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Fish welfare - a key issue for organic system standards 1

Pino Lembo (COISPA Tecnologia & Ricerca, ICEA - Institute for Ethics and
Environmental Certification)
and Walter Zupa (COISPA Tecnologia & Ricerca)

From the public and from governments, there is psychological) to cope with its environment.
nowadays an increasing interest in the welfare There is abundant literature on the
of farmed fish; among farmers, there is growing physiological and behavioural responses of fish
awareness that good welfare equates to to a wide variety of physical, chemical and
increased success of production activities. biological stressors, including those typical in
aquaculture (Barton, 2002; Conte, 2004; FSBI,
Recital 10 of Regulation (EC) No 710/2009 2002; Wendelaar Bonga, 1997).
states, “Organic aquaculture animal production
should ensure that species-specific needs of Stress responses are useful as indicators of the
animals are met. In this regard husbandry impairment of the normal welfare conditions
practices, management systems and because they represent a natural reaction to
containment systems should satisfy the welfare adverse environmental conditions.
needs of animals. *…+ To minimise pests and Notwithstanding, physiological responses to
parasites and for reason of high animal welfare stress are not necessarily indicative of suffering
and health, maximum stocking density should or of compromised welfare (Huntingford et al.,
be laid down.” 2006). Stress and its associated responses must
be regarded, first and foremost, as an adaptive
Stress and welfare condition of the organism that has the
fundamental function of preserving life.
In view of these legislative requirements, it is
essential to achieve a better understanding of The welfare indicators of farmed fish selected
what welfare represents for farmed fish. In for Regulation (EC) No 889/2008 include “fin
general, welfare refers to the physical and damage, other injuries, growth rate, behaviour
mental state of the animal as it interacts with expressed, overall health and the water
its environment and responds to environmental quality” (Article 25f.2). All these are among the
variations (Chandroo et al., 2004). A more most common indicators (see table below)
anthropocentric interpretation says that the used to assess impairment of each one of the
most important factor is the possession and Five Freedoms (FAWC, 1979), which have
state of certain cognitive capabilities (Duncan, become an accepted framework for evaluating
1996). In aquaculture facilities, however, it is suffering of land-based animals and farmed fish
important to consider not only psychological (Ellis et al., 2002). The framework recognises
and physiological health of the organism, but that animal welfare is complex, reflected in
also the degree of stress it faces (Ashley, 2007; many physiological and behavioural traits, and
Huntingford et al., 2006). Thus, a more therefore that combining different indicators
comprehensive definition of welfare would offers a much more useful assessment than
include the fish’s capability (physiological and relying on a single indicator (FSBI, 2002).

This is an extended version of the article published in the IFOAM EU Group dossier: “Organic Aquaculture. EU
Regulations (EC) 834/2007, (EC) 889/2008, (EC) 710/2009. BACKGROUND, ASSESSMENT, INTERPRETATION.”
Whole publication is available at:
Table: The Five Freedoms of Animal Welfare (FAWC, 1979) and the indicators used to assess welfare
impairment (Fish Welfare, 2009).

Five Freedoms of Animal Indicators

1 Freedom from hunger and thirst Feed intake, growth rates, condition factor
2 Freedom from discomfort  Physical damage: fin condition, cataracts, lesions
 Immune responses (e.g. lysozyme activity, respiratory
burst activity, phagocytic activity)
3 Freedom from pain, injury or  Environmental monitoring: water quality monitoring
disease (dissolved oxygen, ammonia, pH, carbon dioxide,
suspended solids)
 Targeted sampling of fish: gill condition and checking for
parasite infestation
4 Freedom to express normal Abnormal behaviour: swimming and feeding behaviour,
behaviour distribution of the fish within a system (eg. clumping around
inflows), response of fish to an approaching farmer
5 Freedom from fear and distress Measuring primary and secondary stress responses: plasma,
cortisol, glucose, lactate, muscular activity

