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International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 123 (2019) 110–115

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Newborn hearing screening at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and T

Auditory Brainstem Maturation in preterm infants
Andrea Ciorba∗, Stavros Hatzopoulos, Virginia Corazzi, Cristina Cogliandolo, Claudia Aimoni,
Chiara Bianchini, Francesco Stomeo, Stefano Pelucchi
ENT & Audiology Department, University Hospital of Ferrara, Via A. Moro 8, Loc Cona, Ferrara, 44124, Italy


Keywords: Objectives: Aim of this study is to report and discuss the results of 4 years of Newborn hearing screening (NHS)
Newborn hearing screening program at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), particularly evaluating the clinical ABR results.
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Methods: Retrospective study. NHS data from NICU newborns, admitted for ≥5 days, in the period from January
NICU 1st, 2013 and December 31st, 2016, were retrieved and analyzed. NHS results were classified as following: (i)
“pass” when both ears for both the a-TEOAE (automated Transient-Evoked Otoacoustic Emissions) and the a-
ABR maturation
ABR (automated Auditory Brainstem Response) protocol resulted as “pass”; (ii) “fail” when one ear, at either one
of the two performed tests resulted as “fail”; (iii) “missing” when the newborns were not tested with both
protocols. All “fail” and “missing” newborns were retested (with both tests): in the case of a second “fail” result, a
clinical ABR was performed within a period of 3 months.
Results: A total of 1191 newborns were screened. From those, 1044/1191 resulted as “pass”, 108/1191 as “fail”,
and 39/1191 as “missing”. During the re-testing of these 147 newborns, 43 were assigned as “missing”, 63 were
assigned as “pass” (showing bilaterally a wave V identifiable within 30 dB nHL) and 25 failed the retest and/or
did not present an identifiable wave V within 30 dB nHL. Among the 147 retested infants, we identified a group
of 16 subjects who resulted as NHS “refer” and who, during the audiological follow-up, showed either: (i) a
unilateral or bilateral wave V identifiable over 30 dB nHL, at the first clinical ABR assessment; or (ii) a bilateral
wave V identifiable within 30 dB nHL, in a following clinical ABR test during the first year of life. These 16
subjects were defined to have an ‘Auditory Brainstem Maturation’ issue.
Conclusions: A possible “maturation” of the ABR response (and therefore of the auditory pathway) has been
hypothesised in 16 out of 1191 infants (1.3%). A delay of the auditory pathway maturation in preterm babies
compared to term newborns has already been suggested in the literature. A possible delay of the NHS retest
could be considered, in selected cases, with significant savings in economic resources and parental anxiety.

1. Background Statement of the Joint Committee on Infant Hearing (JCIH) in 2007 [1],
all infants should be screened at no later than 1 month of age, but
The incidence of congenital hearing loss rate in full-term birth is different protocols are indicated for children who have an NICU ad-
reported to be about 0.1–0.3% [1–3]. This rate is reported to increase mission for more than 5 days [1]. The JCIH proposed a list of risk in-
up to 2–3% in newborns at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) dicators associated to congenital, delayed-onset or progressive hearing
[3–7]. loss [1].
The Universal Newborn Hearing Screening (UNHS) is mandatory for The systematic evaluation of these risk factors could help in the
the early identification, diagnosis and treatment/rehabilitation of identification of infants at risk for developing permanent hearing loss,
children with moderate to profound hearing loss [8]. The screening who should be referred to an audiological evaluation and should be
technology consists in the evaluation of automated Transient-Evoked monitored [1]. Neonates exposed to JCIH risk factors are 10 times more
Otoacoustic Emissions (a-TEOAE) and/or automated Auditory Brain- at risk in developing sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL), compared to
stem Response (a-ABR), both non-invasive and repeatable procedures healthy infants [3–7]. The main causes of NICU admission are: pre-
and simple to perform in neonates [1,9]. As suggested in the Position maturity, which is frequently associated with low birth weight (less

Corresponding author. Clinic of Audiology & ENT, University of Ferrara, Via A. Moro 8, Loc Cona, 44124, Ferrara, Italy.
E-mail address: (A. Ciorba).
Received 30 January 2019; Received in revised form 31 March 2019; Accepted 4 May 2019
Available online 07 May 2019
0165-5876/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A. Ciorba, et al. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 123 (2019) 110–115

