said obligation.
consent of the heirs of his deceased wife, and before any liquidation of the conjugal ownership.
partnership of Monica and Flaviano could be effected, executed in favor of
Geminiano Pamplona, the Deed of Absolute Sale covering Lot No. 1495 for P900.00, The community property of the marriage, at the dissolution of this bond by the death REGALADO, SR.
covered by a TCT in the name of “Flaviano Moreto, married to Monica Maniega” of one of the spouses, ceases to belong to the legal partnership and becomes the
although the lot was acquired during their marriage. property of a community, by operation of law, between the surviving spouse and the
heirs of the deceased spouse, or the exclusive property of the widower or the widow,
As a result of the sale, a new TCT was issued in the name of “Geminiano it he or she be the heir of the deceased spouse. Every co-owner shall have full
Pamplona, married to Apolonia Onte”. ownership of his part and in the fruits and benefits derived therefrom, and there is The Bornales were the original co-owners of Lot 162. The lot was divided in aliquot
no dispute that the houses of the spouses Cornelio Pamplona and Apolonia Onte as shares among the 8 co-owners as follows:
After the execution of the Deed of Sale, Spouses Pamplona constructed their house well as that of their son Rafael Pamplona, including the concrete piggery coral
on the Eastern part of Lot No. 1496, as Flaviano pointed to it as the land which he adjacent thereto, stood on the land from 1952 up to the filing of the complaint by 1. Salome – 4/16
sold to Geminiano. Shortly thereafter, Rafael (Son of Spouses Pamplona), also built the private respondents on July 25, 1961, or a period of over nine (9) years. 2. Consorcia – 4/16
his house within lot 1496 about 1 meter from its boundary with the adjoining lot. 3. Alfredo -2/16
And during said period, the private respondents who are the heirs of Monica Maniega 4. Maria – 2/16
as well as of Flaviano Moreto who also died intestate on August 12, 1956, lived as 5. Jose – 1/16
Flaviano Moreto and vendee Geminiano Pamplona thought all the time that the
neighbors to the petitioner-vendees, yet lifted no finger to question the occupation, 6. Quirico – 1/16
portion of 781 square meters which was the subject matter of their sale transaction
possession and ownership of the land purchased by the Pamplonas, so that We are 7. Rosalia – 1/16
was No. 1495 and so lot No. 1495 appears to be the subject matter in the deed of
persuaded and convinced to rule that private respondents are in estoppel by laches 8. Julita – 1/16

