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Literature Review

“Attitude and readiness of teachers in the use of interactive whiteboard (IWB) in

teaching English”
This study examines the attitude and readiness of teachers in the use of
interactive whiteboard (IWB) in teaching English in all level of English subjects.
The descriptive correlational method of research was employed in this study
because descriptive research is a multifaceted research approach. It can depict
qualitative sources such as the use and analysis of language among the students’
respondents in their listening, speaking, reading, writing, vocabulary, identifying
errors and correct usage. The respondents of the study are the English teachers
who are teaching the four elements in the General English Language and used
interactive whiteboard in their teaching to determine the performance of students
in their General English Language as part of their curriculum in their level of
learning. The respondents are professional licensed teachers and have the
expertise in teaching English Language among their students. This is conducted
for the period 2016-2017. Purposive sampling is utilized in the study which is also
known as judgmental, selective or subjective sampling which relies on the
judgment of the researchers when it comes to selecting the units that are to be
studied. Purposive sampling is widely used in the identification and selection of
information-rich cases related to the phenomenon of interest. Result showed that
there is no significant relationship between the attitude of the respondents and
the extent of the aforementioned interactive whiteboard teaching in English among
the respondents.

Keywords: interactive whiteboard (IWB) in teaching english, use of interactive

whiteboard (IWB), attitude and readiness in using
interactive whiteboard (IWB)

1. Introduction

Educational technology plays an important role in teaching and learning

process, the main issue is how to have an effective teaching through educational
technology in instructional practices in the classroom. The success of teaching
is the integration of a new technology as the goal of any educational technology.
Technology involves a tangible thing. Technology suggests knowledge about
making things on educational technology. The essence of educational
technology is the interactive white board learning which students explore and
observe during their class learning and discussion in English. It is perhaps
necessary and sufficient conditions or characteristics that many teachers used
technology as objects in their skills in teaching, however; it can be applied to
classroom setting and discussion in their English subjects. What seems to run
through most use technology in the application of knowledge for a practical
purpose in teaching (Spector, 2015) . Equipment of a new technology has a
chance to be involved in teaching and learning process. E-learning took a place in
the classrooms as a new trend in using education technology. The E-learning is
an important development taking advantage of computer technologies and
software, communications and information, to be employed in the process of
teaching and learning, where it has become one of the alternatives in the
dissemination of education and activating the training, whether direct or indirect,
overcoming the obstacles of space and time and risk and provided for the teacher's
experiences effectively, enriched the learning and development teaching and
has become a modern teaching method, employing modern communication
mechanisms to support the educational process, enrich and improve the quality.
E-learning as an instruction delivered on a digital device that is intended to support
learning. It is an instructional goal to support individual learning for students and
as organizational performance and goals of a teacher to include the interactive
whiteboard learning as designed to new technology in delivering learning to
students. However; the benefits gained from these new technologies depend on
the extent to which they are used in ways capable with cognitive learning
processes on principles of instructional design (Clark and Mayer, 2016) . E-
learning has many faces in classrooms and interactive whiteboard (IWB) is one of
many equipment of e-learning. Interactive Whiteboard is a large touch-sensitive
and interactive display that connects to a computer and projector. A projector
predicts the computer's desktop onto the board's surface, where users control the
computer using a pen, finger or other device. The Interactive Whiteboard software
allows for teacher-cued animation, equations and word problems that can be
retrieved, dragged and dropped, projected information that a teacher can
highlight, enlarge or conceal, stored additional resources and recorded student
feedback. Interactive whiteboards (IWB) are regarded as one of the most
revolutionary instructional technologies for various educational levels. While the
impacts of IWBs in classroom settings have been examined the actual usage and
behaviors associated with promising IWB features in practical settings. Teachers
believe that IWBs can be used to facilitate learning and instruction under the
following conditions, 1) collaboration with colleagues, 2) training about effective
instructional strategies using IWB, and 3) more frequent teacher use of IWBs to
improve IWB competency (Türel and Johnson, 2012) . The interactive
whiteboard allows for the creation of collaborative and interactive lessons by
combining resources with a trained instructor‘s ability to move and manipulate
objects. In addition, interactive whiteboard allows teachers to do many rolls and
get many benefits, for example, access and present more relevant scientific
content by linking to web resources and videos. Teachers can allow students
to manipulate variables, test predictions and see phenomena that would otherwise
be impossible to observe. There is an increasing awareness of the need to
understand the match between technology and pedagogy in the development
of interactive learning supported by the interactive whiteboard in schools.
Interactive whiteboard is becoming increasingly popular in schools at present.
This can encourage creative and critical thinking and free students to
communicate clearly. While these are admirable ideals, there are fundamental
questions that administrators and educators should discuss before engaging in
any designing collaborative interactive whiteboard learning that can help students
work together more effectively (Lippman, 2015) . The appearance of interactive
whiteboards in schools has been accompanied by research that attempts to
analyze the effects on teaching and learning processes. The use of interactive
whiteboards in educational settings has shown that interactive whiteboard
technology that can enhance presentations and developing student motivation and
performance. Therefore; the positive claims made concerning the benefits of
learning through a pedagogy which makes use of an interactive whiteboard,
leading to a rapid acquisition and implementation of the interactive whiteboard
in schools. Using of interactive whiteboards in the classroom and its impact on
teaching and learning process and the effect of interactive whiteboards on
pedagogy, motivation, interaction, perception, learning and achievement. These
effects are related to contextual factors such as teacher training, teacher
confidence, school culture, technical support, lesson preparation, practice time and
the classroom learning environment for increases in student motivation, student
learning and achievement. The technology integration using interactive
whiteboard can potentially increase interactivity between teachers and students,
enhance student engagement, support motivation and enjoyment and
ultimately increase student achievement and the most important factor in
enhancing learning experience is the perception of the teacher on their
instructional methodology, perceives that interactive whiteboard enhances
instruction and interaction, then the result can be a positive influence on
students‘ learning. The most important factor in enhancing learning experience
is the perception of the teacher on their instructional methodology. Therefore,
if the teacher perceives that interactive whiteboard that could enhance instruction
and interaction, then the result could be a positive influence on the students
learning. This focuses on the effort expectancy that give positive effect on the
behavioral intention regarding of interactive whiteboards, it gives social influence
on the positive effect on the use of interactive whiteboards, facilitating
conditions on the effect and the use of interactive whiteboards in advanced ages
and behavioral intention that has an effect on the use of interactive whiteboards
(Tosuntaş, Karadağ and Orhan, 2015) . Using of interactive whiteboard
requires teachers to have full understanding of interactive teaching and
technology. Only in this condition, the results can have amazing effect on student
learning. Therefore, making the lessons more placement and enjoyable requires a
good trainee teacher that has a strong professional development program
concentrates on changing teacher discourse. When interactive whiteboards are
used well they can increase student engagement and learning. This means that it
is important to educate future teachers in how to use interactive whiteboards
and how to incorporate them successfully into their teaching. The impact that a
district wide technology initiative involving interactive whiteboards had on
teachers’ attitudes, beliefs and practices and whether this impact was consistent
with the overall goals of the initiative. Patterns of use and teacher attitudes
and beliefs were most strongly reflected in and influenced by four factors:
professional development, school-based leadership, communication channels,
and peer interactions. Together, these four factors were identified as the primary
influences in the initiative’s successes and limitations. Making a better
understanding of how classroom practices and perceptions change for teachers
who participate in professional development. The evidence for the effectiveness of
technology use in foreign language (FL) learning and teaching, with a focus on
empirical use of newer technologies with more traditional methods or materials
are impressive including classroom-based technologies, individual study tools,
network-based social computing, and mobile and portable devices. The
technology uses in FL learning and teaching, evidence of efficacy is limited.
However, the claim of interactive whiteboard technology made a measurable
impact in FL learning. It provides strong support for the use of chat in FL
learning. The moderate support for claims that technology enhanced learners’
output and interaction, affect and motivation, feedback and metalinguistic
knowledge are in support of whiteboard learning, (Golonka, Bowles, Frank,
Richardson and Freynik, 2014) . The use of interactive whiteboards as a tool
for encouraging and supporting classroom dialogue and the promotion of dialogic
communication between teachers and students are widely recognized as
educationally valuable. Outcomes include illustrative examples of teachers'
effective strategies for using the interactive whiteboard for orchestrating
dialogue. Implications for teachers' initial training and professional development
are considered. A range of pedagogical models concerned with the concept of
authentic pedagogies are commonly used within classrooms. Training designed
for pre-service eachers dealing with the pedagogical application of interactive
whiteboards is designed to guide and assess the implementation according to
these pre-existing and widespread pedagogical models. The interactive
whiteboards can be used in teacher education as well as how to integrate their
use across courses that pre-service teachers undertake. Teachers also
emphasized that knowing practical interactive whiteboard uses were extremely
important and helpful to them to integrate this promising tool meaningfully
into their teaching. Exploring the attitudes of students and teachers toward
the use of interactive whiteboards in a foreign language teaching and learning
context. The teachers have generally positive attitudes toward using of
interactive whiteboard in language instruction and are aware of the potential uses
of this technology. Therefore, the use of interactive whiteboard as an
instructional tool has beneficial effect on student engagement in classroom lesson
and improves student behavior. The interactive whiteboards (IWBs) in the English
as a foreign language (EFL) classroom have a favorable usage of the IWB
technology and its benefits in EFL classrooms and the pedagogical approaches to
integrate IWBs in the EFL classroom (Hüseyin, 2014) [6].

