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This is to certify that ARPIT VISHNOI ,student

of class XII has successfully completed
research project under the guidance of Mr.
ASHUTOSH SAXENA during the year 2019-
2020 in partial fulfilment of Physics practical
examination conducted by AISSCE, New

__________ ____________
Signature of Signature of
External Examiner Internal Examiner

It would by my utmost pleasure to

express my sincere thanks to my
Physics teacher
Mr. ASHUTOSH SAXENA in providing a
helping hand in this project.
His valueableguidance ,support and
supervision all through this project are
responsible for attaining its present

An Electrical Generator is a machine that converts

mechanical energy into electrical energy. This machine is
further classified into two other kinds based on the power
supply i,e ac and dc. The basic difference name a generator as
an ac or dc is its input power supply. If the supply to the
machine is single directional then it is Dc and it is vice-versa if it
is alternating. The internal operation differs with this input
supply. Let us discuss in detail considering all the aspects that
make this machine function. In AC, we use slip rings that are
used for the production of alternating current. Initially, in either
of the machines, the generated voltage or current is an
alternating one. In this article, we shall discuss what is an AC
Generator, construction, working, how EMF is induced, parts,
and applications.

Whatis an AC Generator?
Definition: This is a machine that converts mechanical energy
to electrical energy giving an output of alternating current or
voltage. It works on the principle of faraday’s law of
electromagnetic induction. The direction of current in an
Alternating Current generator is found by using fleming’s right-
hand rule. A four-pole single-phase generator is shown in the
figure below.

The A.C Generator consists of four main parts:

1.The Coil (Armature):

A rectangular coil ABCD consists of large number of turns of

copper bound over a soft iron core is called aramature. The
soft iron core is used to increase the magnetic flux.

2.Magnetic Field:

It is usually a permanent sponge magnet having concave poles.

The armature is rotated of the magnet so that axis of the
armature is perpendicular to magnetic field lines.

3.Slip Rings:

Slip rings are the magnetic rings which are connected in the
terminal of the armature . These rings are rotated with the coil
and these are used to draw the current from the generator.
4. Brushes:

The brushes B1 and B2 are just touch the slip rings . They are
not rotating with the coil and these brushes leads to the output
of load resistance.

1. The strong magnetic field is produced by a current flowing
through the field coil of the rotor.
2. The field coil in the rotar receives excitation through the
use of slip rings and brushes.
3. Two brushes are spring -held in contact with the slip rings
to provide the continuous connection between the field coil
and external circuit.
4. The armature is contained within the windings of the stator
and is connected to output.
5. Each time rotor makes one complete revolution . one
complete cycle of A.C is developed.
6. The generator has many turns of wire wound into the slots
of the rotar.
7. The magnitude of AC voltage generated by an AC
generator dependent on the field strength and speed of
the rotor.
8. Most generators are operated at a constant speed
therefore , the generated voltage depends on field
excitation , or strength.

It works on the principle of Faradays’s law of electromagnetic

induction. Whenever a conductor cuts the lines of magnetic flux
an EMF will be induced that causes the current to flow in the
conductors. For a better understanding of the working of the
Alternating Current Generator, consider a simple loop
generator placed under the influence of a magnetic field. The
loop placed inside the magnetic field is named as ABCD as this
loop is an attachment of wire AB, BC, CD, and DC. This loop is
rotated by using an external shaft which is generally a prime

Alternating Current Generator

The lines of magnetic flux will be from left to right from Pole ‘N’
and ‘S’. When the loop is rotated it cuts the magnetic flux thus,
developing an EMF. The developed EMF causes the current to
flow in the conductors. This current direction is found by using
fleming’s right-hand rule in generators.
Fleming Right Hand Rule
Fleming’s right-hand rule states that the three fingers middle,
fore-finger, and thumb are positioned perpendicular to each
other. The representation of Fleming’s Right-hand rule is shown
in the figure below.

Here, as the loop rotates, the current inside the wire AB is

found by applying this rule. The current flows inside the wire AB
for half cycle. As the loop rotates, the current inside the wire AB
reverses for the other cycle. The same thing happens in the
other wires too I,e in BC, CD, and DC. Therefore, the current
direction changes for every half-cycle as the loop rotates.


Working Alternating Current Generator

The loop end is connected to slip rings and is responsible for
the movement of the wires as the loop rotates. The slip rings
are connected to the brushes, the current passes from the slip
ring to brushes and then to the load. These slip rings are used
to slip smoothly because they are attached to the brushes in
order that there is no twisting of the winding.

