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Department of Distance Education

Module 3 – February 2018








CONTACT HOURS: Monday – Thursday 2pm -5pm & Sundays 1pm – 3:30pm


Dear Student,

Welcome to DTED148 Conflict Resolution & Management. I am Miss Thomas and I will be your
facilitator for this course. My experience has covered a total of 10 years in the area of
counseling with specific reference to areas of conflict resolution.

Every student in this course begins with an “A” grade and to maintain this standing for the
course, it will be vital for you to attend all lectures, submit your assignments on or before the
stated time, read the assigned materials, visit the sites for reporting, make your presentation a
well-thought out, dynamic one and pass the final examination with at least 85%.
I anticipate your success in this course and to assist, I am available by email, and will make every effort to respond within a 48-hour period.

Since this class will include lectures, discussions and presentations, it is expected that you will
be an active participant in the discussions that will take place both in the on-line forums as well
as with your classmates in and outside of class. As we work together on each area of this
syllabus, it is my hope that you will use the knowledge gained to examine the entities where
you are employed (or intend to be) and begin to make your portfolio on how to

General Information
a. NCU issues I.D.’s for all students, regardless of study protocol. Students may opt to
come to the main campus for this to be done, or may submit a passport size picture that should
show a close-up of the face clearly. The latter option requires signature and stamp from a
Justice of the Peace or Notary Public.
b. The Department of Distance Education is responsible for the delivery of this course.
University Information Systems (UNISS) lends assistance with technical matters and can be
accessed via email, or chat in Aeorion, ( the student information and
learning management system.
c. You may use a smartphone, laptop or tablet to access the platforms used in the
delivery of this course. Please check the bandwidth (download and upload) speed of your
device ( to ensure that it meets the minimum requirement of 5Mbps. The
maximum document size upload limit is 25Mb - If larger, zip the file before uploading.

d. You will need to have the Microsoft suite (eg. Microsoft Word, PowerPoint and Excel)
loaded on your device. Speeds for interaction are increased with the use of Firefox. Completing
these course requirements necessitates your having regular access to computer technology and
the internet. If you do not have a personal computer/tablet/phone with internet access,
computers on the University’s Main Campus and Extension Sites are available for your use. This
online course has integrated communication tools that may be used to facilitate interaction and
communication. Other communication mediums such as email, instant messaging and web
conferencing tools may also be utilized throughout the course.


Overview (Example): This course guide is intended to provide the information necessary for you
to be successful in the course Conflict & Resolution Management. Since you are expected to
function as an independent learner, this guide gives you the tools, resources and expectations
so you can plan for your success in this course.
It is advisable that you create a pattern of study and ensure that you attend all lectures,
discussion forums, study group requirements and (list all requirements of the course). All
requirements are listed in this guide as well as the dates of submission. As your coordinator/e-
facilitator, I am available at 2pm – 5 pm weekdays to assist you with concerns or issues you may
have in this course. I will communicate with you primarily using the
Announcements/Discussions tools. You may send personal concerns or questions to me via
email or using the course messaging module. I, will as much as possible, reply to your query(ies)
within two days.

Example: You are expected to -
 Online Discussion post must be done
 Active participation is required
 Reading from required text prior to class
 Silence cell phones during class
 Be on time for all lectures
 Participate in group discussions
 Keep a journal
 Respect each other’s opinions
 Engage in the reading of related literature –assigned or self-selected
 Hand in all pieces of assignments on time

Civility, Courtesy and Respect: As professionals, mutual respect is required; the facilitator
expects all class members to communicate in a professional and courteous manner. While
everyone may feel passionate about a particular subject and is entitled to his/her opinions,
classroom discourse must always be conducted in a respectful and civil tone. No disrespectful
or disparaging comments about gender, ethnicity, religion, etc. will be tolerated.

Class Attendance/Absenteeism - You are expected to attend classes regularly and on time.
Facilitators will keep an accurate record of class attendance. It is your responsibility to
withdraw from a course in which you have incurred excessive absences. If you have excessive
absences (excused and/or unexcused), you may only be readmitted to class by the facilitator.
Your total allotment of absences may not be greater than 20% of the course meeting times.