Fig. 1. NHS test flow chart, test-retest and clinical ABR at the NICU.

than 1500 g) [10]; severe respiratory distress at birth, with or without preferably before discharge [1,16]. a-ABR testing is important in order
need of mechanical ventilation; in utero or perinatal infections; hy- to identify hearing loss related to auditory neuropathy/dyssynchrony,
perbilirubinemia; craniofacial anomalies or head trauma [11–14]. typically affecting infants in need for NICU care [1,17]. A “fail” result of
An improper identification and early rehabilitation of hearing loss a-TEOAE and a-ABR, even in one ear, could suggest a possible hearing
in infants is known to be responsible for an incomplete/delayed or loss; newborns have to be re-tested within 1 month and, if the resulting
absent development of speech and language, according to the grade of assessment is still “fail”, should undergo a clinical ABR evaluation
hearing loss, with negative impact on cognitive development, and with within 3 months, as per the Position Statement of the Joint Committee
scholastic and social-economic implications [1,15]. on Infant Hearing recommendations [1]. The importance of retesting by
The neonatal hearing screening (NHS) protocol for NICU newborns a-TEOAE and a-ABR is strongly supported in the literature, as it allows
consists in performing a-TEOAE and a-ABR tests, as soon as possible, the identification of false positive cases and the reduction of candidates

A. Ciorba, et al. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 123 (2019) 110–115

for the clinical ABR assessment [12,18]. probe to detect the signal) and alteration of the newborn quiet state (i.e.
Aim of this study is to report and discuss the results of 4 years of awakening and cry) represented the main causes for the “missing”
NHS program in NICU, particularly evaluating the clinical ABR results. cases.
All “refer” and “missing” newborns were retested (with a-TEOAE
and a-ABR) within 1 month and in the case of a second “refer” result, a
2. Subjects and methods clinical ABR was performed within a period of 3 months. ABR results
were considered as “normal” when bilaterally a wave V was identifiable
Retrospective study. NHS data from NICU newborns, admitted for within 30 dB nHL. The ABR response was evaluated according the
≥5 days, in the period from January 1st, 2013 and December 31st, normal latency and interpeak values, corresponding to the age of the
2016, were retrieved and analyzed. The collected data included in- patient (see also Fig. 1). When the clinical ABR showed a pathological
formation on: the gestational age at birth, the birth weight, the causes hearing threshold, a prompt audiological follow-up was initiated.
of admission at the NICU, the age at the time of NHS, the NHS data and We named as ‘immature’, a group of infants who resulted refer at
the rescreening and clinical ABR testing data. the NHS testing and who during the audiological follow-up, showed
NHS was performed at the NICU, 1–2 days before discharge, by the either (i) a unilateral or bilateral wave V identifiable over 30 dB nHL (at
same audiometrist when newborns were asleep. Both ears were tested, the first clinical ABR); or (ii) a bilateral wave V identifiable within
one at a time. The mean time required to perform both procedures (i.e. 30 dB nHL in a following clinical ABR test during the first year of life.
a-TEOAE and a-ABR) was approximately 20 min. For each newborn, a For all newborns, in order to evaluate the influence of age on the
personal identification code, the causes of NICU admission and the risk NHS results, we defined a NHS ‘screening age’, calculated as the days
factors for hearing loss [1] were all collected and registered in a NICU passed since birth to the time of NHS (estimated in weeks), in addition
