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Academic Year 2018-2019


“Fine Dining – Personality Development Seminar”


Ms. Ara De Vero

Submitted to the E.T. Yuchengco College of Business

Malayan Colleges Laguna
In partial fulfilment of the requirements

For the course

In the program
Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management

It is a catered fine dining event with Personality Development Seminar handled by the Events
Management Students in Malayan Colleges Laguna. It was showcases of Restaurant table
manners and fine dining etiquette. The participants will the Entrepreneur students of Malayan
Colleges Laguna. The students will experience fine dining scenario while being taught how to
properly behave.


One of the main objectives of the Event Management is to ensure satisfaction and smooth flow
of the program. The venue of the event should be a warm and friendly place with excellent food.
Another objective of the event is for students to fully experience a real fine dining. The students
should feel like they are really in a fancy restaurant and eating good quality food. Cozy
furnishings and decor with soothing warm tones. The most important objective of the event is not
just for students to feel fine dining but also to learn proper restaurant table manners and fine
dining etiquette so they will be equipped and ready when the time comes.


The marketing plan was easy because the participants are already given. Entrepreneurship
Students are required to attend this fine dining event so the events management team doesn’t
need to worry about marketing and promoting the event.

The operations plan was not too hard or not too easy because the events team were given one(1)
week to prepare the said event. The events team just have to execute the event.

Only the budget for the decorations for the venue were needed and we were given enough budget
to properly design and decorate the whole place.
The permits needed were the room where the event will be held, the mic and speakers needed
and the permits for the cooking tools since we also are the ones who cooked the food for the

My evaluation on this phase is that event is poorly executed because the chairs, tables, and the
decorations were a little bit late and it caused us to work overtime.


Technical Script

 Call time for Event Team

 Registration
 Assigning Per Dev participants to their seats
 Seminar about Restaurant Table Manners and Fine Dining Etiquette.
 Serving (according to the menu)
 Closing

My evaluation on this phase is that is it not good, not too bad. The event started late because
the mic and the speaker were delivered late to the venue. Some of the dishes were served late
due to lack of planning in terms of which table to serve first. All of the students received a full
course meal. No student were unsatisfied with the food, so I think everything is fine and the
event was done successfully.

The students who participated said they had a good time. They did learn something about fine
dining etiquette and get to experience the real fine dining and said that the food was great.

Financial Report

These are the Events Management overall expenses, the Return on Investment it is equalized.
Other than that we managed to accommodate and meet the objectives of the fine dining event.

The research questions that we formulated on the basis of the determined objectives referred to
the following areas; The importance of Event Marketing, Critical factors, common errors, major
challenges, and the role of institutional voids in Event Management, factors that can serve as
starting points for improving the efficiency of Event Management and factors that can help to
develop strategies for adapting event management activities to emerging market condition.
Another factor that leads to customers feeling satisfied is the promptness of the available
services. If the services are provided promptly or immediately the customer makes an order, at
the end of it, the customer may feel satisfied compared to a service provider that is very slow.
This is because people have different levels of patience. Some people hardly wait while others
can wait for some time. For the success of any firm especially hotel industry, promptness is very
essential. I recommend for the level of cleanliness of the place should be improved to satisfy
majority of the people. The promptness of serving the customers should also be improved so that
most of the customers feel satisfied. Food quality and the quality of beverages that are served
should be improved so that majority of the customers feel very satisfied. Another study should be
carried out to find the kind of food and beverages loved by students, and those who are employed
so that they can be retained as frequent customers’ o the restaurant.

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