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Advance organizer - Module I

Welcome to this MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on "Accreditation of Undergraduate

Engineering Programmes"!!!!
This MOOC will take you through the accreditation process of NBA for undergraduate
engineering programmes based on the Outcome Based Education (OBE). This is an 8-week
course and will require about 5-8 hours of your effort per week. You will also have to collect
lots of data about your institute and programme including data about:
• Vision, Mission and Programme Educational Objectives
• Curriculum of your progra1n1ne including teaching methods used, assessment
scheme and results etc.
• Data about students, faculty, infrastructure and facilities of your programme
• Institute and programme budgets, student support services, etc.

This course contains 17 modules divided in 8 weeks as given below:

Accreditation for Undergraduate Engineering Programmes

Week 1:
Module 1: Introduction to accreditation
Module 2: Outcome based Education
Week 2:
Module 3: Vision, Mission and PEOs
Module 4: POs and PSOs
Week 3:
Module 5: Course Outcomes and Mapping with POs and PSOs
Module 6: Curriculum structure, Curriculum gap and Content beyond syllabus
Week 4:
Module 7: Teaching learning processes
Module 8: Attainment of POs, PSOs and Cos
Week 5:
Module 9: Criteria related to students: Students' Performance
Module 10: Criteria related to faculty: Faculty Information and Contributions
Week 6:
Module 11: Facilities and Technical Support
Module 12: Continuous Improvement
Module 13: First Year Academics
Week 7:
Module 14: Student Support Systems
Module 15: Governance, Institutional Support and Finances
Week 8:
Module 16: Applying for Accreditation and Visit

NITTTR, Bhopal | MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on "Accreditation of Undergraduate Engineering Programmes"
Advance organizer - Module I

Module 17: Problem Solving: Difficulties Encountered

Each module starts with an advance organizer, which give plan of that module along with
pathways and how to go about that module. Various website hyperlinks/ sources are
provided in different lessons, you are requested to visit the websites for updated information
on the same.
The team for this MOOC consists of following:
1. Prof. Rajesh Kumar Dixit, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, NITTTR
Bhopal - Coordinator
2. Prof. Sanjay Agrawal - Dept. of Computer Engineering and Applications, NTTTTR
Bhopal - Co-Coordinator
3. Prof. Alan Sanjay Rocha, Prof. Extension Centre, Goa, NITTTR Bhopal
4. Prof. Subrat Roy, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, NITTTR Bhopal

In addition, there will be team of teaching assistants (TAs), which will take you through
this MOOC.
Module I
Learning Outcomes
After going through this module, you will be able to:
• Explain concept of accreditation
• Explain purpose, benefits and impact of NBA accreditation
• Apply NBA’s accreditation Policy, Procedure and fee for the UG programmes.
• Appreciate significance of Washington Accord
• Determine compliance status of a progra1n1ne with reference to the prequalifiers
For Module l: Introduction to accreditation plan is given below:
Module Unit Lesson File
Topic File name
No. No. no. Type
1 Module 1 – Advance Organizer Pdf C10M01U00L01
1.1 1.1.1 Introduction to the course Video C10M01U01L01V01
1.1.2 Overview of Accreditation Video C10M01U01L02V01
1.1.3 What is accreditation & what it is not? Video C10M01U01L03V01
1.1.4 Why Accreditation? Video C10M01U01L04V01
1.1.5 Impact of Accreditation Pdf C10M01U01L05.pdf
1.1.6 Benefits of Accreditation Pdf C10M01U01L06.pdf
1.1.7 Unit Test Pdf C10M01U01L07.pdf

1.2 1.2.1 Overview of NBA Pdf C10M01U02L01.pdf

1.2.2 Authorities of NBA Pdf C10M01U02L02.pdf
1.2.3 MOA of NBA Pdf C10M01U02L03.pdf
1.2.4 Accreditation Policy Video C10M01U02L04V01
1.2.5 Accreditation Procedure Video C10M01U02L05V01

NITTTR, Bhopal | MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on "Accreditation of Undergraduate Engineering Programmes"
Advance organizer - Module I

1.2.6 Accreditation Fee Pdf C10M01U02L06.pdf

1.2.7 Refund Policy Pdf C10M01U02L07.pdf
Revised duration of Award of C10M01U02L08.pdf
1.2.8 Pdf
Accreditation for UG Engg. Programs
1.2.9 Unit Test Pdf C10M01U02L09.pdf

