Circumcision Pramoedya Ananda Toer

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BY: Pramoedya Ananta Toer

SUMMARY The narrative does follow the fundamental outline of plot. The first six
paragraphs map out the exposition: the characters, setting, and conflict (b1. . .
brave enough to be circumcised?b1par. 6). The tension rises from dreams of the 44
houri and fishing rivers of milk to the adoration of his parents and community and
the anticipation of the pain, until the ritual ceremony begins the conflict. The
conflict is anticlimactic as the narrator does go through the ancient rite as
planned, but bear in mind sensing the description of the procedure is dicey for half
the reading population. Finally the tension resolves, although the pain is still
present, and the narratorb1disillusionedb1changes substantially his desire to be a
true Muslim. Though the 9-year-old narrator is the protagonist, the antagonist, like
in b1The Conjurer Made Off with the Dish,b1is the boyb1s environment, particularly
Islam in this case. He thought that after the ritual he would feel like a true
Muslim, but he feels nothingb1notwithstanding his steadfast piety in performing all
his prayersb1and journeying to Mecca is out of the question. It cost him great pain
and discomfort to feel nothing like the spiritual awakening he was expecting, and now
itb1s never going to cost money either. His father, who b1always terrified
[him]b1(par. 7) issues a manly challenge when offering his son the prospect of
becoming a true Muslim. Besides that, we donb1t get a whole lot of specific
information other than the implicit understanding that no good son could refuse.
Older foster sons may skip out on the practice, a true son and Muslim does not. They
have a traditional relationship of the traditional father and the obedient son, who
at first share religious aspirations. But the relationship with his father has to
change eventually when the boy dejectedly realizes that his father, not having the
funds to send either himself or his children to Mecca, is essentially not a true
Muslim. The narrator is living this tale in the moment, maintaining an innocently
reverential tone throughout the recounting of the complications. He relishes the
attention and honor of circumcision and the event itself is rendered stoically with
utter acceptance. Nevertheless, the tone changes sharply and cynically at the very
end. The long view and the moral dilemma of the situation arenb1t developed in the
meat of the narrative but they are eventually shared at the cynical, empty end: b1And
after I had healed, the thought of becoming a true Muslim never again entered my
mindb1(par. 78). On some level the boy understands the need to endure pain for his
beliefs but cannot find comfort knowing money and, indirectly, his father bar his
religious peace and dreams. While, in the main, this plot is advanced out of the
boyb1s religious faith and devotion, it abruptly ends in cruel disenchantment.
Knowing what his decision means, the tension builds evenly. Then the readerb1s
apprehension for the protagonist is increased as the sacramental moment is
illustrated. Afterward and swiftly heb1s left to wonder, as is the reader, which pain
is worse, the physical or the abstract. What will his life hinge on now? The issue of
wealth is hinted at early in the story, when the narrator mentions the pious old man
who had made his pilgrimage to Mecca. Also, the narratorb1s excitement at receiving
new clothes (b1I also began to think of the new kain and new pair of sandals I would
likely receive,b196) suggests he
is not used to owning much property. However, wealth and poverty does not become a
conflict until late in the story, after the boys are circumcised. The narrator does
not feel like a true Muslim even after the ceremony, he doesnb2t feel any different.
Although his mother suggests the answer might be a pilgrimage, the narrator realizes
immediately that such a trip would require wealth. From this, he immediately
concludes, b2all hopes of becoming a true Muslim vanished. I knew that my parents
werenb2t well off and that we could never afford to make the pilgrimageb2(par. 75).
Although he presses the issue and asks why his father has never made the pilgrimage,
and he experiences a yearning to become rich, that desire does not solidify into any
life change, and thus the narratorb2s epiphany about wealth is one of resignation
rather than action. His disillusionment at ever realizing true faith is crushing to
his entire sense of stability. Is he doomed to hell or everlasting angst? Is he now
still no different that his b2older, uncircumcised friendsb2(par. 33)? These types of
questions plague his faith and pain him deeply, even more than the ceremony ever

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