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1. What are some of the benefits of work-based learning?

As a concept, work-based learning has been around for the past few years and has
proven to be very effective for many industries. There are many benefits when it
comes to it and many people believe that work-based learning is the main reason
why businesses around Europe are able to move forward to fast.

But exactly what is work-based learning and why is it so important for today’s
business world? A large amount of people actually believes that work-based learning
is something like professional orientation. Although the two might be similar in many
cases, they are not the same thing.

Professional orientation is the process during which an employee receives new

information about a job that they have never done before, or receives information
about a new position that they are about to transfer to. Work-based learning is not
like that.

Work-based learning as all about evolving your knowledge on your current field, and
making sure that you are going to learn every new thing there is to know, to make
your results better and your job more efficient. For example, a person who works as
a marketer and is about to transfer to another department will go through
professional orientation.

If a person works as a marketer and starts receiving lessons through the company
about the new trends, software and pretty much anything else they can use to make
their work better, that is work-based learning.

The benefits of work-based learning are not just about the results of the work itself.
Although people love to learn more and make their results better, no one is going to
do that at home. When you go through 8 hours of sitting in front of your computer
at the office, as soon as you arrive home, you will want to relax, not start studying

Work-based learning is going to give employees the opportunity to learn at work. As

a result, they will view the business as a place of learning and earning. This will lead
to them acquiring new respect for the business and of course take this opportunity
to try and help the business grow.

The most important benefit of work-based learning is the fact that it gives employees
the opportunity to focus on their own professional evolution. It is important for every
company and every business to try and make their employees feel like they can
evolve while they work. They have the time to think about their options regarding
their professional choices, upgrade their work and take the next step towards a bright

2. Identify and discuss the potential benefits of a formal mentoring

relationship. Record your ideas.

Whether parent-child, or mentor-protégé, the give and take in the relationship is

dynamic and changing. As priorities shift so, too does what one of the pair focuses
on. As in the parenting relationship, the mentoring relationship shifts with each
success and set back, there are no right answers and often no clear course of action
to follow – the best a parent can do, and the best a mentor can do, is to provide
insight and demonstrate the tools to navigate in different situations; at the same
time, it is the child and mentored who guides what’s needed at any given time and
in what we learn from one another… taking time to reflect on that, it’s easier to
recognize what each person offers the other and appreciate what that means to us.

The benefits of mentoring are almost immeasurable and it was difficult deciding how
to focus this article… I have a LOT of thoughts on the topic because of the difference
that mentors have made in both my professional and personal life. I’ve been lucky to
work with really amazing individuals, several in formal mentoring programs and
countless other people who took the role of mentor without ever using the label. My
career is what it is because of the incredible mentors who shared what they know
and encouraged me to grow. I am who I am because of my mentors. By numbers
alone, informal mentoring relationships had perhaps the greatest influence on my
development; however those instances of purposive pairing with mentors, definitely
had more specific outcomes that I can point to as having had significant impact on
my professional self.

Implementing a formal mentoring program is a great idea for any organization but
how it’s done will / should vary according to business needs and goals. The “why”
should decide what approach to take. The “why” determines who to include and what
the pairings should look like. The “why” drives what training may be needed, and
what support and follow up are required to ensure the participants get the most from
it. Analysis of that “why” involves understanding the current state and what the future
should look like (however simple or complex that vision might happen to be). Before
jumping into a formal mentoring program, an organization is wise to clearly define
expectations and then start with a project team including a small set of partner pairs
so that there are controls in place to ensure the initiative will achieve the
organizational goals. Knowing what the organization hopes will come from mentoring,
mentoring partner pairs can be matched based on experience, expertise, specific skill,
individual reasons and objectives for participating, and more personal characteristics
that may be meaningful to the pairs or to the big picture.