1.3 1.3.1 Overview of Washington Accord Video C10M01U03L01V01

1.3.2 Washington Accord Signatories Pdf C10M01U03L02.pdf
Activity: Visit to websites of C10M01U03L03.pdf
1.3.3 Pdf
Washington Accord Signatories
1.3.4 Unit Test Pdf C10M01U03L03.pdf

1.4 1.4.1 Pre-Qualifier for tier I and tier II Pdf C10M01U04L01.pdf

1.4.2 Pre-qualifiers Video C10M01U04L02V01
Compliance status with reference to C10M01U04L03V02
1.4.3 Video
Advisory and Guidelines for Faculty C10M01U04L04.pdf
1.4.4 Pdf
Consideration & Student Faculty Ratio
1.4.5 FAQ on Pre-qualifiers Pdf C10M01U04L05.pdf
1.4.6 Unit Test Pdf C10M01U04L06.pdf

Discussion Forum: Why accreditation C10M01U05L01.pdf

1.5 1.5.1 Pdf
and how to go about it

1.6 1.6.1 Assignment: On Pre-qualifier Pdf C10M01U06L01.pdf

1.6.2 PPTs of Video in Pdf form Pdf

The Module consists of six units. Most of the modules have discussion forum and activities.
Most of the units have tests.
Unit 1 discusses basics of accreditation: definition, purpose, impact, benefits.
Unit 2 discusses about NBA, accreditation policy, procedure fee, refund policy.
Alternatively, one can visit NBA's website for current information on these topics.
Unit 3 discusses the Washington Accord.
Unit 4 is about prequalifiers. It is important that a programme meets all the essential
criteria in the prequalifier, if not than one will have design strategies to meet the
Unit 5 is about issues that can be discussed in the Discussion Forum.
Unit 6 is the Assignment on Prequalifier and will require huge amount of data to fill the
qualifier. It also contains PPTs used in video in pdf format.
So, get ready for an interesting journey on the path of Quality assurance in Technical

Happy Learning!!!

NITTTR, Bhopal | MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on "Accreditation of Undergraduate Engineering Programmes"
Advance organizer - Module II

Welcome to the Module 2 of this MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on “Accreditation of
Undergraduate Engineering Programmes”!!!!
Module Outcomes are:
• Justify the need for Outcome based education
• Distinguish between Traditional and Outcome based education.
• Identify three Major components of Outcome Based Education
• Compare previous model of accreditation with Outcome based accreditation
The Module consists of three units. Plan of the module is given below:
Plan of Module 2: Outcome Based Education
Module Unit Lesson File
Topic File name
No. No. no. Type
2 Module 2‐ Advance organizer Pdf C10M02U00L01
2.1 2.1.1 Outcome based Education Video C10M02U01L01
2.1.2 Major components of OBE Video C10M02U02L01
2.1.3 Activity‐ Web resources for further Pdf C10M02U01L03
study on OBE

2.1.4 Unit test‐ I MCQ C10M02U01L04

2.2 2.2.1 Models of Accreditation Video C10M02U03L01
2.2.2 Web resources for further study on Pdf C10M02U02L02
various models of accreditation

2.2.3 Unit test ‐ II MCQ C10M02U02L03

2.3 2.3.1 Criteria of Accreditation for Tier– I Pdf C10M02U03L01
2.3.2 Criteria of Accreditation for Tier– II Pdf C10M02U03L02
2.4 2.4.1 Discussion Forum on OBE: Pdf C10M02U04L01
Comparison of Input based education
with OBE, Major component of OBE,
Current status of OBE in the
Engineering education and various
models of Accreditation
2.4.2 • Outcome Based Education PPT in C10M02U01L01
• Major Components of OBE Pdf C10M02U02L01
• Models of Accreditation form

Unit‐1 Introduces concept and justify the need for Outcome Based Education, Compare
Traditional Education with Outcome based education and discuss three Major components
of Outcome Based Education.
Unit‐2 Elaborate on Previous model of accreditation with Outcome based accreditation
Unit‐3 Explains about the Criteria of accreditation by NBA for the Tier-I and Tier-II
Unit‐4 is about issues that can be discussed in the Discussion Forum and provide the
PPTs in PDF Format.
Happy Learning!!!

