ANNEX-III-Note On Viability of The Projects PDF

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FEASILITY REPORT CUM DETAILED PROJECT REPORT FOR NSMISSION SYSTEM ASSOCIA‘ TH MUNDRA ULTRA MEGA POWER PROJECT (5x600 MW) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 4.0 PROJECT HIGHLIGHTS 8) Project Transmission System associated with ‘Mundra Ultra Mega Power Project (@x500 MW) bb) Location ofthe Project Gujrat State in Wester Region ©) Beneficiary States/UT Gujarat, Maharashira i» WR and UP, Punjab, Rajasthan, Haryana in NR 4) Project Cost Rs.4548.75 Crores (including 1OC Rs. 390,87 Crs, ) at 4 Quarter 2008 Price Level €) Monthly Fired Charges: Rs 6463.67 Lakhs 1) Commissioning schedule The Transmission Scheme is scheduled to be commissioned within 48 months from Investment Approval 2.0 BACKGROUND ‘Mis Coastal Gujarat Power Ltd, has proposed to set up 4000MW Ultra Mego Power Project(UMPP) to be located in Mundra, Gujarat in Western Region ‘The generating units ofthis project are scheduled to be commissioned in 11 Plan period. Power from this project is proposed to be tansferred to Gujarat £ Maharashtra in Westem Region and U.P, Punjab, Rajasthan & Haryana in Northern Region. Mls Coastal Gujarat Power Ltd. has applied for Long-term ‘Open Avcess in Inter-State Transmission System for transfer of power from their proposed Ura Mega Power Project to varicus benefciaries. The transmission system of tis UMPP has been identified and discussed in the meeting of WR constituents regarding Long-term Open Access applications in WR as well as in the 25° meeting of Standing Committee on Power Syste Planing in WR held on 30.09.2006, The transmission system was also Giscussed and agreed by NR constivents in the 21" meeting of Standina Commitee on Power System Planning of NR held on 03.11.2006. A copy 0! fhe minutes of above meetings Is enclosed at Annexure-7.0(a) & (D) respectively Present Feasibilty Report covers the associated transmission system O° ‘Mundra Untra Mega Power Project. Pe ee 3.0 JUSTIFICATION Mundra UMPP is proposed to be located in the upper part of Gujarat and would facilitate in meeting the demand in this part of the regon. For ie three(3) nos. of high capacity 400kV Dic lines(tiple) between generation Project and major load centres in upper part of Gujarat viz. Ranchodpura vJetour and Limdi are proposed. Further, itis envisaged that the demand of per western partof Gujarat would be about 700 MW by 2011-12. Presanty major load centers in upper westem part of Gujarat viz.Shilakha, Anjey etc.are being fed at 220KV level. Also, due to long line length of 400 LV Mundra-Ranchodpura ine (about 368 kin), it has been observed that under Contingency of one circuit, angular separation increases to ciical nts, Considering these aspecs, iis proposed to LILO Mundra - Ranchodpure 400 KV Dic line by establishing a new 400/220 kV Sis at Shivlakha whieh is enroute to this line. This would not only meet future power requirement of upper wasiem part of Gujarat wit reliability and security but wil also reauce ‘gular separation in the event of contingencio improving system stably For further transfer of power to central Gujarat and Maharashtra with relibilly, ®@ parallel 400KV transmission corridor is proposed right from Gandhar te Neg Location near Mumbai via Navsar. To meet the long-term power tansior fequitement in central part of Gujarat and Mumbai, new 400/220kV substation at Navsari in Gujarat and 400kV S/s at New location near Mumbal in Maharashtra are also proposed. For dispersal of power beyond 400kV Sis at New leestion near Mumbai, installation of VSC ‘based HVDC transmission {ystem along with DC cable/submarine cable between New location near ‘Mumbai and major load centres in Mumbai ike Colaba/AndherBandra area is Proposed which is under purview of MSETCL. Furher, to meet the projected demand of Western Region, various central ‘sector generation projects viz. Sipal-18ll(&xS60MW+2xS00MW), Virdhyachr |M @xS00MW) are being implemented by NTPC. In addition, mejor certs actor generation projects proposed to be set up in EasieimNoth caster Region having beneficiaries in Wester Region viz. Kahalgaon-Il (1S00MW), Barh (1980MW), Maithon RB (1000 MW), North Karanpura( 980MM), Lowey Subansir (2000 MW), Kameng(G00MW) etc, by the end of 10" Plarvesrhy 11 Plan are also coming up in the simitar time frame of Mundra UMPP. Large part of demand in upper part of Gujarat is to be met from the Mundra LUMPP, which would result into large quantum of power transfer requirement from above generation projects ia easter part of the region towards major load ‘centres in centraliwestem part. For this, necessary transmission strengthening in East-West corridor inthe region is required. In his rection, @ high capacity Wardha-Aurangabad 400kV Die (Quad) line along with 40% fixed series compensation is proposed to ensure reliability and’ stabil of ower transfer. ES y 7 5 , ; ) , ) ) ) ) 34 34 For transfer of power to diferent beneficiaries in Northern Region, three parallol vanemiczion ooridors viz. Gwalor-Agra, Zerda Kankrol and Nagel RAPP have already been planned as a part of diferent ransmission schemes However, transmission of power to the load centres of Northem Region would take place through displacement, for which additional system strengthening scheme within NR has been identified separately for Sasan & Munara Present Scheme: Based on the power transfer requirement fom the Mundra UMPP (@xS00MW) to the respective beneficiaries, following transmission system is proposed ‘Transmission Lines 4) Munura— Jetpur 400kV Die(Trnle snowbird) : 328 Km 2) Mundra = Limi 400kV Die(Tiple snowbira ) 301 Km 3) Mundra— Ranchodpura 400KY Die(Trple snowbird) : 368 Km 4) Wardha — Aurangabad 400kV Dic(Quad Moose) : 405 Km 5) Gandhar ~ Navsari 400kV Die : 134 km 8) Navsari~ New location near Mumbai 400 kV Dfc : 204 Km / 7) LILO of both circuits of Kawas-Navsari 220 kV Dic at Navsari(PG):50 km 8) LILO of 400 KV D/eMundra ~Ranchodpura (Vadavi) (Triple snowbird) ine ft Shivlakha :20km Substations 1) 40% Fixed Series Compensation on each ckt. of Wardha ~ Aurangabad 400kV Dic (Quad) at Wardha end 2) Establishment of new 400/220KV, 2x318MVA substations at Navsari anc Shiviakha 3) Establishment of new switching station at New location near Mumbai(GIS) 4) Establishment of new 786/400kV, 3x1500 MVA substation at Wardha for ‘charging of Seoni - Wardha 2xSic lines at 7BSKV level The schematic ofthe proposed Tr. system is shown at Exhibit-#.0 Reactive Compensation In order to control the voltage under diferent conditions, following reactive ‘compensation is proposed! . {__[Transmission ines 1] andra ~-Ranchodpura —a00RV —Dre(Vaipve | | snowbird) L tka = A008 aig soicdy —|~———} ~~

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