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Linking Words IELTS – Writing Task

Listing Giving examples Generalising
firstly, secondly, thirdly for example in general
first, furthermore, finally for instance generally
to begin, to conclude as follows: on the whole
next that is as a rule
Reinforcement in this case for the most part
also namely in most cases
furthermore in other words usually
moreover Result / Consequence Highlighting
what is more so in particular
in addition therefore particularly
besides as a result/consequence especially
above all accordingly mainly
as well (as) consequently Reformulation
in the same way because of this/that in other words
not only ... but also thus rather
Similarity hence to put it more simply
equally for this/that reason Expressing an alternative
likewise so that alternatively
similarly in that case rather
correspondingly under these circumstances on the other hand
in the same way Deduction the alternative is
Transition to new point then another possibility would be
now, in other words Contrast
as far as x is concerned in that case instead
with regard/reference to otherwise conversely
as for ... this implies that ... on the contrary
it follows that if so/not in contrast
turning to Stating the obvious in comparison
Summary obviously Concession
in conclusion clearly even though
to conclude naturally however
in brief of course however much
to summarise as can be expected nevertheless
overall surely still
therefore after all yet
Presenting Your Opinion:

 In my opinion, both the government and citizens of a country should come forward and
fight the corruption.
 I think, students at the university level should not be forced to attend the class.
 In my view, mothers have more intimate relationships with their children and that is why
they should spend more time with them.
 This is undoubtedly a very good solution but I believe, there are better solutions than that.
 I admit that we now have a busy life but that does not mean that we should not find time
to take part in community programmes.
Agree/ Disagree:

 I agree with the notion that students should take a year gap for travelling or working before
they graduate.
 I concur with the opinion that specifically supports restricting the car ownership as a
measure to kerb the air pollution.
 I disagree with the viewpoint that women leadership ensures world peace.
 I cannot agree that increasing the fuel price would be a viable solution to restrict the
vehicles on the road.
 I oppose the idea that people attend a college or a university only to get a job.
 I cannot accept the fact that tourism alone is responsible for the loss of native culture
and tradition.
Giving Examples:

 To cite an example, I started learning a second language at my primary school and that
did not increase my study pressure at all.
 For example, most of the companies want their employees to enhance their skills so that
they can better perform over the time.
 For instance, many developing countries are trying to improve their GDP through their
export activities.
 Namely, Australia and Canada have many charity organisations which work exactly for
this cause.
 To illustrate, universities, these days, offer a wide range of subjects than they used to do
in the past.
 One clear example would be my sister who, despite her graduation in mathematics,
works as a journalist in a daily newspaper.
 In other words, fathers should share these responsibilities and let mothers enjoy some
leisure hours. [N.B. Use this expression (i.e. in other words) to express or point something
in a different way, to make it easier, clear and to emphasise.]
 To give an example, modern household appliances and kitchenware have made the
cooking process easier and faster.
Listing Points:

 First, public transportations are cheap and can carry many passengers at a time.
Firstly, increasing the fuel price would affect the daily budget of all citizens.
To begin with, people has paid taxes and worked for the country for their whole life.
 Second(ly), we do not have to worry about parking, garage, traffic rule violation and fuel
cost when we do not own a car.
 Third(ly), smoking does not have a single benefit but a pile of disadvantages.
Fourth(ly), ever increasing population is a reason for increased house rent, competitive
job market and pollution.
 Lastly, the rail is one of the safest transportation systems that can carry a huge number
of passengers at a time.
 Finally, parents spend more time with their children than a teacher does.
Last but not least, countries like Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Nepal prove that
violence and crime can be in a peak even under the woman leadership.
Reasons and Causes:

 Since the developing countries have adopted technology in their agriculture sector, their
yearly productions have increased significantly.
 Another group of people attend a night school because they work at the day time.
 As mothers mostly stay home, they have a greater responsibility in upbringing children.
 Due to the widespread corruption in these less developed countries.
 The new factory would have many negative effects and would destroy the serenity of our
community owing to (because of/ on account of) its location in the middle of our area.

