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Malunggay or etymologically known as moringa Oliefera Lam is a fast-growing and drought resistant tree

which is very rampant in tropical countries most especially in the Philippines. This miracle plant is by far
one of the most useful tropical trees in the island. It is widely used as ingredients for herbal medicine,
the leaves to be exact is a good source of nutrients for our body since it contains Vitamin C, provitamin A
as beta carotene, Vitamin K, manganese, amino essentials and protein. The calcium it consists of is
bound as crystals of calcium oxalate and it can be compared with level 1/25th to 1/45th of that found in
spinach. Which resonates as to why ancient people used malunggay leaves as vegetable ingredients for

This plant is enriched with various nutrients that can heal any kinds of diseases. It helps normalize Blood
Sugar Level or diabetes. Malunggay leaves have many potential in managing health especially that of
diabetes. Second, it combats malnutrition, as we all know malnutrition and poverty are one of the main
problems in the country so making use of this plant is a good idea in terms of helping the community
face these issues. In addition, malunggay strengthens the immune system, help restore skin condition,
treat rheumatism as well as common cold, fever and asthma.

Using the so called “Wonder Vegetable”, one could create a product that can be healthy, useful, and at
the same time be an accessible and cheaper substitute for drugstore medicines. Since it costs more and
could sometimes have side effects which is risky to take in since it may affect our health. So as to the
other necessities that are becoming more expensive nowadays. The main goal of this study is for the
benefit of everyone especially the Filipino people who have insufficient salary to have access in a
healthier and more affordable medicine that can be used for safer intake. This research will help us
evaluate the extracts from the malunggay leaves as a medicinal tea.


This experimental research entitled “Extracts from malunggay as medicinal tea” will greatly benefit the

This experimental research entitled “Extracts from malunggay as medicinal tea” will greatly benefit the

Less Privileged Citizens – since it is very affordable and accessible enough. It can be used as a substitute
for drugstore medicines which is much more costly and less safer to take in.
Researchers – this research will help them realize the benefits that malunggay can offer. It can make
them appreciate the environment more and learn the value of being resourceful. This will also serve as
their learning experience in which they can apply to their everyday lives.

Future Researchers – this study will serve as a guide and a future reference to those who will choose to
investigate on a topic such as the benefits of malunggay.

Business men – it will serve as an opportunity for the rise of a new product that will be sellable to the
Filipino market. Not only will they gain profit but they will also give access to those who need the

This study aims to support the less privileged families and other people who are not wealthy in their
everyday life by utilizing the properties found in “Moringa Oliefera Lam” locally know as “malunggay” as
a healthy, cheap and effective Tea.

Scientific research confirms that these humble leaves are a powerhouse of nutritional value. Gram for
gram, moringa leaves contain: SEVEN times the vitamin C in oranges, FOUR times the Calcium in milk,
FOUR times the vitamin A in carrots, TWO times the protein in milk and THREE times the Potassium in

The Materials needed to make Moringa Tea is

1 Tablespoon of Honey

2 Tablespoons of Moringa Powder

12 oz of water or 3 cups

Mix the two tablespoons of Moringa Powder with hot water

Filter out the Still-Solid leaves from the actual extract

Pour the extract into the desired container

Add 2 Tablespoons of Honey ...

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