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An Action Research

Barcoma, Jamaica V.
Corpez, Jennelyn T.
Engada, John Julius T.
Secapiro, Franz V.
Tusan, Lito G.
Chapter 1

The problem and its setting

A. Introduction

Computers had replaced chalkboards as the go-to tool in classrooms today.

Technology played a large role in many aspects of day-to-day life, and education is no
different. Technology is rapidly changing the way students learn and how instructors teach.
As technology continues to evolve, it brings with its new opportunities and challenges for
educators and students.

One of the earliest uses of computers in classrooms was to teach the traditional
curriculum and basic skills, often operating as a means to deliver instruction, sometimes as
a supplement to the teachers’ classroom instruction, and sometimes in lieu of the teachers’
instruction. (Fouts, 2003)

Ramon Torres National High School, teaches students in grades seventh through
tenth in Bago City, Negros Occidental of Western Visayas (Region VI). The school has 8
instructional rooms and 4 non-instructional rooms, which are all powered by a power grid.
With approximately 4,000 students, class size is around 25 students. All in all, the school
has at least one clinic, computer lab, general academic classroom, home economics, library,
and office. The computer laboratory has only ten (10) computers in which six (6) are
functional and four (4) computers are damaged.

Ramon Torres National High School had 4,000 students enrolled. The school has
more female students (2,200) than male students (1,800)
Review of Related Literature and Studies

Educational learning theories have their value and can be applied to instructive settings. In
a classroom situation it would be difficult to assert that only one learning method should
be implemented.

Lowerison, Sclater, Schmid, and Abrami (2006) suggest that technology has the
potential to transform the learning environment from passive to active and more subject to
the control of the learner. According to Roblyer (2003), technology may enable the learner
to be more actively involved in his or her own learning.

While technology may enhance the classroom and engage today’s student more
effectively, most do not believe it replaces the need for a structured, content-driving
learning process that is grounded in theory. To be effective, technology-based tools must
accompany appropriate pedagogy (Laurillard, 2002).

Statement of the Problem

1. How does technology become more interactive in the learning process of the
2. Will technology maximize learning process to Ramon Torres National High School
grade 10 students? How?
3. Will the study show maximum educational achievement of Ramon Torres National
High School Grade 10 students?

Technology is a tool, and while it is necessary for teachers to have an understanding
of various technological tools, such knowledge is not in itself sufficient. Teaching and
learning are dynamic processes that involve numerous factors. When it comes to effectively
using technology, the combination and interaction of all constituent elements has not
always been fully considered.

Figure 1: Schematic Diagram of the study


Laptops and Tablets TEACHER PROJECTORS




Figure 1. Schematic Diagram of the Study

Every teacher needs to understand child development, principles of student
motivation, assessment concepts, and so on. However, when a teacher’s content and
pedagogical knowledge intersect, they interact in ways that are unique to each teaching
discipline, with both content knowledge and pedagogical knowledge influencing each

Significance of the Study

To determine how the influence of technology will affect the grade 10 students and
the teaching methodology of MAPEH teachers in Ramon Torres National High School.

The result of the study will be significant to the following:

Ramon Torres National High School - An institution that ensures quality and equitable
education that aims to produce globally competitive individuals through the aid of modern
technology. This study will help the school to evaluate its programs and projects and to
focus on the status of the students in the field of academe.

School Administrator - The results of this particular study can be used as the basis for the
evaluation of using modern technology of the Ramon Torres National High School to its
students in relation to their performance in school. Likewise, the results will help determine
what kind of intervention will help improve the teaching methodology of the MAPEH
teachers of Ramon Torres National High School.

MAPEH Teachers - This study will help all MAPEH teachers to know the impact of
modern technology to modern instructional aides and presentations. The results of this
study will guide MAPEH teachers to educate their students the importance of technology
in class.
Parents - This study helps the parents realize their full responsibility on their children’s
education. The parents should know the importance of technology to the academic
performance of their children. The parents should support their children to have a grasp of

It is pretty encouraging to have more children under the radar of tech-driven

education and to see more parents become aware about the vital role of technology in the
evolved form of classroom learning.

Grade 10 students - As beneficiary of this study, it seeks to address how the influence of
technology will affect the student’s performance in school. High school students
specifically grade 10 students should have more time browsing the net and use modern
devices and gadgets to re enforce their learning. They should know that using modern
technology will enhance their performance in school.

Technology is now an integral part of the education process. It serves as a medium

in representing what the learners know and he/she is learning.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The study seeks to find out how the influence of technology will affect the
Grade 10 students of Ramon Torres National High School.

A total of 25 students were used as respondents. They were all at their grade
10 levels. Out of 25 respondents, 14 respondents were female and 11 respondents belong
to male category.

Definition of Terms
Technology- MAPEH is an academic subject that develops the creativity and life skills of
students, and to make its lessons more applicable to modern learners, educators should tap
technology as a teaching tool. There is a huge difference between the traditional and
modern approach in teaching MAPEH.

MAPEH- MAPEH teachers teach four different components and that includes Music, Arts,
Physical Education and Health. It is common knowledge that all Physical Education classes
are held mostly in an open area where they perform physical activities, while Music, Arts
and Health should be in an ordinary conventional usual classroom just like other subjects
due to the sensitivity of topics discussed.