Salome sold part of her 4/16 share in Lot 162 for P200.00 to Soledad Daynolo. the shoes of the vendor as co-owner and acquires a proportionate abstract share in ISSUE:
Thereafter, Soledad immediately took possession of the land and built a house the property held in common.
thereon. Whether or not the plaintiffs are barred by prescription from questioning the alleged
Resultantly, Soledad became a co-owner of Lot 162 as of the year 1940 when the extrajudicial partition
A few years later, Soledad and husband, Simplicio, mortgaged the subject portion of sale was made in her favor. It follows that Salome, Consorcia and Alfredo could not
Lot 162 as security for a P4000 debt to Jose Regalado Sr. This was evidenced by a have sold the entire Lot 162 to Jose Regalado, Sr. on April 14, 1948 because at that RULING:
Deed of Mortgage. time, the ideal shares held by the three co-owners/vendors were equivalent to only
10/16 of the undivided property less the aliquot share previously sold by Salome to The claim of prescription is based first on the contention that under the Rules of
Three of the eight co-owners of Lot 162 (Salome, Consorcia, and Alfredo) sold Soledad. Based on the principle that "no one can give what he does not have," Court the deed of extrajudicial partition should have been impugned within two years
portions of the said lot to Jose Regalado, Sr. Salome, Consorcia and Alfredo could not legally sell the shares pertaining to Soledad from the date of its execution in 1941. As the challenge in the instant case was
since a co-owner cannot alienate more than his share in the co-ownership. We have made only in 1956, when Civil Case No. 3941 was filed, that first case, and more so
Simplicio, heir of Soledad, paid the mortgage debt and redeemed the mortgaged ruled many times that even if a co-owner sells the whole property as his, the sale the case at bar which was commenced in 1968, should be and were properly
portion of Lot 162 from Jose Regalado, Sr, who in turn executed a Deed of Discharge will affect only his own share but not those of the other co-owners who did not dismissed for tardiness under Rule 74, Section 4, of the Rules of Court.
of Mortgage in favor of Soledad’s heirs. On the same date, the said heirs sold the consent to the sale. Since a co-owner is entitled to sell his undivided share, a sale of
redeemed portion of Lot 162 for P1,500 to herein petitioners (Spouses Del Campo). the entire property by one co-owner will only transfer the rights of said co-owner to
It is clear that Section 1 of Rule 74 does not apply to the partition in question which
the buyer, thereby making the buyer a co-owner of the property.
was null and void as far as the plaintiffs were concerned. The rule covers only valid
Meanwhile, Jose Regalado caused the reconstitution of OCT No. 18047. The partitions.
Reconstituted OCT initially reflected the shares of the original co-owners in Lot 162. In this case, Regalado merely became a new co-owner of Lot 162 to the extent of
However, the title was transferred later to Jose Regalado Sr. who subdivided the the shares which Salome, Consorcia and Alfredo could validly convey. Soledad
The partition in the present case was invalid because it excluded six of the nine heirs
entire property into smaller lots, each covered by a respective title in his name. retained her rights as co-owner and could validly transfer her share to petitioners in
who were entitled to equal shares in the partitioned property. Under the rule, "no
1951. The logical effect on the second disposition is to substitute petitioners in the
extrajudicial settlement shall be binding upon any person who has not participated
rights of Soledad as co-owner of the land. Needless to say, these rights are
In 1987, petitioners Manuel and Salvacion del Campo brought this complaint for therein or had no notice thereof." As the partition was a total nullity and did not
preserved notwithstanding the issuance of TCT No. 14566 in Regalado’s name in
"repartition, resurvey and reconveyance" against the heirs of the now deceased Jose affect the excluded heirs, it was not correct for the trial court to hold that their right
Regalado, Sr. Petitioners claimed that they owned an area of 1,544 square meters to challenge the partition had prescribed after two years from its execution in 1941.
located within Lot 162-C-6 which was erroneously included in TCT No. 14566 in the
name of Regalado. Petitioners alleged that they occupied the disputed area as FELIPE SEGURA, ET AL vs. NICOLAS SEGURA, ET AL
residential dwelling ever since they purchased the property from the Distajos way
back in 1951. They also declared the land for taxation purposes and paid the FACTS:
corresponding taxes.
This involves a parcel of land owned by Gertrudes Zamora. She died intestate and
ISSUE: without debt and was suvived by her 4 children who never decided to divide the
property among themselves. The conflict arises when Gertrudes' grandchildren filed
a complaint for recovery of ownership and possession of the disputed inheritance. FACTS:
Whether or not the sale made by Salome in favor of Soledad be valid,
notwithstanding that it is a physical portion of the undivided co-owned property
On April 6, 1961, three of the nine grandchildren - Nicolas, Santiago and Gaudencio Respondents Miguela C. Dailo and Marcelino Dailo, Jr. were married. During their
Segura, executed a deed of extrajudicial partition arrogating the entire property to marriage, the spouses purchased a house and lot situated in San Pablo City from
themselves alone as equal pro indiviso owners. The partition was not registered Sandra Dalida. The Deed of Absolute Sale, however, was executed only in favor of
immediately, but only 5 years later, in 1946. the late Marcelino Dailo as vendee to the exclusion of his wife.

