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GROUP 7-ELT2 Lecturer: Ms.

A. Teaching a sound
1. a) Which may be the problem sound in the word “tea”? Why?
How can you present it?
b) Think of 4 minimal pairs for the class to contrast this sound with another
similar sound.
 The problem sound is “t”. Because students may have a confusion of similar
sounds in L1 /t/.
 Presenting:
-Introduce the sound: Show the picture of “toy”. Some of us may have problem
with the sound “t”.
-Say the sound alone: /t/
-Say the sound in a word: tea /ti:/
-Conduct repetition chorally
-Conduct repetition individually
-Explain how to make the sound:
Closure is made by the tongue blade against the alveolar ridge. The soft palate
is raised.
-Contrast it with a similar sound: /t/ tea - /d/ D
 4 minimal pairs: to/do, hat/bad, hotter/harder, till/dill
2. What could be done to help them pronounce this sound correctly?
Suggest necessary steps to help them practice this sound orally.
Work out two/three tasks for the students to practice this sound aurally.
Design the activities to teach the sound you’ve found out.
 Teachers help them pronounce this sound correctly by conducting oral
practice (chorally & individually)
 Necessary steps to help them practice this sound orally:
-Say the sound alone: /t/
-Say the sound in word of different position: tea, hotter, hat
-Say the sound in phrases: hot tea, wearing a hat
-Say the sound in sentences: She is drinking hot tea. / She is wearing a hat.

GROUP 7-ELT2 Lecturer: Ms. TA TU QUYNH
 Two/three tasks for the students to practice this sound aurally:
 One/Two drill: Listen to the word, if you hear it has sound /t/, say one; if
you hear it has sound /d/, say two.
Board: (1) /t/
(2) /d/
T: hat Ss: one
T: bad Ss: two
 Same/Different drill: Listen to two words. Say same if they have the
same sound; say different if they have different sounds.

T: hotter/ harder Ss: different

T: hotter/hotter Ss: same
T: harder/harder Ss: same
 One/Two/Three drill: Listen to three words. Say the numbers of two
words that are the same.
T: hat-bad-hat Ss: one-three
T: hat-hat-bad Ss: one-two
 Design the activities to teach the sound.
 Aural drill:
 One/Two drill: Listen to the word, if you hear it has sound /t/, say one; if
you hear it has sound /d/, say two.
Board: (1) /t/
(2) /d/
T: tin/din, tip/dip, feet/feed, mat/mad, hotter/harder, pot/pod, coat/code,
beet bead, mate/maid, town/down, fate/fade.
 Same/Different drill: Listen to two words. Say same if they have the
same sound; say different if they have different sounds.
T: heart/hard, heart/heart, seat/seed, seed/seed, font /fond, font/font, site
/sighed, clot/clod, clot/clot, skit/skid, goat/goad, moat/mode.

 Oral practice: (chorally & individually)

 Say the sound alone: /t/
 Say the sound in word of different position: talk, hotter, height
 Say the sound in phrases: talking to Sally, medium height
 Say the sound in sentences: She is talking to Sally. / She has a medium

GROUP 7-ELT2 Lecturer: Ms. TA TU QUYNH
B. Teach the sound /∫/
1. Present:
- Introduce the sound: Today’s lesson is about one the most difficult
sounds that Vietnamese students often face with in pronunciation. It is
/∫/.Instead of pronouncing /∫/, Vietnamese students say /s/.
- Say the sound alone /∫/
- Say the sound in a word: shoe /ʃuː/
- Conduct repetition chorally.
- Conduct repetition individually.
- Explain how to make the sound /∫/:
This sound clearly carries no voice. The tongue tip lifts to the middle of
the mouth. Although the tongue tip moves forward, it does not touch
anything, it’s very close to the roof of the mouth.
- Contrast it with a similar sound: Let the whole class practice 4 minimal
Gas - Gash
2. Practice:
a. Aural drill:
- Conduct Same/different drill: Listen to two words. Say same if they have
the same sound; say different if they have different sounds.
1. see/ she
2. suit/ shoot
3. sock/ shock
4. sign/ shine
- Conduct one/ two drill: listen to two words. Which one is included the
sound /∫/?
1. sue or shoe?
2. mess or mesh?
3. sip or ship?
4. fist or fished?
b. Oral drill:
- Say the sound alone
- Say the sound in words: ship, shoe, shell
- Say the sound in phrases: a big ship, an expensive pair of shoes,

