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“The story is a sarcastic remark on the with the depiction of the even Packletide '* Mrs. Packletide wishes to Killa tiger out of her jealousy for her bete noi Bimberton’s recently achieved popularity. doesn't know 1 Miss Mebbin blackmails her and gets ‘She is competitive by nature and that is ty she decides to go on a hunt to counter Loona Bimberton's achievement: ‘She is shrewd ond manipulative in her ‘approach, She manipulates the entire ‘hunting saga shrewdly by involving the villagers by offering them thousand upees. She makes sure that there is no risk involved in the hunting and thus she chooses an old tiger. She has this belief ‘that | ing and everyone can be she will have to pay heavily to her’ Literature-Class-x FICTION: MRS. PACKLETIDE’S TIGER She is very stingy and always fascinated by the thought of saving money. She is shrewd and practical Just like MrsPackletide she is also manipulative, as soon as she gets an portunity of making money by exploiting a situation she moves on with purpose. She is an opportunist and self-centred. Just like Ms Packletide, she can also go to ;more big game shooting. “The Incidental expenses are so heavy’, ™ leshow no more interest n hunting? mn by"The incidental expenses are so heavy? wordconfide’? ‘more interested in shooting as the hunt has proved very expen: thatthe expenses that she has to make to [BASED QUESTIONS FOR PRACTICE {SONNET 55)(Poem) the gold-plated monuments and ‘it will continue to shine sings praises of his fiend He records memory o ‘He hopes that ra pt stone, besmeard with sluttish time. Princes got their monuments erected in’ order ‘remembered till posterity. | What will outlive gilded monuments of Princes? Fame Wealth Power ‘Shakespeare's poem does ‘you’ refer to in the third line? Gi jare these lines addressed to? referred to as a greater destroyer of great st by architects. of war eannot bring harm to se lines Tre addressed by the poet to his tien

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