Before such registration, the following developments transpired: Marcelino executed a Special Power of Attorney in favor of Lilibeth Gesmundo,
There can be no doubt that the transaction entered into by Salome and Soledad authorizing the latter to obtain a loan from petitioner (Homeowners Bank) to be
could be legally recognized in its entirety since the object of the sale did not even secured by Spouses Dalio’s house and lot in San Pablo City. Pursuant to the SPA,
exceed the ideal shares held by the former in the co-ownership. As a matter of fact, The land was sold to Amojido with right to repurchase. Such right was not exercised.
Gesmundo obtained a loan in the amount of P300,000.00. As security, Gesmundo
the deed of sale executed between the parties expressly stipulated that the portion In November 28, 1946, Amojido executed an affidavit of consolidation of ownership
executed a Real Estate Mortgage constituted on the subject property in favor of the
of Lot 162 sold to Soledad would be taken from Salome’s 4/16 undivided interest in and obtained a TCT with a reservation of the rights of the other heirs annotated
bank. The transactions entered into by Gesmundo took place without the knowledge
said lot, which the latter could validly transfer in whole or in part even without the therein. Amojito sold the land to Mirope Mascarenas vda. de Eliso who obtained the
and consent of respondent (Miguela).
consent of the other co-owners. Salome’s right to sell part of her undivided interest TCT in her name, which did not retain the annotation. In turn, Elison sold the land to
in the co-owned property is absolute in accordance with the well-settled doctrine Mildred Elison vda. de Javelosa. Mildred sold the land to Ernesto and Igmedio
Amojido. Upon maturity, the loan remained outstanding. As a result, petitioner (Homeowners
that a co-owner has full ownership of his pro-indiviso share and has the right to
Bank) instituted extrajudicial foreclosure proceedings on the mortgaged property.
alienate, assign or mortgage it, and substitute another person in its enjoyment. Since
After the extrajudicial sale, a Certificate of Sale was issued in favor of petitioner (HB)
Salome’s clear intention was to sell merely part of her aliquot share in Lot 162, in our On January 16, 1958, the Civil Case was dismissed on motion of the plaintiff's
as the highest bidder.
view no valid objection can be made against it and the sale can be given effect to counsel.
the full extent.
After the lapse of 1 year without the property being redeemed, petitioner, through
The complaint in the case at bar involves the six excluded children. They alleged that
its Vice-President, consolidated the ownership by executing an Affidavit of
We are not unaware of the principle that a co-owner cannot rightfully dispose of a the partition and all subsequent transfers of the subject land were null and void
Consolidation of Ownership and a Deed of Absolute Sale.
particular portion of a co-owned property prior to partition among all the co-owners. insofar as these transactions deprived them of their shares as co-owners of the said
However, this should not signify that the vendee does not acquire anything at all in property.
case a physically segregated area of the co-owned lot is in fact sold to him. Since the In the meantime, Marcelino died. In one of her visits to the property, Miguela
co-owner/vendor’s undivided interest could properly be the object of the contract of learned that HB had already employed a certain Roldan Brion to clean its premises
The defendants moved to dismiss, contending that the action was barred by prior
sale between the parties, what the vendee obtains by virtue of such a sale are the and that her car, a Ford Sedan, was razed because Brion allowed a boy to play with
judgment and that in any even whatever rights might have pertained to the plaintiffs
same rights as the vendor had as co-owner, in an ideal share equivalent to the fire within the premises.
had already been prescribed under the Rules of Court and the Civil Code.
consideration given under their transaction. In other words, the vendee steps into

Miguela instituted a case for nullity of real estate mortgage and certificate of sale,
affidavit of consolidation of ownership, deed of sale, reconveyance with prayer for - after some efforts of compromise had failed, his half-siblings filed the case for
Whether or not co-ownership among the heirs was dissolved by the foreclosure and
consolidation of title by the bank after the redemption period has expired?
preliminary injunction and damages against petitioner HB, claiming that she had no partition with accounting on the position that he was only a trustee on an HELD:
knowledge of the mortgage constituted on the subject property. implied trust when he redeemed Yes. Since the lot and its improvement were mortgaged by the deceased parents,
there can be no question that a co-ownership existed among the heirs during the
In its Answer, petitioner prayed for the dismissal of the complaint on the ground that
the property in question was the exclusive property of the late Marcelino.
- trial court rendered decision in favor of Abille sustaining the position that the
period given by law to redeem the foreclosed property. Redemption by one during
this period would have inured to the benefit of all.
defendant was and became the absolute owner The records show, however, that when the petitioner purchased the disputed
ISSUE: property on August 30, 1974, any co-ownership among the brothers and sisters no