2. Research Design

The descriptive correlational method of research was employed in this

study because descriptive research is a multifaceted research approach. It can
depict qualitative sources such as the use and analysis of language among the
students’ respondents in their listening, speaking, reading, writing, vocabulary,
identifying errors and correct usage. (Harcout, 2016) [5] stressed that any
scientific process begins with description, based on observation of an event or
events from which theories may later be developed to explain the observations.
This is how the process is being done on the study under investigated.
Descriptive research involves gathering data that describe events and then
organizes, tabulates, depicts and describes the data collection. It often uses
visual aids such as graphs and charts to aid the reader in understanding the data

Automatic blackboard dusters are made so as to ease the tedious job of
erasing blackboards by teachers or students. Chalk dust or the marker ink may
prove hazardous to health to both the teacher as well as student. So to reduce
such problems Automatic Blackboard dusters are one of the alternatives. The
manual method of erasing has one more disadvantage 'TIME'. The time wasted
during the blackboard erasing can be utilized for much better purposes like
teaching or attendance. So by doing this we are simply making things better for
ourselves and the future generation. We propose a system to interface the
mechanical aspects of the mechanical erasing system with micro controllers so as
to enhance it into automation rather than manual. We are using PIC micro
controller to interface the board erasing mechanism.
Index Terms— Automatic, Blackboard, Duster, Eraser, PIC
Since our childhood the day we entered school first thing we have seen are
blackboards. They laid the basic foundations of our knowledge from the basic
ABC’s to what we learn even today. India being a country emphasizing on
education since ages. But the chalks we use on blackboards or the markers on
whiteboards need to be erased if next thing is to be taught. This black or
whiteboard erasing method is a tedious job. So to reduce a little bit time and
energy of the teachers who shall raise the next generation we have tried to design
the automatic blackboard erasing mechanism. Basically it is a simple Duster
attached on a vertical Shaft. The movement is done by the use of 2 DC motors
and they can be controlled via switches given. The Duster shall be placed in the
midsection of the board so to reduce time to move towards any side of the board
easily. Thus the teachers will be able to erase 50% of the board easily.

1.1 Need of Project Work

According to a survey done by the Government of India we came to know
that there are 71814 Pre-Degree/Junior Colleges/Higher Sec. Schools , 128370
High/Post Basic Schools,47600 Middle/Sr. Basic Schools, 748547 Primary/Jr. Basic,
436 Universities / Deemed Schools Universities, 25938 Colleges for Professional
Education, 1914 Polytechnics in India. Thus we can clearly see how many
blackboards are present in India making our project a big necessity in today’s life.
The study[1], Assessment of Airborne Fine Particulate Matter and Particle Size
Distribution in Settled Chalk Dust During Writing and Dusting Exercises in a
Classroom, was done by Deepanjan Majumdar, DG Gajghate, Pradeep Pipalatkar
and CV Chalapati Rao of the National Environmental Engineering Research
Institute in Nehru Marg, India. The team weighed each piece of chalk before and
after using it. They collected chalk dust from the air, and also the dust that fell on
to a long sheet of paper laid over the base of the blackboard. Their experiment
featured three kinds of chalk, one blackboard, an eraser, an aerosol spectrometer
(to measure and record the amount of dust floating in the air), and a Cilas model
1180 particle-size analyzer. The report explains that in schools that still use chalk,
teachers brave the greatest direct risk: "During teaching, entry of chalk dust in the
respiratory system through nasopharyngeal region and mouth could be extensive
in teachers due to their proximity to the board and frequent opening of mouth
during lectures and occasional gasping and heavier breathing due to exhaustion.
As per current state of knowledge on particulate matter vis-a-vis chalk dust, it
"may remain suspended in air for some time before settling on the floor and body
parts of the teachers and pupils". The scientists acknowledge that chalk and
chalkboards these days are being replaced, in many schools, by whiteboards and
other more modern, less intrinsically dusty technology. But chalk still enjoys wide
usage in many countries. The study, published in the journal Indoor and Built
Environment, ruefully concludes: "Though real-time airborne chalk dust generation
was found to be low in this study and did not contain toxic materials, chalk dust
could be harmful to allergic persons and may cause lacrimation and breathing
troubles in the long run and certainly is a constant nuisance in classrooms as it
may soil clothes, body parts, audiovisual aids and study materials." This in addition
increased the importance of the project we are trying to build so as to decrease
the discomfort caused due to chalks.