Style for submitted work: APA (American Psychological Association), is the writing style for
social and behavioral sciences and will be the accepted mode of writing for this class. For
additional information on the style, please refer to

Honour Code & Plagiarism includes the unaccredited use of words or any aspect of creation of
another person or entity as well as the resubmission of work presented for credit in another
class. Regulations on plagiarism and other forms of cheating are highly enforceable. Engaging
in either activity may result in very serious penalties, including failing grades, and/or dismissal
from the university. Any assignment or work submitted for this course must not have been
submitted for any other course.

No written or digitally authored work may be submitted for academic credit more than once. If
you have questions about how this may apply to an assignment you are considering for this
course, please ask the facilitator for clarification. All sources used in any presentation must be
properly cited. Violation of this procedure will result in a failing grade (zero), for the work being
submitted. ‘Cutting and pasting’ will not be accepted as legitimate work, as this constitutes
fraud, which is a criminal offence.

Students with a Disabling Condition: Any student who, because of a disabling condition, may
require some special arrangements in order to meet course requirements, should communicate
with the facilitator, in a timely manner, to seek any special considerations. Students should
present appropriate verification from the relevant administrative office at the University. There
is no guideline indicating that special considerations be given prior to completion of the university
verification process.

Netiquette – Rules governing this behavior are addressed by Virginia Shea and can be accessed
at (

Late submission of course work will not be allowed



Conflict comes as a result of persons having different needs, opinions, perspectives and
expectations. Conflict is a part of our lives and how we view it and/or deal with it can make it
either an unpleasant destructive experience or one that allows for learning and significant
growth. Conflict resolution involves not only recognizing, but managing conflicts, which is
essential to nurturing relationships. This course will assist you in making conflict a positive
experience and so will introduce you to tools and techniques to allow you to deal effectively
with situations of conflict between individuals or teams, whether in the home, school, church,
community or work environment. You will learn to limit the negative aspects of conflict while
increasing its positive aspects understanding that the goal of conflict resolution management is
to ensure that disagreements lead to productivity and professional growth.


At the end of this course of study participants should be able to:

1. Examine and outline the difference between destructive and constructive conflicts
2. Explore different conflict management styles and determine how these influence
decision-making processes
3. Utilize key communication skills to help to resolve or diminish conflict issues
4. Be cognizant of the warning signs and triggers of conflict and how to prevent escalation
5. Exhibit an understanding of workplace conflict and how cultural and ethnicity
differences may lead to divergent needs
6. Employ the skills necessary to effectively resolve conflicts in the organization including
how to have “difficult” conversations and feedback
7. Develop strategies and confidence in managing typical conflicts, whether home, school,
community, or workplace
8. Manage organizational conflict effectively in order to enhance a healthy and productive
work environment
9. Exhibit a commitment to equality and diversity
10. Demonstrate effective self-management
11. Develops relationships with sponsors/funding/collaborators and/or teams to foster
communication and team-working.
12. Be cognizant of mental or emotional disorders when handling conflict resolution issues.

FAITH AND LEARNING OUTCOMES: the use of Biblical principles to compliment discussions on
topics covered in lectures. (For example:
Demonstrate the fulfilment of God’s manifestation in our lives….

Values and Attitudes Focus

Christ Likeness:
I commit myself and all the students of DTED148: Conflict Resolution & Management, commit to
exercising the highest levels of Christ-likeness in all actions during this course in relation to the
 Handling issues in an equitable, polite and considerate manner
 Being courteous, considerate, polite, honest, and respectful
 Abiding by the rules of netiquette
 Displaying honesty with submitted work
 Displaying kindness, humility, compassion and unselfishness to each other

The facilitator & students will undertake learning experiences that exercise the highest levels of
integrity in:
 Honouring deadlines
 Practicing academic honesty with respect to the use of published works and other intellectual
 Participate equally in group work & activities
 Stewardship of tools, equipment and the other resources in the learning environment
 Honest conduct during examinations, quizzes and any other form of assessment fair
evaluation of student work
 Following the established rules of proper netiquette
 Relations with peers, advisor(s) and facilitator(s)
 General conduct