NHS database. to the gestational age. Furthermore, a ‘diagnosis age’ was calculated as
TEOAEs were acquired by the EchoLab device (Labat International days passed since birth to the audiological diagnosis (estimated in
SRL, Italy). TEOAEs were evoked by 80 μs click stimuli following a weeks) in addition to the gestation age.
linear protocol (i.e. all clicks in the stimulus train were of the same The study was conducted in compliance with the Helsinki
positive polarity), introducing the plug in one ear at a time. a-ABR Declaration (2008); the research did not affect patient care in any way,
responses were also acquired by the EchoLab device, using the stan- since only patient data were retrieved and reviewed.
dardized electrode montage in the conventional positions (forehead,
cheek and mastoid). Click stimuli of 35 dB (nHL – normalized Hearing
2.1. Statistical analysis
Level) were delivered to the ear via inserts. Details on these procedures
can be found in a previous publication [19].
Descriptive statistics were used to show the distribution of variables.
The clinical ABR data were acquired by an ICS CHAPTER device
Pearson's coefficient was used to evaluate the possible correlation be-
(GN Otometrics/Mercury, Italy). Tests were performed in an acousti-
tween non-numeric variables. Non-parametric tests, such as Mann-
cally and electrically shielded room and the data were recorded during
Whitney U Test and Kruskal-Wallis Test, were used to evaluate con-
a spontaneous sleep, without a need for sedation. Electrophysiological
tinuous variables between samples. Differences were considered sig-
activity was recorded ipsilaterally to the stimulated ear using silver
nificant when p < 0.05 and highly significant when p < 0.01. The
chloride cup electrodes, with the active and reference electrodes ap-
SPSS Windows v 18.0 (SPSS, Inc. Chicago, Ill 60611), was used in all
plied to the vertex and the mastoid, respectively. ABR recording stimuli
were given monoaurally by an earphone and consisted of 0.1 ms clicks
with alternating polarity starting from a maximum intensity of 90 dB
nHL (approximately equal to 120 dB SPL – Sound Pressure Level, re- 3. Results
ferred to the psychoacoustic threshold of normal hearing subjects) [19].
The electrophysiological threshold was found and registered at the The study sample consisted of 1191 newborns screened at the NICU.
lowest acoustic stimulus intensity able to generate twice an identifiable The descriptive characteristics of the sample are presented in Table 1.
wave V. Latency and interpeak values were also evaluated, in order to In terms of subjects, 261 were tested in 2013, 258 in 2014, 318 in 2015
evaluate the ABR data (SNHL vs. conductive hearing loss vs. auditory and 354 in 2016, respectively. The mean age at NHS was 11.5 ± 15.3
neuropathy). days, while the mean ‘screening age’ at NHS was 37.8 ± 2.7 weeks.
NHS results were classified as following: (i) “pass” when both ears Table 2 presents the causes of hospitalization at the NICU. The most
for both the a-TEOAE (automated Transient-Evoked Otoacoustic common cause is represented by prematurity 46.8% (557/1191 infants
Emissions) and the a-ABR (automated Auditory Brainstem Response) had a gestational age < 37 weeks), followed by respiratory distress
protocol resulted as “pass”; (ii) “fail” when one ear, at either one of the (39.5%). The third most frequent cause was low weight at birth
two performed tests resulted as “fail”; (iii) “missing” when the new- (37,6%), were low weight is defined as birth weight < 2500 g.
borns were not tested with both protocols. Anatomical factors (i.e. ex- In terms of NHS results, 1044 of 1191 newborns (87.7%) were
ternal acoustic meatus too small in order to allow the TEOAE/ABR “pass”, 108/1191 (9.1%) were “fail”, while 39/1191 (3.3%) were

