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Cu-Ni welding – part 1: Cu-Ni

material properties
Date: August 17, 2019Author: Thanh ( QC ) Nguyen Le0 Comments

Cu-Ni – general material properties:

1. Type of Cu-Ni material:

Marine service uses two grades of Copper-nickel alloys, and these are 90-10, which
means that 90% is copper and 10% is nickel, or 70-30, which means there is only 70%
copper and 30% nickel.
Two alloys are:

 70-30 is a stronger alloy and has better resistance to seawater flow

 90-10 is less expensive due to the lower nickel content and provides a good
service alloy
Both alloys will contain small parts of iron and manganese, which are added during
the alloying process to provide extra strength and resistance to seawater corrosion.

Table 1. Shows the Standards of the two alloys,


90-10 C70600 CuNi10Fe1Mn CW352H


70-30 C71500 CuNi30Fe1Mn CW354H


Table 2

Alloy CuMin. Ni Fe MnMax. ZnMax. CMax. PbMax.

90- 9- 1-
C70620 >86.5 1.0 0.5 0.05 0.02
10 11 1.8

70- 29- 0.4-

C71520 >65.0 1.0 0.5 0.05 0.02
30 33 1
2. Typical Mechanical Properties of Annealed Copper-nickel Sheet and Plate

Table 3 shows how copper-nickels are stronger and more resistant to corrosion than
just plain copper, but due to the softness of copper are lower in strength than steels.
Their ductility (ability to transfer electricity), toughness and malleability are
excellent. Copper-nickel alloys do not become brittle when they get cold, and
they even retain their mechanical strength at cryogenic (extremely frozen)

Table 3

0.2% Proof Tensile Strength Elongation

Alloy Hardness
Strength Min. Min. Min.

N/mm2* N/mm2* % HV

90-10 100 300 30 90

70-30 120 350 35 100

* is equivalent to 145
1N/mm2 psi

3. Typical Physical Properties of Copper-nickels and Steel

In table 4 you can see a comparison of the properties of the alloy versus plain carbon
steel. One of the main characteristics you will notice is that Copper-nickel alloys are
not magnetic.

Their thermal heat transfer (how heat travels through them) is lower than plain
carbon, so when combined with their coefficient of linear expansion, makes them less
susceptible to cracking due to changes in temperature and pressure.
Table 4

Units 90-10 70-30

Density kg/dm3 8.90 8.95 7.85

1100- 1170-
Melting range °C 1460-1490
1145 1240

Specific heat J/kgK 377 377 485

Thermal conductivity W/mK 40 29 50

Coefficient of linear expansion

10-6/K 17 16 12

Electrical resistivity at 20oC microhm/cm 19 34 30

Modulus of elasticity GPa 135 152 210

Modulus of rigidity GPa 50 56 81

Document refer:
Cu-Ni welding – part 2: Cu-Ni
general requirement!
Date: August 17, 2019Author: Thanh ( QC ) Nguyen Le0 Comments

Importance notes:
A. Cleanliness is mandatory

1. Cleanliness is mandatory; it is extremely important to ensure that the areas

where the manufacturing and welding of Copper-nickel alloys occurs are free of
contaminants. Contamination will change the chemical structure of the alloy,
and this can lead to cracking and porosity, as well as reduce the corrosive
resistance of the alloy.
2. Cu-Ni welding should be done in a Copper-nickel environment only, and all
materials must be handled with care so that they do not become dirty with oils,
liquids and other contaminants that can be applied to the surface through touch.

3. It is advised you use a stainless-steel brush to clean surfaces

properly. Grinding discs should be alloy specific and not interchanged between
different metals.

4. All pipe openings have to be protected to prevent any contaminants entering

them or covering a surface area before welding.
5. The alloys are single phase and cannot be hardened by heat treatment. The
only method of increasing tensile strength is by cold working which, when the
metal is in the fully hard condition, can match that of good quality carbon steel.

6. Do not allow anyone to touch the surfaces with their bare hands since oils on
the skin can react with the surface. Make sure you check the weld join area’s
very well before starting to weld.