Programs are more or less formal based on what structure the organization uses to
define and frame the mentor-protégé relationships. When HR teams are developing
a program, we’re more likely to be talking about formal initiatives that require greater
planning and thought to ensure specific outcomes; depending on what the goals are,
and likely longevity of the program (potential participants, potential interest,
potential of finally exhausting the organization’s need and achieving the end-state
goal). When managers implement a mentoring program, it is likely to entail less
formal pairings that function as a buddy system that uses collaborative peer coaching
– there is a specific end, but in this case the partner pairs are more likely to be
determined by who has experience in a specific skill or which individual has detailed
knowledge and information that another team member needs. The scale of formality
shapes who sets what goals, how matches are made, and what additional supports
or measures will ensure the program’s success.

3. What are some of the challenges you may encounter in developing and
implementing a learning plan?

 Dealing With Change.

Organizational change is more common than ever. Dealing with changes due
to mergers, acquisitions, technology, budgets, and staffing is the top challenge
cited by Learning and Development (L&D) professionals.

 Developing Leaders.

Many work environments are more complex, diverse, and demanding. It is

crucial for organizations to develop leaders in every level—from the front lines
to the CEO—to support its success.
 Engaging Learners.
L&D professionals must communicate the value of learning and development.
Too often, other urgent tasks or priorities seem to win out. It’s a challenge to
get learners to attend, actively participate, and follow through.

 Delivering Consistent Training.

When a company is global or geographically dispersed, it increases the

difficulty of providing consistent training. The most common challenges include
geographic limitations, increased costs, language barriers, translation issues,
and virtual training needs.

 Tracking Skills Application.

Discovering the “stickiness,” or sustainability of a training program is
challenging at best. L&D professionals must find and implement an effective
way to ensure skills are learned and applied in the real work environment.

 Instilling Conflict Management Skills.

Training learners about handling conflict can be difficult. Conflict management

is a critical skill and can deeply affect an organization’s success when it is
lacking. Conflict can increase turnover, decrease employee morale, and impact
the longevity and well-being of a business.

 Quantifying Training Effectiveness.

It is important for many L&D professionals to provide a quantitative

assessment of how training programs are impacting their organization. It is
challenging to figure out which metrics to use, how to incorporate them into
post-training assessments, how and when to follow up, and how to adjust
future training based on the results.

 Improving Learning Effectiveness.

Training learners effectively is important. There are so many topics to cover

and many require unique delivery methods in order for solid skill development
to occur. It is important to ask the right questions and identify the desired
outcomes when planning each training session.

 Demonstrating Value to Leadership.

It is the task of senior leadership to determine which activities are worth

funding. It is paramount for L&D professionals to demonstrate bottom-line
value in order to get buy-in from leaders. Keeping corporate training and
development as a top priority in an organization is challenging.
 Adapting training to Millennials.

Traditional training methods may not work with Millennials. This generation
may be technologically proficient, but they also tend to lack important skills
such as communication, diplomacy, and relationship building. It can also be
difficult to provide training to multiple generations.

4. What is the role of the Trainer in a Work-based Learning program?

Teacher- trainers are the key to the success of any work-based learning program.
Effective teacher-trainers are self-starters able to plan their work, organize time,
evaluate outcomes, and manage resources. Through the successful operation of
a work-based learning program, teacher- trainers help students and employees
with varying occupational objectives to develop useful employment skills.

Teacher-trainers combine and coordinate efforts of many individuals to assure

that work-based learning experiences effectively and efficiently help students
develop knowledge, skills, attitudes, and work habits so they can move
successfully into the world of work. The functions and responsibilities of teacher-
trainers include program planning, development, and evaluation; related-class
instruction; on-the-job instruction and coordination; guidance and advice;
program administration and management; community and public relations; and
development in their own professional role and activities. Following are
descriptions of each area.

5. Outline 2 key factors that must be considered in setting up the work based
learning environment.

 Establish a supportive learning culture

Each member of the learning community should have the feeling of

connectedness. They must feel that they are contributing to the overall
environment while being a bigger and important part of a supportive learning

For this, a proper support system or mentorship program should be developed

that would provide them the required assistance whenever needed. The idea
can also be supported by creating online discussion forums or online platforms
where learners can gather and discuss various topics.