NITTTR, Bhopal | MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on "Accreditation of Undergraduate Engineering Programmes"
Advance organizer - Module III

Welcome to the Module 3 of this MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on "Accreditation of
Undergraduate Engineering Programmes”!!!!
Module Outcomes are:
• Understand the concept of Vision and Mission
• Define Vision and Mission
• Write Programme Education Objectives
• Disseminate Vision, Mission and PEOs
• Establish Consistency of PEOs with Mission of the department
The Module consists of Five units. Plan of the module is given below:
Plan of Module 3: Vision, Mission and PEOs
Module Unit Lesson File
Topic File name
No. No. no. Type
3 Module 3- Advance organizer Pdf C10M03UOOL01
Vision and Mission of the Institute
3.1 3.1.1 Video C10M03U01L01
and Department
Examples of Vision and Mission of
3.1.2 PDF ClOM03UOlL02
the Institute
Activity - Read Vision and mission of
3.1.3 the Institute and departments of Pdf C10M03U01L03
Technical Institutions using Internet
3.1.4 Unit test - I MCQ ClOM03UOlL04

Process for defining the Vision,

3.2 3.2.1 Video C10M03U02L01
Mission of the Department
Documentary evidence to indicate
3.2.2 Pdf C10M03U02L02
the process
Process for defining the PEOs of the
3.2.3 Video C10M03U02L03V02
3.2.4 Examples of PEOs Pdf C10M03U02L04
Documentary evidence to indicate
3.2.5 Pdf C10M03U02L05
the process
Assignment-Devising Strategies of
3.2.6 Stakeholders participation & Pdf C10M03U02L06
prepare a Process flow diagram
3.2.7 Unit test - II MCQ C10M03U02L07

Publication and dissemination of

3.3 3.3.1 Video C10M03U03L01
vision, missions and PEOs

3.3.2 Places for publication and

dissemination of Vision, Missions PDF C10M03U03L02
and PEOs
Activity- Identify Places for
3.3.3 publication and dissemination of V- Pdf C10M03U03L03
M-PEOs in your Institution
3.3.4 Unit test - Ill MCQ C10M03U03L04

NITTTR, Bhopal | MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on "Accreditation of Undergraduate Engineering Programmes"
Advance organizer - Module III

3.4.1 Consistency of PEOs with Mission of

3.4 Video C10M03U04L01
the Department
Assignment: A. Prepare a matrix
between PEOs and Mission elements
3.4.2 PDF C10M03U04L02
B. Write Justification for each of the
elements mapped in the Matrix

PPTs of Video in Pdf form

1. vision and mission C10M03U01L01
2. Process of defining vision and
mission C10M03U02L01
3.5 3.5.1 3. Process for defining PEOs Pdf C10M03U02L03V02
4. Dissemination of Vision, C10M03U03L01
Missions and PEOs C10M03U04L01
5. stablish consistency of PEOs
with mission of the department
Discussion Forum - Vision, Mission
and PEOs: Process, dissemination,
3.5.2 Pdf C10M03U05L02
relevance, Devising Strategies of
dissemination in V/M/PEO

Unit-1 Introduces concept and need for Vision and Mission of the Institute and Department
Unit-2 elaborate the Process of defining Vision and Mission of the Institute and its
consistency with the Vision and Mission of the department, it also explained the process of
writing Programme Educational Objectives
Unit-3 Explains about the publication and dissemination of Vision, Mission and PEOs
Unit-4 is about establishing the consistency of PEOs with Mission of the department
Unit-5 provides the PPTs used in the Video and about issues that can be discussed in the
Discussion Forum.
Happy Learning!!!

NITTTR, Bhopal | MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on "Accreditation of Undergraduate Engineering Programmes"
Advance organizer - Module IV

Welcome to the Module 4 of this MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on “Accreditation of
Undergraduate Engineering Programmes”!!!!
Module Outcomes:
• Explain the concept of Programme Outcomes.
• List the Programme Outcomes of Undergraduate Engineering Programmes as defined by
• Analyze the Programme Outcomes of Undergraduate Engineering Programmes as
defined by NBA.
• Appreciate importance of Programme outcomes
• Explain Complex Engineering Problems (CEP) and Complex Engineering Activities (CEA)
• Design Programme Specific Outcomes for your Programme
The Module consists of four units. Plan of the module is given below:
Plan of Module 4: POs and PSOs
Module Unit Lesson File
Topic File name
No. No. no. Type
4 Module 4- Advance organizer Pdf C10M04U00L01
4.1 4.1.1 Programme outcomes Video C10M04U01L01V01
4.1.2 Programme Outcomes defined by NBA Video C10M04U01L02V01
Complex Problems and Complex
4.1.3 Video C10M04U01L03V01
4.1.4 Analysis of POs Video C10M04U01L04V01
4.1.5 Importance of POs Video C10M04U01L05V01
4.1.6 Econtent –Graduate Attributes Pdf C10M04U01L06
Activity – POs defined by various
4.1.7 Pdf C10M04U01L07
Washington Accord Countries
4.1.8 Unit test Pdf C10M04U01L08

