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Module I: Primary vs.

Secondary Sources on the Tejeros Convention

I. Learning Objectives:

1. Identify and evaluate the primary and secondary sources.

2. Examine how these types of sources affect the grand narratives of

Philippine History.

3. Appreciate the value of these sources in reconstructing the past of


II. Core Value:

MABUTI – Giving importance to honest and authentic information.

III. Selected Materials for groupings:

 Memoir of A General by Mariano Alvarez

 Revolt of the Masses by Teodoro Agoncillo

IV. Activity: Comparative analysis of primary and secondary sources

The following are the directions for the comparative analysis activity on the Tejeros
Convention by Alvarez and Agoncillo:
1. You have to read the event leading to the Tejeros Convention using Santiago
Alvarez’ “Memoir of a General” (Torres, p.122) and Teodoro Agoncillo’s
“Revolt of the Masses” (Agoncillo, pp. 201-217) as reading references.

2. You will be grouped into five to six groups, and make a comparative analysis
of the two sources using the matrix provided below. (Note: The matrix can be
adjusted depending on the length of the answers.)

3. After completing the comparative analysis matrix, you will be tasked to

upload/post your output on Canvas under “Discussions” through your assigned
group leader.

4. You have to check and reflect on your classmates’ output posted on the
Canvas and have a group written output or reflection using the guide
questions provided below.
5. The groups should provide the differences and commonalities in their findings
on the last three items of the matrix with that of the other groups.

6. The group with the best-written output will be given an incentive in choosing
the topic that individual members prefer in the next module plus each member
will have a lifeline grade for a quiz if she/he got a lower score. (Note: The
Reflective Writing Rubric is provided below)

7. Each group will be required to do a peer evaluation of their group mates

regarding the level of participation/contribution using a rubric provided by the

ACTIVITY 1: RPH (Group Reflection)

Group name & section: Date:

Guide Questions:

1. What is/are the similarity/similarities of your group’s output with the other groups
with regards to “strengths and weaknesses” of the Agoncillo and Alvarez accounts?
Provide a brief explanation.

2. What is/are the difference/s of your group’s output with the other groups on the
“strengths and weaknesses” of Agoncillo and Alvarez accounts? Provide a brief

3. On the biases of Agoncillo and Alvarez, why do you think you have the same or
different findings from the other groups? Cite your sources.

VI. References:

Agoncillo, Teodoro A., (1956), The Revolt of the Masses: The Story of Bonifacio and the
Katipunan, Quezon City, University of the Philippines.

Torres, Jose Victor, (2018), BATIS: Sources in Philippine History. C&E Publishing, Inc.,
Quezon City.
Module I Worksheet for Primary vs. Secondary sources on the Tejeros convention.

Primary source: Santiago

Secondary source: Teodoro Agoncillo’s
Background Alvarez’ “Memoir of a
“Revolt of the Masses”

Teodoro A. Agoncillo is considered one of

Santiago V. Alvarez was a
the most important historians of our time.
revolutionary general and a
His new brand of historiography did away
founder and honorary
with conventional ways of writing the history
president of the first
of Philippines—through the eyes of
directorate of the
foreigners—and introduced a more Filipino-
Nacionalista Party.
centric style, seeing the events of the
Philippines unfold through the eyes of
Also known as “Kidlat ng
Filipinos. Today, his works are considered
Apoy” (Lighting of Fire)
essential to the study of Philippine history,
because of his inflamed
Author’s background and have also transcended to the realm of
bravery and dedication as
classic literature.
commander of Cavite’s
famous battles (particularly
In 1985 Agoncillo was included in the roster
that in Dalahican), he was
of the Order of National Scientists by
rejoiced in the present-day
President Ferdinand E. Marcos for his
Cavite City as the “Hero” of
contributions to Philippine History. His
the Battle of Dalahican.
notable works include The History of the
Filipino People; Malolos: The Crisis of the
Republic; The Writings and Trials of
Bonifacio; and Revolt of the Masses.

First distributed during the

Agoncilloʼs book was written in 1947 so as
1920s in Sampaguita,
to snare the present onto the past. The
Tagalog week after week,
1890s subjects of abuse and disloyalty by
the diaries are replicated in
the propertied class, the ascent of a
this volume together with the
plebeian chief, and the revolt of the majority
English interpretation by
against Spain, are certainly being happened
Paula Carolina Malay.
in the late 1940s.
Filipino and American history
specialists have reproduced
When was the account The governmental issues of snaring the
the Philippine Revolution to
written? present onto past occasions also, heroic
suit the political needs of
figures prompted the prize-winning
succeeding ages, ignoring
manuscriptʼs concealment from 1948 to
viewpoints that currently
1955. At last seeing print in 1956, it gave a
develop so obviously in
novel and convenient perusing of Bonifacio
Alvarez's record - an
when Rizalʼs inheritance was being debated
embittered factionalism,
in the Senate and as the Church chain of
strong undercurrents of
command, ministers, scholarly people,
messianism and animism
understudies, and even overall population
and a violent machismo.
were becoming involved with warmed
To give their new country contentions over national heroes.
Western style legends and
gallantry, after war Filipino
Historians regularly stripped
these occasions of their
credibility. Alvarez gives us
back these components
without stigmatizing the pride
or brilliance of the revolution.
"In the interest of noble truth"
he composed of the victories
just as disappointments,
dauntlessness just as
mercilessness, giving the
new crude material to
reproducing this part of the
Filipino past.