Primitive blackboard erasers were initially wet cloths or wood planks
attached with eraser materials. They were effective but made the user open to the
chalk dust which may not be fatal but could cause allergies and problems to
persons affected by asthma or any other breathing problems. The basic
architecture always included the blackboard itself as a crucial part as well as the
duster placed in different manners but with a single objective to erase the
blackboard. Billie R. Crisp[2] proposed a system in 1971,an automatic duster
erasing apparatus for classroom use. The movement of the shaft fixed with the
eraser was primarily done by manual switches. But the most distinctive part of the
mechanism was the plural dusters embedded on the shaft so as to increase the
duster range as well as cleaning the blackboard became much easier. The electric
motors span the whole blackboard so as to move the duster along it. The rollers
at top and bottom do traverse motion. In 1993 Solomon Forst [3] designed a
blackboard erasing system. The blackboard is mounted with the cleaning
apparatus fitted to the wall, it includes a separate duster apparatus rather than
the cleaning material which was used in the previous models. They proposed that
rather increasing the expenses on a complex mechanism as well as custom built
vertical erasers we should use the normal dusters fitted on a separate block which
then movers around the whole blackboard erasing it. In 2002 Chirag Shah [4] tried
to make the blackboard system with Sensors to the motors to initiate motor
movement. The mechanism control switches were with the user. The duster
moved to and from to erase the blackboard. Once the motor starts moving the
gear and counter gear connected to the threaded rod which then moves the shaft.
The most advanced blackboard model was designed by Jinzan Liu, Zhong Zeng &
Lang Xu .This blackboard erasing system was the most advanced blackboard
erasing mechanism which used cameras and digital image processing to erase the
erasable markings present on the blackboard. This was a hardware and software
connected system.

We propose a system to interface the mechanical aspects of the mechanical
erasing system with micro controllers so as to enhance it into automation rather
than manual. We are using PIC micro controller to interface the board erasing

“Preliminary Design of an Automated White Board Cleaner”

The work presented in this paper is on the preliminary design and
fabrication of an automated whiteboard cleaner. The objective here in is to reduce
the man-power involved in cleaning white boards after use. Though the use of
smart boards is increasing, many institutions in the developed and developing
world still make use of white boards. The Autodesk software was used for the CAD
drawing and thereafter the design analyses and fabrication were done. The auto-
board was designed to be powered by a single phase 0.6 HP electric motor. The
chain drive parameters were determined based on estimations of the center
distance between the sprockets, the required cleaning time, number of sweeps,
total number of chain links and the expected performance. The cleaning efficiency
of the auto-white board cleaner is estimated to be better than the manual
operation when the equipment is fully completed.
Key words: Automated-white board-cleaner, Design-analyses, Preliminary-

A whiteboard or dry erase board is a name for a glossy surface, most
commonly colored white, where non – permanent markings can be made.
Whiteboards operate analogously to chalkboard in that they allow markings to
temporarily adhere to the surface of the board. The popularity of whiteboards
increased rapidly in the mid–1980s and they have become a fixture in many offices,
meeting rooms, school classrooms and other work environments. In the mid–
1960s, the first whiteboard (also called marker boards) began to appear on the
market. In classrooms, their widespread adoption didn‘t occur until the late 1980s
and early 1990s when concern over allergies and other potential health risks posed
by chalk dust prompted the replacement of many blackboards with whiteboards.
The first whiteboards were very expensive and were made of a melamine surface.
It was the ―perfect‖ solution to the chalkboard, except that it ghosted in a short
time and was not easy to keep clean. In our lecture rooms, the dire need for a
duster that would be readily available at all times for cleaning the whiteboards has
been a major concern, the height of some boards cleaners also affect the section
of the board to be cleaned. Even when the board cleaners are available, it takes
lecture time away from the lecturer to erase the board. This need for a faster, time
saving and readily available cleaner has given birth to the design of an automated
white board cleaner that can clean the board in the least amount of the time

Background knowledge and project concept

The mechanism of the automated board cleaner entails a horizontal motion.
The design is aimed at reducing the stress of manual cleaning. The duster which
spans horizontally across the width of the board is to clean to and from across the
board. The design is such that when the switch is turned on, the motor transmits
energy which turns the shaft which in turn, drives the pulley. The duster is fixed
to the pulley chains which move to and from (horizontal motion) along its plane,
thereby cleaning the board. The idea behind the project basically is to simplify the
manual use of duster which is quite tedious. This came about as a result of the
observation carried out during lectures. Lecturers or students waste time while
cleaning the board, hence slowing down lecture hours. Although, different designs
have evolved over the years as regards the fabrication of an automated whiteboard
cleaner, the main purpose of these designs have not combated the stressful nature
of cleaning boards. This project adds to the variety of designs aimed at mitigating
the stress associated with cleaning boards.

Problem of existing design and objective of new design

In the light of designing an automated whiteboard cleaner, the limitations
of two major existing designs will be considered. That is, the electric board cleaner
and the automatic whiteboard cleaner which makes use of belts. Most belts have
low wear and tear resistance and with the frequent operation of the duster (i.e the
cleaning process), the belt is likely to cut and hence makes the device or the
cleaner less useful. In the process of trying to change the belt, the whole
components may have to be loosened which is time – consuming. However, as for
the case of the electric board cleaner, the idea of applying manual effort still comes
in. The difference being that effort applied is less since it is powered electrically.
This project is aimed at modifying the automatic whiteboard cleaner by replacing
the belts with chains which will improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the
cleaner. The objective of this project is to reduce the stress of cleaning the board
by using an automated duster. This objective would be achieved through the
following specific objectives (i) conceptualization of an automated whiteboard
cleaner (ii) preliminary and detailed design of new mechanism (iii) fabrication of
the automated whiteboard cleaner (iv) performance testing of the automated
whiteboard cleaner

Description and operation of new design

Description of new design
The automated white board cleaner is a movable device; which is majorly
made up of wood (plywood to be precise) due to its ease of fabrication and
availability. Also, stainless steel was used in fabricating part of this equipment that
will be in contact with the duster because of its high resistance to corrosion.
Relatively, the board is heavy weighing about 28kg having an overall height of
740mm and surface area of (1210 x 270mm2). The board has a compartment
upon which the motor stand, the motor, the sprockets, chains and duster are
mounted. The top of the board is covered with steel to withstand the weight of
the motor and other components. Also, to enable easy fastening of the motor
stand on the board. The chain spans a length of 1892.3mm and the sprocket has
a diameter of 140mm. All these components are housed by a top cover. This cover
has a fined surface by the side close to the motor. This is done to increase the
surface area of heat sent out of the motor, hence increase the performance of the
electric motor.
However, the duster is made of wood which will span the width of the
board. It has a surface area of (735 x 65mm2 ). The design is such that the base
of the duster will have a roller which will enable the duster to move across the
duster while cleaning. At the extreme ends of the board, there will be pilot
switches. These pilot switches are sensors which are used to stop the duster from
continually being in operation when it‘s not needed. Also, wooden supports are
embedded in the frame of the board. This is done to withstand the load of the
motor and other components.