4.2 4.2.1 PSOs Video C10M04U02L01V01

4.2.2 Examples of PSOs Pdf C10M04U02L02
4.2.3 Activity- PSOs of various institutions Pdf C10M04U02L03
4.2.4 Unit test Pdf C10M04U02L04

Assignment- Design PSOs for your

4.3 4.3.1 Pdf C10M04U03L01
Discussion Forum-Importance of POs
4.3.2 Pdf C10M04U03L02
and PSOs

Web resources for further study on POs

4.4 4.4.1 Pdf C10M04U04L01
and Graduate Attributes

4.5 4.5.1 PPTs of Video in Pdf form Pdf

NITTTR, BHOPAL| MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on “Accreditation of Undergraduate Engineering Programmes”
Advance organizer - Module IV

Unit-1 introduces concept of Programme Outcomes and analyses Programme Outcomes

defined by NBA for undergraduate engineering programmes
Unit-2 discusses about Programme Specific Outcomes
Unit-3 consists of assignment on PSOs and discussion forum.
Unit-4 is about Web resources for further study on POs and Graduate Attributes Unit 5 is
about issues that can be discussed in the Discussion Forum.
Happy Learning!!!

NITTTR, BHOPAL| MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on “Accreditation of Undergraduate Engineering Programmes”
Advance organizer - Module V

Welcome to the Module 5 of this MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on “Accreditation of
Undergraduate Engineering Programmes”!!!!
Module Outcomes:
• Identify Taxonomies of Learning in different domains.
• Write course outcome for a given course.
• Describe course Articulation Matrix.
• Correlate the Course Outcome with POs.
• Prepare Programme Articulation Matrix.
The Module consists of Six units. Plan of the module is given below:
Plan of Module 5: Course Outcomes and Mapping with POs and PSOs.
Module Unit Lesson File
Topic File name
No. No. no. Type
5 Module 5- Advance organizer Pdf
Taxonomies of Learning-Cognitive
5.1 5.1.1 Video C10M05U01L01
Learning Outcomes at various levels of
5.1.2 Pdf C10M05U01L02
revised Bloom’s Cognitive Taxonomy
5.1.3 Unit Test-I C10M05U01L03

Taxonomies of Learning-Affective and

5.2 5.2.1 Video C10M05U02L01
Psychomotor Domain
Learning Outcomes of Affective Domain
5.2.2 Pdf C10M05U02L02
Learning Outcomes of Psychomotor
5.2.3 Pdf C10M05U02L03
Domain Taxonomies
5.2.4 Unit test-II C10M05U02L04

5.3 5.3.1 Writing Course Outcomes Video C10M05U03L01

Examples of Course Outcomes of
5.3.2 Pdf C10M05U03L02
Various Disciplines
Activity-write 4-6 outcomes for at least
5.3.3 Pdf C10M05U03L03
four courses
5.3.4 Unit Test-III (Part-1) MCQ C10M05U03L04
5.3.5 Unit Test-III (Part-2) MCQ C10M05U03L05

5.4 5.4.1 Course articulation matrix Video C10M05U04L01

Illustration of Cos-POs Mapping.
5.4.2 Video C10M05U04L02
Part-I: PO1 to PO4
Illustration of Cos-POs Mapping.
5.4.3 Video C10M05U04L03
Part-II: PO5 to PO8
Illustration of Cos-POs Mapping.
5.4.4 Video C10M05U04L04
Part-III: PO9 to PO12
Activity-prepare Course articulation
5.4.5 Pdf C10M05U04L05
matrix in given format for four courses
5.4.6 Unit Test-IV (Part-1 and Part-2) MCQ C10M05U04L06

NITTTR, BHOPAL| MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on “Accreditation of Undergraduate Engineering Programmes”
Advance organizer - Module V

Mapping between courses with POs and

5.5 5.5.1 Video C10M05U05L01
PSOs Programme articulation matrix
Activity-Prepare Programme Articulation
5.5.2 Pdf C10M05U05L02
Matrix in given format
5.5.3 Discussion Forum Pdf

Happy Learning!!!!