Whether or not the property is an exclusive property of Marcelino; hence, the sale
- CA reversed the decision of the trial court
longer existed. The period to redeem had expired more than one year earlier, on
July 6, 1973. The respondent China Bank consolidated its ownership and a new title
was issued in the bank's name. When the heirs allowed the one year redemption
made in favor of HB was valid
Issue: WON a co-owner acquire exclusive ownership over the property held in period to expire without redeeming their parents' former property and permitted the
common consolidation of ownership and the issuance of a new title, the co-ownership was
RULING: extinguished.
Held: Since D. Annie Tan used her personal fund to repurchase the property, she is the
IT IS A CONJUGAL PROPERTY; THE SALE IS VOID. lawful sole owner. The respondent China Banking Corporation is ordered to execute
the deed of sale over the disputed property in favor of the petitioner alone.
In Guiang v. Court of Appeals, it was held that the sale of a conjugal property - no, the right of repurchase may be exercised by a co-owner with respect to his
requires the consent of both the husband and wife. In applying Article 124 of the share alone, though the records show that petitioner redeemed the property in
Family Code, this Court declared that the absence of the consent of one renders the its entirety, it did not make him the owner of all of it. It did not put to end the
entire sale null and void, including the portion of the conjugal property pertaining to existing state of co-ownership (refer to Art 488) TERMINATION OF CO-OWNERSHIP
the husband who contracted the sale. Respondent and the late Marcelino Dailo, Jr.
were married on August 8, 1967. In the absence of a marriage settlement, the - the other co-owners are liable to reimburse him for their shares in redemption
MARIANO vs De Vega
system of relative community or conjugal partnership of gains governed the property expenses since he cannot claim exclusive right to the property owned in
relations between respondent and her late husband. common - sps Urbano Panganiban and Roberta Espino owned as conjugal property, during
The basic and established fact is that during his lifetime, without the knowledge and - there was fraud committed in registration of the property
their lifetime 29 parcels of unregistered land without improvements and all
situated in Dampol 1st, Pulilan, Bulacan
consent of his wife, Marcelino Dailo, Jr. constituted a real estate mortgage on the
subject property, which formed part of their conjugal partnership. By express - prescription cannot be applied in the case for prescription as a mode of - both died intestate
provision of Article 124 of the Family Code, in the absence of (court) authority or terminating a relation of co-ownership, must have been preceded by repudiation
written consent of the other spouse, any disposition or encumbrance of the conjugal of the co-ownership - Mariano instituted an action with the CFI for partition and delivery of possession
property shall be void.
- in the instant case petitioner failed to comply with the requisites of repudiation
of their corresponding shares in the conjugal estate of decedents-spouses

- petition is denied
- petitioners filed the case because private respondents had taken possession of
the whole conjugal property and appropriated to themselves to the exclusion of
Effects of Redemption of Co-Owned Property By One petitioners the products coming from the 29 parcels of land

Co-owner - the trial court denied the petition

TAN vs CA Issue: WON the trial court erred in deciding the case
Abille vs CA
“Consolidation of ownership by mortgagee after expiration of redemption
Facts: period terminates co-ownership. A co-owner who redeems a property with - no
her own funds after such consolidation becomes the sole owner thereof.”
- the land in question is Lot 14694 of Cadastral Survey of Albay originally FACTS:
SC found the trial courts decision on the ground of prescription under Sec 40 of
PA No 190 to be inaccurate
belonged to Felisa Alzul as her own private property Tan Tiong Tick, married to Tan Ong Hun was the registered owner of a parcel of
land and its improvements in Binondo Manila. They had six children George Laurel, - since under Art. 494 no prescription shall run in favor of a co-owner against his

- she married twice (she had an only child Rustico Adille herein defendant and her
Teodora, Rosa, Rosita, Mauro Umali, and D. Annie Tan.
The land was mortgaged to China Bank to secure payment for several obligations.
co-owners so long as he expressly or impliedly recognizes the co-ownership

children to the 2nd marriage were the plaintiffs) Tan Tiong Tick and Tan Ong Hun died without paying their obligations. there’s no repudiation of co-ownership. In view of their lack of a clear
China Bank foreclosed on the mortgage. Two weeks before the redemption period repudiation of the co-ownership, duly communicated to the petitioners (the
other co-owners), private respondents cannot acquire the shares of the
expired, China Bank and the Heirs of Tan Tiong Tick entered into a settlement. It
Felisa sold the property with a right to repurchase for a period of 3 years (she provided that the heirs were given right to repurchase even after the redemption petitioners by prescription.
died on 1942 without being able to redeem) period but before August 3, 1973.
The heirs failed to redeem before the legal redemption period so China Bank
- assailed order is set aside
consolidated its ownership and was issued a new TCT. However, D. Annie Tan
- during the period of redemption Abille repurchased by himself alone and exercised the right to repurchase pursuant to the settlement using her personal PAULMITAN VS CA
executed a deed of extrajudicial partition representing himself to be the only heir funds. But the title to the land was registered in the name of all the heirs.
and child of his mother Felisa D. Annie Tan filed an action to reconvey the property to her and damages. RTC ruled
that the property was co-owned by the heirs. CA affirmed.
- Agatona Paulmitan died in 1952 left 2 parcels of land located in the Province of
ISSUE: Negros Occidental


