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Ethical Dilemma f. Sponsorship

a. A situation in which a difficult choice has to be  Information on who is sponsoring or
made between two courses of action, either of funding the study should be noted. If
which entails transgressing a moral principle the research is part of an academic
b. Are situations in which there is a choice to be requirement, this information should be
made between two options, neither of which shared
resolves the situation in an ethically acceptable g. Participant selection
fashion  Prospective participants should be told
Ethical Principles how they were selected for recruitment
1. Right to protection from exploitation and how many people will be
 Researchers should not place participants at a participating
disadvantage or expose them to damages h. Potential Risks [and Possible Benefits]
2. Right to full disclosure  Prospective participants should be
 Researchers have explained the research study informed of any foreseeable risks
fully and have described the subjects right to (physical, psychological, social, or
refuse participation and discussed risks and economic) or discomforts and efforts
benefits of participation that will be taken to minimize risks
3. Right to fair treatment  Specific benefits to participants, if any,
 The equitable distribution of benefits and should be described, as well as possible
burdens of research benefits to others
 Participant selection should be based on the i. Possible Benefits
study requirements and not a group’s j. Alternatives
vulnerability  Participants should be told about
4. Right to Privacy alternative benefits or treatments that
 Researchers should ensure that their research is might be advantageous to them
not more intrusive than it needs to be and the k. Compensation
participants’ privacy is maintained continuously  If stipend or reimbursements are to be
paid, or if treatments are offered
Procedures for Protecting Study Participants without a fee, these arrangements
1. Informed consent should be discussed
 Gaining an informed consent means that l. Confidentiality [Pledge]
participants have adequate information about  Participants should be assured that
research, comprehend that information and their privacy will at all times be
have the ability to consent to or decline protected. If anonymity is agreed, this
participation should be stated
 Content of Informed Consent m. Voluntary consent
a. Participant Status  Researchers should indicate that
 Prospective participants need to participation is strictly voluntary and
understand the distinction between that failure to volunteer will not result
research and treatment in any penalty or loss of benefits
 They should also be informed that data n. Right to withdraw and withhold information
they provide will be used for research  Prospective participants should be told
purposes that after consenting, they have the
b. Study goals right to withdraw from the study or to
 The overall goals of the research should withhold any specific piece of
be stated, in lay rather than technical information
terms. The specific use in which the o. Contact information
data will be put should be described  Researchers should tell the participants
c. Type of data whom they could contact in the event
 Prospective participants should be told of further questions, comments, or
what type of data will be collected complaints
d. Procedure
 Participants should be given a Documentation of Informed Consent
description of the data collection a. Researchers usually document informed consent by
procedures and of procedures to be having participants sign a consent form
used in any innovative treatment b. The consent form should contain all the information
e. Nature of the commitment essential to informed consent
 Participants should be told the c. Participants should have ample time to review the
expected time commitment at each document before signing it
point of contact and the number of d. The consent form should be signed by the
contacts within a given time researcher and a copy should be retained by both

Confidentiality Procedures seldom expect to benefits personally from

a. Anonymity research
 The most secure means of protecting  Researchers must also take steps to ensure that
confidentiality occurs when the researcher healthcare and comfort for these participants
cannot link participants to their data are not compromised
b. Confidentiality in the absence of anonymity  Special procedures may be done to obtain
 A promise of confidentiality is a pledge that any consent if they are physically or mentally-
information participants provide will not be incapacitated
publicly reported in a manner that identifies 4. Institutionalized People
them, and will not be accessible to others  They may feel pressure in participating because
c. Certificates of Confidentiality they believe that treatment would be
 It protects participants in the forced disclosure jeopardized when failure to participate
of research data in the whole range of  Researchers need to emphasize the voluntary
situations nature of participation
 Allows researchers to refuse to disclose 5. Pregnant Women
identifying information on study participants in  Safeguarding the pregnant woman, who may be
any civil, criminal, administrative, or proceeding at heightened physical and psychological risk,
at the federal state or local level and the fetus, who cannot give informed
Steps to Avoid Breach of Confidentiality
1. Obtain identifying information
2. Assign an identification (ID) number
3. Maintain identifying information in a locked file
4. Restrict access to identifying information to only a
few people on a need-to-know basis
5. Enter no identifying information as quickly as
6. Make research personnel sign confidentiality
7. Report research information in aggregate

Debriefing, Communication, and Referrals

a. Researchers can use format strategies to
communicate respect and concern for participants’
well-being like debriefing sessions after data
collection; it permits participants to ask questions
or air complaints
b. It is important when the data collection has been
stressful or when ethical guideline had to be bent

Treatment of Vulnerable Groups

1. Children
 Legally do not have the competence to give
informed consent, informed consent from the
parents or guardian should be obtained
 It is appropriate to obtain assent id the child is
at least seven years old
 If the child is mature enough (at least 12 years
old) to understand basic informed consent, a
written assent is available
2. Mentally or Emotionally Disabled
 Individuals whose disability make it impossible
for them to weigh risks and benefits or
participation by cognitive impairment, written
consent should be obtained by a legal guardian
 To the extent possible, informed consent or
written assent should be sought as a
3. The Terminally-Ill
 Risks/benefits of the study for terminally-ill
participants should be assessed since they

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