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Talent gives you a head start, but hard work makes you finish the race.

Some "no" arguments (talent over hard work) say that profoundly gifted individuals have an edge. No
doubt, but how many truly are "profoundly" gifted? Not many, at most. Which tool is more important,
the one that everyone can use for every purpose, or the one some can use for some purposes?

Hard work trumps talent. Yes, even if a talented person can trump a hard working person (or vice-versa,
because there's always someone better). Hard work, is something everyone can possess; it can help
everyone for just about anything. Talent? Only some possess it, even less use it properly.

People who have both, are amazing. Why? Because not only were they naturally blessed, they've kept at
it. Talent without hard work becomes meaningless. Hard work without talent stays hard work, it
oftentimes makes the skill second nature - something talent rarely does.

No doubt talent is still important, but the question isn't "which one is important and which one isn't?"
It's which is MORE important. Hard work is, because whether you have talent or not, you can have hard
work. Hard work is not a genetic miracle like talent seems to be. It's a way of life, a personality trait that
can be ingrained into each and every one of us. That is why it is more important.

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