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Oprea Elena Elisabeta

Clasa a VI-a A

Royalty. Mystery and elegance

Royalty was a part of history and it has continued to this day. States such as England, Japan, Spain and many others are ruled by
kings or queens.
Royalty was formed by uniting important families, by the need for unity and development, but also from the burning desire of some
to conquer others, as well as from the desire for territorial expansion.
Royalty is like a coin, it has two faces: one beautiful and one less beautiful. If we look at the great historical buildings of the world
that have lasted centuries, we marvel at the beauty, splendor and architecture with which they were built, but if we look from the perspective
of the conquered people, who paid for the construction of those buildings, sometimes with the price of life and the resources of their land,
we will no longer see the splendor and beauty of these things. On the one hand, royalty has developed countries, people, the world itself,
and on the other hand, this development has been built on plunder, conquest and blood.
Royalty, like any system of government has positive aspects, as well as worse, darker parts. It is our decision to choose which part
of royalty we want to look at.

(Royal Exhibition Building; Melbourne - Australia)

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