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Chapter 1


This chapter presents the introduction, the problem and

its background it includes the background of the study

conceptual framework, statement of the problem, hypotheses,

scope and limitation, significance of the study and the

definition of terms.

Background of the study

Work Immersion is one of the course requirements for

graduation. Through Work Immersion, the students are exposed

to and become familiar with work-related environment related

to their field of specialization to enhance their competence.

Work immersion is a key feature in the Senior High School

curriculum (SHS) and refers to the part of that consists of

80 hours of hands-on experience or work simulation which

Grades 11 and 12 students will undergo to expose them to the

actual workplace setting and to enrich the competencies

provided by the school under the supervision of the School

Head and the designated personnel of the Partner. Work

immersion is the counterpart of the internship programs in

the tertiary level. The said learning experience that the

students can get from it which can range from 80 to 320 hours

will surely enable and help students as they familiarize

themselves with the workplace thus experience workplace

simulation and apply their competencies in areas of

specialization. The completion of work immersion is a

prerequisite to graduation under the K-12 program. This is a

first rate on the part of DepEd, since young people like to

explore and to connect with the people, this work immersion

will provide them to acquire relevant skills by performing in

actual work setting. According to Department of Education

Order No. 30 s. 2017, one of the goals of the K to12 Basic

Education program is to develop in learners the competencies,

work ethics and values relevant to pursuing further education

and or joining the world of work. In order that the nations

development target will be realized and to achieve greater

congruence with the basic education, work immersion is a

required subject that has been incorporated in the

curriculum. Students needs guidance in the proper selection

of their desired career, where, they will arrive at the right

decision considering their innate capacities, educational

privilege offered to the students and other resources that

society makes available for them to be more efficient and

effective (DepEd, 2017).

According to qualifax, selecting the best possible

course for you is a key decision to make, and often a

challenging one. The stress on Leaving Certificate students

is compounded by intense pressure to choose the ‘right’ CAO

course before they even step onto a university campus.

(Carpio 2018) stated that, picking a college course is

one of the biggest and most challenging decisions your child

will ever make. In making this decision, it cannot be denied

that parents, most of the time, want to have a say on what is

the “right,” “best,” or “most practical” course.

According to, if you’re completely

stuck for ideas on which courses to pick, then think back to

the subjects you enjoyed at school. Exploring your favourite

school subject further at college could make you love it even

more and open up a path for your future when it comes to your

career. However, still remember to look at the specifics of

the course as it may be slightly different from the GCSE

subjects you're used to. Magno (2018) stated that they will

be competent to their respective field of interests and will

they be skilful and knowledgeable enough to help suffice the

economic needs of the Philippines especially in the man power

field. Mckay(2019) stated that before you can choose the right

career, you must learn about yourself. Your values,

interests, soft skills, and aptitudes, in combination with

your personality type, make some occupations a good fit for

you and others completely inappropriate. According to

universalclass, making decisions is a part of everyday life.

Some consider it an art, others a proficiency. Decisions may

be personal or professional, but, in each case, the choices

will often have lasting consequences. In other words, the

decisions we make have the potential to affect ourselves and

others in the short and long term. Therefore, it is valuable

to possess a skill set that will allow you to reflect and

weigh alternatives -- finally electing the option that is the

most appropriate for each situation. This research tries to

tackle the impact of work immersion to the preferred course

in college of the S.Y 2018-2019 senior high students. If

participating work immersion, make the students change their

minds in choosing their course in college.

Conceptual Framework

Impact of Work Immersion to the preferred course in

college of the respondents

Finding and Recommendation

Respondents -Determine the Output
profile impact of Work
Impact of F
 Gender Immersion to the
work E
 Strand preferred course
 Preferred of the E
Course respondents Questionnaire
through survey result D
 Course
Taken questioners. B
-Compare the A
preferred course
and the actual C
course taken by K
the respondents.

Students, teachers, Parents, and

Future Researchers.
Samar National School

Figure1. Conceptual Framework of the study

Statement of the problem

Everything can be changed based on an experience.

Sometimes this experience can trigger you more to pursue but

some can make your decision change. This study aims to get

the impact of work immersion to the preferred course of the

Senior High School Schoolyear 2018-2019 graduates in Samar

National School.

This specifically plans to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of there;

1.1 Gender

1.2 Strand

1.3 Preferred course

1.4 Assigned for deployment

1.5 Course taken

2. What is the impact of participating work immersion to

the preferred course of the respondents?

3. What skill/s you’ve develop after participating work

immersion regarding to your preferred course?

4. What have you learned in participating work immersion?

5. How useful participating work immersion to the course

taken in college?

Hypothesis/Assumptions of the Study

Based on the specific problems in the statement of the

problem, the following null and alternative hypothesis will

be tested:

Null Hypothesis(Ho): Work immersion has no impact to the

preferred course of the Grade 12 Senior high school graduates

School year 2018-2019.

Alternative Hypothesis(Ha): Work immersion has impact to the

preferred course of the Grade 12 Senior high school graduates

School year 2018-2019.

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

This study is limited only to the Senior High School

schoolyear 2018-2019 graduates who participated work

immersion. This might include a 50 total respondents from

different strands. Supposedly, all of the SHS S.Y 2018-2019

graduates has participated work immersion but the researchers

decided to limit their respondents to 50. The main focused of

the study is to find the impact of work immersion to the

preferred course of the Senior High School schoolyear 2018-

2019 graduates in Samar National School.

Survey questionnaire will be distributed to the

respondents by the researchers. Data will be gather

personally by the researchers within November 2018 to

February 2019.

Significance of the Study

Senior high school schoolyear 2018-2019 decided on what

courses they will take on college. This study is significant

to know the impact of work immersion to the preferred course

of the respondents.

This research will benefit the following:

Students: they will be aware on the impact that work

immersion might affect to their preferred course in college.

This will also help the future senior high school students in

deciding what track in lined with their skills and interest.

Teachers: the result of this study will be useful because

they will know the knowledge and the skills of the students.

They can assign their students on the right establishment or

office that fits to the skills of their students.

Parents: they will be aware to the skills of their child.

They can be more aware about the decision making and course

that their child pursue in college.

Future researchers: This paper shall be effective and

helpful reference for the researchers who would intend to

make any further relevant study. They can also set new

knowledge to the future researchers.

Definition of terms

Work Immersion, it provides students ‘real work place’

experience that can make more informed career choices and

improve their employment prospects(The Asia Foundation,2018).

In this study, this is one of the activities that a senior

high school student should participate to graduate. This also

one of the factor why a student changed his/her preferred


Impact, to have a strong influence or effect on a situation

or person ( In this study, this is

the effect of work immersion to the preferred course of our


Prefer, to choose or want one thing rather than another

( In this study, it is the first

choice of the respondents before participating work

Course, a set of classes in a subject at a school or

university ( In this study, this is

the thing that the respondents taken after the graduation.

Senior High School, a secondary school typically comprising

the three highest grades ( In this study,

they are from batch 2018-2019 in Samar national School and

serves as our respondents.

Schoolyear, a period of time each year when people attend

school, college, or university, usually staring in September

( In this study, this is the year

of graduation of our respondents.

Strand, is a consistent thread running through a course offer

irrespective of its subject content

( In this study, this is where we

got our respondents based on their strands.

Decision, something you choose ( In

this study, this is the thing that our respondents did in

choosing their course.

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