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Differential Geometry

A First Course

D Somasundaram

Alpha Science International Ltd.

Harrow, U.K.

Preface v

1. Theory of Space Curves 1

1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Representation of space curves 2
1.3 Unique parametric representation of a space curve 3
1.4 Arc-length 7
1.5 Tangent and osculating plane 10
1.6 Principal normal and binormal 15
1.7 Curvature and torsion 18
1.8 Behaviour of a curve near one of its points 26
1.9 The curvature and torsion of a curve as the intersection
of two surfaces 31
1.10 Contact between curves and surfaces 35
1.11 Osculating circle and osculating sphere 37
1.12 Locus of centres of spherical curvature 43
1.13 Tangent surfaces, involutes and evolutes 48
1.14 Betrand curves 57
1.15 Spherical indicatrix 61
1.16 Intrinsic equations of space curves 67
1.17 Fundamental existence theorem for space curves 69
1.18 Helices .76
1.19 Examples I 80
1.20 Exercises I 99

2. The First Fundamental Form and Local Intrinsic

Properties of A Surface 101
2.1 Introduction 101
2.2 Definition of a surface 101
2.3 Nature of points on a surface 103
2.4 Representation of a surface 106
Vlll Contents

2.5 Curves on surfaces 108

2.6 Tangent plane and surface normal 109
2.7 The general surfaces of revolution 114
2.8 Helicoids 117
2.9 Metric on a surface—The first fundamental form 118
2.10 Direction coefficients on a surface 123
2.11 Families of curves 131
2.12 Orthogonal trajectories 133
2.13 Double family of curves 136
2.14 Isometric correspondence 138
2.15 Intrinsic properties 142
2.16 Examples II 143
2.17 Exercises II 158

3. Geodesies on a Surface 160

3.1 Introduction 160
3.2 Geodesies and their differential equations 160
3.3 Canonical geodesic equations 173
3.4 Geodesies on surfaces of revolution 174
3.5 Normal property of geodesies 178
3.6 Differential equations of geodesies using normal property 182
3.7 Existence theorems 192
3.8 Geodesic parallels 199
3.9 Geodesic polar coordinates 201
3.10 Geodesic curvature 202
3.11 Gauss-Bonnet theorem 220
3.12 Gaussain curvature 227
3.13 Surfaces of constant curvature 232
3.14 Conformal mapping 237
3.15 Geodesic mapping 242
3.16 Examples III 249
3.17 Exercises III 276

4. The Second Fundamental Form and Local

Non-intrinsic Properties of a Surface 279
4.1 Introduction 279
4.2 The second fundamental form 279
4.3 Classification of points on a surface 284
4.4 Principal curvatures 290
4.5 Lines of curvature 296
Contents IX

4.6 The Dupin indicatrix 302

4.7 Developable surfaces 313
4.8 Developables associated with space curves 321
4.9 Developables associated with curves on surfaces 329
4.10 Minimal surfaces 331
4.11 Ruled surfaces 335
4.12 Three fundamental forms 353
4.13 Examples IV 358
4.14 Exercises IV 379

5. The Fundamental Equations of Surface Theory 382

5.1 Introduction 382
5.2 Tensor notations 382
5.3 Gauss equations 383
5.4 Weingarteri equations 388
5.5 Mainardi-Codazzi equations 390
5.6 Parallel surfaces 399
5.7 Fundamental existence theorem for surfaces 404
5.8 Examples V 416
5.9 Exercises V . 442

Hints and Answers to Exercises 444

1.20 Exercises I 444
2.17 Exercises II 446
3.17 Exercises III 448
4.14 Exercises IV 450
5.9 Exercises V 454
References 455
Index 456

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