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This adventure is suitable for 4-6, 1st level adventurers.

Maps and stat blocks for NPC’s not included.

“Trash Trove”
While frequenting the local inn adventurers are approached by a mysterious hooded figure. The cloaked figure
pulls back his hood to reveal a rather frail looking man with dark circles around his eyes. He wears a thin wiry
mustache and is ringing his hands. He claims he has a proposition for the adventurers that will reward them
handsomely. He begs the adventurers his pardon and introduces himself as Easly Fenser the proprietor of the
local Pawnshop. He claims that an old man somewhat of a hermit lives on the outskirts of town in a small cave
to the north. The old man goes by the name Hagard and usually frequents the village to beg for scraps and sift
through waste for items of value. Hagard has visited the pawnshop on several occasions with items of some
value that could be resold. Easly hasn’t seen Hagard in over a week and is beginning to wonder what has become
of him. Hagard has mentioned to Easly upon visiting the pawnshop that he keeps a trove of treasures in his
abode and how someday he is going to be wealthy beyond all imagination. Easly is too frail and weak for an
excursion into the wilderness. He claims he will pay the adventurers handsomely if they can convince Hagard to
relinquish some of his trove and bring it to the pawnshop. Like Easly, Hagard is too old to be hauling treasures to
and from town to sell at the local pawnshop. Unbeknownst to the adventurers Easly had recently sent a few
thugs to Hagard’s cave to retrieve an item of utmost value to Easly. Easly and Hagard once tossed back a few too
many at the local inn one night and Hagard let slip that he was in possession of something valuable. Now Easly
wants it and has gone to great lengths to secure this something. However the thugs never returned.

DM Note: A small cavern complex should be created either using a dungeon generator or simply hand drawn.

Upon the adventurers arrival at the cave entrance they are overwhelmed by the stench of something rotting just
beyond. The thugs tried to force Hagard to give up his treasure. Half crazed Hagard fought the thugs killing one,
then met his demise at the hands of the others. Amidst piles of trash, rotting cloth and wood are the remains of
the deceased. Debris is scattered throughout this small cavern complex. Some of which does have some relative
value of which could be sold to the local pawnshop. Everything from small wooden shield, leather armor, hand
axe, dagger, 6 normal arrows, high hard boots, belt, small iron box, bullseye lantern, small silver mirror, thieves
picks and tools minus a few, leather pouch containing 12 incense sticks, vial of holy water, small saddle bags etc.
Although hidden among the vast hoard of trash is the real prize...a figurine of wonderous power (Ebony Fly). It
appears to be a statuette of small size about an inch or so high. Only if the adventurers spend a full turn sifting
through each pile will the latter be discovered. There are three piles of debris in the three small caverns of
Hagard’s abode. Coincidentally Hagard has not been living alone...the rotting corpses and debris have attracted
the presence of SCUM CREEPER. MONSTER MANUAL II pg. 107. If one of the corpses of the thugs is turned
face up the adventurers will discover one of these monsters hugging the face of a thug.

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