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Juco, Aaron Justine B.


Jigsaw Puzzle
Few months away from graduation, all the things I experienced in Angeles City Science High School
have been valuable to me. I have learned many techniques and real-life applications. In my Junior years,
we encountered the physics subject. But I didn’t expect that the level of difficulty in senior high school is
extremely difficult. Up to this point, I hold Physics as one of the most complicated and challenging
subject I encountered. Our Physics teacher, Sir Arnie Guevarra introduced the subject to us as “fun” and
“everywhere”. For me, the subject itself is really not that fun. But our teacher itself indeed is fun since he
is genuinely kind and approachable. He also know how to teach us the lessons in as easy as possible and
giving us tricky problems making our physics subject entertaining.

One of the lessons that I enjoyed learning the most is the current and resistance. I learned the different
kinds of electrical circuit symbol, the factors affecting resistance, the resistivity of a material and etc. that
can be applied in our daily life.
As I reflect on my experience in physics, my advice to those who will take the subject next year is first is
the importance of taking notes, asking your classmates/teacher if you don’t understand about a certain
information in your lesson. You have to fully comprehend the first topic before you go onto the next
because you’ll be having a hard time understanding the new topic. I sometimes found myself not
understanding the lesson after the first discussion. The lecture notes and advises from my classmates had
provided me with clarification. For those students, like myself, who has difficulty in catching up in
physics will benefit from this. I also gained a greater understanding of a certain topic when I reviewed the
solution examples that the teacher provided us. The last and most important thing I suggest for the future
students is to work hard. The subject is not to simply read and memorize. Rather it is something you must
figure out and understand the topic well.

I learned that Physics is like a jigsaw puzzle. Piece by piece it makes little sense and may make you feel
in disarray. But, as you go on, physics is more than just a subject. Your teachers, classmates and your
willingness to learn will serve as a puzzle piece making it possible for you to see how the jigsaw pieces fit
together. It's just a puzzle with pieces until you form it and see the big picture of it.

Subject Teacher: Mr. Arnie L. Guevarra

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