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IEd 214 - Advanced Computer Programming (Dr.


1. What are the effects computer technology in our society today? (Discuss in at least 150 words or more).

It is not difficult to get computer professionals to agree that computers have a significant impact on society. It is rather more difficult to get
them to agree on why they impact as they do. There are several characteristics of computer technology that may be at the center of the
effects. It is intended that this list become a focal point around which the design of new technology can revolve, in order to anticipate the
social consequences of a new product and mitigate any potential negative effects it may have on society.

Traditionally, courses that deal with computers and society issues focus primarily on enumerating the various ways in which computers
impact society. This is done by listing categories of topics such as privacy, computers in medicine, military uses of computers, etc. Classic
cases of computer abuse or errant systems are typically described in detail, as a way of simply making students more aware of how
computers affect society. These examples are meant to serve as warnings to future professionals, in the hopes that they will practice their
profession with greater care.

The intent of developing a list of these characteristics is that it could lead to a better understanding of the nature of the social impact of
computers. In this way, it might be possible to examine a new computer project at the time of its design (not, as is the usual case, a long
time after the project has been implemented and disseminated) to determine its potential impacts as a social change agent.

The characteristics given below are not necessarily unique to computer technology. However, in many instances computers have created
situations that were previously impossible to accomplish (such as space flight), were essentially inconceivable until the technology was
applied, or at least were very difficult to achieve without the aid of computer technology. Furthermore, even though other technologies may
have had impacts similar to computers in many ways, computer technology has greatly amplified their effects to the point of entirely
overshadowing any previous technology's impact.

Finally, the term computer technology is meant to be inclusive of any device that is essentially controlled by a basic computer (CPU,
program, etc.). This would include, therefore, modern telephones, VCRs, microwave ovens, CAT scanners, supermarket scanners, and the

The following are in no particular order. Also, some devices or examples are likely to fit into more than one of the categories below:

(1) Ubiquity. It is perhaps stating the obvious that computers appear to be everywhere today. Even when we don't encounter them directly in
their various forms of modern convenience devices, such as digital watches, microwave ovens, VCRs, and the like, we generate
transactions that are processed via computers without actively doing anything: the utility companies are recording our usage, the phone
company records incoming calls, our answering machine might be recording a message while we are doing something else, someone is
performing a credit check on us, etc.

(2) Magnification. Computers tend toward magnification in several different ways. First, the explosion of the availability of information is due
in large part to the computer's ability to generate, collect, and store an ever increasing amount of raw data. Since the ability to create and
collect data is growing exponentially, so too is the generation of information that can be synthesized from this data. Second, the types of
negative impacts a single error can have has grown enormously with computer technology. Finally, the number of people directly affected by
a system error has also grown enormously, to where a single software system literally can affect millions directly.

(3) Accessibility. Access to information continues to increase at hard to believe speeds. To begin with, the vast quantities of information
available on-line (through, for instance, the Internet) appears to be growing exponentially. In addition, we now have unprecedented
accessibility to information and communications from nearly anywhere we happen to be. Next, information is available to an unprecendented
number of people. Finally, the promises of the "information superhighway" to open up new lanes of access, including text, voice, graphics,
and video increases the types of information to which we have access to include all media.

(4) Reproducibility and Distributability. The major concern of the recording industry regarding the introduction of digital audio tape (DAT)
systems was the ability to make exact duplicates of digital material, indistinguishable from the original. The concern, of course, has been that
DAT technology would cause unprecedented bootlegging of recordings, to the obvious detriment of the recording industry, composers, and
performers. Clearly, any digital file can just as easily be duplicated. Many information resources are available only in digital form, via, for
instance, the Internet. As more information is converted to digital form (e.g. voice and video), the ability to duplicate and distribute such
information increases enormously. Indeed, there are some forms of publishing that can exist only within the context of a computer system.
The concept of hypertext and hypermedia (including audio and video), the ability to create non-linear accessibility to information, was
conceived out of the ability to randomly access information via computers. Its increasing success easily shows how important information in
a digital form has become already. (Oz, 1994).
(5) Lack of Accountability. It has become a popular complaint that it is getting more and more difficult to locate a human being who is willing
to accept responsibility for an error made by a computerized system. While it is tempting to blame such problems on incompetent
employees, in truth the problem may be a poor user interface, lack of training, or an error in the software, none of which can be solved by
those providing the front-line service. Another difficulty is finding someone who will, indeed, fix an error in an account. It is often the case that
service representatives are reluctant to accept the responsibility for making a necessary change. In addition, it can often be difficult to even
find a human being to deal with a problem. Getting lost in a voice-mail system has become a modern urban legend. (Nissenbaum, 1994).

