Climate Threat

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Climate Threat

Have you ever been there when she was crying so hard that her tears reach 2
meters high and consumed everything around you.

Have you ever listen to her screams, so loud that the trees and rocks flew high
to the sky.

Have you ever felt her rampage, no matter how far, her temper was so bad that
you get your skin burnt.

Can you endure more? That is just the appetizer of her punishment.

The era of humanity has come to the middle of 21st century, but there are still
many things that did not change, one of those is human’s ancient nature,
greed. Greed, the seed of both destruction and salvation. A little flashback,
back to 1941, the Axis, formed by Japan, Italy and Germany, driven by greed
of conquering the world, they waged countless merciless massive wars
against multiple countries. More than millions of lives were taken, soldiers or
civilians, humans or animals, non escaped, even the innocent Mother Earth
paid an enormous price for their greed. Fortunately, the Axis has been
destroyed and peace had restored again, but it would be a fleeting peace.

However, ironically, death and history did nothing to teach us the lesson. Like a
virus, greed was always lurking inside us, no matter how hard we tried to
suppress it. As time passes, It crawls its path out or it’s us who allow it to be
free. When humans seek for more power and wealth to fulfill the will of ‘greed’,
without a second thought, they will do anything. Like mushrooms growing
after rain, factories were built after factories, while forest were cut down and
natural environments destroyed from time to time. Craving for wealth, raw
materials and resources, mankind become monsters. So, it happened,
humans stabbed their razor teeth deep into the flesh and bones of Mother
Nature. Like a spoiled child, humans always craving for more to fulfill their
greed and desire and they never know when to stop.

Furthermore, there are too many factories and vehicles which emit carbon
dioxide and carbon monoxide that cause greenhouse effect and the CFC
(chlorofluorocarbon) emitted by our refrigerators and air-conditioners which
punch holes on our ozone layer, allowing deadly UV radiations pour on the
surface of Earth. Not to mention the released poisonous chemical gas also
bring deadly respiratory disease.

Running out of patience and tolerance, Mother Nature is forced to take actions
against her children who are blinded by greed and went too far. Then, weather
disruptions happen all around the globe and intensified gradually every year. It
was a warning from the nature, but non of the world leaders take it seriously.

As the amount of greenhouse gas (carbon dioxide) increased, that, climatic

change spike up, natural disasters like flash flood and drought are far more
longer and happen frequently upon every corner, destroying the crops and
other agriculture products which affected most of the human population,
caused periodic crop failure and famine. It will never stop, it will just become
worse as humans are still being selfish and greedy that they cannot realize that
they are making mistakes.

Besides, as the atmospheric temperature rises from year to year, and UV ray is
able to penetrate our ozone layer, the icebergs, massive ice fields, monstrous
glaciers and sea ice of North Pole are melting with a faster rate like a burning
candle, more water flows to the seas from glaciers and ice caps, and ocean
water warms and expands in volume. This combination of effects has played
the major role in raising average global sea level. As the consequence, the sea
water level rises, and that bring disaster for both mankind and wildlife. More
and more land surface was lost forever, acre by acre, covered under the sea
water. This happens to a fisherman’s family in Philippine as their entire village
was wiped out forever from the map.

Moreover, atmospheric and space scientists also has pointed out the activity of
typhoon and hurricane has increased more powerful and intensifying due to
drastic climatic change. Those deadly climates cause thousands of fatalities
and damage towards both public infrastructures and billions dollars lost of
private properties.

As the weather is getting crazy, new threats follow right behind it and impact
directly on mankind. Disease-carrier vermin like mosquitoes, flies,
cockroaches and rats, multiply explosively at both flooding area and dirty
places like drains. As a result, they spread lethal plague and death among the
humans easily. More lives were taken, even the young generations also have
to suffer and tortured by diseases.

In order to counter those climate threats, we must do something. For example,

we should restrict and reduce the emission of carbon dioxide gas into the
atmosphere by using solar energy or more practically like promoting carpool
and saving power by switching off electrical equiments when not in use. These
efforts must be committed by every individual on earth, then mankind might
have hope to save themselves from extinction.

Our planet is in pain and obviously it is dying. Those climatic disasters and
threats were her signs and also warnings. Hence, we should preserve and
maintain our world as a monument to our children, not a wasteland filled up by
tons of garbage and despair. In short, we should be fighting the true enemy,
our greed and selfishness, we must stop before our doom was inevitable.

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