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AMACC Fairview
• Project Title
Green Saves the World!

• Proponents
The proponent of this project is the AMA Computer College Fairview Campus
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology and Bachelor of Science in Computer
Engineering National Service Training Program – Civic Welfare Training Service (NSTP
– CWTS) Class 09:00 – 10:30am under advisory of the NSTP Coordinator, Mrs. Grace
A. Austria.

• Objectives

• To become aware in the importance of tree planting.

• To learn how to conserve our nature for the future generation.
• To encourage the community in contributing for environmental development.

• Background of the Project

Trees are very important to every community. They give us shade every time
the sun is at its peak. They provide a home and playhouse for birds and other flying
creatures. They can absorb carbon dioxide which can help in purifying the air. Lastly,
they can hold the soil with their roots, preventing erosion to the place.
The people living in the barangay that we chose complain that it is very hot in
their area especially during summer time. The cause of it is lack of trees because
they cut off the trees to give way to a lot of house constructions. By planting trees,
we can contribute to make their community better and greener. They can continue
our advocacy by planting more trees I the areas that are lacking it and make their
neighborhood a better place to live in.
• Location of the Project
This tree planting project took place at Fairmont Clubhouse Boles St.,
Fairmont Homes Quezon City. Luckily, this place is near from AMA Fairview.

• Benefits of the Project

This activity will make the community awareness about their surroundings.
They will become mindful that trees are not just an environment design, it can also
serve as their shield from the heat of the sun and avoid of floods from typhoons. We
will also help the community to be familiar with the type of trees that we will be
planting. All of these will help the future generation not to be ignorant and be
mindful with the environment we live in.
• Materials Needed

• Seedling
1. Mahogany – is a straight – grained, reddish-brown timber of the three
tropical hardwood species of the genus Swietenia, indigenous to
the Americas and part of the pantropical chinaberry family Growing to
a height of 10 meters.
2. Mango - are deep-rooted, symmetrical evergreens that attain heights
of 90 feet and widths of 80 feet. Mango trees have simple alternate lanceolate
leaves that are 12 to 16 inches in length and yellow-green, purple, or copper in
color when young. Mature leaves are leathery, glossy, and deep green in color.
New leaves arise in terminal growth flushes that occur several times a year.
3. Aratiles - is a fast growing tree, 5 to 10 meters high, with spreading
branches. Leaves are hairy, sticky, alternate, distichous, oblong-ovate to
broadly oblong-lanceolate, 8 to 13 centimeters long, with toothed margins,
pointed apex and inequilateral base, one side rounded and the other acute.
4. Guyabano - is a low-branching and bushy but slender tree, which can
reach a height of 7.5-9 m. The large evergreen leaves are smooth and glossy
and have a dark green upper surface. The fruits are usually oval or heart-
shaped and 10-30 cm long and up to 15 cm in width.

• Shovel - a tool for digging, lifting, and moving bulk materials, such as soil, coal,
gravel, snow, sand, or ore. Most shovels are hand tools consisting of a broad
blade fixed to a medium-length handle. Shovel blades are usually made of sheet
steel or hard plastics and are very strong.

• Watering Can - is a portable container, usually with a handle and a funnel, used
to water plants by hand. It has been in use since at least 79 A.D. and has since
seen many improvements in design. Apart from watering plants, it has varied
uses, as it is a fairly versatile tool.
• Methodology of the Project
This activity involves going from one barangay to another to choose our location
for the said tree planting project so what we did first is asking permission to our parents
allowing us to have a site inspection of our preferred location. Luckily, one of our group
mates knows a location where we can do our project. We had a meeting about the type
of seedling we will plant, the materials we will use, and the contribution for our
expenses. The leader assigned who will canvas on the seedling and other materials that
will be used. After that, the leader gave a permission letter to the homeowners for them
to allow us to plant in their area. Next, we also gave a letter to the dean to allow us to
go outside the school together with the coordinator. We had another meeting wherein
the leader collected the contributions for the tree planting and finalized the day we are
going to do it. We decided to conduct this project on January 4, 2020.
On the actual day of tree planting, the group met in school and went to the
location. The location is just walking distance from the school so we didn’t spend for our
transportation. When we got there, the leader took the attendance first then the tree
planting begins. The boys dug the soil 1 meter deep for every seedling. After the digging,
the other members planted the seedling. Some of the members are in charge of the
documentation so they got busy taking pictures of the project implementation. We did
that process until we finished planting different varieties of seedlings. The leader
selected a four members who did the tree planting without complaining about the
scorching heat. Sadly, we forgot to take a class picture because we’re too busy in
planting our each seedlings but we went back to school knowing that we accomplished
something that we can be proud of someday.

• Budgetary of the Project

Seedlings 1,000 php

Shovel (4pcs) 560 php
Photocopy 30 php
Watering Can 120 php
TOTAL 1710 php

Digging the soil

Planted seedlings

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