- in 1963 the estate of Paulmitan remained unsettled and the titles to the 2 lots - after the death of their father petitioner demand respondent to vacate the house
remained in the name of Agatona. and that the property be sold and proceeds thereof shall be divided among them OWNERSHIP
- in August 11, 1963, petitioner Donato executed an Affidavit of Declaration of DELIMA VS CA
heirship, extrajudicially adjudicating unto himself Lot No. 757 based on the claim - because of the refusal of Senen, Virgilio filed an action to compel the sale of the
that he is the only surviving heir of Agatona. TCT No. 35979 was issued in house and lot so they could divide the proceeds Facts:

Donato’s name
As regards Lot No. 1091, Donato executed on May 28, 1974 a Deed of Sale over
On July 26, 1979 trial court found both to be co-owners of the house and lot in
equal shares on the basis of their written agreement. But ruled that plaintiff has - Lino Delima acquired Lot No. 7758 of the Talisay-Minglanilla Friar Lands Estate in
the same in favor of petitioner Juliana P. Fanesa, his daughter been deprived of his participation in the property by defendant's continued Cebu by sale on installments from the government leaving as his only heirs his 3
- in 1952 Lot No. 1091 was forfeited for non-payment of taxes and was sold at a
enjoyment of the house and lot, free of rent, despite demands for rentals and
continued maneuvers of defendant to delay partition.
brothers and a sister

public auction with the Provincial Government of Negros Occidental being the
buyer - trial court ordered defendant to vacate the property for they could not agree to - TCT 2744 was issued in the name of “The Legal Heirs of Lino Delima, deceased,
- in 1974, Fanesa redeemed the property
the amount represented by Galileo Delima”

- - CA set aside the order of the trial court of 26 April 1979 as well as the assailed - On 1953 Galileo executed an affidavit of extrajudicial declaration of heirs, TCT
the respondents filed before the CFI upon learning of the transactions judgment rendered by default. 2744 was cancelled and TCT 3009 was issued in 1954 in the name of Galileo
- CFI dismissed the complaint upon finding merit in petitioners’ affirmative
Issue: WON CA erred in not holding that the motion of defendant through counsel to
cancel the pre-trail was dilatory in character
Delima alone to the exclusion of the other heirs. He paid taxes from 1954 to
defense (Lot No. 757)
- as regard to Lot 1091, CFI decided in favor of respondents ruled that as WON CA erred in remanding the case to the trial court for pre-trial and trial
- in 1968 petitioners who are surviving heirs of Eulalio and Juanita filed with the
CFI an action for reconveyance and/or partition of property and annulment of
descendants of Agatona they are entitled to 1/2 of 1091 pro diviso
TCT 3009 against Galileo and Vicente (joined as party defendant for his refusal
- Fanesa did not vest exclusive ownership over the entire land but only gave her
to joint in their action)
the right to be reimbursed for the amount paid to redeem the property
- - trial court rendered decision in favor of the petitioners
- CA affirmed trial court’s decision
first issue, the law is clear that the appearance of parties at the pre-trial is
mandatory and a party who fails to appear may be considered as in default. In - respondents appealed to the CA, the appellate court reversed the trial court’s
Issue: WON respondents are entitled to 1/2 of Lot 1091, pro diviso the case at bar, where private respondent and counsel failed to appear at the decision and upheld the claim of Galileo that all the brothers and sister had
Held: scheduled pre-trial, the trial court has authority to declare respondent in default. already relinquished and waived their rights to the property in his favor,
- Yes - the trial court is correct in denying the motion to postpone pre-trial for lack of
considering that he alone paid the remaining balance of the purchase price of
the lot and the realty taxes
- the sale by petitioner Donato Paulmitan of the land to his daughter, petitioner
merit for pre-trial should be much more than mere perfunctory treatment. Its
observance must be taken seriously if it is to attain its objective i.e speedy and
Issue: WON petitioners' action for partition is already barred by the statutory period
Juliana P. Fanesa, did not give to the latter ownership over the entire land but provided by law which shall enable Galileo Delima to perfect his claim of ownership
inexpensive disposition of cases
merely transferred to her the one half (1/2) undivided share of her father, thus by acquisitive prescription to the exclusion of petitioners from their shares in the
making her the co-owner of the land in question with the respondents, her first - SC uphold the trial court in ruling in favor of petitioner, except as to the
disputed property
cousins. effectivity of the payment of monthly rentals by respondent as co-owner which
- the redemption of the land did not terminate the co-ownership nor give
we here declare to commence only after the trial court ordered respondent to
vacate in accordance with its order of 26 July 1979.L - the petitioners are already barred by prescription having only filed the action in
her title to the entire land subject of the co-ownership (same issue raised
in Adille vs CA) 1968 (more than 10 years have already lapse)
Article 494 of the Civil Code provides that no co-owner shall be obliged to
- Although petitioner Fanesa did not acquire ownership over the entire lot by
remain in the co- ownership, and that each co-owner may demand at any time
partition of the thing owned in common insofar as his share is concerned
- the moment when Galileo executed an extrajudicial declaration of heirs, in effect
virtue of the redemption she made, nevertheless, she did acquire the right to denying or repudiating the ownership, the statute of limitations started to run for
be reimbursed for half of the redemption price she paid to the Provincial - being a co-owner respondent has the right to use the house and lot without
the purposes of the action instituted by Galileo seeking a declaration of the
existence of the co-ownership and of their rights thereunder.
Government of Negros Occidental on behalf of her co-owners (Article 1613 of paying any compensation to petitioner, as he may use the property owned in
CC) common so long as it is in accordance with the purpose for which it is intended - since an action for reconveyance of land based on implied or constructive trust
- petition is denied
and in a manner not injurious to the interest of the other co-owners.
prescribes after 10 years, it is from the date of the issuance of such title that the
- when petitioner file an action to compel the sale of the property and the trial
effective assertion of adverse title for purposes of the statute of limitations is
AGUILAR vs CA court granted the petition and ordered the ejectment of respondent, the co-
Facts: ownership was deemed terminated and the right to enjoy the possession jointly - petition is denied
- Petitioner Virgilio and respondent Senen are brothers
also ceased

