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Lamb Sweetbreads ® © ® oe 40mins 62°C The delicacy in flavour and smooth, soft texture of lamb sweet- breads is the perfect partner to the herb scented rosemary flour that creates acrisp finish. INGREDIENTS 300g Fresh lamb sweetbreads 1 litre Milk FLOUR INGREDIENTS Blend together to create Rosemary Flour. 100g Soft flour 25g Rosemary Salt Pepper METHOD 1. Pre-heat your water bath to 62°C. 2. First soak the sweetbreads in half of the milk for 8 hours. 3. Bring 2 pints of water to boil — quickly blanch the sweetbreads for 10 seconds — then chill immediately on ice. 4. Peel off any excess sinew. 5. Place the cleaned sweetbreads, and the remaining milk in a pouch and vac-seal. If you have an external vacuum sealer use a zip lock bag to create a vacuum instead. 6. Put the pouch into your water bath for 40 minutes. 7. Keep checking the water bath to make sure the water is covering the pouch. 8. Remove the sweetbreads from the pouch and pat dry with kitchen towel. 9. Now, roll in the rosemary flour and pan fry until crisp — serve immediately. 10. You can place the pouch in ice water until cold and keep in the fridge for up to three days. ) To regenerate from cold place the pouch in your water bath at 62°C for 30 minutes. Chef's Tip - Try adding spice instead of rosemary to the flour or spice to the pouch instead of milk before cooking. --- Dish Suggestion --- Roasted Lambs Sweetbreads with Charred Leeks and Dried Tomato.

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