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Before starting your career you should ask a question from yourself. What does

actually you want from your career? In which field you want set your career, in

management, hospitality, teaching, medical or in engineering? One more thing is that

career plans changes from time to time so, you must so flexible while changing your

career planes. Career development is the process of developing your skills and

abilities in order to get better career opportunities. Career planning is the process

by which a person decides his/her goals of life. Career planning motivate a person

to get information, which helps him/her in decision making, to set future goals

and take proper action. It is a very crucial phase of every individual’s life that

helps the employees to live a well-balanced life. Career planning is very important

as helps an employee to identify his/her positive characteristics and to deal with

stress and conflicts. Now, the question arises how to achieve your career goals? So,

first of all one must have good skills and abilities to achieve any specific goals.

Education background must be strong and an individual should have a keen

interest in that particular field in which he/she want to purse.

Self-concept theory: It is related to the personal as well as professional growth of an

individual. It consists of five stages; Development (14), establishment (15-24), business,

maintenance and disengagement. So this theory defines and describes the career

development through these five stages. It focuses on the centrality of self-concept as a

main driving force in career development. It clearly states that career choice and

development is essential part of development of a person’s self-concept.


Values Career Skills


Apart from these skills and values an individual must follow some steps to

achieve the career goals. These are as follows:

1) Self-Assessment- As we can interpret from the word itself that it means

analysis of oneself. So before starting any career an individual must analyse

his/her qualities, values, skills, potential, thinking, etc. An individual must be

aware of his weaknesses and potentials. And this can be done by participating

in quizzes, by taking part in GD (group discussion) and by consulting advice

experts, etc. My father has decided my career in my childhood that I will

become a doctor as my father is a doctor. But, my career plans, interests and

skills are different. I have interest in commerce field. I like to gather information

about shares and marketing. I have good marketing skills and I only want to

purse in this field.

2) Career options- So as I have already mentioned that I would like to go in an

Enterprising field because I like updating data and keeping a record of

everything. I would like to work in an MNC where I can handle all the data

work. Also, there are so many are available for me in this field like

operations, data entry, accounting, marketing, HR, etc. I can also start my own

business after some years of experience. Here I used the RIASEC test to know my

interest and skills. It also suggests some career option which are suitable for me.

According to the RIASEC survey Management Analysts suits me best with code

number 13-1111.00 and number job zones 5 and interest code IEC


For this position I must have some skills and knowledge which are as follows:

 Administration and management skills.

 Good command over the English language.

 ERP software knowledge

 Good knowledge of Web platform development software.

 Good command over data base management system software.

 Written comprehension

 Oral comprehension
 Reasoning

 Critical thinking

 Decision-making ability

Other than this there are five career options which are available for me:


*Well educated- Master degree Weekness
*proficient English and Hindi speaking *No experience in this feild
*patient and carefull * get distracted easily
* Team working ability and good * Often disorganised
coordination skills
*quick learner

personal SWOT analysis

* Marketing
* Not a good team leader
* HR specialists
*Industrial level competion
*Market research Analysts
* Economic changes
* training and development specialists

My SWOT analysis concludes that I have some strengths, weaknesses, opportunities,

and threats. My strength is that I am well educated and good speaker of English and

Hindi. I have the ability to coordinate with team members and I can learn things so

quickly. But, I have no experience in this field and I get distracted so easily because I
need pin-drop silence to work. Meanwhile, I have many job opportunities like

marketing, Analysts, HR specialists, etc. But also, I have some threats in my mind like

competition and unemployment are at their peak and the economy is also changing.

So after considering my SWOT analysis, I made two goals:

 Short term goal – My short term goal is to get a good job and gather some

knowledge and experience in this field.

 Long term goal- My long term goal is to set up my own business.

4. Action planning

First of all, I have to complete my short term goals then long term goals for that I

need to take some steps which are as follows:

 Write a creative Resume

 Finding a virtual/full-time internship on Internshala.

 After the completion of an internship to find a job, but before starting do well

research about the company like what is their rating, behavior with

employees, etc.

 Prepare for the Job interview for which I could also join any coaching

institute to take learn all the tricks and tips.

 Then I will try to become financially strong to achieve my long term goal.

 After becoming much experienced and getting full knowledge of this field and

making good contacts with people I will move forward and make some

strategies, plans, strategy to take entry in the market, plane my finances,

determine my business structure, look for some business policies and make

my team, choose a suitable business location and some back up planes if my

business does not run well.

By 2021
Get By 2023
experience by By 2030
Find a good
doing some
job and make set up my own
internship and
contacts with buniness
to collects
and LORs

5. References:

jurmo, c. (2018, may 23). googe. Retrieved dec 1, 2019, from quora:


keng, S. (2015, december 12). google . Retrieved december 1, 2019, from quora :

ontook, b. (n.d.). google. Retrieved Dec 1, 2019, from onet online:

Vidinghoff, c. (2015, june ). google. Retrieved december 2019, from quora :

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