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Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT BGS Sehemme e« (CLT - Fourth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, Dee.2018/Jan.2019 Control Systems ime: 3 brs, 1a Define contol system. Write the differences hotieen open lo} Jp consol system. on a For the mechanical system shown in Fig.Q1(b) the analog FeV analogs. resg@h for the transfer function ofa close lo. (08 Marts) Fig.02(0) using block diagram reduction rules and (stars) (ears) si6 Fig Qe) tol BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Viuresource Go Green initiative Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT 1SECAS, Modute-2 3. With the help of graphical representation and. mathematical expression, explfiy the following tes signals. Hp Step signal 1) Ramp signe! i) Impulse signal iv) Parabolic signal, co wa Derive an expression forthe underdamped response of a second order feedback control system for Sep input oR 4 & Define the following terms with respoet 10 an underdamped secon: ip Peak time (T,) i setling time (Ts) ii) Delay Time (1). 404s 1b. Aurity eeack system has G(S}= Bist INs +8) Determine : All error co-efficient i) ror for amp inpuglith OTA. stars) ‘c.Derive the expression fr rise time(T). (0 Macks) 5 a A feedbuck contol system has a characte Pa De +95 + MGs) + Dds + 325+ 16=0, How many poles are: i in the left half of hall of the plane faginery axis i) on the right (@o Mars b. Fora unity feedback system, Gis)= Find the range of values of °, 5s) ‘marginal value of°K" and frequey OY susainet Bsellations (06 sans) ce. Exphin he Routh's sabiity creo ing the stability ofa system, (4 Mars 6» intent nnn co : : NES =e Sketch he compte tem having Ges) = = " 7 Bog Eey (s+ IMs +2¥8+3) (Maris) Modute-t 74. Sketch thy bode Teanste inetion a ‘alu fk forthe gain cross-over equency 1 be Sais. U0 Mar) oS in i) Phas marain i) Gain eosvaer Reguensy. (hs Mare) on 82. FoRRRin contol system i So Saez ‘ketch the Nyquist plot and hence calculate the range oF values of far system stability (0 Maris) ‘State and explain the Nygust stability criterion {06 Maris) 2083 BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Viuresource Go Green initiative Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT Modules Explain atypical system with digital controller. Explain the Spectrum analysis of sampling proces oR 10 a. Obtain the state transition matrix for a? | ark 2 3 List the properties of state transition matt. 8 Nacko Define: state i state variables, rw (08 Mart) 303 BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS. A Viuresource Go Green initiative

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