Chapter 2



We will conduct an observation process between teacher and students, composed of two
section inside the classroom setting in which technology and traditional use of teaching has
been determine each function. The traditional use of teaching MAPEH in the part of
discussions, student’s task, assessment, student’s assignment, reaction paper and output.
The technology use of teaching MAPEH in terms of video presentation, audio clip, images,
and multimedia. This prompted the author to do an action research on the influence of
technology that will affect the Grade 10 students of Ramon Torres National High School.

Research Design

This study was a descriptive type that utilized a questionnaire method for assessing
the influence of technology that will affect the Grade 10 students of Ramon Torres National
High School.
Research Locale

Barangay Lag-asan where Ramon Torres National High School is located as one of
the largest barangays of Bago City, Negros Occidental. There are 25 Grade 10 students, 14
are female and 11 are male. Barangay Lag-asan is surrounded by sugarcane and rice fields.
And most of the parents of these student’s work are laborer of these farms.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of our action research were all grade 10 students in Ramon Torres
National High School. A total of 25 respondents participated in this action research. Out
of 25 respondents, most of my students were female. I distributed a total of 25
questionnaires to my respondents. All of them had a positive response in helping our action

Research Instruments

The research instrument that was used was a self-made Questionnaire based on
ECAR Research study 5, 2004 – Students and Information Technology.

The questionnaire includes four parts. Part 1 is the Personal Background which
includes the demographic profile of the students on Gender, Age and Family Income. Part
2 includes questions on the Attitude of Students towards Technology that maximize
learning process. Part 3 is the Experience of the Students on Internet and Part 4 includes
questions on Keeping Up with the Future Trends.
Data Gathering Procedure

The following are the specific steps followed by the researchers to conduct the study.

The respondents in action research were all Grade 10 students of Ramon Torres
National High School.

During the pre-implementation phase we as researchers wrote a letter to our school

head asking a favor to help us with our action research.

Upon approval of the letter, our groupmates in action research have a meeting and
plan the strategies of how should we implement the mechanics of the survey.

We ask students of some personal questions related to their family background,

their peers and what activities they do every day. We lectured them about the importance
and benefits of technology in education.

We explained to them that we are doing an action research and we need their 100%
full participation. Their honest answer and opinion will be a significant factor needed to
our action research.

For the implementation phase, before we conducted a survey to the students, we

lectured them first the importance and advantages of technology to students as well as
educators. We explained the contents of the different parts of the survey questionnaire.

After gathering the data from the students, our group mates have a meeting and
discussed our gathered data based on survey questionnaires. We noticed that there are some
questions that our respondents have different answers.
We made an analysis and summarized the results based on our students’ answers.
We made an individual interpretation on our gathered data.

Statistical Data Analysis

The gathered data from the respondents and participants’ responses have been tallied and
tabulated in terms of personal background, family income, Attitudes towards technology
that maximize learning process, Experience of using the Internet, and keeping up with
future trends which are computed using a Likert Scale. A type of rating scale used to
measure attitudes or opinions. With this scale, respondents are asked to rate items on a
level of agreement.

Given a standard 5-category Likert scale we examine the use of the mean and
standard deviation as a measure of how technology influence the performance of grade 10
students and the teaching methodology of MAPEH teachers in Ramon Torres National
High School

A typical 5-category Likert scale would use the categories Disagree Totally/Strongly
Disagree (SD), Disagree (D), Not Strong Opinion/Neutral (N), Agree (A), and Strongly
Agree (SA). We assign these categories ordinal values SD = 1, D = 2, N = 3, A = 4, and
SA = 5.
Chapter 3

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

This study presents the data gathering, statistical result, and interpretation of both, all
in answers to the specific problems to the research questions.

The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of technology will affect the
grade 10 students and the teaching methodology of MAPEH teachers in Ramon Torres
National High School
Part 1. Personal Background

Table 1

Gender No. of Students

Female 14
Male 11
Total 25

Table 2

Age No. of Students % Population

15 4 16 %
16 16 64 %
17 3 12 %
19 1 4%
20 1 4%
Total 25 100 %

Table 3

Family Income No. of Students

Low - (P5T-P10T/mo.) 21 Average
Moderate - (P11T- P20T/ mo.) 3 Normal
High - (P21T – P40T / mo.) 1

Table 1 results shows that there were had total respondents. Out of 25 respondents,
14 were female and 11 were male. There was more number of females than males. From
table 2, results show that most of my students were at the age of 16 years old and belonged
to 64% of the population.

In table 3, most of my students belonged to a low-income family bracket that had a family
income range of P5, 000 – P 10, 000 per month.

PART 2. Attitudes towards technology that maximize learning process.