Learners can use these platforms to provide support to fellow members, to

address concerns, and to express their ideas and opinions about some topic.
Nevertheless, the modern learning platforms offer online training and ongoing
education through resources that can be accessed and used by the learners on
their own time.
 Address Learners’ Needs

Just like adults, learners also have some psychological needs for order and
security, love and belonging, competence and personal power, novelty and
freedom and even fun. It is important to meet these needs at all times and to
help learners progress and be taught with a positive attitude.

Any learning environment, where instructors accommodate these intrinsic

needs, learners tend to be happier and more engaging. There are less
behavioral incidences than otherwise and this fulfilling learning atmosphere
help learners in developing the right learning attitude while establishing
positive relationships with peers.

6. Who is regulated in relation to apprenticeships and traineeships in


There are more than 74,000 apprentices and trainees in Victoria, across a
broad range of industries. We want to make sure they all receive quality
training that leads to a nationally recognised qualification.

Victoria's 35,000 employers of apprentices and trainees need protecting too.

That is why every apprenticeship or traineeship starts with the signing of a
training contract.

A National Code of Good Practice is in place to make sure apprentices, trainees

and their employers understand their obligations and expectations under a
training contract.

In Victoria, the Education and Training Reform Act 2006 also contains
legislative requirements for apprenticeships and traineeships.

Employers must be approved by the VRQA before they take on an apprentice

or trainee.

We also regulate training contracts, which can only be cancelled, suspended

or amended by mutual consent or with our approval. When disputes arise
about a contract, our job is to help resolve them.

Generally, the Australian Government's Australian Apprenticeship Support

Network is the first point of contact for most apprentices, trainees and

7. Why should units of competency be analysed?

Clustering is a process that can be used when developing learning and

assessment materials. It involves the developer generating processes and
materials that meet the requirements for groups or clusters of units of
competence rather than individual units for a range of reasons including:
• to meet the required competency profile of the learner/candidate
• the need to reflect the workplace in the learning and assessment experience
• maximising the opportunities for holistic evidence gathering in the
assessment process
• the need to address unit of competence co-requisite requirements
• efficiency of effort for the trainer/assessor and learner/candidate

8. What is the purpose of the Standards for Registered Training

Organisations (RTOs) 2015?

Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) are tasked with developing learning

and assessment strategies, processes and materials that meet the needs of
their clients and maximise outcomes. This can include learning and assessment
that leads to the award of a statement of attainment or a full qualification. In
order to meet client needs and maximise outcomes RTOs need to develop
processes and products that focus on the quality of the learning and
assessment experience. It is well established in research that effective
strategies involve the learner:

• making sense of new knowledge and skills and developing understanding

rather than simply learning sets of facts and information to be reproduced
when required
• looking for what is significant such as key concepts and principles,
relationships between ideas, lines of reasoning
• relating new ideas to previous knowledge and experiences
• finding the link between conceptual knowledge and real world applications
• employing higher order thinking skills through examining issues, clarifying
problems, producing own ideas and thinking critically.

9. In your job role and the section in which you work in (your practice
environment). Consider ideas for possible learning programs you may
choose to design. Write down any ideas about what you might like in it,
subjects, skills, knowledge, tasks or competencies that might need to be
included. Keep this information as a starting point for ideas of learning

 Skill development – using new equipment, or doing something in a new way

 People development – gaining management skills, or improving people’s work
ability in some way
 Organisational change – changing the way that work is done by people, such
as introducing new procedures, policies and standards
 Meet legal requirements – doing things the right way, such as fire evacuations
and other WHS requirements
 Modification of an existing learning program – changing a new-employee
induction program to reflect other changes in the workplace
Research this need for learning programs in your area of expertise. Discuss
with your colleagues, manager, clients or other trainers to explore what
actually is required to be developed.