Conclusion and recommendation

The objective of this work which is to design an automated white board
cleaner has been achieved to an extent. There is need for further fabrication works.
The structures of the chains and sprocket were conceived to fit properly into the
cleaning mechanism, but due to inadequate tensioning, prevented the automated
duster from performing the required function adequately.
The gear mechanism could have been used to reduce the speed of the
motor, but considering the weight which it might have on the machine, variable
speed regulators were inculcated instead. Due to the forward motion of the duster,
sensor was needed to trigger off the motor whenever the duster gets to the end
of the board. This can be used to prevent damage of the motor.
Finally, the automated duster when fully completed will give an effective
cleaning after two to three sweeps. It is recommended that the machine be
improved in terms of tensioning of the chains to ensure an effective cleaning and
that rollers are placed at the base just in front of the duster, creating a groove
were it can move. Finally, proper fitting of bearings on the sprocket are put in
place to reduce the load on the electric motor
“A study of poly (vinyl chloride) erasers used in the surface cleaning of

Erasers are occasionally used to surface clean photographs of dirt and
grime. Although the chemical composition and aging characteristics of erasers
have been studied, published reports on the residual effects have dealt with
cellulose materials and not photographic materials. This study is designed to
investigate the composition of poly (vinyl chloride) erasers, as well as to evaluate
their abrasive and residual effects on albumen and gelatin silver photographs.

The surfaces of photographs, particularly those with a gelatin binder layer,
can be quite reactive with water. For this reason, photograph conservators have
attempted to develop non-aqueous and dry cleaning methods while relying on
techniques developed by paper conservators. While the proper and controlled use
of erasers on paper can be a safe and effective technique, the effects of the same
materials and techniques on photographs cannot be assumed. The additional
components of a binder layer and a final image material result in different
responses to abrasion, amount of eraser residue and the possible long term effects
of such residue.
The composition of erasers used in conservation has been studied for a
number of years including a 1966 study by the McCrone Associates investigating
seventeen book cleaning materials’ and in 1981 by the Canadian Conservation
Institute’ (CCI). Other studies have shown either the abrasive quality of erasers or
the tendency of small eraser crumbs to become trapped within the interstices of
the paper fibers.3” Based on these and other studies, conservators fiequently
choose erasers made of poly (vinyl chloride)(PVC), such as Magic Rub@ by Faber
Castell and Mars Plastic@ by Staedtler, in the belief that the aging properties of
PVC are better than those of rubber or vulcanized vegetable oil found in other
Analytical testing conducted by CCI in 1981 has indicated that both Magic
Rub@ and Mars Plastic 52652@ contain a dialkyl phthalate plasticizer, calcium
carbonate, and a trace amount of titanium in addition to the PVC. The Magic Rub@
also contained a trace amount of silicon. Of the six types of PVC erasers tested,
Magic Rub@ and Mars Plastic@ contained the least amount of inorganic additives.
Although the deterioration of PVC produces hydrogen chloride,6 which can cause
the oxidization of the silver image material of photographs, it was proposed by CCI
that the erasers contained enough calcium carbonate to neutralize some of the
acid. The presence of about 35% dioctyl phthalate plasticizer in the Magic Rub@
eraser was confirmed by Faber Castell in the 1982 study by Pearlstein, etal.
Since proprietary products are subject to change without notice fiom the
manufacturer, this study was designed to investigate the compositions of Magic
Rub@ and Mars Plastic 526500 erasers, using x-ray fluorescence spectrometry for
inorganic elemental analysis, and Fourier transform infiared spectrometry for the
identification of organic compounds.
Additionally, the evaluation of abrasion, density loss and amount of eraser
residue on treated photographs comprised the second part of this study.
A glossmeter was chosen to detect abrasion on the surfaces of the
photographs. This device specifically measures the difference between the amount
of incident light projected onto a surface and the amount of light reflected fiom
that surface.’ When a photograph is abraded more light is scattered fiom the
resulting irregularities in the surface, therefore the amount of gloss decreases, as
indicated by a lower numerical reading.
The densitometer measures the amount of opacity in an area, therefore it
can be used to measure density changes of the silver image in a small area. This
instrument is commonly used in the field of photograph conservation and was
therefore an appropriate choice for this particular application.
As previously mentioned, the amount of eraser residue on cellulose
materials has been studied, but there are no known published reports of eraser
residue on photographs. The protein binder on albumen and gelatin silver prints is
smoother than the surface of paper alone; however binders are often cracked, so
it was unknown whether there would be more or less residue than would be found
embedded in paper fibers alone. The use of before and after treatment
photomicrographs was chosen in order to visually identi@ eraser particle residue.
If eraser particles do remain on the surface of the photograph, the long
term effects of the residue upon aging are unknown. The Photographic Activity
Test is a well used procedure designed to determine if a material in close contact
with a photograph will cause fading or staining of the photograph over time.
Three smaller tests were included to investigate the plasticizers in the
erasers. The first test was designed to determine the current relative amount of
plasticizer in both eraser types. The other pilot studies were intended to determine
if plasticizer could be detected on the surface of a treated photograph. These tests
included both examining partially treated photographs with infiared
reflectography, and attempting to extract the plasticizer fiom the surface of a
treated photograph for FTIR analysis.

Eraser Characterization The first method of eraser characterization was to
simply visually analyze the two eraser types for differences. One sample each of
the Magic Rub@ and Mars Plastic@ eraser was microscopically examined under
both transmitted and incident light. The microscope used was a Nikon
stereomicroscope with an E plan 10/.25 160 lens and a lox objective, located at
Winterthur Museum.
Three randomly selected samples of both the Magic Rub@ and Mars Plastic0
erasers were analyzed using Fourier transform infiared spectroscopy at Winterthur
Museum. Thin sections were taken and placed on a diamond cell and viewed on
the XAD microscope attachment of a Laser Precision-Analect RFX-65 FTIR
Spectrometer with a cryogenically cooled mercury cadmium telluride detector. At
a resolution of 4 cm-', each sample was scanned three hundred times in order to
reduce instrumentation noise. In a second set of samples, the organic components
of the erasers were extracted with chloroform, forming a film when dried which
was then analyzed as previously mentioned. Printouts were made of both types of
analysis and through a computer search, the organic compounds were compared
to references and identified.
Inorganic components were identified using a Kevex model 0750 X-Ray
Fluorescence Analyzer, also located at Winterthur Museum. The same erasers used
in the FTIR analysis were also used for this analysis. Areas of approximately 1 mm
square were scanned for 150 seconds at a setting of 45 kilovolts and 0.4
milliamperes with a carbon target, in order to detect the presence of elements
primarily with atomic numbers greater than 19. Printouts of the analysis were
made and the major peaks identified.
Daniel M. Burge, Assistant Scientist at the Image Permanence Institute,
Rochester Institute of Technology, performed the Photographic Activity Test on
one sample each of the Magic Rub@ and Mars Plastic@ erasers. Without brushing,
he pulled the eraser three times along a strip of Whatman No. 1 filter paper which
was then used in the test package.8 The test was conducted as per ANSI IT9.16-
1 993.9
Sample Preparation
Ten samples each of naturally aged albumen and gelatin silver developed-
out prints (DOP) were supplied by Debra Hess Norris, Associate Professor at the
University of Delaware. These were examined and categorized in terms of surface
qualities such as gloss and cracking. Three templates were made fiom 3 mil
polyester for each photograph. The first template covered the entire photograph
but had two rectangular openings, measuring approximately 2 cm by 5 cm. The
openings indicated where the eraser treatments were to occur and were
appropriately numbered. The numbering system for the treatment areas included
a three part number in which the first number identified the sample photograph
fiom one to twenty. The second number indicated the type of photograph, with
number 1 representing albumen and number 2 representing gelatin silver DOP.
The final number designated which type of eraser was to be used for the study,
such as number 1 for Mars Plastic@ and number 2 for Magic Rub@ For example,
a completely numbered sample may have been identified as 8-1-1. The numbering
system aided in randomization during testing and statistical analysis afterwards.
The other two polyester templates fit over the rectangular openings and
contained three holes at areas of low, medium, and high density which were
identified as A, B, and C, respectively. These templates were used both in order to
isolate areas of the sample to be measured with the densitometer and to be
photographed under magnification.

