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AMiggsseee Specitic Latent Heat of Vaporization ater Objective Theory Tools Equipment Precautions To enable the student 10 measure the specific la nt heat of vaporization of water by an electric method The specific kalent heat of vaporization is the amount of heat that is needed change | substance in the liquid stare into the gas state at the boiling point When an electric heater is immersed in a water. the electrical energy Mowing in heater will be totally converted into heat energy in the water: From electricity. the electrical energy is given by FE Pe where "P* is the heater power in watts. “t” time in seconds and "E" electrical energy in joules. From heat, we know that the heat gained by the water is given hy H=me(T2-11) where H" is heat energy in joules, “my” water mass in" specific heat in "/KgC". 11 water initial temperature in degrees Celsius before heeting, 2 is the watcr temperature affer heating in degree Celsius Assuming there no heat lost to the surroundings of the water. we can say the heal energy by the water is equal to the electrical energy Heat energy vained by water-Hlecirical eneray given by heater that is Pt-mt,, By solving for "Lo" we obtain L.=puim, hus trom this equation we need the following data to measure the specific heat of the water |. Plectric heater power, We can obtain this data from the specification ofan electric heater Ww eating time: We need a stop-wateh Jo measure the heating time fer moss: We need & balance to migasure water that tuned into liquid 1. Container: t hold the water 2. Water: to measure its specific latent heat of fusion 3. Lagging: to prevent heat from being st to the surroundings 1. Electric heater : to supply heat 2. Siop-wateh: 1o measure time interval during which heat is supplied to water 3, Balance: measure the mass of the water that melted |. When heating the water. immerse the heater completely in the water Use lagging (heat insulators) to reduce heat loss to surroundings Procedure ang DATA Method-1 «d tools and equipment \ 2 ble the experiment as shown 3, Place a quantity of water in the contain J. Measure the mass oF the water and contatagi aud deed fas mains of i electric heater 5. Place the electric heater in water placed in container Switch onthe heater Notling water, 3 3 clectricheater 7. Tumn on the stop-wateh when the water is boli stop-wate $ After several minutes. switch of the heater and the stop watch tamer Masshalance and record the mass of water as "MI ; zi 9, Recori the time ef the wateh as "I ee 10. Find the mass of the evaporated water and record it as "my oie timer Balance | 1). Evaluate the latent heat of vaporization from Lv pum i we = 12. repeat steps 7-1 and record three readings in the table 15, Calculate the average of the three values obtained | Heater Power "P" Watts Mass of water "M," Kg tre StopsWatckaime __ Massof Mass of evaporated Container* Liquid water t M =Mi-Mz Average Method-H: Prepare all the needed tools and equipment Assemble the experiment as shown 3. Place i quantity of water inthe container 4. Measure the mass of the water and container and record it as M 5. Plage the eleeire heater in water plaved in container 6. Switeh on the heater 7) Turn on the siop-warch when the water is boiling 8. After each five minutes, record the mass of water and container as "M3 9. Record the ime of the watch as" 1, Find the mass of the evaporated water and record it 2s "mn" 11. repeat step "8-10" for five times 12. Plot mass of evaporated versus time 13. Evaluate the slop trom the graph mains of electric heater boiling water electric heater: stopwatch timers. massbalance 14. Calculate the heat of vaporization from m=[P) Lt where slop=P/ Ly Heater Power (P) ‘Mags of Water and container (My 2 Mass of sated Moss RE Try TIME Gauiniees Liquid P@POtated Ma t Ms MMe 1 zg 3

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