- - the respondent should be held liable for monthly rentals until he and his family
on October 28, 1969, the 2 brothers purchased a house and lot in Parañaque vacate FACTS:
where their father could spend and enjoy his remaining years in a peaceful
- they initially agreed that Virgilio’s share was 2/3 while Senen was 1/3 but by
- petition is granted
The subject property is a 635 sq. meter lot owned by Leon Hilario. Petitioners are
Hilario’s grand children thru Silveria (daughter) and respondent, Teodora Garcia, thru
virtue of a written memorandum in 1970 they agreed that their interests in the Catalina (daughter of Hilario).
house and lot should be equal

Petitioners filed an application of title on the ground of their continuous possession Existence of the Marriage
of the property. There were no oppositors, so the application was approved.
Adverse possession requires the concurrence of the following circumstances: Lupo and Felipa were alleged to have been lawfully married in or about 1930. This
Subsequently, respondent claims to have a right over the property as an heir of Leon fact is based on the declaration communicated by Lupo to his son who testified that
(since her mother is a daughter of Leon). 1. That the trustee has performed unequivocal acts amounting to an ouster of the “when his father was still living, he was able to mention to him that he and his
cestui que trust; mother were able to get married before a Justice of the Peace of Taguig, Rizal.” The
When the case reached the CA, the CA reversed decision of trial court saying that spouses deported themselves as husband and wife, and were known in the
petitioners have not acquired the land thru acquisitive prescription. 2. That such positive acts of repudiation had been made known to the cestui que community to be such. Although no marriage certificate was introduced to this
trust; and effect, no evidence was likewise offered to controvert these facts. Moreover, the
ISSUE: mere fact that no record of the marriage exists does not invalidate the marriage,
3. That the evidence thereon should be clear and conclusive. provided all the requisites for its validity are present.
WON the petitioners have acquired land thru acquisitive prescription
SC said that the case at bar did not meet all 3 requirements. Under these circumstances, a marriage may be presumed to have taken place
HELD: between Lupo and Felipa. The laws presume that a man and a woman, deporting
MARITEGUI VS. CA themselves as husband and wife, have entered into a lawful contract of marriage;
Petitioners claim that they have acquired acquisitive prescription by possessing and that a child born in lawful wedlock, there being no divorce, absolute or from bed and
paying the taxes of the land. SC said that tax declarations are not conclusive proofs FACTS: board is legitimate; and that things have happened according to the ordinary course
of ownership. SC said that tac declarations cannot be sole proof because the tax of nature and the ordinary habits of life.
declaration in their name could have been done out of convenience for the co- This is a case for partition of several pieces of land belonging to Lupo Mariategui,
owners. who died without a will. Courts look upon the presumption of marriage with great favor as it is founded on
the following rationale:
According to the petitioners, there was such repudiation which was admitted by the During his lifetime, Lupo contracted three (3) marriages. The first wife died, so he
private respondent herself Testifying for herself at the hearing on her opposition in contracted a second marriage. The second wife also passed away so he contracted a “The basis of human society throughout the civilized world is that of marriage.
the registration proceedings, she declared: third marriage. The third wife also preceded Lupo in death. Marriage in this jurisdiction is not only a civil contract, but it is a new relation, an
institution in the maintenance of which the public is deeply interested. Consequently,