Treatment Protocol
One sample area from each photograph was treated with the Magic Rub@
eraser, while another was treated with the Mars Plastic@. The treatment of the
photographs was an alteration of the previously mentioned study of Pearlstein,
Cabelli, King, and Indictor. Instead of strips of sample photographs to be erased,
the uncut photographs were erased through the rectangular openings of the mylar
templates. The erasers were angled so that one edge was in contact with the width
of the opening then pulled with equal pressure five times along the length of the
opening, then five times along the width. A clean hake brush was used to brush
away the visible eraser crumbs. The order of the samples to be treated were
randomly selected by drawing a treatment area number from an envelope.
In order to ensure that the composition of the erasers used were
representative of Magic Rub0 and Mars Plastic@, five erasers of each type were
obtained, consisting of both new and old, but unused, samples. These were
randomly selected so that each photograph was treated with one of the five Magic
Rub@ erasers as well as one of the five Mars Plastic@ erasers.
Density and Gloss Measurements
Before treatment density measurements were taken using the reflectance
head of a Macbeth TR924 Densitometer which had been calibrated to a standard.
This instrument was located in the Photograph Conservation Laboratory of the
University of Delaware. Sample areas, such as 10-1-2, were randomly chosen as
previously described, however readings were always taken in the order A-B-C.
Three readings were taken for each opening in the template and were averaged
for a single density measurement of that area. Numbers were rounded to two
decimal places. This process resulted in six density measurements for each
photograph, or more specifically: a low, medium and high-density area within each
of the two areas that were to be treated with the erasers. The same procedure
was used for the after-treatment density measurements.
At the National Archives facility in College Park, Maryland, the before and
after treatment gloss measurements were taken with a Macbeth Statistical Novo-
Gloss glossmeter with the incident light set at 60". Since the exact area being
measured by the equipment could not be determined, and therefore could not be
relocated for the after-treatment measurements, only the templates with the
rectangular openings were used. Ten readings were taken within each rectangular
opening and averaged together to arrive at one gloss measurement for each area,
for a total of forty average measurements for the entire sample set. As with the
density readings, the order of the sample areas to be measured was randomly

Using TMax 100 black and white film, photomicrographs were taken of the
low, medium, and high density areas as marked on the templates as A, B, and C.
This resulted in a total of 120 before treatment images. At Winterthur Museum, a
Nikon stereomicroscope with a Nikon-35A camera attachment and a Nikon HFX-I1
control was used. The magnification included an E plan 10/.25 160 lens with a lox
objective. Each photograph was placed directly on the microscope stage and two
incident lights from an Intralux 6000 light source were set at approximately 45"
from the surface of the photograph. In order to aid in sample identification when
the contact sheets were viewed, the samples were photographed in strict order of
the sample numbers, starting with sample 1 - 1 - 1 -A and ending with 20-2-2-C.
After treatment, the samples were examined with the same microscope
codguration and polyester templates in order to determine the presence of eraser
residue. Using the before treatment contact sheets as a reference, it was difficult
to find the exact areas for comparison, therefore, only representative after
treatment photographs were taken.

Additional Pilot Studies on the Eraser Plasticizers

A small pilot study was carried out in order to determine the approximate
amount of plasticizer in each of the eraser types. Janice Carlson, Museum Scientist
at Winterthur Museum, extracted the plasticizer fiom one small piece each of the
two eraser types in a chloroform bath over a period of a few weeks, until it
appeared that no plasticizer remained. She then compared the before and after
weights of the eraser pieces to arrive at the percent weight of the plasticizer.
Three of the sample albumens and three gelatin silver photographs were
observed using infrared reflectography, or the IR Vidicon system equipped with a
C2741 Hamamatsu video camera and a 634 Tekronix monitor. The templates were
not used in order to determine ifthe treated areas reflected infrared light differently
fiom the rest of the photograph, possibly due to the presence of residual
A second method of determining the presence of residual plasticizer was
attempted. Two additional sample albumen photographs were procured so that
one was left as a control while the other was completely surface cleaned with a
Mars Plastic@ eraser. Each surface was individually flooded with chloroform in
order to extract any possible plasticizer. The chloroform was immediately
recollected and allowed to evaporate in a he hood so that the plasticizer extraction
could become more concentrated in the watch glass and collected for FTIR
“Automated WhiteBoard eraser”

