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Inspected by : Date:

1 Name of the firm :

2 Name of the pipeline :

3 Length Dia. Thickness Product

4 Year of manufacturing :

5 CCE’s approval No. :

If not, then other approval :

6 Before commissioning :

Test records,

a) Radiography,

b) Ultrasonic or

c) Other NDT available or not

d) Hydtostatic test

7 Pipeline cathodic protection records.

(i) Whether CP system is designed in accordance with NACE-SP-
0169 YES / NO
(ii) Whether impressed current Cathodic Protection 
System(ICCP) is used then suitable back-up power availability
and maintenance YES / NO

(iii) Test Lead Points (TLPs)

(a) Distance between two consecutive TLPs(One Km.for
inhabited area and 1.5 kms. in uninhibited area) YES / NO

(b) CP performance report

8 Pipeline approved plan, as built

9 HSC management system for fire protection

10 Height of the vent above 03 mtrs of working level

11 Gas detectors at compressor station

12 Environment friendly fire fighting system for closed place

13 HAZOP study has been done or not

14 Pipeline coating status

15 Pipeline design code

16 Pigging station intervals

17 Pigging facility( for more than 10 Kms.)

18 In-house procedure for operation and maintenance

Proper records for all instances of assets related failure and

19 damage to environment and 3rd party property

20 In-house accident reporting system such as

(i) Near miss accident

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(ii) Details of accident without loss of man-hour

(iii) Accident with loss of man-hour.

21 Quantum of patrolling :
(i) Ground/Aerial Pattroling of ROW/RoU shall be carried out 
twice in a week
(ii) Line Walk by the official of the company at least once in a
year for entire length of the pipe line shall be carried out after
monsoon YES / NO

22 Encroachment, Soil erosion prevention measures, if any

23 Pipeline pigging schedule and compliance

(i) Normal pigging

(ii) Intelligent pigging

24 Corrosion protection system/Corrosion Control

(i) For Valve, flanges

(ii) Corrosion protection for last five years.

25 No. of SV station operation and maintenance

26 Instrumentation and calibration record

27 Provision of SCADA requirements

28 Risk Management System.

29 Status of boundary wall and fencing

30 Security arrangement

31 Overhead power line

32 Earthing system

33 Provision of pressure limiting devices

34 Provision of Thermal Relief Valves

35 Provision of Sump Tank

36 Facilities for cleaning of muck

37 Mutual aid arrangement

38 Mode of communication

39 Disaster Management Plan - off site and on site

40 Safety Audit Report :

(i) Internal or

(ii) External ( PDIL, EIL, LOYDS, TUV, MECON etc.)

(iii) Compliance of recommendations

41 Maintenance of ROV/ROW and inspection of Crossing

(i) Road, Railway crossing – once in 03 months

(ii) Water body crossing, atleast twice in a year

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(iii) At Railway-Road Bridge – once in 03 months

42 Shut down of pipeline

43 Provision of Pipeline markers :

(i) Kilometer markers.

(ii) ROU boundary pillars.

(iii) Direction/Turning Point markers.

(iv) Warning signs.

44 Provision for Emergency shutdown facilities for stations

a) No. of ESDs.

b) Locations.

45 Provision of operating procedure/manual

46 Display of operating instructions

47 Provision of windsock

48 Safety training programme

49 Abandonment of pipeline

50 Operation of Daily Logs

i) Operation daily logs

ii) Pipeline patrolling records

iii) Encroachment records.

iv) Pipeline pigging records

v) Records and maps showing the location of CP facilities and

vi) CP monitoring report, test and survey reports

vii) Leak, burst and repair records
viii) Records pertaining to inspection such as external or internal
line conditions

ix) Pipeline repair records

x) History cards of equipment

xi) Near miss, minor and major incidents

51 Provision of pipeline /station valves

Provision for flange or threaded joints, bolts and gaskets
52 and other fittings.

53 Electrical installations of pipeline stations

54 Metering facilities

55 Safety Instrumented System (SIS)

56 Pump Station

57 Safety and Fire Protection system

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58 Any other deviations/deficiencies.

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