91 EE 593 TransLineDistribution2-edited

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Republic of the Philippines

Tarlac State University

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Tarlac City



EE 593
Electrical Transmission and Distribution

Prepared by:


Recommending Approval:




Dean, College of Engineering



VP, Academic Affairs

Date Effective:
SY 2018-2019
Tarlac State University B.S. Electrical Engineering

Tarlac State University is envisioned to be a premier University in the Asia-Pacific.

Tarlac State University commits to promote and sustain the offering of quality and relevant programs in higher
and advanced education ensuring equitable access to education for people empowerment, professional
development, and global competitiveness.

Towards this end, TSU shall:

1. Provide high quality instruction through qualified, competent and adequately trained faculty member
and support staff.
2. Be a premier research institution by enhancing research undertakings in the fields of technology and
sciences and strengthening collaboration with local and international institutions.
3. Be a champion in community development by strengthening partnership with public and private
organizations and individuals.


Five years from now, graduates from the Electrical Engineering Program at TSU: 1 2 3
1. Will be able to integrate the required technical knowledge of Electrical Engineering
principles that will allow them to be immediately competitive in industry or in / /
graduate work while providing the best opportunity for achieving their full potential;
2. Will be able to join established private or government agencies in the Philippines or
/ /
abroad and gradually obtain leadership positions;

1. Course Code : EE 593

2. Course Title : Electrical Transmission and Distribution Systems

3. Pre-requisite : EE 443, EE 482, MATH 11A

4. Co-requisite : EE 591L Electrical Transmission and Distribution System Lab

5. Credit : 3 units / 3 hrs per week

6. Course Description:
The course starts with a review of basic structure of power systems, transmission and distribution system
typologies, design considerations of transmission lines and distribution lines including applicable laws and
regulations along with the requirements of the local electric utilities, voltage regulations and compensation,
voltage drop calculations and design of distribution system protection for cable, capacitor, motor,
transformer, bus, generator, radial line and two-sourced systems.

7. Program/Student Outcomes and Relationship to Program Educational Objectives:

Program/Student Outcomes Educational
Upon successful completion of this program, students will be able to: Objectives
1 2
(a) ability to apply knowledge of mathematics and science to solve engineering problems
(b) ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data
(c) ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within
realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health
and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability, in accordance with standards
(d) ability to function on multidisciplinary teams
(e) ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems ∕
(f) understanding of professional and ethical responsibility ∕
(g) ability to communicate effectively ∕
(h) broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a ∕
global, economic, environmental, and societal context

Course Title Date Effective: Date Revised: Prepared by: Approved by: Page No.:
Electrical Transmission and
Distribution Systems 2nd Sem. 2017-2018 1st Sem. 2017-2018 Engr. C. I. Flora Engr. M.S. Galvez 2 of 4
Tarlac State University B.S. Electrical Engineering

(i) recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning ∕
(j) knowledge of contemporary issues
(k) ability to use techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice
(l) knowledge and understanding of engineering and management principles as a
member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary ∕

8. Course Outcomes and Relationships to Program/Student Outcomes:

Course Outcomes Program/Student Outcomes
After completion of the course, the
A b c d E f g h i j k l
student should be able to:
1. Explain the typologies of
distribution and transmission E I I
2. Apply the Philippine Electrical
Code, Grid Code and Distribution
Code and other applicable laws
and regulations
3. Analyze electric distribution and
transmission systems during short

4. Design of distribution system

protection D D D

9. Course Coverage:
Course Teaching and
Week Outcome Topic Learning
s Activities
Orientation; discussion of course goals and expected Class Recitation,
outcomes; discussion of course policies, grading discussion Assignments
system Lecture
1,2 CO1  Review of basic structure of power systems,
transmission and distribution system typologies
 Design considerations of transmission lines and
distribution lines
Load Characteristics, Modeling and Metering
Lecture; class
Philippine Grid Code and Philippine Distribution Assignments,
3,4 CO2 discussion;
Code Quiz
Quiz No. 1
Per Unit System Lecture; class Seatwork,
5,6 CO2, CO3
discussion; Quiz
Quiz No. 2
Mid Term
7 Mid Term assessment of student performance
Lecture; class
Fault Analysis Seatwork
8-11 CO3 discussion;
Quiz No. 3
Lecture; class
System Protection Components and TCC Curves Quiz,
12,13 CO4 discussion;
Quiz No. 4 seatwork
Lecture; class Quiz,
14, 15 CO4 Radial System Protection
discussion Assignment

Course Title Date Effective: Date Revised: Prepared by: Approved by: Page No.:
Electrical Transmission and
Distribution Systems 2nd Sem. 2017-2018 1st Sem. 2017-2018 Engr. C. I. Flora Engr. M.S. Galvez 3 of 4
Tarlac State University B.S. Electrical Engineering

Quiz No. 5
Introduction to ETAP Lecture; class
16,17 CO4 discussion;
Quiz No. 6 seatwork
Overall assessment of student performance
18 Final Exam

10. References:
a. Elements of Power System Analysis, William D. Stevenson, Latest Edition
b. Power System Analysis, HaadiSaadat, Latest Edition
c. Power System ,Schaum’s Outline Series, Syed Nasar, Latest Edition
d. Standard Handbook for Electrical Engineers, Donald Fink and H. Wayne Beaty, Latest Edition
e. Power System Analysis & Design, Glover, Sarma and Overbye, Latest Edition
f. Introduction to Electric Power System Technology, Theodore R. Bosela, Latest Edition

Online Resources:
a. www.halimbawa.com

11. Final Grade Evaluation:

Quizzes 45%
Term Examination 40%
Assignment/Seatwork/Recitation/Attendance 15%

Passing 60%

Grading System
Average Grade
99-100 1.00
95-98 1.25
90-94 1.50
85-89 1.75
80-84 2.00
75-79 2.25
70-74 2.50
65-69 2.75
60-64 3.00
Below 60 5.00

12. Course Policies and Standards

Aside from academic deficiency, other grounds for a failing grade are:
 Grave misconduct and/or cheating during examinations
 Unexcused absences of more than 20% of required number of hours per term
 A failing academic standing and failure to take the final exam

13. Committee Members:

Engr. Crispin I. Flora – Chairman
Engr. Leo P. Piao
Engr. Ferdinand L. Marcos

Course Title Date Effective: Date Revised: Prepared by: Approved by: Page No.:
Electrical Transmission and
Distribution Systems 2nd Sem. 2017-2018 1st Sem. 2017-2018 Engr. C. I. Flora Engr. M.S. Galvez 4 of 4

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