(6) Temporality. Computers have several effects on time and the timeliness of information. It seems that computer technology is to blame in
large part for the "speed up" of modern society - everything has to get done faster, be there sooner, be available immediately. Another form
of temporality in computer systems is that information can be retained over long periods of time, even when they appear to have been
destroyed (consider the classic case of Col. Oliver North). There is little reason that information should be entirely lost any more, even due to
accident. And it is reasonable to suspect that every scrap of information generated today will be available virtually forever. Another temporal
shift for which computers have been responsible is that people who work together do not necessarily have to do so at the same time. Finally,
services and information are more frequently available on a 24-hour basis. This allows people to request a service or seek information when
it fits their schedule, rather than when it fits the service provider's schedule.

(7) Spatiality. Computers have done more to shorten distances than any previous technology, even the supersonic jet. It is possible to send
large amounts of data, messages, video, etc. virtually anywhere in the world via networks such as Internet. Long distance learning, using
information databases or video feeds of courses via satellite, is a reality for a growing portion of our modern society. We can now even be on
the move when we talk with someone on the phone, or receive a fax.

(8) Surveillability. Is there any doubt that computers have made surveillance easier than at any time in history? In addition to the usual
surveillance equipment such as cameras and microphones, transactional data is increasingly being collected for virtually all types of
transactions, even cash purchases and the acquisition of services. There has even been discussion by the government of using a universal
health card, which is seen by many as the first step toward finalizing the move (begun with the co-opting of the social security number) in the
US toward a national identification card.

(9) Shifting of Relationships/Changes in Intercommunication Protocols. One of the more difficult characteristics to track is how computer
technology has changed communication between people and groups of people. In particular, the use of email has been shown to eliminate a
lot of the usual visual and verbal cues we often use in communicating with one another (whch can be viewed as both an advantage and as a
disadvantage). In addition to removing such cues, computer-mediated communications mask attributes such as race, gender, age, or
physical disability, in addition, perhaps, to the person's social or management status within an organization. (Grudin, 1994; Perrole, 1987).

(10) Illusion of Precision. It is not difficult to make many (perhaps even most) people who are not in the computer field believe that any
numeric result generated by a computer is correct. Those not well versed in the hardware of computers have little understanding of the fact
that numbers must be converted back and forth between decimal and binary forms, or that there is a limitation on the accuracy of numbers
due to memory constraints. As a result, they willingly accept values generated by a computer as infinitely accurate. (Liffick, 1985).


The characteristics described above are factors in the social impact of computer technology. For most there is at least anecdotal evidence of
their existence (with seemingly countless examples). For some, there is also experimental evidence. It has finally become widely accepted
that technology is not value neutral, as originally thought. By examining this list and using it as a set of landmarks for evaluating new
systems, it may be possible to better anticipate the social impact of new systems, prior to their dissemination. Perhaps this will help achieve
the development of what some have called a Social Impact Statement, which is intended to be analagous to the Environmental Impact
Statements required by the Environmental Protection Agency prior to most building projects.

2. Being an educator, discuss the importance and significance of technology transfer?

Technology transfer is the process by which a technology, expertise, knowhow or facilities developed by one individual, enterprise or
organization is transferred to another individual, enterprise or organization. Effective technology transfer results in commercialization of a
new product or service or in the improvement of an existing product or process.

Depending on the nature of technology and the capacity of the recipient, the process of technology transfer may be simple and
straightforward but usually is iterative, collaborative, and fairly complex. In the latter case, it may require the users to acquire new
information and skills and change old habits and ways of doing things. It may even require changes in the technology being transferred, to
improve the chances of “fit” and optimal performance in the new situation. Technology transfer may happen from country to country, from
industry to industry or from research laboratory to an existing or new business. It may be facilitated by financial or other types of assistance
and support that may be provided by government or other agencies at national, regional, local or institutional levels.

The creation or absorption of new technology has become a vital component for companies to improve or maintain their competitive position
in the market place. Companies operating in sectors where competition takes place on the basis of price alone, such as the extraction or
commercialization of raw materials, may rely on new technologies to improve their efficiency in the extraction of raw materials by improving
their productive processes or acquiring new machinery and equipment. They may also use new technology to better commercialize their
products or to improve their management structure, control and communication.