The facilitator and all students will exercise the highest level of justice and fairness in all actions
related to this course in the areas of:
 Fair grade for tasks submitted for evaluation
 Timely feedback and redress of inquiries, challenges, issues, grouses
 Impartial treatment of all, regardless of race, age, religious affiliation, nationality, disability
or ethnicity
 Production of academic work



Unit 1 Introduction (Conflict Resolution & Management) ; Unit Overviews
Unit 2 Types and Sources of Conflict Resolution
Unit 3 Anatomy of Conflict
Unit 4 Strategies for Handling Conflict
Unit 5 Conflict Resolution Steps
Unit 6 Conflict Management Techniques – Advantages & Disadvantages
Unit 7 Conflict Management Styles (Thomas Kilmann Instrument)
Unit 8 Conflict Management Skills & Strategies
Unit 9 Processes for Managing Conflict
Unit 10 Communication Skills for Conflict Resolution
Unit 11 Finding Mutual Requirements
Unit 12 Identifying the Real Issues and Individual Needs
Unit 13 Negotiation (Mediating for Mutual Gain)
Unit 14 Assertiveness and Influencing Styles
Unit 15 Handling Customer Complaints
Unit 16 Managing Stress & Anger
Unit 17 Practical Activities/Games


The duration of this course is twelve (12) weeks and uses the following strategies:
Online content, Resources, Tutor sessions, Discussion Forums, Teleconferences, Fieldwork
and Research. Assessment will be on a continuous basis and will be assigned from these


A. Introduction (Conflict Resolution & Management) ; Unit Overviews

B. Types and Sources of Conflict Resolution
a. Personality
b. Workplace
i. Harrassment
c. Home
d. Community/School
i. Bullying
e. Limited resources
f. Styles of thinking and communication
g. Value systems
C. Anatomy of Conflict
a. Conflict outcomes
b. Resolution Styles
c. Identifying preferred/personal resolution style
d. Conflict analysis worksheet
D. Conflict Resolution Steps
a. Identifying the source of the conflict
b. Looking beyond the incident
c. Requesting solutions
d. Identifying solutions that both disputants can support
e. Coming to an agreement
E. Conflict Management Techniques – Advantages & Disadvantages
a. Forcing/Competing
b. Collaborating (Win-Win)
c. Compromising
d. Withdrawing
e. Smoothing
F. Conflict Management Styles (Thomas Kilmann Instrument)
a. Cooperativeness
b. Assertiveness
G. Conflict Management Skills & Strategies
a. Communication skills
b. Emotional intelligence
c. Empathy
d. Assertiveness
e. Active Listening/Interviewing
f. Facilitation
g. Mediation/Negotiation
h. Creative Problem Solving
H. Processes for Managing Conflict
a. Problem recognition
b. Agreement to address issue and find solution
c. Understanding the perspectives and concerns of each
d. Identifying changes in behaviour, attitude/approaches that allow for negotiation
e. Recognize triggers that can allow escalading of conflict
f. Willingness by parties to compromise
g. Monitoring impact on agreements for resolution/change
h. Discipline or termination of employees who refuse to diffuse conflict situations
I. Communication Skills for Conflict Resolution
a. Active Listening
b. Effective questioning
c. Rapport building
d. Perspectives
e. Saying “no”
f. Assertive behaviour
g. Effective promising
J. Finding Mutual Requirements
a. Identifying the Real Issue(s)
b. Identifying Individual Needs
c. Creating a neutral atmosphere
i. Devising multiple options
ii. Finding the best solution
K. Negotiation (Mediating for Mutual Gain)
a. Tips for negotiating
b. Aligning conflict/competing outcomes
c. Effective behaviour
L. Assertiveness and Influencing Styles
a. The wheel of influencing
b. Non-verbal elements
c. Stating wants
d. Proposing ideas/giving feedback
e. Adapting with integrity
M. Handling Customer Complaints
a. Establishing the relevant issue
b. Determining the course of action
c. Following up
N. Managing Stress & Anger
a. Identifying signs of stress
b. Controlling anger
c. Venting appropriately
O. Practical Activities/Games


While every attempt has been made to prepare this course outline and class schedule in final
form, it will be the facilitator's prerogative to make any changes as may be deemed necessary
in order to meet the learning outcomes of the course. You will be notified of any change prior
to implementation.