 Short courses
 Professional development program
 Community education program
 Apprenticeship/traineeship component
 Work-transition program

Perhaps there is a client request for a new learning program or a review and
update of an old program that is required. Is there a Learning and
Assessment already available that requires a learning program to be
developed? Or Is there a professional development need in your workplace?
Try to exploit opportunities to develop learning programs for actual
workplace learning needs.

 The competencies or other benchmarks to be achieved

 The specific learning outcomes derived from the benchmarks for each
chunk or segment of the learning program
 An overview of the content to be covered in each chunk or segment
 Learning resources, learning materials and activities for each chunk or
 Number and duration of training sessions or classes required and overall
 Delivery methods for each chunk or segment WHS issues to be addressed
in delivery
 Identification of assessment points to measure learner progress
 Assessment methods and tools to be used to collect evidence of
competency, where assessment is required

10. What should be included in a Learning Program?

 Individual and group learning objectives or outcomes for the segment of

the learning program to be addressed
 The number of learners and their specific support requirements
 Content of sessions as specified in the session plans
 Timelines or duration of activities within sessions
 Learning resources, learning materials and learning
 Activities to be used in sessions
 Other resource requirements
 Whs considerations, including incident or hazard
 Reporting and emergency procedures.
11. With regard to OHS/WHS what questions should you be asking about
the planned learning environment?

 Is there a documented OHS policy?

 Are OHS procedures and operating procedures documented?
 What are the processes for reporting hazards and incidents?
 Are these reports investigated and control measures implemented as a result
of the report?
 What information or induction will be provided to the learner?
 How, and by whom will the learner be supervised?
 Are emergency procedures documented in the workplace?

12. A person's age may affect how they learn, and how they interact with
other learners. What are the effects of a person's age on how they learn?

 Age-related changes in cognitive function vary considerably across individuals

and across cognitive domains, with some cognitive functions appearing more
susceptible than others to the effects of aging. Much of the basic research in
cognitive aging has focused on attention and memory, and indeed it may be
that deficits in these fundamental processes can account for much of the
variance observed in higher-level cognitive processes. The mapping of
cognitive processes onto neural structures constitutes a relatively recent
research enterprise driven largely by advances in neuroimaging technology.
Early work in this area focused on establishing brain regions associated with
different kinds of cognitive performance and revealed that normally aging older
adults often appear to activate different brain structures than young people
when performing cognitive tasks. The reasons for these differences are a
matter of considerable debate. Ultimately, the understanding of age-related
changes in cognition will require a parallel understanding of the age-related
changes in the brain and the underlying mechanisms responsible for those

13. What strategies could you employ to account for cultural differences in

There are many school factors that affect the success of culturally diverse
 The school's atmosphere and overall attitudes toward diversity,
involvement of the community, and culturally responsive curriculum, to
name a few. Of all of these factors, the personal and academic relationships
between teachers and their students may be the most influential. This
relationship has been referred to as the "core relationship" of learning
 The roles of teachers and students, the subject matter, and their interaction
in the classroom. Certain behaviors and instructional strategies enable
teachers to build a stronger teaching/learning relationship with their
culturally diverse students. Many of these behaviors and strategies
exemplify standard practices of good teaching, and others are specific to
working with students from diverse cultures.
14. How would you go about determining content for the learning program?

Learning program should be learner centered, provide a knowledge-centered

environment that makes clear the content, the reasons for learning the
content, and the target mastery. These environments should continuously
assess student learning (formatively) and embrace a community-centered
approach. To assess students’ acquisition of the skills and competencies, the
specific criteria should determine to identify the type of assessment strategies
to be used.

15. State 2 considerations when planning segment timings

Be flexible
Some weeks will be busier than others, and unforeseen things happen.
Remember that a timetable is only a plan or a guide. Try to follow it as best
you can, but if you miss a planned study period, don't panic - look at the
schedule, rearrange your time and make it up next time.

