Evaluation Questionnaire A

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Directions: Encircle the letter that corresponds the correct answer.
NAME: ______________________ DATE: ______________ SCORE: __________
1. You’ve witness your two co-workers are having a fist-fight, How will you react? What are
your possible actions?

A. Join them on a fist fight

B. Pacify them (Stop them from Fighting
C. Report immediately to the security of the client
D. Both B and C

2. During a routine job, you observed that your fellow worker is doing great in his job. As a
supervisor how can you possibly recognize his exemplary performance (Good
A. Recognize exemplary performance by saying “Good Job”
B. By giving certificate of recognition
C. By giving an incentive or reward
D. All of the above

3. As a supervisor, how will you evaluate a worker’s competency in doing his job?

A. Knowing his years of experience on doing the current job

B. Evaluating performance on the quality of craft
C. Knowing if he has trainings for the job
D. All of the above statements

4. You have been asked to make a decision in an area in which you don’t have a lot of
experience. You feel that everyone is waiting to evaluate your decision. How would you
make the decision?

A. Put off making the decision until you are sure you have the information to make a quality
B. Make a gut decision quickly and don’t worry about making mistakes.
C. Gather information from knowledgeable people quickly and then act decisively.
D. None of the above

5. You are conducting a performance review of a person you know could be doing
better. The employee acts shocked that you are questioning his or her performance.
How would you respond?

A. Let the employee know that you expect the best from everyone, including him or her.
B. Give the employee specific examples of where his or her performance could have been
better and then move on to how to improve performance.

C. Make clear to the employee how his or her performance has been lacking. Continue to
make this point until the employee admits that he or she needs to improve performance.

6. A new piece of equipment is about to be delivered to your site. You are excited about the
prospects for increased efficiency. You and your boss have kept it under wraps until now so
that people would not get their hopes up. But now it is time to tell your employees. How would
you tell them?

A. Tell your employees how excited you are about the new equipment and that you are sure
they share your enthusiasm.

B. Prepare detailed plans and specifications for the equipment so your employees will use it
effectively. Introduce the equipment by giving them the plans and explaining how to use the

C. Get your employees together and ask them how they think they could make the best use
of the new equipment.

7. How would you call the attention or address a worker carrying out his job in an unsafe

A. Scold him outright

B. Approach Him, explain the points why you talked to him, then correct his unsafe act
C. Reprimand him by recommending the management to deduct his salary immediately.

8. If a worker from our company had identified an unsafe act or condition, to whom must he
report forthwith (immediately)?

A. Immediate Superior
B. Operations Manager
C. Safety Manager
D. Client

9. How would you plan a job which is expected by tomorrow?

A. Plan an hour before doing the job

B. Outsource everything to the workers
C. Consolidate materials such as equipment needed by tomorrow, then orient the workers
regarding on their roles and responsibilities during the toolbox talk.

D. Do not plan your job

10. What is the purpose of setting out a goal in executing your job?

A. In order to monitor your performance

B. To Identify room for improvement
C. To be able to set a timeline for completion
D. All of the above
11. If you’ve witnessed an accident like a worker falling from a height. What is your
immediate action?
A. Inform the client about the accident
B. Handle the situation internally
C. Bring the involve person at the hospital with the help of the company personnel
D. Both A and C
12. Whenever you experience any confrontation, threatening behavior or any form of
violence, how do you react or respond as a supervisor?
A. Inform my immediate superior regarding the situation
B. Retaliate or fight back to the person
C. Handle the situation calmly and do the necessary actions that will contain the situation

D. Just Ignore
13. Whenever there are internal issues in which you are involve , how do you respond to the
situation as a supervisor?
A. Divulge (Inform) the issue to the client in order to rectify the matter
B. Report to your immediate superior in order to rectify the problem internally
C. Do nothing and let the company management shoulder the issue.
D. Consult the client on what to do.
14. You’ve observed that one personnel in your team is under the influence/ toxicated of
alcohol. How will you deal with him as a supervisor?
A. Scold him outright
B. Inform him that reporting to work under the influence of alcohol is strictly prohibited and
restrict him from entering the worksite
C. Escalate his situation to the top management
D. Let him report to work on site and just ignore
15. In everyday job, how do you manage your time?
A. I create a time audit – Time allotment
B. I don’t manage my time at all
C. I skip my task and let the time pass by
D. Outsource the worker the responsibility of time management
16. How do you manage stress at work?
A. I divert my extra time to hobbies
B. Mingle with friends
C. Watch movies and play ball games
D. All of the above
17. How do you establish working rapport with your co-personnel as a supervisor?
A. By showing care to them, listening and addressing their work issues
B. By strictly implementing the company policies and the implied rules and regulations
C. By being friends to them outside work with set boundaries
D. All of the above statements are applicable

18. How do you handle conflicts related to work against your immediate superior?
A. By relaying your points and creating a constructive argument then settle the issue
B. By confronting your immediate superior and not listening to his opinion or side
C. By just ignoring him and escalating it to the top management
D. None of the above
19. As a supervisor, how could you improve a personnel performance?
A. By coaching him on how to perform the task well
B. Observe and provide constructive feedback
C. Letting him commit mistake and be reprimanded
D. Both A and B
20. How do you encourage or boost a personnel’s morale after being reprimanded by top
management, or the department, or by some superior?
A. View to him the mistake as a learning opportunity to improve future performance
B. Discuss with the employee how it can be prevented from happening again
C. Communicate openly to understand the cause of the mistake
D. All of the above


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