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Subject: Science 6 Level & Section: Grade 6- OLO Date: June 1-5,2019
Abundance & Immaculate Time: 8:10-9:10 & 12:40-1:40
I. Learning Objectives: II. Subject Matter:
During the given period the pupils should: Topic: Scientific Process and skill.
a. enumerate the scientific Making Inference
process Formulating Hypothesis
Controlling Variables
b. formulate hypothesis and Interpreting Data
perform an experiment; and Experimenting
c. explain the importance of
Scientific Process in solving every Reference/s: Book (The New Science Links 6, page/s:
day problem. 18-22)

III. Values Statements: The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps. - Proverbs 16: 9
Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways
acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. - Proverbs 3:5-6
A. Routine Activities
 Prayer
 Attendance
B. Motivation:
 Giving chronological order of your life
 Ask questions
What Have you observe in our activity?
How step by step process help you to tell your story?
C. Learning Strategies:
Video presentation - Day 1
Laboratory experiment Rubbing hands together

(Activity 4) Making Inference

Guide Question:
What is an Inference?
Where did you Base your inference?

Activity 5 Formulating Hypothesis - Day 2

Guide Question:
What is a hypothesis?
What have you found out: Observation, Inference, Hypothesis.

Activity 6 Controlling Variables - Day 3

How does the amount of salt in water affects an egg?
What are the Variable in the Experiments?
Which factors were constant in the set up?

Activity 7 Interpreting data. - Day 4

Which factor is manipulate?
Which factor is kept the same?

Activity 8 Designing an Experiment - Day 5

How did you design your own experiment?

Trivia: the original science knowledge and skills statements for elementary, middle ,
and high school were all designated as either scientific process or scientific concepts.
The knowledge and skills statements include four that focus on the process skills,
(scientific, investigation and reasoning),two on the physical sciences, matter and
energy), two on earth and space science (Earth and space), and two on life science
(organisms and environment).
Assessment: Steps in the Scientific Methods - Science Link Page 30-33

VI. Closure: Ask questions.

Why its best to make a step by step process?
How important is Scientific process?
What core value is visible in this lesson?

VII. Assignment:

Prepared by: Checked by: Observed by:

Mr. John Edmund S. Pacheco Miss Emma P. Dunque

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