7. The optimum area that should be clean is 10mm wide on either side of the
weld join area.

B. Welding

1. Preheat: Due to the nature of the alloy, you don’t need to pre-heat the surfaces.
The only time you would heat up a surface is to assure it is completely dry.
2. Interpass temperature: You need to maintain the interpass temperature below
150°C to assure no micro fissuring.

3. Post weld heat treatment is not necessary but if dimensional stability is

important the component may be stress relieved at 350-450OC
4. Finish weld surfaces: The welder needs to clean off any spatter from the surfaces,
as well as remove all slag from the joints (Slag accumulates during the MMA). The
best way to clean slag is either with a stainless steel brush or with a rotating flap

5. Welding consumable: there are differences in the level of corrosion resistance

with alloys in the 90-10 range. Due to the poorer quality of resistance in 90-10, it
is best to use 70-30 consumables copper nickel welding rod.

6. When welding different metals together, such as steel to Copper-nickel the

consumable will have 65% nickel content. This is used to assure a higher iron
dilution from the steel during welding and prevents cracking.

7. Most of the consumables contain small parts of titanium which are added to
enable reaction with the nitrogen and oxygen-rich atmosphere.

8. Porosity after welding is usually due to an excessively long arc during

welding., bad surface cleaning, moisture on the weld during the preparation, or
when using unclean or wet electrodes.

9. . GTAW (TIG):

 TIG is the preferred welding process for thin-walled pipes.

 Use a backing gas, such as Argon when performing a pipe weld root run

 Use a short arc, which will enable the shielding gas to protect the weld pool.
10. SMAW (MMA):

 It can be DCEN / DCEP / AC.

 Most rods exposed to moisture cannot be recovered.

 Weaving: manipulating the electrode for weaving should not be more than three
times the width of the electrode.

 Don’t use a long arc; this will reduce the quality of the weld resulting in porosity
as a result of the weld reacting with the atmosphere
11. Shielding gas: a large a ceramic shroud equipped with a gas lens is recommended
to give the most effective gas shield and the arc length should be kept short; 3.5-
4.5mm. Argon or argon with small amounts of hydrogen, (1- 5%) are the
appropriate shield gases with the Ar/H mixtures providing higher heat input.

12. Purging gas: A root purge of argon is recommended when welding a TIG root

Document refer:
Cu-Ni welding – part 3:
Cracking & porosity in Cu-
Ni welding!
Date: August 18, 2019Author: Thanh ( QC ) Nguyen Le0 Comments

Porosities defect come from:

1.Contamination will change the chemical structure of the alloy, and this can lead
to porosity, as well as reduce the corrosive resistance of the alloy.
This means that fabrication, as well as welding, should be done in a Copper-nickel
environment only, and all materials must be handled with care so that they do not
become dirty with oils, liquids and other contaminants that can be applied to the
surface through touch.

When welding, grease, and paint must be clear off all surfaces, and all marks and signs
from permanent markers, pencils and crayons have to be removed. It is advised you
use a stainless-steel brush to clean surfaces properly. Grinding discs should be alloy
specific and not interchanged between different metals.

All pipe openings have to be protected to prevent any contaminants entering them or
covering a surface area before welding.

2. Do not perform autogenous welding, this will result in porous weld joints, due
to the structure of the Cu-Ni alloy that contains no deoxidizers / due to a deficiency
in deoxidants in the alloys, porosity is a problem and they cannot be welded
autogenously. A highly deoxidised filler metal needs to be used.

3. Don’t use a long arc: this will reduce the quality of the weld resulting in porosity
as a result of the weld reacting with the atmosphere. Arcs should be kept short, too
long an arc length may permit atmospheric contamination.

4. Most of the consumables contain small parts of titanium which are added to enable
reaction with the nitrogen and oxygen-rich atmosphere. Porosity after welding is
usually due to an excessively long arc during welding., bad surface cleaning,
moisture on the weld during the preparation, or when using unclean or wet

5. As mentioned above, porosity when welding either grade can be a problem and
to reduce the risk the filler metals contain substantial amounts (around 0.5%)
titanium. Cleanliness of weld preparations and filler wires is also important, as is the
use of high purity shielding gas.

6. Weld preparations may need to have the tenacious oxide films removed by belt
or disc sanding and should be thoroughly degreased with commercially available
solvents. Stainless steel wire brushes and stainless steel wire wool are also useful.