Background of the Study

Whiteboards, erasers and markers. These are the common instructional
materials that instructors have been using nowadays in classroom for discussing
lessons every day.
Many teachers believe they have found a better way with whiteboards.
There’s no more chalk dust filling classroom air, no more chalk residue on your
fingers, no more clapping the erasers outside after school. Instead, glossy white
boards line the walls in a growing number of classrooms (Stockdale,2012). White
boards are the modern day chalkboards. They replaced these older contraptions
when people saw the need and the advantages for such an enhancement.
Blackboards used to dominate classrooms. These days, however, more and more
white boards are penetrating the school scene, taking the place of the boards we
grew up with as kids. A white board is a panel with a shiny, smooth surface that
is usually white thus the name. They can be seen in various locations on
campus in classrooms, lecture halls, laboratories, libraries, and meeting rooms.
Some white boards come equipped with a frame and wheels. These versatile
boards can be extra useful and handy anywhere on campus (Trinsick, 2012).
Erasing while discussing is such a waste of time and interrupt the
discussion. However it was just a bit of time that has been consumed by erasing
but the time that had been wasted plays big importancein the discussion part
because we have a saying that ―TIME IS GOLD‖. This was just a common problem
that happens inside the classroom while the discussion is being conducted.
Designing a eraser in such away that it is not difficult for an instructor to erase the
writing while he/she is conducting the lesson without interrupting the class just
because to erase the board writing. In this manner the automatic eraser will bea
thin devices attached to the both sides of the length of the board operated
automatically with a remote control. Along the length of the board will be a tracking
that allows the device to move back and forth. The device will be powered by an
electric motor. There will be holes in the device where an alcohol based solution
will be place in the eraser material to help provide a clean surface on the white
Our idea for making the whiteboard was to make a robot/moving cart that
moves left and right across the top the board. Also, the robot would have an expo
eraser at the end of the pole that moved up and down the board. First, our group
worked on making a holder for the motor, which took a long time. It started out
as a little cart that moved with four wheels across the floor and then changed into
a cart that moved across the top of a white board. One day of working on the
project, a few problems occurred on how to move the robot across the whiteboard.
Our group decided to build double tracks, out of wood, and put them on both sides
of the board and have the cart move along them with two wheels on one side and
another wheel on the other, which would be attached to a motor. Also, there would
be four holders across the whiteboard to make sure the track was stable. Then the
wheels were made out of acrylic so it would ride across the tracks. This feature
finally made our robot move smoothly across the board(PaigeD'Angelo,2014).
Whiteboard as required. Cleaning of the whiteboard by a damp cloth is, of
course, a technique that has long been employed but is only used when immediate
use of the blackboard/whiteboard is not required. But today many
teachers/instructors are having problems in erasing the writings at the board while
making a lecture to the class. This can cause a little waste of time for lectures
especially when it is very important. This is why some researchers have an interest
in making such device that can be efficient enough to erase the board without
human interaction and discussing a lesson. The automated whiteboard eraser
system using a micro plc, a DC motor for driver, a lead screw and linear bearing
with drive shaft as main components. The implementation of this research consists
of eight stages; i) manual sketching and modeling some ideas through literature
review, ii) selected the best design and make-up the drawing, iii) categorized all
components according to final design, iv) done fabrication job and bought selected
standard components such as a micro set plc parts, motor driven, and electronic
components, v) assembly process was done by referring the assembly drawing,
vi) testing the major function of the eraser, vii) minor modification was done on
the eraser system, viii) final test for overall function of the automated whiteboard
eraser system. In the first stage, the manual sketches on the overall system had
been done through some reviewed on the past designs or products. Earlier,
Autocad 2008 software was used for modeling purpose. Then in stage two,
selection of the final or the best design for this research was done according to
scoring scheme. In third stage, all parts or components were categorized according
to their functions and sequences. Here some parts were identified as standard
components and the other parts could be fabricated on the lab. Meanwhile in
fourth stage, started ordered and bought the components and parts according to
the early stage task. After all components were ready assembly process was done
by referring the assembly drawing. Here members in this research were worked
together as a team to make sure that all parts were assembled exactly following
the drawing. Then in sixth stage, testing process on the overall system was done
to ensure the system totally function without any difficulties. According to the
result of the testing stage, some minor modifications had done to make the system
more effective. In the last stage, final test on the overall system and all minor
defects were fine tuned. (Mohd, Khairul 20-Jun-2009)

“Magnetic Whiteboard Eraser Robot using Arduino”

The Magnetic Whiteboard Eraser Robot using Arduino is a magnetic remote-

controlled toy car that sticks on the board.
The Magnetic Whiteboard Eraser Robot using Arduino consist of a
magnetthat holds the robot on top of the whiteboard, an accelerometer sensor for
controllingthe direction of movement and some micro-switches to sense the edge
of the board. (Michael Lathrop et al, August 2012).

Foreign Studies
Automatic Whiteboard Eraser
The Automatic Whiteboard Eraser made use of brushed dc motors.
According to Jadhav Vaishali, Chavan Mukteshvari, Jadhav Dhammapooja,
Waghmare Anita and Prof. Soumitra Dasof Patil School of Engineering Pune, India,
October 2015. The Automatic Whiteboard Eraser used a Whiteboard, Swapper,
Microcontroller, PIC, LCD, and DC motors. Essentially it is a straightforward duster
connected on a vertical Shaft. The development is finished by the utilization of 2
DC engines and they can be controlled by means of switches given. The Duster
might be put in the midsection of the load up so to lessen time to move towards
any side of the load up effectively. In this manner the instructors will have the
capacity to delete half of the board effectively. To reduce the work and time
required to erase the whiteboard so as to ease the problems of teachers as well
as students.

Automated Whiteboard Cleaner

The Automated Board Cleaner is mechanical device and did not use any
According to Simolowo O. E. et al, from University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Oyo
State, Nigeria, April 2014. Automated Whiteboard cleaner is made up of a white
board frame, whiteboard duster, electric motor, sprocket, chain, duster and top
cover. The motor to be used is a dc motor which is to run at a relatively low speed.
As the shaft drives the sprocket, the duster which is attached to the roller chain
cleans the board in a motion translator manner from left to right and vice–versa.

“Jumpstart engagement with interactive whiteboard classroom technology”

Nearly a hundred years ago, celebrated educational reformer John Dewey

Never before have there been so many tech tools at our disposal for
educating in entirely new, exciting, and promising ways. The interactive
whiteboard stands out for its ability to amplify web-based resources and transform
the way an entire roomful of students interacts with educational content. The
advent of interactive large format displays further expands the options for
achieving the documented benefits delivered by this transformative classroom

The Road to the Interactive Whiteboard

Classroom display board technology is a powerful thing. Introduced in 1801,
the chalkboard was a transformative classroom technology. It freed teachers from
costly and time-consuming handheld slates. The results were far-reaching. First, a
dramatic increase in class size. Next, the expansion of education into the American
The chalkboard reigned supreme for nearly two centuries. In the early
1990s, concerns about chalk dust and students with allergies prompted the
transition to whiteboards. Teachers applauded the new tool, which let them
highlight and expand lessons with multiple colors. The classroom as a whole
benefited from the elimination of chalkboard mess.
Along with widespread adoption of whiteboards, new classroom tech began
to link the boards with computers. Teachers could now save content written on
the board to a computer hard drive. This enabled them to make instant print outs,
spawning the short-lived name "copy board."
Rise of the Interactive Whiteboard
Introduced in 1991, interactive whiteboards (IWBs) were destined to make
an even greater impact on teaching. IWBs let teachers display anything on a
computer to the entire classroom, ushering in a new world of educational
With interactive whiteboards, students and teachers manipulate content
directly on the surface of the screen. Teachers were empowered with exciting new
tools. Student engagement increased. And classroom collaboration was set to
skyrocket. Original interactive whiteboard systems were a display board connected
to a projector.
Recently, large-format touchscreen displays, also called interactive flat
panels (IFPs) became another option. These interactive whiteboards deliver the
benefits of original projector-based IWB systems, plus added functionality. They’re
also less costly over the lifespan of the device thanks to reduced power
consumption and lower maintenance.