NITTTR, BHOPAL| MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on “Accreditation of Undergraduate Engineering Programmes”
Advance organizer - Module VI

Welcome to the Module 6 of this MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on “Accreditation of
Undergraduate Engineering Programmes”!!!!
Module Outcomes are:
• Justify the need of curriculum structure
• Examine the curriculum to identify gap.
• Propose content beyond syllabus
The Module consists of three units. Plan of the module is given below:
Module Unit Lesson File Time in
Topic Quadrant Status
No. No. No. Type Min.
Module 6- Advance
6 Pdf II 5
Concept of curriculum
6.1 6.1.1 structure and its Video I 7
Examples of curriculum
6.1.2 PDF II 10
structure of tier 1
Activity: Peruse
6.1.3 curriculum structures of Pdf III 15
tier1 and tier2
6.1.4 Unit test MCQ IV 10

6.2 6.2.1 Curriculum Gap Video I 7

Activity: find out the gap
6.2.5 Pdf III 15
in your curriculum
6.2.6 Unit test MCQ IV 10

6.3 6.3.1 Content beyond syllabus Video I 7

Examples of content
6.3.2 Pdf II 10
beyond syllabus
Activity: list examples of
6.3.3 content beyond syllabus PDF III 10
of your institute.
6.3.3 Unit test MCQ IV 10

Assignment: Fill-up
6.4 6.4.1 criteria 2.1,2.1.1,2.1.2 of Pdf IV 60

6.5 6.5.1 PPTs of Video in Pdf form Pdf II 20

Discussion forum various
6.5.2 PDF III 20
gaps in curriculum
Total Module Duration or 3
hours 46

NITTTR, BHOPAL| MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on “Accreditation of Undergraduate Engineering Programmes”
Advance organizer - Module VI

The Module consists of six units which includes an activity to be done, three tests and an
assignment besides there is also a discussion forum
Unit-6.1 discusses Concept of curriculum structure and its components.
Unit-6.2 discusses about curriculum gap.
Unit-6.3 discusses about the content beyond syllabus.
Unit-6.4 is the Assignment on Fill-up criteria 2.1,2.1.1,2.1.2 of SAR
Unit-6.5 is about issues that can be discussed in the Discussion Forum. It also contains
PPTs used in video in pdf format
So, get ready for an interesting journey.
Happy Learning!!!

NITTTR, BHOPAL| MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on “Accreditation of Undergraduate Engineering Programmes”
Advance organizer - Module VII

Welcome to the Module 7 of this MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on “Accreditation of
Undergraduate Engineering Programmes”!!!! Module Outcomes are:
• Justify the need for Academic calendar
• Distinguish between student centered and teacher centered teaching methods.
• Identify quality criteria to set good question papers
• Develop skills in students through projects
• Plan effective industry institute interaction
The Module consists of seven units. Plan of the module is given below:
Plan of Module 7: Academic calendar, Processes followed to improve quality of teaching
learning, Quality of question papers, assignments and evaluation Industry Interaction Total
Videos = 5 nos.
Module Unit Lesson File Time
Topic Quadrant Status
No. No. No. Type in Min
7 Module - Advance organizer Pdf II 5
7.1 7.1.1 Academic calendar Video I 3
Examples of academic calendar
7.1.2 PDF II 10
of tier 1
Examples of academic calendar
7.1.3 PDF II 10
of tier 2
7.1.4 Unit test MCQ IV 10

Processes followed to improve

7.2 7.2.1 Video I 7
quality of teaching learning
Adapted from REC modules
7.2.2 Pdf II 15
relevant to teaching learning
Activity select a course which
you are teaching Identify diff
7.2.3 teaching methods for diff topics Pdf III 15
after going through e- content
and fill enclosed format
7.2.4a Web resources 1V 15
7.2.4b Unit test MCQ IV 10

7.3 7.3.1 Quality of question papers, Video I 7

assignments and evaluation
7.3.2 Examples of question papers Pdf II 20
tier 1 and tier2
7.3.3a Adapted from REC modules 15
relevant to question papers and
7.3.3b Unit test MCQ IV 10

7.4 7.4.1 Quality of student projects Video I 7

7.4.2 Examples of student projects Pdf II 20
Tier 1 and tier2

NITTTR, BHOPAL| MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on “Accreditation of Undergraduate Engineering Programmes”
Advance organizer - Module VII

7.4.3 Activity: list out various types of PDF III 10

projects appropriate for your
7.4.4 a Adapted from REC modules
relevant to student’s laboratory
practical and projects
7.4.4 b Unit test MCQ IV 10

7.5 7.5.1 Industry Interaction Video 7

7.5.2 Examples of Industry Pdf II 20
interaction tier 1 and tier2
7.5.3 Activity: Examples of industry PDF III 10
institute interaction of your
7.5.4 Unit test MCQ IV 10

7.6 7.6.1 Assignment: Fill-up criteria 2.2 Pdf IV 60

of SAR and post on discussion
forum problems if any.