Table 1
Descriptive characteristics of the sample.
Characteristics Patients (No. = 1191; 100%) Mean
N (%)

No. of screened patients per year 2013 261 (21.9)

2014 258 (21.7)
2015 318 (26.7)
2016 354 (29.7)
General characteristics Gestational age at birth (weeks) 36.2 ± 3.2
Birth weight (grams) 2658.1 ± 822.3
Age at NHS (days)a 11.5 ± 15.3
“Screening age” at NHS (weeks) 37.8 ± 2.7

The age of the premature babies was analyzed as a not “corrected” age.

A. Ciorba, et al. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 123 (2019) 110–115

Table 2 significant relation was found between the retest “pass” result and the
Causes of admission in NICU according to frequency (total No. of new- gestational age at birth (p < 0.01), the birth weight (p < 0.01) and
borns = 1191). the “screening age” at NHS (p = 0.001). The significant relation be-
Causes of admission N % tween the retest “pass” result and the “diagnosis age” (p < 0.01),
suggests that it might be necessary to follow the NHS “refer” newborns
Prematurity 557 46.8 over time.
Respiratory distress 470 39.5
With the Kruskal-Wallis test, we evaluated a possible significant
Low weight at birth 448 37.6
Jaundice 332 27.9 relation between the following variables 1) gestational age at birth, 2)
Twins 185 15.5 birth weight and 3) “screening age” at NHS, and the retest result (in-
Perinatal suffering 142 11.9 dependently if it is “fail” or “pass”). It has been noticed that gestational
Hypoglycaemia or gestational diabetes 111 9.3
age at birth and NHS “screening age” did not have a significant influ-
Cerebral, vascular, cardiac or gastrointestinal malformations 86 7.2
Perinatal infections 61 5.1
ence on retest results (p = 0.114 and p = 0.109 respectively). In the
Small for gestational age (SGA) 57 4.8 present study, gestational age at birth did not represent an independent
Genetic syndromes 17 1.4 risk factor for retest results; only birth weight (which was significantly
Maternal HIV or HCV infection 7 0.6 lower in hearing impaired children compared to normally hearing in-
Unknown 33 2.8
fants) had a significant influence on the retest result (p = 0.013).
In terms of rehabilitation, 2/25 (8%) infants received a bilateral
“missing”. The data are summarized in Fig. 1. cochlear implant; 10/25 (40%) infants, received hearing aids due to
For the “pass” newborns the mean gestational age, at birth, was bilateral hearing loss. 6/25 infants (24%) who showed a unilateral
36.4 ± 2.9 weeks and for the refer newborns 34.7 ± 4.1 weeks. The SNHL and 7/25 (28%) who presented conductive hearing loss, were
latter was significantly lower (p < 0.01) compared to mean value of strictly followed-up, as no intervention strategies were applicable (see
the “pass” sample. For the “pass” newborns the mean birth weight was also Fig. 1).
2697.6 ± 795.7 g, which was found statistically different (p < 0.01) Table 4 lists the risk factors for the cases presenting a confirmed
from the “refer” mean value of 2297.8 ± 910.6 g. The mean ‘screening hearing loss, categorized according to JCIH [1]. All infants shared the
age’ of the “pass” sample was 37.9 ± 2.7 weeks, which was found same risk factor, represented by the admission in NICU for more than 5
statistically different (p < 0.01, at the Mann-Whitney U Test) than the days. Two cases were exposed to ototoxic drugs and 2 cases presented a
37.1 ± 3.0 weeks value of the “refer” sample. The data are summar- family history of hearing diseases. Only 1 infant was affected by a
ized in Table 3. congenital CMV infection.
A total of 147 infants (108 “refer” and 39 “missing”) were referred
for retesting. Of these, 43/147 infants (29.3%) were “missing”, as they 4. Discussion
did not attend the retest appointment. 13/147 infants (8.8%) presented
a “pass” during the retest, while 91/147 (61.9%) presented a second To date, several NHS protocols (using a-TEOAE, a-ABR and ABR) for
refer. These 91 infants were evaluated by a clinical ABR and 50/91 well-babies have been proposed [20–24], while, according to the JCIH
(54.9%) showed a wave V bilaterally identifiable within 30 dB nHL, protocols [1], hearing screening for NICU infants should be performed
during the first clinical ABR evaluation. 25/91 (27.5%) infants did not by both aOAE and aABR.
present an identifiable wave V within 30 dB nHL during the first or the It is well known that NHS cannot detect some forms of hearing loss,
following clinical ABR, even only in one ear. 16/91 cases (17.6%) in particular those with a delayed onset, nor mild or isolated frequency
presented a ‘maturated’ ABR consisting of: (i) a unilateral or bilateral losses [1]. Also, NHS does not provide a definition of hearing loss in
wave V identifiable over 30 dB nHL during the first clinical ABR; and terms of severity. When indicated, in order to obtain a reliable hearing
(ii) a bilateral wave V identifiable within 30 dB nHL (having a latency threshold estimation, a clinical ABR allows an objective evaluation at 2
and interpeak values within the normal range, according to the age of and 4 kHz.
the patient) at the following clinical ABR tests, performed during the The present study shows the results of the NHS performed on
first year of life. newborns, admitted for more than 5 days at NICU: this condition re-
Overall 63/1191 (5.3%) infants became “pass” at retest or during presents a well-known risk factor for sensorineural hearing loss [1]. In
the first clinical ABR. A total of 25/1191 infants (2.1%) were identified the present cohort, the main causes of NICU admission were re-
with a hearing deficit, confirmed by the clinical ABR and by the presented by prematurity and low weight at birth (about 47% of the
audiological follow-up. Among these infants affected by hearing loss, no sample was preterm and about 38% had a birth weight < 2500 g)
significant relations were found between the gestational age at birth often associated to respiratory distress (about 40% of the sample) and,
(34.8 ± 4.6 weeks on average) or the NHS “screening age” in 185 newborns out of 1191 (about 16% of the sample), due to a twin
(37.8 ± 2.1 weeks on average) and the hearing impairment condition birth (Table 2). About 5% of the sample had perinatal infections and
(“fail” result at the rescreening or hearing loss at the clinical ABR), was exposed to ototoxic drugs.
except for the birth weight (2178.1 ± 877.0 g on average): the birth At the audiological follow-up of the NICU babies, it was possible to
weight represented an independent risk factor for the hearing impair- identify 25 out of 1191 children affected by hearing loss. The incidence
ment condition, as the it was significantly lower (p = 0.037) in the of hearing loss was found to be 2.1%, a percentage consistent with the
retested “fail” infants, compared to the “pass” infants literature data [3–7].
(2675.3 ± 809.7 g on average). Considering our data, it is possible to suggest that a low birth weight
For the group of infants identified as normally hearing (1123), a could be related to a higher risk to develop hearing loss, while a full-