Be realistic
A lot of time management is really about taking responsibility for your work -
therefore you need to be realistic about it. Be aware of how much time you
have and manage it effectively.

Be realistic about the amount of time to study and assignments will take to
complete. Different tasks require different amounts of preparation time. For
example, you might only need a few hours to prepare for a tutorial, but writing
an assignment will take significantly longer.

You can't produce well-researched and written work unless you give yourself
enough time to think, research and write. Brilliant assignments are not
produced the night before, so start them in good time.

16. How would you go about using the packaging rules to meet client needs?

Each qualification within a Training Package has been designed to align with
industry standards at a particular performance level. Careful consideration is
given to grouping competencies in a Training Package into combinations that
have meaning and purpose related to work functions and needs for the purpose
of creating qualifications. The Qualification Packaging Rules will tell you what,
if any, guidelines or restrictions apply to the way that you package individual
competencies from a Training Package into a course or learning program.

Packaging rules includes selecting and contextualising competency standards

to meet client needs, and identifying the multiple applications of Training
Package/s and accredited courses for workplace or educational needs.
17. State 3 different purposes that a learning program may be developed

 To cover a skills gap

 To upskill their workforce
 To bring a better level of service to the customer
 To bring about a change in culture
 To conduct mandatory training

18. What delivery options may be included in a learning program?

The lecture is best used for creating a general understanding of a topic.
Several variations in the lecture format allow it to be more or less formal
and/or interactive. In the pure lecture, communication is one way—from
trainer to trainees. It is an extensive oral presentation of material.

The discussion method uses two-way communication between the
lecturer and the trainees to increase learning opportunities. This method
uses a short lecture (20 minutes or less) to provide trainees with basic

Many companies have implemented e-learning, which encompasses
several different types of technology assisted training, such as distance
learning, computer-based training (CBT), or web-based training (WBT).
Distance learning occurs when trainers and trainees are in remote
locations; typically, technology is used to broadcast a trainer's lecture
to many trainees in many separate locations.

Simulations are designed to mimic the processes, events, and
circumstances of the trainee's job. Equipment simulators, business
games, in-basket exercises, case studies, role playing, and behavior
modeling, are types of simulations

The role play is a simulation of a single event or situation. Trainees who
are actors in the role play are provided with a general description of the
situation, a description of their roles (e.g., their objectives, emotions,
and concerns) and the problem they face.

The most common method of training, on-the-job training (OJT) uses
more experienced and skilled employees to train less skilled and
experienced employees. OJT takes many forms and can be
supplemented with classroom training. Included within OJT are the job-
instruction technique, apprenticeships, coaching, and mentoring.

Coaching is a process of providing one-on-one guidance and instruction
to improve the work performance of the person being coached in a
specific area. It differs from other OJT methods in that the trainee
already has been working at the job for some time. Usually, coaching is
directed at employees with performance deficiencies,

Parring is a form of coaching in which an ongoing relationship is
developed between a senior and junior employee. This technique
focuses on providing the junior employee with political guidance and a
clear understanding of how the organization goes about its business.
Mentoring is more concerned with improving the employee's fit within
the organization than improving technical aspects of performance, thus
differentiating it from coaching. Generally, though not always, mentors
are only provided for management-level employees.

Read more:


19. The learning program needs to be reviewed against criteria that

key stakeholders deem appropriate. What would you evaluate during
a review?

 Content and structure addresses all aspects required by the units of

competency or other benchmarks

 Sequence provides effective and manageable blocks of learning

 Activities are interesting, relevant and appropriate to outcomes and
learner characteristics
 Assessment points, methods and tools are appropriate and effective
 Effectively addresses equity needs
 Identifies risk areas and contingencies.