In other sectors, where the market evolves incessantly as new products with new functions or designs appear on a regular basis, companies
are forced to innovate by acquiring or developing new technologies. Technological innovation is therefore a crucial element of the
competitive strategy of any enterprise, big or small, high-tech or low-tech. The ongoing integration of domestic and international markets
through continuing deregulation and liberalization of markets has enhanced competitive pressure for all firms, and especially increased the
technological needs of small enterprises worldwide while also improving their access to new technologies and capital goods.

Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) have to decide whether to develop technology in-house or to obtain it from others. While
investing in technology creation may be expensive and risky, as there are many uncertainties linked to the innovation process, it has the
advantage of preventing technological dependence on other companies and enables the company to enhance its technological capability
and to innovate according to its own specific needs. In a large number of cases, firms, including SMEs (especially high-tech SMEs) will rely
on both (in-house innovation as well as on technology purchased from others) as necessary machinery is bought from large firms to make
technical improvements to the company’s products, processes and/or services.

Computer programming

Everyone knows that this is the age of computer and vast majority of people are using computer. Development of science and technology
has direct effect on our daily life as well as in our social life. Computer technology has made communication possible from one part of the
world to the other in seconds. They can see the transactions in one part of the world while staying in the other part. Computer development
is one of the greatest scientific achievements of the 20 th century. Computers are used in various fields as well as in teaching and learning.
Some of the major computer application fields are listed below.
An aid to management: The computer can also be used as a management tool to assist in solving business problems.
Banking: Branches are equipped with terminals giving them an online accounting facility and enabling them to information as such things as
current balances, deposits, overdrafts and interest charges.
Industrial Application: In industry, production may be planned, coordinated and controlled with the aid of a computer.
Engineering Design: Computer help in calculating that all the parts of a proposed design are satisfactory and also assist in the designing.
Meteorology: Data is recorded at different levels of atmosphere at different places, using remote sensors carried on a satellite.
Air Travel: Small computers are installed as a part of the plane's equipment.
Road Traffic Control: Computers assist with the control of traffic lights.
Telephones: Computerized telephone exchanges handle an ever increasing volume of calls very efficiently.
Medicine: Computers are widely used in hospitals for such task as maintaining drugs, surgical equipments and linen, for payroll and also for
checkup and treatment of diseases.
In addition computers are also used for recording and film studios, research, military, etc.
Computers have both positive and negative impact in our daily life as well as in our social life. But the gross development of the nation is
faster with the application of computers in industries and education. The both positive and negative impacts of computers are listed below.
Positive Impact of Computer -
The work can be done in very less time.
More information can be stored in small space.
Multitasking and multiprocessing capabilities of data.
Easy to access data.
Documents can be kept secret.
Error free result.
It can be used for various purposes. i.e. It can be used in any type of work.

