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Hanwell Local Service District – Advisory Committee

Minutes of Meeting

Date: September 22, 2010

Location & Time: 33 Brookdale Drive,
Hanwell (7:00-9:00 pm)


Susan Cassidy (Chair) Susan Jonah

Carla Ward (Secretary) Ed Korpan (Absent)
Holly Hyslop (Rec. Rep.) Winston Gamblin (Guest)

Chairperson Report: It was a quiet summer with no activity. Susan C.

introduced our guest Winston Gamblin who is the former mayor of Harvey
and now running for the Provincial Liberal Party. Winston said that he
wasn’t at the meeting to campaign but that he wanted to know how the LSD
was doing and to get an update on the Rural Community Project as the
Village of Harvey and the Harvey LSD had started the process but stopped
when the Finn Report came out so their initiative has been inactive. He was
interested in our progress as there maybe incentive to start theirs up again.
A brief outline of the Rural Community background and update was given to
Mr. Gamblin. Questions from both sides were answered at which time he
thanked us very much for the information and left us to our meeting.

Agenda Items for Discussion:

Business Arising

1. Web Site Update

2. Phone Messages
3. Rural Community Round Table Update
4. Recreation Proposals - Holly
5. Signage – Susan/Carla
6. List of Businesses
7. Recreation Advisory Board - Holly

New Business:
1. Newsletter
2. Other

Approval of Minutes:
Hanwell Local Service District – Advisory Committee
Minutes of Meeting
There were no minutes of June 14, 2010 meeting.


1. Website Update – Website will be reviewed by all at the end of this

meeting time permitting.
2. Phone/Mail Messages – Two wrong numbers (no messages)
3. Rural Community Round Table – Carla and Susan J. provided a report
of the first focus group meeting to present the concept to the public.
Invitees from both the Hanwell and Kingsclear LSD’s were in
attendance. It was noted that there were areas that would require further
review before the presentation is open to the general public. It was a good
experience to learn from.
4. Recreation proposals – Brookdale Recreation Association has not
submitted anything yet and Holly will contact Louise. She will also ask
for an article for the next Newsletter. Holly also stated that when the Sir
Max Aitken Pool at UNB closes, we will be the only Capital City with no
competitive pool. The city is going to do a feasibility study to see if a
new competitive pool is needed but Holly said that without it the
city/area cannot support national swimming.
5. Signage – Nothing done yet.
6. List of Businesses – Holly/Susan collected the names of approximately
125 Businesses in the Hanwell area and will do up a list.
7. Recreation Advisory Board – Holly attended the last meeting but only
information was given out.

New Business

1. Newsletter – There was no newsletter over the summer so none of the

security brochures from the RCMP got out to the public. We
should do a newsletter up to go out in November. Articles included
could be:
Updated website, RC, Hanwell Rec. Committee, Handout, Hanwell
Dev. Assoc. Update & something about Yoho & local Business
2. Other – It was noted that “Estey’s Bridge” voted on a split arena tax
and this could be something that Yoho could look into. They would

Hanwell Local Service District – Advisory Committee
Minutes of Meeting

need to go ahead and petition the Minister of Local Government

requesting to revisit the tax (rec. increase) for the area.

Website: When the regular meeting was over, Susan opened the actual
Website on her laptop and the group reviewed the website noting what was
good and below is a list of a few changes that were noted:

-The word “Local” was left out of the Largest Service District
-Remove the LSDAC Imp. Gov. Committee
-Rural Plan has now been passed and a copy should be on the website
-Waste disposal days should be listed along with the two cleanup days
-A write up on the Brookdale (Hanwell) Recreation Committee with updated
stats on soccer, T-Ball and skating should be noted with a link to their
-Update the Police Protection
-“Upper” needs to be put in front of Kingsclear for proper referencing.
-Update the statistics for fire from the Kingsclear fire dept.
-Notes about the RC meetings going on could be put on the website.
-Get Detlef to update the Community Dev. Assoc.
-Instead of using generic pictures, we should try and take local pictures of
the area in every season to promote ourselves remembering that if you have
people in them, we would need their release so keep it to scenery as much as

Next Meeting:

Date and Time: Thursday, October 28, 2010

Location: 33 Brookdale Drive, Hanwell at 7:00 pm
Submitted by:
Carla Ward, Secretary HLSAC

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