20. What is an organisational Learning Strategy?

Organizational learning strategy is important, especially during the

growth periods of a company, or when new technology or new
techniques within an industry are adopted. Organizational learning has
proven itself to be one of the most efficient ways for an entire company,
a division or a team to adopt a wide range of new polls, tactics and
concepts to allow for growth and improvement. When compared to
traditional learning techniques, or classrooms, individual learning
schedules and other techniques are employed, organizational learning
has proven itself to be far more efficient and effective overall, while
costing less time and money among other resources. But, when working
out organizational learning strategy, there’s one thing above all that
must be considered. Setting clear goals, as with all things, is paramount
importance. When doing training needs assessment, or planning out
how organizational learning will be distributed, and ultimately figuring
out what the final result in goal should be, clear and present goals for
each and every step, as well as an ultimate goal, are important to your

21. In competency-based assessment, what is evidence?

The assessor is assured that the assessment evidence demonstrates

current competency. This requires the assessment evidence to be from
the present or the very recent past. Currency means evidence needs to
be checked to ensure it shows recent performance.
A critical aspect of the assessment process is gathering an appropriate
amount and type of evidence. This evidence is essential to demonstrate
that the individual is competent. Generally, the evidence required will
impact on the type of assessment that needs to be done.

22. Describe the principles of assessment.

Principle 1 - Assessment should be valid

Validity ensures that assessment tasks and associated criteria
effectively measure student attainment of the intended learning
outcomes at the appropriate level.

Principle 2 - Assessment should be reliable and consistent

There is a need for assessment to be reliable and this requires clear and
consistent processes for the setting, marking, grading and moderation
of assignments.

Principle 3 - Information about assessment should be explicit,

accessible and transparent
Clear, accurate, consistent and timely information on assessment tasks
and procedures should be made available to students, staff and other
external assessors or examiners.

Principle 4 - Assessment should be inclusive and equitable

As far as is possible without compromising academic standards,
inclusive and equitable assessment should ensure that tasks and
procedures do not disadvantage any group or individual.

Principle 5 - Assessment should be an integral part of

programme design andshould relate directly to the programme
aims and learning outcomes
Assessment tasks should primarily reflect the nature of the discipline or
subject but should also ensure that students have the opportunity to
develop a range of generic skills and capabilities.

Principle 6 - The amount of assessed work should be manageable

The scheduling of assignments and the amount of assessed work
required should provide a reliable and valid profile of achievement
without overloading staff or students.

Principle 7 - Formative and summative assessment should be

included in each programme
Formative and summative assessment should be incorporated into
programmes to ensure that the purposes of assessment are adequately
addressed. Many programmes may also wish to include diagnostic

Principle 8 - Timely feedback that promotes learning and

facilitates improvement should be an integral part of the
assessment process
Students are entitled to feedback on submitted formative assessment
tasks, and on summative tasks, where appropriate. The nature, extent
and timing of feedback for each assessment task should be made clear
to students in advance.

Principle 9 - Staff development policy and strategy should

include assessment
All those involved in the assessment of students must be competent to
undertake their roles and responsibilities.

23. What are the rules of evidence?

- Address the elements and performance criteria
- Reflect the skills, knowledge and context described in the competency
- Demonstrate the skills and knowledge are applied in real or simulated
workplace situations
- Demonstrate the candidate's current skills and knowledge
- Comply with current standards
- Demonstrate competence over a period of time
- Demonstrate competence that is able to be repeated
- Comply with language, literacy and numeracy levels which match
- those required by the work task (not beyond)
- Be the work of the candidate
- Be able to be verified as genuine
24. Provide example of each assessment method

Generic learning outcomes Assessment types that can align with the
skills sets of intended Learning Outcomes

Thinking critically and making Essay

judgments Report
(Developing arguments, Journal
reflecting, evaluating, assessing, Letter of advice to...
judging) Present a case for an interest group
Prepare a committee briefing paper for a
specific meeting
Book review (or article) for a particular journal
Write a newspaper article for a foreign
Comment on an article’s theoretical perspective

Solving problems and developing Problem scenario

plans Group work
(Identifying problems, posing Work-based problem
problems, defining problems, Prepare a committee of enquiry report
analysing data, reviewing, Draft a research bid to a realistic brief
designing experiments, planning, Analyse a case
applying information) Conference paper (or notes for a conference
paper plus
annotated bibliography)

