Network Model Aplikasi QM For Windows

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Nama : Keti Purnamasari

Nim : 01032681419003
Kelas : Reguler Pagi
Dosen : Prof. Dr. Hj. Sulastri, ME.,M.Kom

1. Bechtold Construction is in the process of installing power lines to a large housing

development. Steve Bechtold wants to minimize the total length of wire used, which
will minimize his costs. The housing development is shown as a network in Figure
11.21. Each house has been numbered, and the distances between houses are given in
hundreds of feet. What do you recommend?

Jawab :

QM for Windows Solution for Bechtold Construction

Minimal Spanning Tree Problem

Branch Start End

Cost Include Cost
name node node
Branch 1 1 2 4 Y 4
Branch 2 1 3 1 Y 1
Branch 3 1 4 2 Y 2
Branch 4 2 5 5
Branch 5 3 4 2
Branch 6 3 6 3 Y 3
Branch 7 4 5 4 Y 4
Branch 8 4 7 5
Branch 9 5 7 6
Branch 10 5 10 7
Branch 11 6 7 3 Y 3
Branch 12 6 8 7
Branch 13 7 9 6 Y 6
Branch 14 8 9 3 Y 3
Branch 15 8 12 7
Branch 16 9 10 4 Y 4

Keti Purnamasari (01032681419003) Page 1

Branch 17 9 12 5 Y 5
Branch 18 9 13 6
Branch 19 10 11 3 Y 3
Branch 20 11 13 3 Y 3
Branch 21 12 14 4 Y 4
Branch 22 13 14 5
Total 45

Starting Ending Cumulative

Branch Cost
node node cost
Branch 2 1 3 1 1
Branch 3 1 4 2 3
Branch 6 3 6 3 6
Branch 11 6 7 3 9
Branch 1 1 2 4 13
Branch 7 4 5 4 17
Branch 13 7 9 6 23
Branch 14 8 9 3 26
Branch 16 9 10 4 30
Branch 19 10 11 3 33
Branch 20 11 13 3 36
Branch 17 9 12 5 41
Branch 21 12 14 4 45

The minimum distance is 45 (4.500 feet).

2. The city of New Berlin is considering making several of its streets one-way. What is
the maximum number of cars per hour that can travel from east to west? The network
is shown in Figure 11.22.

Keti Purnamasari (01032681419003) Page 2

Jawab :

QM for Windows Solution for The city of New Berlin Network

Maximal-Flow Problem

Start End Reverse

Branch name Capacity Flow
node node capacity
Maximal Network Flow 5
Branch 1 1 2 2 0 2
Branch 2 1 3 5 0 2
Branch 3 1 4 1 1 1
Branch 4 2 5 2 2 2
Branch 5 3 5 2 1 0
Branch 6 3 6 2 2 2
Branch 7 4 6 3 0 1
Branch 8 4 8 4 0 0
Branch 9 5 7 2 2 2
Branch 10 6 8 4 0 3
Branch 11 7 8 2 2 2

Iteration Path Flow Cumulative Flow

1 1-2-5-7-8 2 2
2 1-3-6-8 2 4
3 1-4-6-8 1 5

200 on path 1–2–5–7–8, 200 on path 1–3–6–8, and 100 on path 1–4–6–8.

3. Transworld Moving has been hired to move the office furniture and equipment of
Cohen Properties to their new headquarters. What route do you recommend? The
network of roads is shown in Figure 11.23.

Keti Purnamasari (01032681419003) Page 3

Jawab :

Start End
node node
Branch 1 1 2 100
Branch 2 1 3 50
Branch 3 1 4 40
Branch 4 2 5 100
Branch 5 3 4 20
Branch 6 3 5 100
Branch 7 4 6 100
Branch 8 5 6 40
Branch 9 5 7 120
Branch 10 5 8 130
Branch 11 6 9 100
Branch 12 7 8 50
Branch 13 7 10 60
Branch 14 8 9 100
Branch 15 8 10 70
Branch 16 9 11 100
Branch 17 10 12 200
Branch 18 10 13 100
Branch 19 11 12 50
Branch 20 12 13 100

QM for Windows Solution for Transworld Moving

Shortest-Route Problem

Start End Cumulative

Total distance = 430 Distance
node node Distance
Branch 2 1 3 50 50
Branch 6 3 5 100 150
Branch 9 5 7 120 270
Branch 13 7 10 60 330
Branch 18 10 13 100 430

The shortest route is path 1–3–5–7–10–13, with a minimum distance of 430 miles.

Keti Purnamasari (01032681419003) Page 4

Minimum Distance Matrix

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1 0 100 50 40 150 140 270 280 240 330 340 390 430
2 100 0 150 140 100 140 220 230 240 280 340 390 380
3 50 150 0 20 100 120 220 230 220 280 320 370 380
4 40 140 20 0 120 100 240 250 200 300 300 350 400
5 150 100 100 120 0 40 120 130 140 180 240 290 280
6 140 140 120 100 40 0 160 170 100 220 200 250 320
7 270 220 220 240 120 160 0 50 150 60 250 260 160
8 280 230 230 250 130 170 50 0 100 70 200 250 170
9 240 240 220 200 140 100 150 100 0 170 100 150 250
10 330 280 280 300 180 220 60 70 170 0 250 200 100
11 340 340 320 300 240 200 250 200 100 250 0 50 150
12 390 390 370 350 290 250 260 250 150 200 50 0 100
13 430 380 380 400 280 320 160 170 250 100 150 100 0

Keti Purnamasari (01032681419003) Page 5

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