GROUP 7-ELT2 Lecturer: Ms. TA TU QUYNH
- Say the sound in sentences:
I have a big ship
My mother bought me an expensive pair of shoes.
- The teacher will show 4 sentences. Then, let students practice in pairs in 3
minutes first. Call 2 or 3 students to read these sentences exactly without
hesitation. The whole class will choose the winner with the best performance.

1. Sue shops for Sam’s shoes.

2. Steve should see the shimmering scene.
3. Steve sells his stamps to buy shoes.
4. She sells sea shells by the sea shore.

C. Teach the sound “u”:

 Presenting:
-Introduce the sound: Show the picture of “food”. Some of us may have
problem with the sound “u”.
-Say the sound alone: /u:/
-Say the sound in a word: food /fu:d/
-Conduct repetition chorally
-Conduct repetition individually
-Explain how to make the sound:
The back of the tounge is raised just below the close position. Lips are rounded.
The tounge is tense.
Contrast it with a similar sound: /u:/ food - /u/ foot
 4 minimal pairs: pull/pool, look/ Luke, fool/ full, kook/ cook

3. What could be done to help them pronounce this sound correctly?

Suggest necessary steps to help them practice this sound orally.
Work out two/three tasks for the students to practice this sound aurally.
Design the activities to teach the sound you’ve found out.
 Teachers help them pronounce this sound correctly by conducting oral
practice (chorally & individually)
 Necessary steps to help them practice this sound orally:

GROUP 7-ELT2 Lecturer: Ms. TA TU QUYNH
-Say the sound alone: /u:/
-Say the sound in word of different position: oodle, moon, canoe
-Say the sound in phrases: bright moon, drive a canoe
-Say the sound in sentences: she is admiring the bright moon/ The man is
driving a canoe.
 Two/three tasks for the students to practice this sound aurally:
 One/Two drill: Listen to the word, if you hear it has sound /u:/, say
one; if you hear it has sound /u/, say two.
Board: (1) /u:/
(2) /u/
T: fruit Ss: one
T: book Ss: two

 Same/Different drill: Listen to two words. Say same if they have the
same sound; say different if they have different sounds.

T: food/ foot Ss: different

T: fruit/ fruit Ss: same
T: school/ school Ss: same
 One/Two/Three drill: Listen to three words. Say the numbers of two
words that are the same.
T: pool/ pull/ pool Ss: one-three
T: pool/ pool/ pull Ss: one-two
D. Teach the sound /i:/
 Say the sound /i:/ in isolation
 Say it in one or two words: bee, sea
 Students repeat the sound in isolation and in particular words, in chorus and
 If students can’t produce the sound, describe how it is pronounced
 Constrast two similar sound /i:/ and /i/ as students can mistake them
 Practice:
 Aural drill
 4 minimal pairs: sea, see; sit, seat; hit , heat; bit, beat
 One / Two / three drill
Eg: see- see-sea students: three
Beat-bit-beat students: one-three
 Oral drill

GROUP 7-ELT2 Lecturer: Ms. TA TU QUYNH
 Say the sound alone: /i:/
 Say in words: bee, key, lead
 Say in phrases: the bee eat
 Say in sentences: i go to the sea to advoid heat
The bee eats the seed