Table 3
Differences among gestational age at birth, birth weight and NHS ‘screening age’, between NHS “pass” and “refer” newborns (No. of screened newborns = 1191).
PASS at NHS (n = 1044, 87.7%) FAIL at NHS (n = 108, 9.1%) p value

Mean gestational age at birth (weeks) 36.4 ± 2.9 34.7 ± 4.1 < 0.01*
Mean birth weight (grams) 2697.6 ± 795.7 2297.8 ± 910.6 < 0.01*
Mean “screening age” at NHS (weeks) 37.9 ± 2.7 37.1 ± 3.0 0.007*

A. Ciorba, et al. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 123 (2019) 110–115

Table 4
Risk factors for permanent hearing loss according to JCIH (2007) [1] in the group of children with confirmed hearing loss (No. = 28).
Risk indicators associated with permanent congenital, delayed-onset, or progressive hearing loss in childhood N %

2. Family history of permanent childhood hearing loss 2 7.1

3. Neonatal intensive care more than 5 days or any of the following regardless of length of stay: ECMO, assisted ventilation, exposure to ototoxic medication or loop 28 100
diuretic and hyperbilirubinemia that requires exchange transfusion
4. In utero infection, such as CMV, herpes, rubella, syphilis and toxoplasmosis 1 3.6
5. Craniofacial anomalies, including those that involve the pinna, ear canal, ear tags, ear pits, and temporal bone anomalies 1 3.6
7. Syndromes associated with hearing loss or progressive or late-onset hearing loss, such as neurofibromatosis, osteopetrosis, and Usher syndrome; other frequently 4 14.3
identified syndromes include Waardenburg, Alport, Pendred, and Jervell and Lange-Nielson
9. Culture-positive postnatal infections associated with sensorineural hearing loss, including confirmed bacterial and viral (especially herpes viruses and varicella) 2 7.1