“Using whiteboards to support college students’ learning of complex physiological


At recent years whiteboard has become a crucial element at almost every
educational institute. They are large in size, for that reason it is very time
consuming and tedious process to erase the writings from the board with duster
manually. It breaks concentration of both lecturers and listeners. Automatic
Whiteboard Cleaner can solve these problems. Automatic whiteboard cleaner will
reduce the time and also the effort. It takes around 6secs to clear the board
smoothly. This paper represents the design and construction of automatic
whiteboard cleaner. The system consists of Arduino microcontroller, driver
module, dc gear motor, rack and pinion mechanism, sonar sensor, supports,
and a cleaner bar to give that an automation figure. When the switch is on, it
moves across the full width of the board and its direction is reversed
automatically in order to clean the board. So, this “Automatic Whiteboard
Cleaner” is a great replacement of “duster” and it can be suggested to use this to
reduce the effort of the board user as well as to introduce the classroom with an
automation system. Key words: Automation, whiteboard cleaner, arduino, rack
and pinion mechanism, sonar sensor.

1. Introduction
Education is the back bone of a nation. Education comprises of teaching
and learning. The resources and materials used in teaching becoming updated
along with the teaching and learning techniques. Writing was earlier done on
sand, walls, slates made out of wood, chalkboards and in recent times on white
boards and electronic boards [1]. Chalk dust scatter causes serious health
problems. Because of these reasons white board has been widely implemented
into many other sectors of human endeavor besides teaching [2]. Many researches
and testing had been done on white board from a long time. Many variations had
been done on cleaning of whiteboard surfaces. Remote control motorized cleaners
are made in which the dusters are operated with the help of remote control [1].
This type of cleaner moves horizontally by means of motor mechanism and
erase the board with the help of dusters attached to it but it could not
create sufficient pressure on board . This limitation was solved by using rolling
whiteboard surface and fixed dusters [3]. Instead of moving the dusters the
whiteboard surface is moved around the rollers. The friction produced between
fixed dusters and rolling surface creates sufficient pressure to erase the written
data on it but this process is too time consuming to clean the board. This drawback
was overcome by using microcontroller and sensors but the longevity of board
surface is short because it acts as flat belt [4]. Remote control motorized cleaners
makes use of belts which have low wear and tear resistance and with the frequent
operation of cleaning process, the belt is likely to cut and hence makes the
device or the cleaner less useful [3], [4]. Instead of belt, chain had been used
to improve the cleaning procedure but it creates too much noise [5]. Using cord
and pulley arrangement the wiper bar connected to the motors can erase writings
on the board which creates less noise but it requires four motors and two motor
drivers causing too much cost [6]. These limitations have been overcome by the
proposed design in this paper. Only one motor and one motor driver with rack and
pinion mechanism is used instead of belts and large amount of pressure has
provided by rack and pinion mechanism with necessary supports.
2. System components
This system is designed considering the present scenario of white boards. It
consists of seven main components. They are dc gear motors, arduino UNO,
motor driver, wooden block, duster holders, dusters, rack & pinion mechanism,
AC to DC converter and whiteboard surface.

“Automatic Whiteboard Cleaner Using Microcontroller Based Rack and Pinion


Research underscores the importance of retrieval-based practice and
application of knowledge for meaningful learning. However, the didactic lecture
format continues to persist in traditional university physiology courses. A strategy
called whiteboarding, where students use handheld dry erase boards and work in
small groups to actively retrieve, discuss, and apply concepts presented in the
lecture, has the potential to address challenges associated with actively engaging
students in science courses for greater learning. The purpose of this study was to
empirically examine the potential benefits of whiteboarding for increasing students’
understanding of animal physiology concepts. Student performance on physiology
questions assessing concepts taught using lecture only vs. concepts taught using
lecture and whiteboarding were compared within the term that whiteboarding was
used, as well as across whiteboard and lecture-only terms taught by the same
instructor. Results showed that when whiteboarding was incorporated in the
course, student performance on items that assessed concepts corresponding to
the whiteboarding activities were significantly higher compared with performance
on items that assessed concepts taught through lecture only. These patterns in
student performance were found within and across terms. Taken together, findings
point to whiteboarding as an effective tool that can be integrated in traditional
lecture courses to promote students’ understanding of physiology.