1) Trousers:
- The teacher writes the word on the board: Trousers Oo
- The teacher claps his/her hands to emphasize the primary stress. At the
same time, say that syllable longer and louder with more breath effort.
- Let the whole class clap their hands and read aloud that word.
- Call some students read aloud that word individually.
2) I’d like some coffee.
- The teacher says the sentence, exaggerating the difference between
stressed and unstressed syllables.
- At the same time, the teacher bangs his/her hand against the table to
emphasize the stress sentence.
- Let the whole class bang their hand against the table and read aloud the
- Divide the whole class into 2 teams and read aloud the sentence with
their team.
- Call some students say aloud the sentence individually.
3) Attractive and Give me an orange:
- Work in groups and demonstrate how you can apply the methods
introduced above to show the stress pattern of the following words,
phrases and sentences.
- Attractive: Thump the air when saying the stressed syllable / əˈtraktiv/
- Give me an orange: Underlining the stressed syllables: ‘Give me an
4) Suppose and He was late:
- Work in groups and demonstrate how you can apply the methods
introduced above to show the stress pattern of the following words,
phrases and sentences.
- Suppose: Thump the air when saying the stressed syllable /səˈpoʊz /
- He was late again: Underlining the stressed syllables: He was ‘late

GROUP 7-ELT2 Lecturer: Ms. TA TU QUYNH

4. a) Which may be the problem sound in the word “tea”? Why?
How can you present it?
b) Think of 4 minimal pairs for the class to contrast this sound with another
similar sound.
 The problem sound is “t”. Because students may have a confusion of similar
sounds in L1 /t/.
 Presenting:
-Introduce the sound: Show the picture of “toy”. Some of us may have problem
with the sound “t”.
-Say the sound alone: /t/
-Say the sound in a word: tea /ti:/
-Conduct repetition chorally
-Conduct repetition individually
-Explain how to make the sound:
Closure is made by the tongue blade against the alveolar ridge. The soft palate
is raised.
-Contrast it with a similar sound: /t/ tea - /d/ D
 4 minimal pairs: to/do, hat/bad, hotter/harder, till/dill
5. What could be done to help them pronounce this sound correctly?
Suggest necessary steps to help them practice this sound orally.
Work out two/three tasks for the students to practice this sound aurally.
Design the activities to teach the sound you’ve found out.
 Teachers help them pronounce this sound correctly by conducting oral
practice (chorally & individually)
 Necessary steps to help them practice this sound orally:
-Say the sound alone: /t/
-Say the sound in word of different position: tea, hotter, hat
-Say the sound in phrases: hot tea, wearing a hat
-Say the sound in sentences: She is drinking hot tea. / She is wearing a hat.

GROUP 7-ELT2 Lecturer: Ms. TA TU QUYNH
 Two/three tasks for the students to practice this sound aurally:
 One/Two drill: Listen to the word, if you hear it has sound /t/, say
one; if you hear it has sound /d/, say two.
Board: (1) /t/
(2) /d/
T: hat Ss: one
T: bad Ss: two
 Same/Different drill: Listen to two words. Say same if they have the
same sound; say different if they have different sounds.

T: hotter/ harder Ss: different

T: hotter/hotter Ss: same
T: harder/harder Ss: same
 One/Two/Three drill: Listen to three words. Say the numbers of two
words that are the same.
T: hat-bad-hat Ss: one-three
T: hat-hat-bad Ss: one-two
 Design the activities to teach the sound.
 Aural drill:
 One/Two drill: Listen to the word, if you hear it has sound /t/, say
one; if you hear it has sound /d/, say two.
Board: (1) /t/
(2) /d/
T: tin/din, tip/dip, feet/feed, mat/mad, hotter/harder, pot/pod,
coat/code, beet bead, mate/maid, town/down, fate/fade.
 Same/Different drill: Listen to two words. Say same if they have the
same sound; say different if they have different sounds.
T: heart/hard, heart/heart, seat/seed, seed/seed, font /fond, font/font,
site /sighed, clot/clod, clot/clot, skit/skid, goat/goad, moat/mode.

 Oral practice: (chorally & individually)

 Say the sound alone: /t/
 Say the sound in word of different position: talk, hotter, height
 Say the sound in phrases: talking to Sally, medium height
 Say the sound in sentences: She is talking to Sally. / She has a
medium height.