Effects Of Computers In The Society

Society is changing by leaps and bounds, with no chance of a stopping point in the near future. All this change is dealing with computers and
the effects that it will have on the way we live tomorrow. The Internet affects us in every way, most importantly with our social lives, our jobs,
and our entertainment. Our social lives are not just communicating with telephones and mail anymore. Going “on-line” is the new way we like
to communicate with people. Chat rooms on the Internet are open for people to talk and explore with other people who may live on the other
side of the world or the other side of the street. E-Mail is also another popular way to correspond with others. Users can electronically send
mail to another person with an on-line mailbox, simply by typing in their message and sending it by the click of a button. Two seconds to
send e-mail to someone on the other side of the world is much quicker than a week or more through the ordinary mail. The Internet can also
affect our jobs. Computers can calculate and figure out things much quicker than the average person. This process cannot only save time,
but money too. Stock trading is now on the Internet, along with banking and any other type of business you could imagine. The world wants
thing to be quick and easy. The best answer to that is to have a computer do it for you. In the future, hundreds of millions of jobs will be
taken away from honest hard-working employees and will be given to computers. No matter what choices we make, or what plans we
change, these outcomes are going to become real.
On the Internet, you can gamble with on-line casinos, place bets on a horse race, or even watch movies. People can do all of these activities
in the comfort of their own home. No gas money is wasted or time spent driving around to find entertainment so people are happy. The
inevitable outcome of this magnificent invention is going to change the world. Society is happy about the way things are changing. Cheaper
is better, less time consuming is better. With the choice of having a computer and being on-line, there is almost nothing you cannot do. This
remarkable idea of the Internet is going to revolutionize the way we live in the future.
Negative impacts of computers on society
These are some of the negative things about the computerized world:
The younger generation would rather communicate through computer (easier) than actually working towards making friends or finding love
the good old fashion way. Thus, part of the magic of falling in love is lost. People breakup in emails rather than facing the person and as all
generations have been taught before we must take responsibility for our own actions.
A high percentage of people sit at their computer far too long and some people lose reality as far as social activities and learning social
skills. Not to mention packing on the weight and the lack of exercise that will haunt them further on down the road.
Sitting behind a computer all day is hard on the eyes.
Being on the computer too much takes away the imagination for most (although for a very few they can be creative in advertising and digital
imagery, etc. on websites.)
Computers can distract a person so much they lose contact with the reality around them such as taking time with family, husbands,
boyfriends, girlfriends, wives and children.
It opens up kiddy porn and other immoral things.
More crime is committed through the Internet.
More misinformation by SOME people on the Internet can cause problems for the younger generation.
More person problems by two people on the Internet (never having met) may cause heartbreak or mistrust. It's impossible to know someone
well over the Internet.
Spammers are annoying.
Hackers can ruin your computer system.
Many people do work on the computer from their home but smart people do so much, then get up, get moving and get into shape. They
spend time with family and friends and limit their time on the computer.
First, computers have changed the way information is saved and accessed. Now with a few clicks on a computer, people can access almost
any piece of information. The speed at which people can access information has never been faster. We can say that the computer has
democratized almost all information. This point cannot be overemphasized.
Second, computers have changed warfare. Now people use computers to conduct war in many ways. The threat of cyber-warfare is real and
even within the past few years, many hackers have tried to break into our military systems. This area will certainly grow in the future.
Third, on a less serious note, computers have changed shopping and advertising. People are
The widespread adoption of computers has had lots of effects on society. First of all, it has impacted the way that we shop and make
purchases. In some ways this change is positive, since the rise of online retailers like Amazon has given us greater choice as consumers
over where we buy our goods. It also means that we can make purchases without having to leave the house. However, the ability to do our
shopping online has affected physical stores by increasing the competition between companies.
In addition, computers have also changed the way we communicate with each other. The rise of email and social media networks, for
example, has made it easier than ever for people to stay in touch with family and friends and to meet new people. Moreover, access to these
services is free, making online communication a far cheaper alternative to sending letters or making phone calls.
Technology and human life cannot be separated; society has a cyclical co-dependence on technology. We use technology; depend on
technology in our daily life and our needs and demands for technology keep on rising. Humans use technology to travel, to communicate,
to learn, to do business and to live in comfort. However technology has also caused us concerns. Its poor application has resulted into the
pollution of the environment and it has also cause serious threat to our lives and society. This calls for proper use of technology. The biggest
challenge facing people is to determine the type of future we need to have and then create relevant technologies which will simplify the way
we do things.
It is impossible to explore how each new advanced technology has impacted our lives and how it will impact the future. Technology impacts
the environment, people and the society as a whole. The way we use technology determines if its impacts are positive to the society or
negative. For example, (POSITIVE IMPACT) we can use corn to make ethanol and this ethanol can be used as fuel. Fuel can be used to
run machines and cars which will increase on output of manufacturing industries at a lower cost. (NEGATIVE IMPACT) However, if we
decide to shift large quantities of corn to fuel production from food production, humans will be left with no food and this will cause world
hunger which even be a worse situation.
Basing on the example above, technology by its self is not harmful to the society, but the way society uses technology to achieve specific
goals is what results into negative impacts of technology on the society. Humans need to use energy to process products in factories, to run
cars , to light homes and also run technological machines like computers, but the only way we can do this without affecting the environment
and society , is by shifting from exhaustible energy sources to renewable and inexhaustible sources like Solar / Wind energy. Below I have
listed both positive and negative impacts of technology on our society:
Technology has mechanized agriculture: Technology has mechanized agriculture : Modern agricultural technology allows a small number
of people to grow vast quantities of food in a short period of time with less input which results into high yields and RIO ”return on
investment”. Through government subsidies, small and medium sized farmers have managed to acquire ploughing, sowing, watering and
harvesting machines. The use of technology in agriculture has also resulted into the manufacturing of genetic crops which can grow fast
and they can be resistant to many pests and diseases. Also farmers have access to artificial fertilizers which add value to the soil and boost
the growth of their crops and enable them to produce high quality yields. Farmers in dry areas have been in position to grow healthy crops,
they use advanced water pumps and sprinklers which derive water from rivers to the farms, the all process can be automated to save time.
Technology has improved transportation: Technology has improved transportation: Transportation is one of the basic areas of
technological activity. Both society and businesses have benefited from the new transpiration methods. Transportation provides mobility for
people and goods. Transportation, like all other technologies can be viewed as a system. It is a series of parts that are interrelated. These
parts all work together to meet a certain goal. Transportation uses vehicles, trains, airplanes, motorbikes, people, roads, energy, information,
materials, finance and time. All these parts i have mentioned work together to move and relocate people and goods. Technology has helped
in advancing all the four types of transportation and these include ; (1) road transport used by automobiles ,(2) air transport which is used by
airplanes , (3)water transportation which is used by ships and speed boats and (4) space transportation used to go to the moon.