Water quality and environmental conditions Feeding and food quality

Water is the medium in which farmed fish have Inappropriate composition and timing of
to meet both their physiological and spatial feeding regimes could cause the impairment of
needs. Changes in water parameters, over fish welfare. Feed distribution in a small area
acceptable ranges, can reduce growth and could generate competition and increased
cause stress that increases the incidence of aggression among fish that in turn could lead to
disease, which is detrimental for fish welfare growth variations reinforcing dominance
and might even be lethal. Water quality could hierarchies (Stevenson, 2007). Aggression can
be influenced by different factors such as the cause injury in farmed fish, especially when
production system, rearing densities and the competition for food is strong (Greaves et al.,
amount and quality of food. Water quality 2001). Feed composition too is important for
refers to chemical parameters such as preserving welfare. Diets lacking in critical
concentrations of dissolved oxygen, carbon micronutrients impair welfare, causing
dioxide, un-ionized ammonia nitrogen, nitrite- morphological abnormalities, poor immune
nitrogen, alkalinity and calcium hardness function, abnormal behaviour and slow growth
(Conte, 2004). Nitrate concentration, pH and (Huntingford et al., 2006). Insufficient levels of
chloride levels are also important. high polyunsaturated fatty acids have a
Theoretically, increasing rearing density will negative impact on the immune system and
decrease water quality because of the oxygen reproductive functions (Poli, 2009), and
consumption, metabolite accumulation and the therefore fish meal and oil are considered
increased amount of suspended solids (Ellis et essential components of feed used in
al., 2002). The latter are caused by the greater aquaculture. The problem is that feeding wild
faecal production and the increased fish fish to farmed fish puts wild fisheries under
movement. Thus, the presence of faeces and unsustainable pressure (Lymbery, 2002). For
food waste are probably the most critical this reason plant protein and oil have been
aspects of the environment for fish welfare used to partially replace fish meal and oil, but
(Ellis et al., 2002). over a certain level in the diet, plant sources
often show anti-nutritional factors and/or ability of the fish to react to other stresses in
unsuitable content of amino acids and essential their environment (Carbonara et al., 2008).
fatty acids that could impair fish welfare. The Phenomena generally associated with high
levels of vitamins, trace minerals and density (including decreased growth, poor
antioxidants also play a crucial role in the nutritional status, increased food conversion
functioning of the immune system and the rate, fin erosion and mortality) are caused by
capability of fish to response to stressful both behaviour (increased competition,
aquaculture events (Ashley, 2007). aggression, physical injury and cannibalism) and
water quality deterioration (Ellis et al., 2001).
The specific rules on feeds for carnivorous Indeed, density-related problems are often
animals in the organic aquaculture associated with intensive cultures when water
implementing rules give first priority to the supply, aeration or oxygenation systems fail.
sustainable exploitation of fisheries, using Hence, it can be understood that stocking
ingredients of fish origin derived from density is an important factor for fish welfare,
trimmings of fish. Other considerations include but cannot be considered in isolation from
“animal health, high product quality, including other environmental factors.
the nutritional composition, which shall ensure
high quality of the final edible product, and low Dealing with this last consideration, Regulation
environmental impact” (Article 25j). However, (EC) No 889/2008 states that stocking density
fish meal exclusively derived from trimmings is should be set according to species or species
rather poor of amino acids and essential fatty group and the effects of stocking density on the
acids, as well as produces a greater catabolites welfare of farmed fish are monitored
accumulation. The most challenging problem is, considering both the condition of the fish and
therefore, to identify the proportion of the water quality (Article 25f.2). The stocking
trimmings which achieves the optimum trade- densities indicated in Annex XIIIa represent an
off between, the high quality of the final attempt to balance consideration for welfare,
consumer product, a low environmental impact high quality and profitability. If duly justified, a
and the sustainable exploitation of fisheries. possible revision of these limits might be
introduced after July 2013, depending on on-
Stocking density farm experiences.