As the current changes for every half cycle in the loop.

Therefore, at the load end, we can observe the current to be
alternating by using a galvanometer. Thus, this is how the
Alternating Current generator generates alternating current or

There are two types of AC generators. They are

 Induction or asynchronous generators

 Synchronous generators

Induction Generators :

Also known as Asynchronous Generators, these are a type of

Alternating current generators that operates on the same
principle as that of a normal generator. The working principle is
just similar to a transformer the difference is a transformer is a
static device whereas the Induction generator is a rotating
device. The speed of the Induction generator is less than the
synchronous speed so, it is termed as an asynchronous
generator. These are generally used in small machines like
mixer grinders.These are also known as asynchronous
Synchronous Generator :

This is also a type of Alternating Current Generator which

rotates at synchronous speed. These are generally used in
power plants because of its high efficiency. This generator also
works on the principle of faradays’ law of electromagnetic
induction. An Emf is induced due to the motion of the conductor
inside the magnetic flux.

1.Aircraft auxiliary power generation ,wind generators,high

sEpeed gas turbine generators.

2.Hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) derive systems ,automotive

starter generators.

3. An AC generator,or “alternator” ,is used to produce ac

voltages for transmission via the grid system or, locally ,as
portable generators.

4.All of our household appliances runs on ac current .Ex.

Refrigerator,washing machine,oven,lights ,fan etc.
Expression for instantaneous e.m.f. produced :

Let the position of the coil at any time t. it makes an angle q

with vertical. If w is uniform angular speed of the coil.

Then q = wt

B be the strengthb of magnetic field n be the number of turn in

the coil and A area of coil then magnetic flux with the coil in this
position is given by :

f = nBA Cos q= nBA Cos wt

Differentiate w.r.t time

= nBA(-Sin wt) w

=-nBA w Sin wt

e= - ( -nBA w Sin wt)

Maximum value of e.m.f say Eo

e= Eo Sin wt

1) Efficiency of an AC generator is the ratio of the useful power

output to the total power input.

2 )Because any mechnical process experiences some losses ,

no AC generators can be 100 percent efficient.
3 )Efficiency of sn AC geneator can be calcutate dusing


4 )Efficiency =( Output /Input ) x 10

Benefits of AC Generators
The following are among the advantages you can expect from
AC generators in your facility:

Simple Design
For the most part, an AC motor comes with a simple design
since it only contains a single moving part, the rotor. As a result,
AC motors are easier to maintain, cheaper to own, quieter with
how it operates and lasts longer compared to DC motors. In fact,
DC motors have carbon brushes and a commutator that tend to
wear out over time. These have to be replaced throughout the
life of the motor. There is also a loud noise and a distinct smell
typical with a DC motor due to the friction produced by its

Promotes Power Consumption

Back in the 1800s, Tesla patented the first AC motor used with
the AC power. Such innovation became popular in factories and
industries in the United States.

Matching Voltage Not Necessary

For optimal use, it is important for a DC generator to produce a
voltage at a certain level. The AC generator allows you to
convert the current to another voltage using a transformer. In
fact, transformers are compatible with AC, but not with DC.

Limitations of AC Generators
Although there are benefits you expect from AC generators,
there are some limitations to consider. Among these are the

Insulation is Important
There is a higher level of insulation due to the massive voltages
required to supply a fixed amount of power from an AC motor.
As a result, there is the challenge in the safe handling of AC
generators. Working with AC may pose some difficulties and
risks, as compared to what you can expect from DC motors.

Transformer Use
While it may also be an advantage, we also consider the need for
a transformer as a limitation of AC generators. For instance, the
motors need a special design that prevents the discharge of the
higher voltage generated on one side. Since it is not possible for
an efficient way to generate high voltages, it is necessary to use a
transformer to ease long distance transmission. This
transmission occurs once the low voltage converts to a much
greater level necessary.

Issues Involved
It is worth noting that AC power may be susceptible to sparks
and overheating due to its production of high currents. Such
phenomenon results in electric shock and fires. These fires are
detrimental to properties and lives of your employees. Besides
these safety risks, AC generators appear to be less durable
considering its need to produce massive currents resulting in
such hazards.

AC remains to be quite popular in many applications up to this
present time. Just as with DC, there are benefits and drawbacks
involved in the use of an AC generator. It is evident that
regarding cost, reliability, and efficiency, the advantages of AC
appear to outweigh the limitations involved.


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