7. Depositing a pore-free root pass can be particularly difficult. Insufficient filler

metal coupled with a large amount of dilution from the parent metal may result in
unacceptable porosity. Copious amounts of filler metal and a larger than normal root
gap (~2-3mm) will reduce porosity to acceptable levels

8. Other causes of porosity may be associated with inadequate gas shielding. When
TIG welding, use as large a diameter ceramic as possible, together with a gas lens. As
mentioned above, a large a ceramic shroud equipped with a gas lens is recommended
to give the most effective gas shield.

9. Shielding gas: Argon or argon with small amounts of hydrogen (1- 5%) are the
appropriate shield gases with the Ar/H mixtures providing higher heat input. Above
about 6mm thickness, TIG welding is generally replaced by the higher deposition rate
MIG process, although mechanised/automated systems such as orbital TIG are very
cost effective.

10. Purging gas: a root purge of argon is recommended when welding a TIG root run
and the next couple of fill passes.
Cracking defect come from:
1.Contamination will change the chemical structure of the alloy, and this can lead
to cracking and porosity, as well as reduce the corrosive resistance of the alloy

2. Interpass temperature: the interpass temperature below 150°C to assure no

micro fissuring. To reduce further the risk of hot fissuring the interpass temperature
should be limited to 150OC.
3. When welding different metals together, such as steel to Copper-nickel the
consumable will have 65% nickel content. This is used to assure a higher iron dilution
from the steel during welding and prevents cracking.

4. Both the alloys are sensitive to hot cracking. As with the other nickel alloys the
main culprit is sulphur but lead, phosphorus and carbon will also have and adverse
effect. Cleanliness, as discussed above, is therefore crucial and all grease, oil, marker
crayon, paint etc must be removed from the weld preparation and the adjacent areas
before welding.

Document refer:
Cu-Ni welding – part 4: Lack of
fusion in Cu-Ni welding!
Date: August 19, 2019Author: Thanh ( QC ) Nguyen Le0 Comments

1. If weld with a thicker rod, then you will need to bevel a V into the surface, this
bevel will be around 70°. Copper-nickel alloys are not as fluid as carbon steel,
so you need a wider angle for movement, add to this the need to manipulate the
molten material with the copper nickel welding electrodes to assure ample fusion
with the side walls. The weld metal from both grades of filler metal is more
sluggish than carbon steel. Weld preparations therefore need to be more open
to enable the welder to control and manipulate the weld pool. An included angle
of 70 to 80 degree C is recommended. Root face dimensions would typically be 0-
1.5mm root face with a zero-1.5mm root gap.

2. Shielding gas: a large a ceramic shroud equipped with a gas lens is recommended
to give the most effective gas shield and the arc length should be kept short; 3.5-
4.5mm. Argon or argon with small amounts of hydrogen, (1- 5%) are the
appropriate shield gases with the Ar/H mixtures providing higher heat

3. Purging gas: A root purge of argon is recommended when welding a TIG root run.
Document refer:

Cu-Ni welding – part 5: Check

list for Cu-Ni welding!
Date: August 18, 2019Author: Thanh ( QC ) Nguyen Le0 Comments

Checklist for Copper-nickel

Copper-nickel welding requires conformity to standards and high cleanliness; it is
important to assure this at all times. Here is a basic checklist performed for all
welding processes.

 Only source your base materials (copper-nickel alloys) from a reputable supplier
that meets international standards.

 Assure that your coordination and plant site maintain the highest levels of
cleanliness to assure a complete supply chain and production process clean

 It is advisable to use 70-30 copper-nickel consumables for all welds including 90-
10 and 70-30 copper nickel

 When welding steel to copper-nickel, use 65% nickel-copper consumables.

 Make sure you do not exceed maximum stress limits for the alloys.

 Do not use polluted water or other contaminated sources of water during the
welding process.

 If an extra safeguard is required, add ferrous sulfate (why??? The other main
alloying elements are manganese, around 1%, that is used as a deoxidant and
desulphuriser, and up to 2% iron which is added to improve erosion resistance.
Some of this iron, perhaps 1% or more, may be replaced with chromium to
increase the strength. Niobium may also be added to castings to increase the
strength and at the same time improve weldability).
Document refer:

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