Memoir of a General . Revolt of the Masses

• The assembly was held in
Bario, Tejeros. The leaders • The story began from presenting the two
seated at the presidential groups, the Magdiwang and Magdalo that
table and others are standing originated from a progressive gathering the
on both sides. Katipunan. Magdalo and Magdiwang never
got together that is the reason they
• Chairman Jacinto decided autonomously chosen men to control their
to start discussing what kind legislatures.
of government they should
• Magdalo picked Mariano Alvarez as its
• The “K” on the flag of leader while the Magdalo chose Baldomero
katipunan which stood for Aguinaldo as its leader both joined by the
Sequence of events kalayaan but Severino De las possess priests and secretaries. The two
Alas spoke that the “K” and groups endeavor to make their individual
the sun on the flag did not armed forces wear indistinguishable garbs
specify whether the however the arrangement did not go well
government is revolutionary as the agitators did not have a medium to
or not. purchase the regalia. Pioneers of the
groups needs to control over the other yet
• Mr Antonio did not allow neither one nor the other wouldn’t give
revolutionary government. regard or bow to one another.
Geneal Apoy was anger by
the words of Mr Antonio.
• They have a contention that is quiet yet
• The Supremo spoke again destroying that can obliterate they’re
saying who won with the solidarity in the main the main motivation
most number of votes they behind why the foes can't threaten the
should be respected territory. Magdiwang men welcomed
according to their status in Andres Bonifacio with the goal for him to
life. see with his own eyes the
accomplishments revolutionaries be
• When the election started accomplish and furthermore to intercede
the supremo place for the the two committees.
president and vice president
we’re not given to supremo
but the place for secretary of • Because of his inadvertent activities
interior was given to him by individuals deciphered Aguinal do signals
Daniel Tinroma because that he respected himself better and a ruler
he’s suitable to be a lawyer. than others.

• Bonifacio drew his gun and

pointed it to Daniel Tinroma. • The difference between the devotees of
He slowly disappeared in the the two groups formed into desire and
crowd because of doubt to one another that lead them in the
embarrassment. choice to design a get together in Imus.

• The race occurred at the Tejeros in

Cavite. The gathering open up as
aguinaldo whom made the progressive
government that ther is no utilization of the
katipunan government since it is the
beginning of Upheaval of the General
public maybe it ought to be lead by
somebody able.

• The gathering is warmed and the tempers

were high that they set aside the effort to
have a break. At last Bonifacio which
spoke to magdiwang misfortune to
Aguinaldo whom spoke to magdalo for
administration and Mariano trias was
chosen over Andres Bonifacio for VP.
Bonifacio was chosen as Chief of Inside.

• Choice was condemn by Daniel Tirona

because of his remarks, Bonifacio felt
outrage and terrify that he drew his gun
and pointed it fortunately. Ricarte snatched
his hand that dodged a nearly traggic
• In the it discloses through the letter that
men spread articulations that they ought
not be represented by pueblos rather ought
to be lead by Emilio Aguinaldo.

 Alvarez is the primary

source. He witness
the event because he
was present at that
time. He was part of
the revolutionary  The author is the main or primary
council that time. source since he is an historian some
of the part of his account has been
 The record itself is through books and journals.
different because the
Differences between the two
record was based on  The record itself since some details
his story since he originated from different books and
was their on the historian
meeting. .
 Some of the details are not really
 In this account the required in the story
information is
accurate and direct to
the point.
 Has many events he put on the book
 The written account
and also he had many sources and
was documented by
the author itself.
 The account was made by historian
and great researcher.
 The author is present
Strengths and weaknesses that day.
of the accounts
 Some of the events
 The author of the account written
may not be true.
was not present during the historical
 There is no
 The information is not reliable and
information that leads
to confusion.

Alvarez's bias is about the

election that happened in
tejeros convention. The
events that are given by
However, while Agoncillo's bias came up
Alvarez is pertaining on how
before what happened at the tejeros
the settlement goes on
convention, Agoncillo mention everything in
electing the officials and
his account. He even mentioned the
Author’s bias what occurred during the day
appearance of the Tejeros Convention and
in tejeros. Alvarez's points
the looks of the men of magdiwang.
are about the event and what
Agoncillo's account is more detailed than
the committee has done.
Alvarez's account.
Alvarez only mentioned the
events of what happened
and how the tejeros
convention went through.

Name: _______________________________
Peer Evaluation

100 80 60 40
Participation Always willing Usually willing Sometimes Rarely willing
and focused and focused willing and and focused
during group during group focused during during group
work and work and group work and work and
presentation. presentation. presentation. presentation.

Evaluator: ________________________

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

Readings in Philippine History

Section and Group: __________________

Reflective Writing Rubric

Levels of Quality
Excellent Proficient Adequate Limited

Content and Demonstrated a Demonstrated a Demonstrated a Demonstrated a

Depth of conscious and thorough thoughtful basic understanding limited understanding
reflection understanding of the understanding of the of the writing prompt of the writing prompt
writing prompt and the writing prompt and and the subject and subject matter.
(50%) subject matter. This the subject matter. matter. This reflection needs
reflection can be used revision.
as an example for other
50 40 30 20
Use of textual Used specific and Used relevant Used examples from Used incomplete or
evidence and convincing examples examples from the the texts to support vaguely developed
historical from the texts studied texts studied to most claims in the examples to only
context to support claims in the support claims in the writing with some partially support
writing, making writing, making connections made claims with no
(30%) insightful and applicable between texts. connections made
applicable connections connections between between texts.
between texts. texts.
30 25 20 15
Introduction, detail Introduction, detail Introduction, detail Introduction, detail
Organization arrangement, arrangement, arrangement, arrangement,
transitions, transitions, transitions, transitions,
(20%) conclusion and conclusions and conclusion and conclusion and
coherence are coherence are coherence are coherence are
superior. very good. satisfactory. limited.

20 15 10 5

Total Score:

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