For this course, you will be required to prepare a portfolio (10% of the grade), a research paper
(10% of the grade), two (2) interviews (10% of grade), a class presentation (10% of grade),
sectional tests (20% of the grade); and final assessment which will include a practical as well as
theoretical evaluation (40% of the grade).

The portfolio: (March20 – 22, 2018)

 A resource file that will give general information on conflict resolution management and
then focus on an overview of a topic that is of particular interest to you. You will be
required to identify how the problem is assessed and the best practices for
resolving/managing the conflict. You will need to give two (2) current book references –
one each for counselor and one for the client(s); at least two (2) internet educational
websites which provide useful and accurate information or activities for clients; and any
specialized agency/source that provides external assistance for conflict resolution
management inclusive of a summary of its services, and
 Your detailed description, analysis and critique of the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode
Instrument for handling conflict.

A research paper:
Choose one specific example of conflict and prepare an in-depth research paper using credible
sources of support in how it should be resolved. Include in it, best practices to incorporate and
methodologies to avoid. Be sure to point out any special concerns that should be addressed
when counseling persons involved in that type of conflict situation.

Write a paper (minimum of three pages) to outline information gained from conducting an
interview with a person that has benefitted from conflict resolution management . Be sure to
include the experiences in the process, major conflict issues that were faced, the greatest
perceived challenge and any strategies that were employed, personal or impersonal and
whether beneficial or not.
Write a paper (minimum of two pages) to present information discovered from a person from a
different culture about his/her cultural customs and/or rituals for dealing with the conflict
resolution, culturally acceptable responses/expressions in response to management of conflict.

Discussion Forum: (continual)

The online discussions will count towards your grade in this course due to its use in promoting
collaborative learning.

Class Presentation:
This presentation is to highlight the integration of theoretical knowledge; analyze values,
ethical dilemmas and the use of the professional self. It must demonstrate an understanding of
the theoretical models researched and/or explored in class. The specific topic may be one of
interest to you and allow for full study and examination.

Sectional Examinations: (Dates will be given in class)

There will be two sectional examinations in the course. Content for each will be outlined in
class prior to dissemination.

Final Assessment - Practical and Theoretical: (End of course delivery)

Practical: Students must demonstrate competence as a practitioner and should exhibit an

understanding of a client’s experience of conflict as well as how to utilize an intervention model
in a controlled laboratory setting, while being conscious of any culture, ethnicity, gender, age,
special circumstances, issues, ethics or value-based concerns that could relate to the chosen
conflict issue. The facilitator will determine any allowable alternatives of the laboratory setting.
Theoretical: A written final examination that covers the causes of conflict, strategies that
alleviate the escalation of conflict, handling of customer complaints, mediation techniques,
understanding of diversity and ethnicity and how communication skills are used to resolve
conflict and confrontation

a. Schedule for submissions

The requirements for the course have due dates as specified by each and outline above.
b. Accountability statement to accompany all submitted work: I _(put name here)_________
certify that this is my own work and none of it is the work of any other individual or entity


Rubric for Portfolio:

Aspect Beginning Developing Accomplished Exemplary
5 points 10 points 15 points 20 points
Relevant Portfolio Portfolio Portfolio Portfolio includes all
Pieces includes some includes all includes most of types of letters, slide
of the required categories, but the required presentation, cover
elements, but not all required elements. Those letter, resume and
not all elements in skipped were journal. First draft and
categories or all each. minimal and final copies are
information seemed to be included.
because student
forgot or
thought they
were not

Grammar and There were There are Grammatical There were minimal
Spelling numerous substantial errors are grammar and spelling
grammar and grammar and limited to those errors, none of which
spelling errors, spelling errors, that indicate the could have been
most of which indicating that students may caught by an edit
could have the student did not have known programme.
been caught if not take a final how to correct
proper look before them. There are
proofreading submitting. no obvious
and editing was spelling errors.

