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So right off the bat we know that anyone claiming to be

the God of this world, or aligning with anything of this

world is not of the Father and Mother despite what most
religions teach.
Secondly it states, the light of the glorious gospel of
Christ who is after the true image of the Father.
Remember, Christ is the WORD, the original seed, his
light shines upon all seeds which are the children of the
Father and Mother.
It is the soul that is in the IMAGE of the Father and
Mother, however the human body made up of flesh and
blood, which is death and corruption is in the image of
the God of this world.
The world has been blinded, and lied to, and deceived by
this false God and therefore many have been disengaged
from their true heritage and ancestry.
The God of this world like any other organization or
group set out to lure the masses in by saying things that
gives one a feeling of a common connection, i.e. feel
good protocols.
And then when one gives their allegiance over to this
God, hook, line a sinker, he then establishes new and
dangerous protocols that many have continued to follow
and believe, even when deep down they knew it did not
comply with the fruits of the spirit. Children of the
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This god set up laws, created covenants, statutes and
rules of conduct based partly on what was true. And then
humanity became transfixed on the lie that reckoned,
since good proceeded out of this God it must be the true
God, for why would he have such order and rule of law?
Most believe Satan would never set up rules, laws and
covenants. That he is the author of chaos and war. Well
of course he is, but he also knows how to use law to
create bondage, which leads to war.
Satan is not divided against himself, he leads by law and
regimentation. Satan has laws, rules, covenants,
contracts and clauses.
Many have believed that this must be the true god,
because of the protocols that seem good, yet we forget,
this entity is the god of both good and evil. He uses good
mixed with evil to set up his control over the mind to lead
one into confusion. The fact is Lucifer is the God of the
rule of law, the law of Bondage.
The mystery is revealed here that having the fruits of the
spirit establishes there is no law. Law is used to identify
sin and create law breakers, which leads us to
understand the next mystery.
The Fruits of the Spirit are, Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, faith,
gentleness, meekness and temperance towards life. AGAINST SUCH

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