Junior High School

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Teaching English to students should cover the four skills, those are speaking, listening, reading, and

writing. While the language components that should be introduced are pronunciation, vocabulary,
and grammar point. From this situation it can be inferred that teaching or introducing vocabulary is
important. Edge (1993:27) states that the more words you know, the better your chance of
understanding or making yourself understood. He also adds that vocabulary is fundamental in
language so teaching vocabulary earlier is better than teaching it later.

Most of junior High School students are not so good in vocabulary mastery. When the writer
discussed with the English teacher of Junior High School Students, it was said that most of students
get difficulties in exploring their idea in some aspek; reading, speaking and writing. One of the
reason was the students lack of vocabulary. Through that discussion then the writer had an idea to
make an experimental study about how to teach vocabulary simple but meaningful. Snake and
ladder game is the alternative choosen, as a simple media Snake and Ladder Game is quite common
for students, a picture to help students when studying,

Snake and Ladder Games is one of the example of board games. It is a popular game around the
world, in Indonesia it is popular with “ permainan ular tangga” . Snake and Ladder facilitates the
students to learn about counting, life, interaction and socialization. A ladder provides a short cut to a
square nearer the finish and a snake obliges a player return to a square nearer the start. Snake and
Ladder Board game is a simple board with counters and dice. On certain squares on the board are a
numbered of ladders connecting two squares to a square of a high number. It also has Snakes
leading from a high numbered square down to one of a lower number.

In teaching vocabulary Snake and Ladder Board Game will drive students to be more active in doing
their learning activity. The teacher will become a fasilitator in the class where the students will be
the center of the teaching and learning process. According to, Lee Su Kim (www.tflgames.com),
games have some advantages. Those are: 1) games are welcome break from the usual routine of the
language class, 2) games are motivating and challenging, 3) games can encourage students to
increase and communicate, 4)games create a meaningful context for language use, 5) it provides
language practice in the various skills; speaking, listening, reading, and writing, 6) it is a good way for
practicing language.


Pictures are one form of widely-used media. Pictures are often used in teaching any subjects, not
only in teaching English. Pictures can be used to attract the students’ attention and make them
interested in the subject given. It is because the attitude, motivation and interest of the student are
the crucial factors in determining his achievement (Finocchiaro, 1975:263). Moreover, Chayanuvat
(1996) states that a picture is better than a thousand words. Undoubtedly, pictures are powerful
visual aids. “Pictures” here include everything ranging from postcards, drawings, photographs,
paintings, wall pictures, to slides and videos. Pictures become important aspects in the teaching and
learning process. Pictures, especially in teaching beginners, are very helpful since they give more real
description and example to them on what they learn. Pictures can encourage students to learn by
using something more real than just the words or oral explanation from the teachers.

Paul (2003) states some of the most useful pictures include:

1) Themes

The examples are the beach, a park, a playground, a farm, a kitchen, vegetables, and animals.
2) Maps

The examples are the world, a country, a familiar city, the area around the school, and treasure map.

3) People

The examples are the photographs or pictures of people, including people the children know well.

4) Puzzle pictures

The definition of puzzle pictures is pairs of pictures that have a few differences, and cut-up pictures
to put together.

5) Around the world

They are pictures that show daily lifestyles in various countries around the world, particularly ones
that show children doing the kinds of things children do all over the world.

There are some advantages of using pictures in teaching the students as stated by Chayanuvat

1) They come in a wide variety and are often striking, beautiful and colourful, lending themselves as
an important element for fun and motivation.

2) They enable the students to mobilize their own imagination and interpretation using their life
experiences. In this way, students are challenged to show their creativity.

3) Pictures offer a rich source of contextualization. Not only what is in the picture is seen, the
background and the context linked with it are portrayed.

4) They offer a base for students to build up their language.

5) More importantly, they transfer the real world into the classroom as best as they can. They help
students to use language in meaningful ways.

6) They help students to be personally involved, an element of a learner- centred approach.

7) For teachers, this media is very easy to find. There are very interesting pictures in daily newspaper
and magazines.


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