Performing procedures and Demonstration

demonstrating Role play
Techniques (Computation, taking Make a video (write script and produce/make a
readings, using equipment, video)
following laboratory procedures, Produce a poster
following protocols, Lab report
carrying out instructions) Prepare an illustrated manual on using the
equipment, for a
particular audience
Observation of real or simulated professional

Managing and developing oneself Journal

(Working co-operatively, working Portfolio
independently, learning Learning contract
independently, being self-directed, Group work
managing time, managing tasks,

Accessing and managing Annotated bibliography

information Project
Generic learning outcomes Assessment types that can align with the
skills sets of intended Learning Outcomes

(Researching, investigating, Dissertation

interpreting, organising Applied task
information, reviewing and Applied problem
paraphrasing information,
collecting data, searching and
managing information sources,
observing and interpreting) /td>

Demonstrating knowledge and

Written examination
(Recalling, describing, reporting, Oral examination
recounting, recognising,
identifying, relating and
interrelating) Report
Comment on the accuracy of a set of records
Devise an encyclopaedia entry
Produce an A–Z of ...
Write an answer to a client’s question
Short answer questions: True/False/ Multiple Choice
Questions (paper-based or computer-aided
Add or edit to a Wikipedia article

Designing, creating, performing

(Imagining, visualising, designing,
producing, creating, Performance
innovating, performing)
Express learning in poetry

Communicating Written presentation (essay, report, reflective

(One and two-way communication, paper, etc.)
communication Oral presentation
within a group, verbal, written and Group work
non-verbal Discussion/debate/role play
communication. Arguing, Participate in a “Court of Enquiry”
describing, advocating, Presentation to camera
Generic learning outcomes Assessment types that can align with the
skills sets of intended Learning Outcomes

interviewing, negotiating, Observation of real or simulated professional

presenting, using specific practice
written forms)

25. Why is trialling assessment tools important?

Trialling your tools before they are used formally with candidates will enable
you to gauge the user friendliness of the format, the appropriateness of the
literacy and numeracy levels, the clarity of the instructions and the practicality
of the format for recording assessment evidence and judgements. It will also
enable you to evaluate the suitability of the times allowed for assessment
tasks, and the tool’s overall cost-effectiveness.

The quality of your assessment tools will have a major bearing on the accuracy
of the results. Outdated assessment tools are unlikely to produce an accurate
indication of the learner's competency.

26. What are the benefits of independent validation?

 Maintain a compliant validation plan.

 Outsource and independent Lead Assessor. Our consultants meet the
requirements of clause regarding current knowledge and skills in
vocational teaching and learning and hold the training and assessment
qualification required.
 Record keeping. Our consultant completes the record keeping for the
validation meeting including reports of validation outcomes,
participants’ credentials and suggestions for continuous improvements.
 Achieve validation goals. Our consultants are experienced moderators
that will manage the validation meeting ensuring the schedule is
completed according to plan.

27. Who should be involved in validation activities?

 Employers and employer associations

 Other industry bodies
 Trainers and assessors
 Consultants

Validation activities. Validation activities are created and managed in the Business
console, and are used to track and manage a test plan for the release and the results.
When all validation activities are completed, the release can be approved and
completed, at which point deployment can occur.

28. List 5 assessment methods.

 ConcepTests - Conceptual multiple-choice questions that are useful in

large classes.
 Knowledge Survey - Students answer whether they could answer a
survey of course content questions.
 Exams - Find tips on how to make exams better assessment instruments.
 Oral Presentations - Tips for evaluating student presentations.
 Poster Presentations - Tips for evaluating poster presentations.
 Portfolios - A collection of evidence to demonstrate mastery of a given set
of concepts.
 Rubrics - A set of evaluation criteria based on learning goals and student
 Written Reports - Tips for assessing written reports.

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