Adding Information:
 Additionally, computer games are addictive and can waste a large portion of the valuable
time of a school-going child.
 Moreover, young people have better technological knowledge than the older generation.
 In addition to that, fast food contains the fat, preservative, and other harmful ingredients
which are very detrimental to our health.
 Furthermore, helping developing countries in terms of providing education facilities, can
strengthen the relationship between two countries.
 And the negative impacts of establishing a large factory in our community would trigger
other adverse consequences which would be hard to tackle in the long run.
 Not only deforestation damages the natural habitats of many species but also is the main
reason for global warming.
 Also, cities provide better job opportunities and a better-living standard.
 Too much dependency on technological devices as well as the internet would bring
catastrophic consequences once something goes wrong.
Results and Consequences:

 As a result, lessons learned from our experiences have better effects in our life.
 Hence, I completely disagree that the factory would be a good place for new jobs for the
community people.
 So, owning a car would offer someone the freedom that he usually does have with it.
 Therefore, radio is the most popular media for entertainment in most of the countries.
 Thus, overreliance on technology can bring the dreadful events in the upcoming future.
 Consequently, we remember such gifts and revere the good wishes that were conveyed
through those gifts.
 For this reason, I would like to own a private car than always relying on the public
To Indicate Time:

 Subsequently, the increasing population in the city areas are the main reason there are
so many unemployed people in these cities.
 Eventually, the cost of medical health care would increase day by day and mass people
would find it hard to get proper medical facilities.
 Meanwhile, a single international language would reduce the language barrier among the
people of different countries to a great extent.
 Henceforth (Hereafter, hence, subsequently, from now on), the government should
increase its budget and manpower for fighting the corruption.
 Initially, it can be supported by the government but in the long run, it should be people
who should spontaneously support this cause both verbally and financially.
Highlighting & Emphasising:

 This step would be advantageous for people, especially for rural people, as it would
increase the job opportunities in rural areas.
 Clearly, this law is a violation of people's privacy and that is why this law needs
 Obviously, automation in government sectors would reduce the corruption to a great
 Corruptions in government sectors, specifically in countries like India and Bangladesh,
is another hindrance in the overall progress.
 Of course, the government has a responsibility to support those older people.
 In particular, there is almost no university in such underdeveloped areas and a large
number of students, due to this, move to the city areas each year.
Presenting Contrast:

 Despite its immense benefits, we should be wary of its usages in our daily life.
 In spite of a remarkable progress in recent years, women are still suffering from social
discriminations in many developing countries.
 By contrast, knowledge gained from travelling and from real life experiences has a
greater impact on our future course of actions in life.
 Alternatively, the government can impose laws to control the market price of most
essential commodities.
 Another option could be restricting the number of children a family can have.
 On the other hand, owning a car is expensive as it requires parking, fuel, servicing,
maintaining and yearly renewal costs.
 Still, strictly controlling the number of children a family can have is not a feasible solution.
 However, many destitute families rely on the earning those young children bring to the
 Although implementing this would require a huge sum of money, this, in my opinion, is
the most optimal solution.
 Even though their arguments are somewhat convincing to listen to, in reality, the scenario
is quite the opposite.
 But, the investment in trade and finance alone does not guarantee a steady growth of the
GDP for this country.
Presenting Comparison:

 In comparison to the past century, people these days do not have a strong family tie.
 Admittedly, severe punishments set examples to other people temporarily but it lacks
any long term effect.
 Similarly, capital punishment is brutal and fail to establish a bridge between the social
unrest and reformation.
 Likewise, technological advancement creates new job opportunities both in developing
and developed countries.
 In the same way, increasing the tax would not be a viable solution to address this issue.
Linking Words for Conclusion:

 To sum up, it is up to us to judge the authenticity of a news. But the journalists also have
a professional and moral obligation to present us the truth.
 In conclusion, we should strictly monitor the type of programmes our children watch.
 To conclude, university admission should be merit-based, not gender-based.
 To draw the conclusion, this is our world and we have to save it. Uncontrolled use of
natural resources would endanger our very existence and that is why we should be much
sensible of their usages.

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