Fish live and move in a three-dimensional Disease and parasites

medium that is vital for both their survival and
the expression of their full range of natural Wild fish have evolved behavioural patterns to
behaviours; this makes the concept of avoid or to limit exposure to infective parasites,
minimum space for fish more complex than for such as escaping habitats with high parasite
terrestrial animals. Furthermore, among fish, densities and rejecting potential sexual
there are many interspecific differences in partners with directly detectable infections.
space needs and tolerance of stocking density. Fish reared in captivity cannot express these
In general, high density conditions may behaviours (Barber, 2007). When fish live in
increase swimming activity and behavioural poor welfare conditions, stress events reduce
interactions between fish, leading to a rise in their ability to fight disease. Indeed, various
energetic expenditures up to levels that could severe health problems are associated with
be detrimental for physiological processes. intensive fish farming, such as cataracts, post-
Particularly, higher swimming activity can result immunisation peritonitis, skeletal deformities,
in a higher use of the anaerobic metabolism, soft tissue malformations, viral disease and
which represents reserve energy used in a wound or skin ulcers (Poppe et al., 2002). The
situation of stress (Lembo et al., 2007). Less occurrence of these conditions in aquaculture
availability of this reserve might cause reduced may impact the ability of fish to undertake
normal respiration, feeding and reproductive strength and the persistence of the swimming
behaviours, also resulting in poor production motility and gill ventilation. However,
performances (Ersdal et al., 2001). The actual observation of behaviour alone cannot be an
incidence of several diseases that had been a exhaustive indicator as it does not allow for the
major problem in aquaculture in the recent assessment of unconscious fish pre-slaughter
past has been, to some extent, reduced by the (van de Vis et al., 2003). While it is understood
employment of vaccination practices, although that fish should be unconscious at the moment
such measures have also been shown to be of slaughter, it is important to study slaughter
stressful for fish (Ashley, 2007). Further methods for occasions when the instantaneous
improvement of welfare standards can induction of insensibility is not possible (Poli,
conceivably be achieved through more 2009). Furthermore, the biochemistry of the
investigation into the effects of handling, muscle post-mortem and the onset of rigor are
transport, and feeding on stress physiology; influenced by the method used in pre-slaughter
research on the effects of interactions between handling, stunning and killing of fish (EFSA,
environmental, physiological and behavioural 2009; Lowe et al., 1993) which, in turn, can
parameters; and studies at production scale, compromise the organoleptic qualities and
which would put laboratory findings into an marketability of the final product.
industry context.
Regulation (EC) No 889/2008 affirms that
Regulation (EC) No 889/2008 states that animal slaughter techniques should render fish
health management should be primarily based immediately unconscious and insensible to
on the prevention of disease. But when, despite pain, but does not provide specific indication of
this, health problems arise, veterinary the most suitable techniques. This might result
treatments may be used with a limit of two in different application of the principle in
courses of allopathic treatment per year or, in different countries. In any case, scientific and
the cases of a production cycle of less than a technological understanding in this field should
year (i.e. invertebrates), with a limit of one be further expanded, particularly in an on-farm
treatment. In this last point there is the sole context.
significant difference with the IFOAM basic
standards, which state a prohibition of any Conclusions
treatment for invertebrates.
Just as do other animals, fish require proper
Pre-slaughter and slaughter consideration for their welfare in management,
and this is reflected both in the organic
An optimal slaughter method should render principles and in European regulations. To this
fish unconscious until death, without avoidable purpose, organic fish farming procedures
excitement, pain or suffering prior to killing. should consider, as a priority, how to minimise
Welfare evaluation at time of slaughter is unnecessary stress and keep under control the
difficult to measure because it requires a whole life cycle of farmed fish. The
multidisciplinary approach examining various improvement of rearing conditions will benefit
indicators such as brain functions, endocrine fish welfare as well as aquaculture profitability.
responses, behaviour, and post-mortem tissue Welfare concerns are interconnected: water
biochemical condition (Poli et al., 2005). quality, stocking density, feeding, nutritional
Behaviour can be a good and non-invasive condition and management procedures all have
indicator of fish welfare at the time of a direct effect on fish stress levels, subsequent
slaughter, because it rapidly responds to stress tolerance, health and overall welfare, so
environmental changes. The most frequent care for the whole requires conscientious
behavioural observations are related to the attention to each individual part.
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