ATTY. CANLAS: The issue in this case arose because at the time of his death, Lupo left certain every intendment of the law leans towards legalizing matrimony. Persons dwelling
properties which he acquired when he was still unmarried. Later, Lupo’s descendants together in apparent matrimony are presumed, in the absence of any
Q: After the death of Tomas Pangan, did you ask the heirs of Tomas Pangan of your by his first and second marriages executed a deed of extrajudicial partition whereby counterpresumption or evidence special to that case, to be in fact married. The
alleged share in the property in question? they adjudicated unto themselves a certain lot of the Muntinglupa Estate and title reason is that such is the common order of society and if the parties were not what
was issued. Now, Lupo’s children by his third marriage filed a complaint with the they thus hold themselves out as being, they would be living in the constant violation
A: Yes, sir. lower court, contending that since they were co-heirs of Lupo’s estate they were of decency and of law.
deprived of their respective shares in the lot mentioned. In answer, the other party
Q: What did they tell you? said that the complaint was not really for annulment of the deed of extrajudicial So much so that once a man and a woman have lived as husband and wife and such
partition but for recognition of natural children. relationship is not denied nor contradicted, the presumption of their being married
A: They said that I have no right to a share and they won't give me my share. must be admitted as a fact.
The lower court ruled in favor of Lupo’s heirs from the first and second marriage.
Q: How many years ago did you ask from them? Thus, the case was elevated to the CA, where they raised the issue of their parents’ Filiation
lawful marriage and their legitimacy as children.
A: Immediately after the death of their father. Evidence on record proves the legitimate filiation of the private respondents.
CA ruled that all the heirs of Lupo were entitled to equal shares in the estate. Hence, Jacinto’s birth certificate was a record of birth referred to in Article 172 of the Code.
Q: That was some 20 years ago? this petition. Again, no evidence which tends to disprove facts contained therein was adduced
before the lower court. In the case of the two other private respondents, Julian and
A: I do not know how many years ago. ISSUES: Paulina, they may not have presented in evidence any of the documents required by
Article 172 but they continuously enjoyed the status of children of Lupo in the same
Q: And during all that span of more than 20 years ago you did not file any action to manner as their brother Jacinto.
Whether or not the action for partition has prescribed
recover your share on the land in question?
Whether or not the private respondents are entitled to successional rights over the Prescription of Action for Partition
A: No sir, it was only this time . said lot
In view of the foregoing, there can be no other conclusion than that private
For title to prescribe in favor of the co-owner, however, there must be a clear HELD: respondents are legitimate children and heirs of Lupo and therefore, the time
showing that he has repudiated the claims of the other co-owners and that they limitation prescribed in Article 285 for filing an action for recognition is inapplicable
have been categorically advised of the exclusive claim he is making to the property to this case. Corollarily, prescription does not run against private respondents with
The case is really one for partition. The question of the status of the private
in question. It is only when such unequivocal notice has been given that the period respect to the filing of the action for partition so long as the heirs for whose benefit
respondents was raised only collaterally to assert their rights in the estate of the
of prescription will begin to run against the other co-owners and ultimately divest prescription is invoked, have not expressly or impliedly repudiated the co-ownership.
them of their own title if they do not seasonably defend it.