Technology has improved communication: Technology has improved communication: Communication is used for a number of purposes.
Both society and organizations depend on communication to transfer information. People use technology to communicate with each other.
Electronic medias like radios, televisions, internet , social medias have improved the way we exchange ideas which can develop our
societies. In many countries, radios and televisions are used to voice the concerns of the society, they organize live forums where the
community can contribute through mobile phones or text service systems like tweeter. During political elections, leaders use radio, television
and internet medias to reach the people they want to serve.
Technology has improved education and learning process: Technology has improved education and learning process: Education is
the backbone of every economy. People need well and organized educational infrastructures so that they can learn how to interpret
information. Many schools have started integrating educational technologies in their schools with a great aim of improving the way students
learn. Technologies like smart whiteboards, computers, mobile phones, ipads , projectors and internet are being used in classrooms to
boost students moral to learn.


Resource Depletion: The more demand for new technologies and advancement of current technologies, the more pressure we put on
earth’s natural resources. Look at the total number of mobile phones and computers being manufactured today, our population is increasing
every day and all these billion consumers demand either a mobile phone or a computer in their homes or offices. This is good news to the
manufactures, like Apple or Samsung, the demand for their gadgets is high, but to sustain this demand, they have to exploit Mother Nature
for resources like aluminum, once these resources are extracted from the earth plates, they will never return back because it took them a
billion years to mature.
Technology transfer, also called transfer of technology (TOT), is the process of transferring technology from the places and ingroups of
its origination to wider distribution among more people and places. It occurs along various axes: among universities, from universities to
businesses, from large businesses to smaller ones, from governments to businesses, across borders, both formally and informally, and both
openly and surreptitiously. Often it occurs by concerted effort to share skills, knowledge, technologies, methods of manufacturing, samples
of manufacturing, and facilities among governments or universities and other institutions to ensure that scientific and technological
developments are accessible to a wider range of users who can then further develop and exploit the technology into new products,
processes, applications, materials, or services.

The Importance of Teaching Technology to Teachers

“Technology is the wave of the future.” There’s no denying that. It’s actually the wave of the present.
> Because technology has increased the intensity and complexity of literate environments, the twenty-first century demands that a literate
person possess a wide range of abilities and competencies, many literacies. These literacies—from reading online newspapers to
participating in virtual classrooms—are multiple, dynamic, and malleable. As in the past, they are inextricably linked with particular histories,
life possibilities and social trajectories of individuals and groups. Twenty-first century readers and writers need to:
> 1. Develop proficiency with the tools of technology
> 2. Build relationships with others to pose and solve problems collaboratively and cross-culturally
> 3. Design and share information for global communities to meet a variety of purposes
> 4. Manage, analyze and synthesize multiple streams of simultaneous information
> 5. Create, critique, analyze, and evaluate multi-media texts
> 6. Attend to the ethical responsibilities required by these complex environments
Importance Of Technology For Teachers
Technology For Teachers
Technology is evolving with a lightning speed. Imagine when learning is mixed with technology wonderful outcomes will be there. Education
would be evolving with the impact of technology when in student & teacher’s hand. Teaching in a physical classroom remained the dominant
form of delivering lectures for a good number of centuries. But setbacks of traditional teaching styles led to the development of online
learning or multimedia teaching.