7.7 7.6.2 PPTs of Video in Pdf form Pdf II 20

7.6.3 Discussion forum: Methods to III 20
improve industry institute
Total Module Duration 316
mins or
5 hrs

The Module consists of seven units which includes activities to be done, five tests and an
assignment besides there is also a discussion forum
Unit 7.1 discusses Academic calendar
Unit 7.2 discusses Processes followed to improve quality of teaching learning
Unit 7.3 discusses quality of question papers, assignments and evaluation
Unit 7.4 Discusses Quality of student projects
Unit 7.5 Discusses industry interaction
Unit 7.6 Is an Assignment: Fill-up criteria 2.2 of SAR
Unit 7.7 Are ppts of videos in pdf form and discussion forum
Please keep your academic calendar, your course file, question papers your project log book,
industry training manuals etc.
So, get ready for an interesting journey.
Happy Learning!!!

NITTTR, BHOPAL| MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on “Accreditation of Undergraduate Engineering Programmes”
Advance organizer - Module VIII

Welcome to the Module 8 “Attainment of POs, PSOs, and COs” of this MOOC (Massive Open
Online Course) on “Accreditation of Undergraduate Engineering Programmes” !!!!
Module Outcomes are:
• Appreciate importance of assessment of COs, POs and PSOs
• Design Course Evaluation Plan for a course
• Set target level of Cos, POs and PSOs
• Calculate attainment level of COs
• Identify data required for calculation of POs, PSOs and COs.
• Calculate Attainment level of POs and PSOs
• Design Rubrics for assessment
• Design appropriate assessment matching with POs and COs
The Module consists of two units. Plan of the module is given below:
Plan of Module 8: Attainment of POs, PSOs and Cos
Module Unit Lesson File
Topic File Name
No. No. No. Type
8 Module 8- Advance organizer Pdf
8.1 8.1.1 Introduction to assessment of Outcomes Video C10M08U01L01
8.1.2 Course Evaluation Plan Video C10M08U01L02
8.1.3 Setting Target Levels for course Outcomes Video C10M08U01L03
8.1.4 Calculate attainment level of Outcomes Video C10M08U01L04
Calculating attainment of Course
8.1.5 Video C10M08U01L05
Outcomes for Tier-II institutions
Data required for calculation of POs, PSOs
8.1.6 Video C10M08U02L06
and COs attainment
8.1.7 An example of CO attainment calculation Excel C10M08U02L07
8.1.8 Unit test - I MCQ C10M08U02L047

8.2 8.2.1 Setting target Level of POs and PSOs Video C10M08U02L01
8.2.2 Calculating attainment level of PO & PSO Video C10M08U02L02
8.2.3 Introduction to Rubrics Video C10M08U02L03
8.2.4 Web resources for rubrics Pdf C10M08U02L04
8.2.5 Examples of Rubrics pdf C10M08U02L05
Matching assessment to the Level of CO
8.2.6 Video C10M08U02L06
and POs
Some examples of instruments for Indirect
8.2.7 PDF C10M08U02L07
assessment of POs
8.2.7 Unit test 8.2 MCQ Test 8.2
8.2.7 Issues for Discussion Forum Pdf C10M08U02L08

Unit-1 deals with assessment of attainment of Course Outcomes.

Unit-2 deals with assessment of attainment of Programme Outcomes and Programme
Specific Outcomes
Happy Learning!!!
NITTTR, BHOPAL| MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on “Accreditation of Undergraduate Engineering Programmes”
Advance organizer - Module X

Welcome to Module 9: Students' Performance of this MOOC (Massive Open Online

Course) on “Accreditation of Undergraduate Engineering Programmes”.
Learning Outcomes:
After going through this module, you will be able to:
• Calculate students' "Enrolment Ratio".
• Calculate "Student Success Rate".
• Describe "Academic Performance of students in Third Year and Second Year".
• State "Student’s Placement, Higher Studies and Entrepreneurship".
• Describe "Student's Professional Activities".
Plan for Module 9 on "Students' performance" is given below:
Module Unit Lesson File
Topic File Name
No. No. No. Type
9 Module 9- Advance organiser Pdf C10M09U00L01
9.1 9.1.1 Introduction to the Module 9 Video C10M09U01L01
9.1.2 Students' Enrolment Ratio. Video C10M09U01L02
9.1.3 Student Success Rate Video C10M09U01L03
Academic Performance of students in Third
9.1.4 Video C10M09U01L04
Year and Second Year
Student’s Placement, Higher Studies and
9.1.5 Video C10M09U01L05
9.1.6 Student's Professional Activities Video C10M09U01L06
9.1.7 Examples on lesson nos. 1.1.2 to 1.1.7 pdf C10M09U01L07
9.1.8 Unit test pdf Test