In other words, prescription of an action for partition does not lie except when the The disputed lots are unregistered lands, both parcels being covered only by tax
co-ownership is properly repudiated by the co-owner. declarations formerly in the name of Ramon Bauzon and now transferred to Luis and
Eriberta Bauzon. While tax declarations and receipts are not conclusive evidence of
Petition dismissed. ownership, yet, when coupled with proof of actual possession, as in the instant case,
tax declarations and receipts are strong evidence of ownership.
In the instant case, Roque Bauzon possessed the subject parcels of land in the
Facts: concept of owner by virtue of the donation propter nuptias. The possession was
public as it was Roque Bauzon who personally tilled and cultivated the lots. The acts
Heirs of Maningding and Bauzon claim that they own the disputed lots in common of reaping the benefits of ownership were manifest and visible to all. These acts
and pro-indiviso. Bauzon aver that their father Roque was the owner of the lots by were made more pronounced and public considering that the parcels of land are
virtue of a deed of donation. located in a municipality wherein ownership and possession are particularly and
normally known to the community. Roque peacefully possessed the properties as he
According to the Maningdings, Roque repudiated the co-ownership over the was never ousted therefrom nor prevented from enjoying their fruits. His possession
sugarland in 1965 and adjudicated it to himself and Maningding renounced and was uninterrupted and in good faith because of his well-founded belief that the
quitclaimed their shares over the riceland in favour of Roque. Roque transferred the donation propter nuptias was properly executed and the grantors were legally
Riceland to his son, Luis and the sugarland to his daughter, Eriberta, both evidenced allowed to convey their respective shares in his favor. He likewise appropriated to
by deeds of sale. himself the whole produce of the parcels of land to the exclusion of all others.

Heirs of Maningding allegedly discovered the transfers made by Roque Bauzon in Prescription, as a rule, does not run in favor of a co-heir or co-owner as long as he
favor of his children only in 1986. Consequently, the heirs sought the partition of the expressly or impliedly recognizes the co-ownership. 11 Co-owners cannot acquire by
properties as well as the accounting of the produce but were unsuccessful. prescription the share of the other co-owners, absent a clear repudiation of the co-
ownership. In order that title may prescribe in favor of one of the co-owners, it must
Bauzon’s contentions: be clearly shown that he has repudiated the claims of the others, and that they were
apprised of his claim of adverse and exclusive ownership, before the prescriptive
* the Affidavit of Quitclaim and Renunciation over the riceland was executed not only period would begin to run. Mere refusal to accede to a partition, without specifying
by Juan Maningding and Maria Maningding but also by Segunda Maningding. the grounds for such refusal, cannot be considered as notice to the other co-owners
of the occupant's claim of title in himself in repudiation of the co-ownership. The
* denied having executed the Affidavit of Self-Adjudication with regard to the evidence relative to the possession, as a fact upon which the alleged prescription is
based, must be clear, complete and conclusive in order to establish said prescription
without any shadow of doubt; and when upon trial it is not shown that the
possession of the claimant has been adverse and exclusive and opposed to the rights
* had been in open, continuous, notorious, adverse and actual possession of the
of the others, the case is not one of ownership, and partition will lie. 12
subject properties.

Therefore while prescription among co-owners cannot take place when the acts of
ownership exercised are vague and uncertain, such prescription arises and produces
all its effects when the acts of ownership do not evince any doubt as to the ouster of
WON Rogue Bauzon acquired ownership over the subject properties by acquisitive
the rights of the other co-owners. As disclosed by the records, Roque Bauzon and his
heirs possessed the property from 1948 to 1986 to the exclusion of petitioners who
were never given their shares of the fruits of the properties, for which reason they
demanded an accounting of the produce and the conveyance to them of their
shares. Unfortunately they slept on their rights and allowed almost thirty-six (36)
years to lapse before attempting to assert their right. Perforce, they must suffer the
consequence of their inaction.
Rogue Bauzon acquired ownership over the subject properties by acquisitive
prescription. Prescription, in general, is a mode of acquiring (or losing) ownership
and other real rights through the lapse of time in the manner and under conditions
laid down by law, namely, that the possession should be in the concept of an owner,
public, peaceful, uninterrupted and adverse. Acquisitive prescription is either
ordinary or extraordinary. Ordinary acquisitive prescription requires possession in
good faith and with just title for ten (10) years. In extraordinary prescription
ownership and other real rights over immovable property are acquired through
uninterrupted adverse possession thereof for thirty (30) years, without need of title
or of good faith.


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