Computer based effective teaching offers powerful, interesting and new way of providing knowledge to students. So, for effective teaching
with new technology every teacher needs to know about technology. Teachers need to know how to operate & integrate the tools effectively.
Effective teachers maximize the potential of the technology to develop student’s understanding and stimulate their interest to improve
subject proficiency. Technology can be used strategically to provide better access for learning and concept clearance.
Today all the educational institutes maximize the potential of student learning through the implementation of computational tools. They
ensure that not only students but teachers must have better access to technology and knowledge of the tools. Multimedia approach of
education like use of audio-visual tools & devices for better understanding of concepts has widely been set up in almost all the institutes.
This led to speedy and effective learning and that might be non-volatile. Today, the teacher’s role is not merely limited to reading books, for
conceptual clearance they might refer to internet technology and so share the same with their students By the use of technology educator
Make the boring lectures far interesting by delivering dynamic presentations using MS PowerPoint.
Through advocating videos, a student’s interest can be enhanced in a particular topic . There are abundant lectures on teachertube, edutube
etc. that could be reviewed in reference.
Use of internet tools like RSS feed, virtual world or classroom, Workgroup tools opens up wide edges of learning. The list just goes on & on
and the potential is endless.
WiZiQi enables teachers & learners to teach and learn online trespassing the barriers of distance, time and cost.
Students use internet tools on a regular basis and using internet technology by a teacher for educating students in a classroom means that
teachers will be talking to them in their language that leads to broad understanding. So learning a little about these tools is not a bad deal.
These tools are low cost and might be free that come for a trial run. These tools can be used to support classroom teaching or distance
learning. So it goes beyond the geographical and physical barriers to provide learning. Technology opens vast opportunities that could never
have been possible previously.

How important is technology in education?

10 reasons for the importance of technology in education:
Students demand it.
Students are engaging with technology constantly outside of the classroom. Kids like to be interactive, and learning through technology has
now become a part of their lifestyle.

New teachers are demanding it.

The technology movement has been implemented in post-secondary education as well as other professional jobs. For new teachers,
technology is considered a necessity for the learning environment.

Kids are the digital native.

Kids know technology better than most adults. It has become the easiest way they learn, because it is such an integral part of their life.
Engaging with technology in the classroom has not only helped them learn better, but they also acquire multi-tasking skills. At this day in
age, they hardly know how to learn without it. This knowledge is important, because they would be way behind in the real world without it.

Kids can learn at their own pace.

We know from years of experience that kids learn at their own pace, but sometimes the traditional classroom makes it difficult to do so. With
the integration of technology in education, children have the ability to slow down and go back over lessons and concepts, and more
advanced kids can go ahead. It also frees up the teacher to help kids on a more one-on-one level.

With technology, there are no limitations.

Having access to other information outside of the book gives students many different ways to learn a concept. Teachers can come up with
creative ways to teach their students that keeps them engaged. Technology has changed the learning environment so that learning is more
hands-on. Schools throughout the nation are diverse in income, and often kids don’t always get the resources they need. The
implementation of technology in schools helps close that gap.

Technology has the ability to enhance relationships between teachers and students.
When teachers effectively integrate technology into subject areas, teachers grow into roles of adviser, content expert, and coach.
Technology helps make teaching and learning more meaningful and fun. Students are also able to collaborate with their own classmates
through technological applications.

Testing has gone online

One protocol that schools don’t have control over, but must adapt to, is online testing. Testing online is the way of the future, but it has a lot
of advantages. Assessing students’ performance can be done instantly with technology. Beyond seeing test scores in real-time, teachers
can better track and understand students’ grasp of the subject.

Multitude of resources
Computers, tablets, and other forms of technology bring multiple resources for the teacher that’s not in the book. They not only keep
students engaged with exciting new features and apps, but also have other ways to teach students material. Every kid learns differently, and
technology helps with this gap as well.

Technology keeps kids engaged.

The students of this generation are considered technological learners. They learn best being more interactive, and technology is what helps
them do that. Children often struggle to stay on task or interested, and with resources to help the teacher, they can better stay focused and
learn faster.

Technology is necessary to succeed outside of primary and secondary education

Whether we like it or not, technology is an essential concept to learn. Because it changes so quickly, children are better off learning about it
sooner. It is a primary part of every industry, and there is no way around it. These days, technology means more than just learning basic
computing skills. Technology has made itself part of every aspect of our lives today, and the students who understand it are the ones who
succeed in the business world.

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