GROUP 7-ELT2 Lecturer: Ms. TA TU QUYNH
Work in groups and demonstrate how you can apply the methods introduced
above to show the stress pattern of the following words, phrases and sentences.
Attractive: Thump the air when saying the stressed syllable / əˈtraktiv/
Give me an orange: Underlining the stressed syllables: ‘Give me an ‘orange

GROUP 7-ELT2 Lecturer: Ms. TA TU QUYNH
*The sound /i:/
a) Design activities to teach sound /i:/
- Present:
1) Say the sound alone /i:/
2) Say the sound in a word: Sheep
3) Conduct repetition chorally
4) Conduct repetition individually
5) Explain how to make the sound
The front of the tounge is slightly behind and below the close front position.Lips are
spread . The tounge is tense and the sides of the tounge touch the upper molars
6) Contrast it with a similar sound:
Sheep / /ʃiːp/ - Ship /ʃɪp/


A Kilo of sugar

GROUP 7-ELT2 Lecturer: Ms. TA TU QUYNH
3. Present:
- Introduce the sound: Today’s lesson is about one the most difficult
sounds that Vietnamese students often face with in pronunciation. It is
/∫/.Instead of pronouncing /∫/, Vietnamese students say /s/.
- Say the sound alone /∫/
- Say the sound in a word: shoe /ʃuː/
- Conduct repetition chorally.
- Conduct repetition individually.
- Explain how to make the sound /∫/:
This sound clearly carries no voice. The tongue tip lifts to the middle of
the mouth. Although the tongue tip moves forward, it does not touch
anything, it’s very close to the roof of the mouth.
- Contrast it with a similar sound: Let the whole class practice 4 minimal
Gas - Gash
4. Practice:
c. Aural drill:
- Conduct Same/different drill: Listen to two words. Say same if they have
the same sound; say different if they have different sounds.
5. see/ she
6. suit/ shoot
7. sock/ shock
8. sign/ shine
- Conduct one/ two drill: listen to two words. Which one is included the
sound /∫/?
5. sue or shoe?
6. mess or mesh?
7. sip or ship?
8. fist or fished?
d. Oral drill:
- Say the sound alone

GROUP 7-ELT2 Lecturer: Ms. TA TU QUYNH
- Say the sound in words: ship, shoe, shell
- Say the sound in phrases: a big ship, an expensive pair of shoes,
- Say the sound in sentences:
I have a big ship
My mother bought me an expensive pair of shoes.
- The teacher will show 4 sentences. Then, let students practice in pairs in 3
minutes first. Call 2 or 3 students to read these sentences exactly without
hesitation. The whole class will choose the winner with the best performance.

5. Sue shops for Sam’s shoes.

6. Steve should see the shimmering scene.
7. Steve sells his stamps to buy shoes.
8. She sells sea shells by the sea shore.


5) Trousers:
- The teacher writes the word on the board: Trousers Oo
- The teacher claps his/her hands to emphasize the primary stress. At the
same time, say that syllable longer and louder with more breath effort.
- Let the whole class clap their hands and read aloud that word.
- Call some students read aloud that word individually.
6) I’d like some coffee.
- The teacher says the sentence, exaggerating the difference between
stressed and unstressed syllables.
- At the same time, the teacher bangs his/her hand against the table to
emphasize the stress sentence.
- Let the whole class bang their hand against the table and read aloud the
- Divide the whole class into 2 teams and read aloud the sentence with
their team.
- Call some students say aloud the sentence individually.

GROUP 7-ELT2 Lecturer: Ms. TA TU QUYNH
Money earned from advertisements makes it possible for them to sell their newspaper at a low price
and still make a profit.

- Teach the student the intonation pattern of this sentence which is a falling tone, use an arrow to
mark it
- Show students the stress syllables and mark them
+ Sentence stress: money, advertisements, possible, sell, low, still, profit.
+ Word sentence: ad’vertisements, ‘possible, ‘newspaper, ‘profit.
- Divide into sections ad using back-chaining technique.
Money | earned from advertisements | makes it possible | for them | to sell their newspaper
|at a low price | and still | make a profit.
- Conduct repetition from end towards beginning.


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