1=disagree totally 2= disagree 3= not strong opinion 4=agree 5=agree strongly
Attitudes to technology 1 2 3 4 5
1 I enjoy using technology. 5 14 6
2 I avoid using technology when I can. 6 9 10
3 I think using technology in class takes up too much time. 7 2 13 3
4 I know that technology can help me to learn many new things. 3 8 14

5 Technology intimidates and threatens me. 6 13 6

6 Students should know how to use technology in class. 2 7 8 8
7 I would be a better learner if I knew how to use technology properly. 1 8 8 8

8 I’m very confident when it comes to working with technology at home/at 4 8 11 2

work/at university.
9 I want to learn more about using technology at home/at school. 1 7 8 9

10 I believe that I can improve my grades using the benefits of the Internet. 1 11 6 7

11 Using technology in learning languages is not necessary. 3 16 6

12 Technology breaks down too often to be of very much use. 3 16 5 1

From the results of the data shown above, most of my students answered no. 3- not
strong opinion most of the time. Although some of them answered agree and strongly agree
to some phrase and few of them answered disagree and strongly disagree to some phrase,
results show that most of my students wanted to explore and learn more in using the

PART 3. Experience of using the Internet

I use the Internet regularly Infrequently never

at school 3 22

at home 3 12 10

I use the Internet in MAPEH for the following: regularly infrequently never

To communicate with people (e.g. e-mail) 1 10 14

To find information 25

To read the History, pictures of well-known artist and 1 22 2

its works.

I use the Internet in MAPEH for the following: regularly infrequently never
To watch films 22 3

To prepare home assignments (e.g. projects, web 22 3

quests etc)

To buy/sell products
3 22
To learn (e.g. online courses, using online
dictionaries) 2 14 9

To have fun (e.g. playing computer games) 1 18 6

To download software 13 12

From the results of the table shown above, most of the respondents use internet at
home infrequently. Since most of them belong to a low-income bracket, they cannot buy,
subscribe and connect to the internet. Results only show that most of them answered
infrequently to the phrase above and they have no time to browse the net and explore it in
a longer period of time. Therefore, most of my students have lack of experience in using
the internet.

Part 4. Keeping up with future trends

What do you know about future trends and tools in learning with technology? Which of these things would you like to
incorporate into your studies?

Tool/trend I know what this is I’d like to explore this more

e-learning 9 16

m-learning 7 18

Use of VLE (e.g. Moodle) or CMS 4 21

(e.g. Etomite)

blogs 4 21
wikis 2 23

ePortfolios 3 22

Use of MUVE (e.g. Second Life) 0 25

Use a mobile phone texting activity in 18 7


Podcasts 3 22

Join an online discussion group 8 17

From the table shown, most of my students have no idea of most of the tools and
trends on the internet. Most of them wanted to explore the applications shown in the table.
Most of them were familiar in using mobile phones. Due to limited budget and time, most
of them cannot afford to rent computers in the internet shop.
Chapter 4



From the start, doing this action research would be fun and I had a feeling of
complete excitement. Many materials available on the internet that need the importance of
technology to student’s maximum learning.

From the results of my action research study, I feel sad because of the manner that
Grade 10 students of Juan Gequillana National High School answered each questions of
the survey questionnaire given to them. Results showed that most of them lack knowledge
with regards to software and hardware usage. They are far more lagging behind students
with their age and year level.

Technology plays an important role in the field of education. The main reason why
MAPEH teachers need to use technology in the classroom was to improve student learning

Lack of computer facilities and fast internet connections were needed in our school,
Juan Gequillana National High School.
Online learning should be made available to grade 10 students of Juan Gequillana
National High School. A 3 is to 1 ratio of students to computer would be needed for
maximum student learning.


Through this action research, I learned that technology serves as information

vehicles for exploring knowledge to support learning. It serves as a superhighway in
accessing needed information and for comparing perspectives, beliefs and world views.

In my action research, I found out that technology increases students’

learning, understanding, and achievements but also their motivation to learn, encourage
collaborative learning and supports the development of critical thinking and problem-
solving skills. Use of modern technology tools, such as computers, mobile devices and the
internet, are now integrated into the educational system. The situation doesn’t have to
be either/or; it can be both/and as we maintain the best of the traditional while embracing
the new. However, it is imperative that MAPEH teachers are open to and actively consider
ways in which new technologies may be able to enhance and transform the traditional when
appropriate, and how these technologies may provide a means to reach learners of all ages,
including students who previously haven’t been involved in school programs especially

To meet the needs of the generation of technologically savvy learners, many
educators, authors, and researchers believed that technology must be an essential part of
Through this research, I would like to recommend a program for all MAPEH
teachers to undergo seminars and trainings on Updates on the latest use of technology and
how it can be delivered in a learning environment for the benefit of our students. Hands on
training would be better so that we can master and learned the art of modern teaching.
I would like to recommend that all classrooms used by MAPEH teachers are
equipped with a DLP projector, screen, speakers, voice amplification, Pixie Wall
Controller, and Mobi Interactive Pad, providing a world of information available at the
touch of a finger on the Internet and other media. Through this the students will more
interested in listening and participating during class discussion. It includes that our school
will provide free WI – fi to us teachers as well as for students even they cannot use
computers individually but because they have android phones and tablets through that
gadgets they can connect and browse faster for their projects and assignments.


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Gequillana National High School

Manalad, Ilog, Negros Occidental
Teacher I/MAPEH Coordinator

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