Deep understanding of animal physiology requires complex reasoning, such

as mapping the sequence of events in physiological systems and predicting the
consequences of homeostatic imbalance. An important goal for physiology
educators is to create learning opportunities for students to go beyond rote
memorization of terms and processes, and toward developing sophisticated mental
models of physiological phenomena. Unfortunately, physiology college courses are
often taught entirely in lecture formats, in which students have little to no in-class
opportunities for actively engaging with the material presented by the instructor.
Despite the recognition of the importance of retrieval strategies and active learning
(3, 6, 23), research on the classroom-based strategies that engage such processes
in higher education science classrooms remains scarce. Research in this area is
important, particularly as university science educators are increasingly seeking
alternative (nonlecture) pedagogies that will provide students with active learning
experiences toward deeper understanding of course content.
In this study, we test whiteboarding as a retrieval-based learning strategy
that instructors can embed in their lectures to engage students in active recall of
target information and collaborative problem-solving (7). Whiteboarding is a
pedagogical tool for addressing the challenges instructors of large science courses
face in creating opportunities for students to meaningfully engage with and apply
content presented in the lectures. Briefly described, students are provided with
handheld erasable whiteboards and dry erase markers at the beginning of the
class, and throughout the lecture, the instructor presents open-ended prompts
based on the content covered. Students then work in small groups to retrieve,
discuss, and apply target physiology concepts presented in the lecture. Although
whiteboards are commonly used in primary and secondary classrooms, its
presence in university courses remains elusive (16). Further, there is a dearth of
studies that have empirically examined the effectiveness of whiteboarding for
student learning (16).
Additionally, there is a lack of theoretical frameworks to explain the
mechanisms engaged during whiteboarding activities that may support deeper
learning. Research in the cognitive sciences can shed light on possible explanatory
mechanisms. In particular, research examining learning strategies in higher
education underscores the powerful role of active retrieval, or actively accessing
stored knowledge, from memory on learning (5, 6, 21, 23). This phenomenon has
been dubbed the “testing effect” or “retrieval-based learning,” challenging the
traditional view that retrieval is a neutral process that occurs only after the material
has been learned (13, 20). Rather, scholars in this field argue that repeated and
active retrieval of information supports long-term retention (9, 13, 20). To date,
studies have largely examined the effect of retrieval practice in controlled
laboratory settings, consistently showing that students in the active retrieval
condition demonstrate superior retention of learned material (e.g., information
from an expository text) compared with students in alternative learning conditions,
such as rereading text (5, 13, 20). Explanations offered for the improved
information retention documented across studies chiefly propose that applying the
retrieval strategy during study requires more cognitive effort, and this added
mental effort supports processes optimal for learning. For example, it has been
suggested that increased mental effort in retrieval practice leads to elaborative
processing (e.g., integrating new information with prior knowledge) (4) and
stronger memory traces, increasing students’ ability to remember and use
information stored in long-term memory (24). While research that supports the
importance of retrieval for learning is growing (8, 15, 20), the translation of
findings from controlled laboratory studies to classroom-based applications in
science education is still nascent. Additionally, with the exception of a few recent
studies, the assessment tasks used in the previous research do not reflect the deep
understanding of complex scientific concepts required in university science
In addition to engaging students in active retrieval, whiteboarding aligns
with social constructivist approaches to instruction by creating opportunities for
students to co-construct understanding of science ideas through peer-to-peer
discussions (10, 16). Several studies demonstrate the positive role of peer
discussions on college students’ mastery of science concepts, showing that even
naive group discussions are beneficial for deeper understanding compared with
not participating in discussion at all (8, 9). Particularly in physiology courses, where
students are asked to grapple with complex problems that require understanding
of systems in constant interaction (e.g., the interaction between the
cardiovascular, excretory, and nervous systems in regulating cardiac output),
whiteboarding can be used to support students in collaboratively making sense of
challenging scientific concepts. For example, as students work together on a
whiteboard prompt, they co-develop a complete problem representation that
identifies core features of the task (e.g., when asked to explain why given factors
like increased stroke volume and vasoconstriction increase mean arterial pressure,
students may start by writing down an essential set of mathematical expressions
that clearly lay out key relationships). This problem definition stage is a critical
precursor to successfully completing subsequent problem-solving steps,
particularly for the multifaceted types of problems common in advanced physiology
courses (1, 18). Whiteboard activities also create a fluid workspace that
enculturate students into particular ways of knowing and representing the world
in science, as they pose questions, informally share ideas drawn from prior
knowledge, and negotiate discrepant understandings. This way of promoting
student-driven scientific discourse supports the development of epistemic
frameworks and social networks that mirror how knowledge is communicated,
represented, and developed in a scientific community (10, 12, 14).
Finally, the whiteboarding activities provide valuable instructional
opportunities for instructors to scaffold students’ learning and formatively address
common student misconceptions (16). For instance, instructors can intentionally
select concepts that they have found difficult to teach and/or that students
consistently demonstrate difficulty in understanding and use the whiteboarding
activities to cover these concepts in more depth. Instructors can also design
whiteboarding prompts to target the types of knowledge and skills students will be
expected to demonstrate on course assessments. Here, whiteboarding can serve
to support students in developing fluency with the processes required to be
successful on summative assessments by providing in-class practice on complex
problem-solving items that mirror the types of items present on exams (9). Finally,
incorporating whiteboarding in lectures provides instructors with multiple points of
entry into their students’ thinking, allowing them to formatively monitor their
students’ level of comprehension throughout the course. For instance, as student
groups share their whiteboard responses in small groups and during the whole-
class discussions, instructors have an opportunity to address potential gaps in
understanding in real time.
As an illustration, a whiteboard prompt in this study required students to
“Show Fick’s law of diffusion. Explain what this equation is telling you in the context
of factors affecting diffusion rates.” In this exercise, students had to deconstruct
and identify the key components of the problem (information needed to answer
the question in the context), negotiate ideas regarding factors that influence
diffusion rates, and retrieve key factual information (i.e., the equation for the net
rate of diffusion). With fellow classmates, they then needed to retrieve and apply
a mathematical expression to explain a science phenomenon (i.e., how the
variables represented in the equation influence the speed at which substances
diffuse across cell membranes and how these factors might optimize diffusion of
certain substances across the membrane). Furthermore, an instructor-facilitated
class discussion following the whiteboarding exercise served to clarify and deepen
students’ understanding of target content ideas, by identifying and resolving
common misconceptions or discrepancies in students’ responses. Taken together,
the use of whiteboards in university science courses has potential to engage
students in several critical processes for deeper learning. Students are given the
opportunity to actively retrieve, rather than passively encode (e.g., reading and/or
writing notes) scientific ideas, vocabulary, and principles from the lecture to
promote long-term retention of that information. Additionally, students actively co-
construct deeper understanding of the science concepts by applying information
from the lecture as they critically problem solve, reflect on, and clarify their diverse
understandings of target science ideas with their peers and instructor.
The main purpose of this study was to examine whether incorporating
whiteboards in a traditionally lecture-based physiology course increased students’
understanding of physiology concepts. To this end, we first compared student
performance on open-ended physiology items assessing concepts taught using
lecture only (Lecture-Only), to the same student performance on items that
assessed concepts taught using lecture coupled with in-class whiteboarding
activities [Lecture + Whiteboard (WB)] in the 2015 term. Additionally, we
compared student performance on the Lecture-Only vs. the Lecture + WB items
in the 2015 term to two previous terms (2011, 2012) in which the course was
taught by the same instructor using a traditional lecture-based format. We
hypothesized that students in the 2015 term (Lecture + WB) would demonstrate
greater performance on the Lecture + WB items compared with the Lecture-Only
items. We also hypothesized that students in the 2015 term would outperform
students in the 2011 and 2012 terms (Lecture-Only) on the Lecture + WB items.

[][][]Local Studies[][][]

“Chalk dust eraser to prevent asthma attacks in classroom?”

I’ve always dreamed of entering an inventor’s competition and proudly
sharing my knowledge in science and technology.
That dream finally became reality when my group was invited to the
Regional Invention Contest and Exhibits (RICE), a contest sponsored by the
Department of Science and Technology (DOST). The theme of this bi-annual
contest was “Inventions and Innovations for a Smarter Philippines.”

Organic toothpaste
I was part of a five-member group that conducted extensive researches on
the utilization of cinnamomum zeylanicum, cocamidopropyl betaine and sodium
bicarbonate as potential alternatives in organic toothpaste.
This was our investigative project as juniors, which landed in the Top 10
entries of our batchmates.
My groupmates were quite surprised when our project made it to the Top
5. It meant that we had a chance to go to the RICE. We sent our manuscript to
DOST and waited for the reply.
On July 30, my groupmates (or should I call them, the Awesome IP-
Vengers), with our chemistry teacher, Gloria-Cristobal Naypes, and four other
investigative project groups, headed to the Technological Institute of the
Philippines (TIP) in Cubao, Quezon City.
We set up our exhibit in the most creative way—conceptualizing our booth
to look organic and childlike, so people would find it cute and colorful, and thus
be drawn to it.
The next day, we gathered at the TIP Anniversary Hall for the event’s
opening. Clad in our high school uniforms, we watched a video about DOST-
sponsored inventors and the growth of science and technology in the country.
DOST aims to encourage novel work by spearheading technological
inventions that would benefit Filipinos.
After the video, Dr. Teresita Fortuna, regional director of DOST, gave the
opening remarks. The RICE is DOST’s way of encouraging scientists in the
country’s 16 regions to pursue their passion, she said. “If you have a passion for
knowledge, then rest assured that DOST will support you.”
The keynote speaker, Gawad Uliran awardee and DOST Undersecretary
Fortunato dela Peña, discussed core strategies in human innovation which include
investing in human capital, expanding technological business and innovation with
government support.
“We shouldn’t be too dependent on the technology of other countries,” he
said. “We should promote Philippine ingenuity and innovations.”



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