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About 4 months ago precisely on 10 June 2019, a week after Eid al-Fitr my friends and I went
climbing to Mount Ciremai which is located in Majalengka. The beginning of my departure
departed from home using a motorcycle around 08.00 am and arrived at the place of registration
approximately 09.00. When I got there I saw a lot of people who will climb to Mount Ciremai.
Before departure begins we also pray first after that we also continue the journey past post
1,2,3,4, and arrived at post 5. When we arrived at post 5 we built a tent for all of us to rest.
There I stayed for 2 days and in my opinion the weather was also very supportive. In the
afternoon we also do various activities, some are cooking for lunch, some are sleeping because
of tired and some are singing and joking with other friends. the time had already shown night,
in the evening we gathered again to drink coffee together and besides we also sang while
playing the guitar. The next day at precisely 5:00 we also continued to climb to get to the top
and at 6:00 we arrived at the top of ciremai, there I saw a very beautiful view other than that I
can also see clouds with closeness and do not forget I also took pictures with friends who other.
Because we have been satisfied at the top of seeing the beauty of the universe we also rushed
back to heading 5. While on the way from the summit to post 5 there was a little unexpected
problem that I was with 2 other friends stray, instead I went to post 5 but I went to the cave
swallow and we were confused, we immediately asked the people who were there and finally
we also met the road to post 5 and I arrived at post 5.

Work with a parthner match each quote with a job

1. Can you read the bottom line of letters? (Optician)

2. Today I delivered two sets of twins! (Midwife)

3. I go around delivering mail every morning... (Receptionist)

4. Clamp...suction...forceps...needle... (Surgeon)

5. Bend your knee ten times and then rest... (Physiotherapist)

6. Open wide.... (Porter)

7. I’m examining a culture of organisms extracted from a patient... (Lab technician)

8. This machine will give us a picture of your lungs....(Radiologist)

9. I’m arranging an appointment now... (Dentist)

10. we’re going to move you on this stretchet.... (Paramedic)

11. Move your feet, please I need to disinfect the floor... (Cleaner)


1. What is the NHS?

The NHS stand for the National Health Service. It is the health service that everybody in the
UK can use when they become poorly or injured to help them to get better. It is free at the point
of use which means people can be treatedbfor free when they are poorly.

2. What’s the starting salary for a qualified nurse in the UK?

Fully qualified nurses start on salaries of 24,214 poun rising to 30,112 poun on Band 5 of the
NHS Agenda for Change pay rates. Salaries in London attract a high-cost area supplement.

3. How much annual leave does a grade B nurse get?

The amount of leave a grade b nurse gets depends on two key factors. How much their place
of employement gives and if its paid leave or not. One hospital may offer 10 days of leave but
only four days are paid. While another hospital may offer six days of leave and they are all

4. How many hours a week does a nurse work?

According to law No.13 of 2003, Applicable working hours are 7 hours a day and 40 hours a
week for employees with 6 working days, while for employees 5 working days in week, their
work assigments are 8 hours in I day and up hours in I week

5. What English language exam do you need to pass to work in the UK?

IELTS untuk UKVI is one of the tests included Secure English Language Tests (SELT)
approved by the british government.
6. What grades can a staff nurse be?

Caring, smart, nurse values must be good in ethics, good communication, ilustrate,

7. What is the salary range for a staff nurse inthe UK?

Based on 2016 US emplayment statistics, the avengerage salary of registered nurses (RN)
reaches USD 66,640 per year or around RP.885,65 million a year or RP. 73 Milion a month

8. Search the word ‘nursing’ at the bookstore What’s the first book that
comes up? medical disorder in pregnancy: a manual for midwives.

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