term delivery could be more probably related to a “pass” result at NHS As showed in Table 5, infants of the studied cohort that showed an
(36.4 ± 2.9 on average in NHS “pass” population). Furthermore, in- ‘Auditory Brainstem Maturation’, resulted slightly more premature on
fants who failed the NHS had a gestational age at birth significantly average than the “pass” newborns. At the non-parametric test, the
lower than “pass” newborns (see Table 3). It was possible to observe an difference of gestational age at birth between the two groups resulted
evident difference in the gestational age at birth, between the group of highly significant (p = 0.002), as for birth weight (p < 0.01), which
the “refer” babies at NHS who subsequently passed the NHS retest or was significantly lower in “maturated” infants (see also Table 6). The
showed a bilateral wave V within 30 dB nHL at first clinical ABR and “age at diagnosis” for infants with ‘Auditory Brainstem Maturation’
the group of “pass” babies at NHS: respectively 33.9 ± 4.1 weeks (with resulted 61.3 weeks on average, which is about 7 months since birth.
a range between 23.0 and 40.0 weeks) vs. 36.4 ± 2.9 weeks (with a This possible “maturative” trend of some preterm infants could
range between 25.4 and 41.9 weeks). suggest the possibility of evaluating carefully the NHS planning in se-
An even more significant difference was noticed evaluating birth lected cases, reducing the number of the audiological controls/retest, in
weight: both NHS “refer” to “refer” (2311.0 ± 816.5) and NHS “refer” selected cases, with implications on the economic resources and for the
to “pass” newborns (2206.2 ± 941.9), showed a lower birth weight parental psychological consequences (such as anxiety, confusion and
compared to NHS “pass” newborns (2697.6 ± 795.7). Only 3.6% (43/ frustration). A possible reference is represented by United Kingdom
1191) of infants did not attend the retest or the follow-up appointment, guidelines [32]: in case of presence of risk factors for hearing loss, a
even if this percentage of drop-out newborns is smaller compared to single audiological evaluation between 9 and 12 months is re-
literature data [25]. commended (excluded family history and infections which follow a
A possible “maturation” of the ABR response (and therefore of the closer follow-up).
auditory pathway) has been hypothesised for 16 of 1191 infants (1.3%). In conclusion, in the present sample, a significant percentage (1.3%)
A delay of the auditory pathway maturation in preterm compared to of infants who failed the NHS were found to be normally hearing during
term newborns has already been suggested in the literature, since the the audiological follow-up, after a mean period of about 7 months since
central nervous system of preterm babies is still ‘immature’, as pre- birth, following a hypothetical “maturation” trend. Considering that
viously reported [26,27]. Authors described hearing level improving these infants were on average preterm and characterized by a low
over time in preterm newborns who failed NHS [28]; Hof et al. [29], weight at birth, the “normalization” of hearing threshold during this 7-
reported a potential maturation of the auditory system up to 80 weeks months period, could be related to a possible “maturation” of the au-
gestational age in preterm infants with a gestational age at birth less ditory system. A possible postposition of NHS retest could be con-
than 28 weeks. As previously reported, the brainstem auditory system sidered, in selected cases, with significant savings in economic re-
achieves a complete maturation at around 6 months of gestational age, sources and parental anxiety.
while the auditory cortex between 6 and 12 years of life [30]. There-
fore, the physiological maturation of the auditory system continues
after term birth; as supposed by Pasman [27], a hypothetical matura-
tion delay in preterm infants may involve (i) the myelinization process
This research did not receive any specific grant from funding
(both in cochlear nerve and in the central auditory system) and (ii) the
agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
auditory pathway development [29]. Selective damages of cochlear
nuclei, superior olives and inferior colliculi in case of exposition to
anoxic-ischemic accidents, hypotension, hypoglycaemia have also been Declarations of interest
advocated [27]. It is likely that, a combination of these mechanisms
could possibly delay the maturation of the auditory pathway, in pre- None.
term babies. Other possible explanations of the auditory pathway
‘maturation’ have been advocated in literature: considering the esti-
mation of the gestational age during pregnancy with an inaccuracy of Acknowledgments
about 2 weeks, there could be a real possibility to misinterpret the la-
tency and interpeak values of clinical ABRs [31]. Authors wish to thank Monica Rosignoli for her precious help with
the statistical analysis.

Table 5
Comparison between ‘pass’ (at NHS, at retest and at clinical ABR) and ‘maturated’ infants.
Every PASS (n = 1107, 92.9%) “Maturated” (n = 16, 1.3%) p value

Mean gestational age at birth (weeks) 36.3 ± 3.0 31.7 ± 5.5 0.002*
Mean birth weight (grams) 2675.3 ± 809.7 1847.5 ± 1015.8 < 0.01*
Mean “screening age” at NHS (weeks) 37.8 ± 2.7 37.1 ± 2.9 0.107
Mean “diagnosis age” (weeks) 38.4 ± 3.9 61.3 ± 18.4 < 0.01*

A. Ciorba, et al. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 123 (2019) 110–115

Table 6
Comparison between ‘pass’ at retest or at clinical ABR and ‘maturated’ infants.
PASS at retest or at clinical ABR (n = 63, 5.3%) “Maturated” (n = 16, 1.3%) p value

Mean gestational age at birth (weeks) 34.4 ± 3.9 31.7 ± 5.5 0.102
Mean birth weight (gr) 2302.7 ± 948.4 1847.5 ± 1015.8 0.137
Mean “screening age” at NHS (weeks) 36.7 ± 3.6 37.1 ± 2.9 0.841
Mean “diagnosis age” (weeks) 45.7 ± 9.1 61.3 ± 18.4 < 0.01*

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