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Set 1


Time:3 Hours Max.Marks:75
Section A
Answer all questions. Each question carries 1 mark.
1. What is accounting ethics?
2. What is cost audit?
3. Who appoints the first auditor of a joint stock company?
4. Give two examples of errors of principle.
5. What is meant by verification of assets?
6. Distinguish between errors and frauds.
7. What is vouching?
8. What is “audit process”?
9. What is internal control?
10. What is routine checking?
Section B
Answer any seven questions. Each question carries 2 marks.
11. What are the advantages of management audit
12. What do you mean by “tailor - made” audit programme.
13. What are the features of good audit working papers?
14. What are the precautions to be taken while using special ticks?
15. Write a note on collateral vouchers
16. What are the advantages of internal audit.
17. Mention any four objectives of internal check.
18. What is tax audit?.
19. State two differences between Government audit and Commercial audit.
20. What are different types of audit files.
21. What is the significance of social audit.
Section C
Answer any three questions. Each question carries 7 marks.
22. What are the personal qualities required for an auditor.
23. What are the duties of an auditor with regard to verification of Sundry Debtors.
24. Explain the procedure of internal check as regards stores.
25. Explain the concept “True and fair view”
26. Distinguish between auditing and investigation.
Section D
Answer any two questions. Each question carries 15 marks.
27. What is auditing .Explain the objectives and advantages of auditing.
28. Explain the powers and duties of an auditor.
29. (i)What is investigation? What are the different types of investigation?
(ii)Explain in detail the procedure of any one type of investigation.
30. Write an essay on the preparation before audit.

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