The Module consists of eight lessons. Most of the lessons are explained with the examples
& have unit test.
Lesson-1 discusses about the criteria on Students' performance.
Lesson-2 discusses about Students' Enrolment Ratio. This is regarding the admission
of students in the first-year level.
Lesson-3 discusses about Student Success Rate. It typically means number of students who
are able to fulfill the degree requirement in the minimum stipulated time period.
Lesson-4 is about the Academic Performance of students in Third Year and Second Year is
discussed. It typically means the students who are permitted to go to final year and third
year respectively, how had they performed individually.
Lesson-5 Student’s Placement, Higher Studies and Entrepreneurship is discussed in this
Lesson- 6 is about the Student's Professional Activities. It includes Professional societies
/chapters and organizing engineering events, Publication of technical magazines,
newsletters, etc. Participation in inter-institute events by students of the program of study
Lesson-7 & 8 contains examples and unit test. It also contains PPTs used in video in pdf
So, get ready for an interesting journey on the path of Quality assurance in Technical
Happy Learning!!!
NITTTR, BHOPAL| MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on “Accreditation of Undergraduate Engineering Programmes”
Advance organizer - Module X

Welcome to Module 10: Faculty Information and Contributions of this MOOC (Massive
Open Online Course) on “Accreditation of Undergraduate Engineering Programmes”.
Learning Outcomes:
After going through this module, you will be able to:
• Calculate "Student-Faculty Ratio" of UG engineering programmes.
• Calculate "Faculty Cadre Proportion" of UG engineering programmes.
• Prepare information on "Faculty Qualification" and Faculty Retention" of UG
• engineering programmes.
• Describe “Innovations by Faculty in Teaching and Learning” of UG Engineering
• Programmes
• Prepare information on of "Faculty as participants in Faculty development/training
activities/STTPs" of UG engineering programmes.
• Prepare information on "Research and Development" by faculty of UG engineering
• Prepare information on "Faculty Performance Appraisal and Development System
• (FPADS)" of UG engineering programmes.
• Describe the concept of "Visiting/Adjunct/Emeritus Faculty etc.” and “Faculty
competencies in correlation to Program Specific Criteria" of UG engineering
Plan for Module 10 on "Faculty Information and Contributions" is given below:
Module Unit Lesson File
Topic File Name
No. No. No. Type
10 Module 10-Advance organizer Pdf C10M10U00L01
10.1 10.1.1 Introduction to the Module 10 Video C10M10U01L01
10.1.2 Student-Faculty Ratio Video C10M10U01L02
10.1.3 Student-Faculty Ratio Part 2 Video C10M10U01L03
10.1.4 Faculty Cadre Proportion Video C10M10U01L04
Faculty Qualification and Faculty
10.1.5 Video C10M10U01L05
Innovations by Faculty in Teaching
10.1.6 Video C10M10U01L06
and Learning
Faculty as participants in Faculty
10.1.7 development/training Video C10M10U01L07
10.1.8 Research and Development Video C10M10U01L08
Faculty Performance Appraisal and
10.1.9 Video C10M10U01L09
Development System (FPADS)
Visiting/Adjunct/Emeritus Faculty
etc.” and “Faculty competencies in
10.1.10 Video C10M10U01L10
correlation to Program Specific
Examples on lesson nos. 1.1.2 to
10.1.11 pdf C10M10U01L11.pdf
10.1.11 Unit test pdf Test

NITTTR, BHOPAL| MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on “Accreditation of Undergraduate Engineering Programmes”
Advance organizer - Module X

The Module consists of eleven lessons. Most of the lessons are explained with the examples
& have unit test.
Lesson 1 discusses about the criteria on Faculty Information and Contributions.
Lesson 2 & 3 discusses about Student-Faculty Ratio.
Lesson 4 discusses about Faculty Cadre Proportion. It typically means the proportion of
professor, associate professor and assistant professor in the department.
Lesson 5 is about the Faculty Qualification and Faculty Retention. Faculty Retention
means that number of faculty, department is able to retain during the three years i. e.
CAYm2, CAYm1 and CAY. The base year is considered as CAYm3.
Lesson 6 Innovations by Faculty in Teaching and Learning is discussed in this lesson. It
means that the faculty members should devote some thought process in how to make their
teaching and learning more interactive, interesting and effective
Lesson 7 is about the Faculty as participants in Faculty development/training
Lesson 8 is about the Research and Development work carried out by the faculty members.
It includes Academic Research, Sponsored Research, Development Activities and
Consultancy (From Industry).
Lesson 9 Faculty Performance Appraisal and Development System (FPADS) is discussed in
this lesson. It is expected that a program will have well defined appraisal system for three
years of assessment i.e. CAYm1, CAYm2 and CAYm3.
Lesson 10 is about the Visiting/Adjunct/Emeritus Faculty etc. and Faculty competencies
in correlation to Program Specific Criteria
Lesson 11 & 12 contains examples and unit test. It also contains PPTs used in video in pdf
So, get ready for an interesting journey on the path of Quality assurance in Technical

Happy Learning!!!