Organization Poor or non- Somewhat Generally well Extremely well

existent organized. organized. organized
Style Inappropriate Style partially Style Sophisticated style
or inconsistent appropriate to appropriate to appropriate to
style assignment. assignment. assignment

Rubric for Written Assignments:

Rating Criteria Poor Fair Good Very Good Student’s
and weighting Score &Max
Headings & Absent/Poor Fairly Proper layout; Outstanding
Introduction Relevant relevant layout; great flow /5
and relevance
Organization Not Some Organized; events Very good
and flow of organized, organization, and material are organization,
information material and events fairly clear events and
events do organized; material are /15
not flow beginning and logically ordered,
logically end hazy very clear
beginning and end
Quality & Poor quality; Reasonable Very relevant Excellent
applicability of material quality; material; clear link supporting details;
information hardly connections and subject strong and direct /60
applicable can be made links to subject
to subject
Grammar & Very Moderate Negligible errors Excellent grammar
spelling frequent volume and spelling
grammar grammar and
and/or spelling errors
Neatness and Illegible Fairly legible Overall legible Excellent writing;
general writing, writing, few writing; well- very clean paper;
presentation frequent corrections; formed characters; neat and
cross-outs; little soiling papers clean and attractive
defaced neatly assembled, assembly,
pages illustrations outstanding
provided illustrations
Grades will be based on the following:

Portfolio 10%
Research Paper 10%
Group Presentation /Interview Papers (2) 10%
Class Presentation 5%
Discussion Forum 5%
Sectional Exams 20%
*Final Evaluation/Assessment 40.0%
Total points 100.0%

*Final Evaluation/Assessment will be in the form of practical and theoretical sections. The
theoretical examination will be 2.5 hours in length. Question types will be outlined in class,
prior to its commencement.


Letter grades are assigned as outlined in the University Bulletin and carry the numerical value
as indicated in the table below.

Percentage Scored GRADE Quality Points Definition

90-100 A 4.00 Superior
85-89 A- 3.67 Superior
80-84 B+ 3.33 Superior
75-79 B 3.00 Above Average
70-74 B- 2.67 Above Average
65-69 C+ 2.33 Above Average
60 - 64 C 2.00 Average
55 - 59 C- 1.67 Average
50 - 54 D 1.00 Below Average
0 - 49 F 0.00 Below Average


Recommended Reading:
 The Eight Essential Steps to Conflict Resolution by Dudley Weeks
 People Skills: How to Assert Yourself, Listen to Others, and Resolve Conflicts by Robert

Internet Resources:

On-line activities/tools:



Online Course Access: Students will use their AEorion user account credentials to login to the
course through the AEorion Learning Management System. You may email the Distance
Education Help Desk at or call 876-963-7191/7816/7804.
Outside of NCU wifi, you can utilize the chat system, by clicking on the green icon. Personnel is
available during the hours of 8:30 am - 5:00 (Mon - Thur) and 8:30am to 1:30pm (on Fridays).
You will be prompted to provide your email for follow-up outside of these times.

University Information Systems Services (UNISS) also provides technical support between the
hours of 8:00 am and 10:00pm (Mondays through Thursdays) and 8:00am to 1:30pm on
Fridays. Contact the UNISS Help Desk at:

Server Unavailability/Technical Difficulties: The University is committed to providing a reliable

online course system to all users. However, in the event of unexpected server outage or any
unusual technical difficulty which prevents you from completing a time sensitive assessment
activity, the facilitator will provide an appropriate accommodation based on the situation. You
should immediately report any problems to the facilitator and also contact the UNISS Help Desk
at: The UNISS eLearning Help Desk will work with
you to resolve any issues at the earliest possible time.

Technical Requirements: See General Information: Sections C and D.

Distance Learners will need an AEorion user account to access all of the library’s electronic
resources (reserves, journal articles, eBooks and search online databases) from off campus. For
NCU students living close to one of our extension campuses, a valid NCU ID card is required to
check out materials from the Library. For more information on library resources go to

Northern Caribbean University encourages all official student email correspondence to be sent
only to a student’s NCU email address and that facilitators or staff members consider email
from students official only if it originates from a NCU student account. This allows the university
to maintain a high degree of confidence in the identity of all individual corresponding and the
security of the transmitted information. NCU furnishes each student with a free email account
that is to be used in all communication with university personnel.

The University Information Systems Services (UNISS) Department at NCU also provides a
method for students to have their NCU email forwarded to other accounts.


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