NITTTR, BHOPAL| MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on “Accreditation of Undergraduate Engineering Programmes”
Advance organizer - Module XI

NITTTR, BHOPAL| MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on “Accreditation of Undergraduate Engineering Programmes”
Advance organizer - Module XII

NITTTR, BHOPAL| MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on “Accreditation of Undergraduate Engineering Programmes”
Advance organizer - Module XIII

NITTTR, BHOPAL| MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on “Accreditation of Undergraduate Engineering Programmes”
Advance organizer - Module XIV

Welcome to the Module 14 of this MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on “Accreditation
of Undergraduate Engineering Programmes”!!!!
Module Outcomes are:
• Justify the need for Mentoring system
• Examine need of feedback
• Identify importance of Career guidance, training and placement
• Point out the need for Entrepreneurship cell
• Propose Self Learning
• Develop Co-curricular and extra- curricular activities in your institute.
The Module consists of six units. Plan of the module is given below:
Plan of Module14: Student support systems
Total Videos = 4 no.
Module Unit Lesson File Time
Topic Quadrant Status
No. No. No. Type in Min
14 Module 14- Advance organizer Pdf II 5
14.1 14.1.1 Mentoring system Video I 6
14.1.2 Examples of mentoring tier1 PDF II 10
14.1.3 Examples of mentoring tier2 PDF II 10
14.1.4 Unit test MCQ IV 10

14.2 14.2.1 Feedback on courses and facilities Video I 7

14.2.2 Various feedback formats Pdf II 10
14.2.5 Activity design feedback formats Pdf III 15

Career guidance, training and

14.3 14.3.1 Video I 5
Examples of career guidance in
14.3.2 pdf II 15
tier 1 and tier 2

14.4 14.4.1 Entrepreneurship cell pdf I 5

Examples of Entrepreneurship
14.4.2 Pdf II 15
14.4.3 Unit test MCQ IV 10

14.5 14.5.1 Self-Learning Pdf I 5

14.5.2 Methods of self-learning PDF II 20
Activity-List facilities for self-
14.5.3 Pdf III 10
learning in your institute

Co-curricular and extra-

14.6 14.6.1 curricular activities in your video I 5
Examples of Co-curricular and
14.6.2 Pdf II 15
extra- curricular activities

14.6.3 Activity: Availability of co- PDF III 10

curricular / extracurricular
NITTTR, BHOPAL| MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on “Accreditation of Undergraduate Engineering Programmes”
Advance organizer - Module XIV

activities / facilities in your


Assignment: Fill-up criteria 9 of

14.7 14.7.1 SAR and post your problems if Pdf IV 60
any on Discussion forum

14.8 14.8.1 PPTs of Video in Pdf form Pdf II 20

Discussion forum need of
14.8.2 III 20
incubation center at institutes
Total Module Duration or 4
hrs 36

Welcome friends to MODULE 14 after going through this module you will learn
The Module consists of six units which includes an activity to be done, three tests and a
assignment besides there is also a discussion forum
Unit 14.1 Explains Need of Mentoring system.
Unit 14.2 Importance of feedback on courses and facilities
Unit 14 3 Need for Career guidance, training and placement.
Unit 14.4 Need of Entrepreneurship cell and facilities created in your institute
Unit 14.5 Methods and Benefits of self-learning
Unit 14.6 discusses about Co-curricular and extra- curricular activities in your institute
Unit 14.7 This is an assignment which you have to do any problems you can post on forum.
Unit 14.8 Issues that can be discussed in the Discussion Forum. It also contains PPTs
used in video in pdf format
So, get ready for an interesting journey. Happy Learning!!!

NITTTR, BHOPAL| MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on “Accreditation of Undergraduate Engineering Programmes”
Advance organizer - Module XV

NITTTR, BHOPAL| MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on “Accreditation of Undergraduate Engineering Programmes”
Advance organizer - Module XVI

NITTTR, BHOPAL| MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) on “Accreditation of Undergraduate Engineering Programmes”

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