Employee Leave Policy PDF

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1. Act
Leave policy comply with Andhra Pradesh Shops and Establishment Act, 1988

2. Objective
a) Leaves are granted to employees with the good intension to provide rest, recuperation
of health and for fulfilling social obligations. This provides for a healthy and efficient staff
for the company.
b) To define rules and procedure for applying leaves in a company.

3. Leaves
a) Classification
Annexur e I
Type Casual Leave
Service Peri od Qtr I Qtr II Qtr III Qtr IV Total
Up to 1 Yr 1 3 3 3 10
2 to 3 Yrs 3 3 3 3 12
3 to 5 Yrs 4 4 4 4 16
Above 5 Yrs 5 5 5 5 20

Type Maternity Leave for ninety (90) days

b) Entitlement for Cas ual leave

 Entitled to permanent and confirmed employee in a calendar year.
 Application can be minimum ½ a day to maximum of 5 days in a row in a calendar
 ½ day can be applied either first four hours pre or post afternoon in a working day.
 National/ festival/religious/declared/Week-off’s can be PREFIXED and / or SUFFIXED
to CL.
 Intervening National/ festival/religious/declared/Week-off’s will NOT be counted as
part of the leave.
 Leaves cannot be clubbed with other leaves category.
 Unused leaves cannot be carrying forwarded to the next year.
 No encashment for unused leaves.

c) Entitlement for Mater nity leave

 All permanent female married employees successfully served 180 days with the
company are entitled for Maternity Leave under Maternity Act, 1961 not specific to
calendar year.
 Employee has to inform latest 2 months from the delivery date after consulting a
 Leave can be covered for single child and entitled for 90 days planned leaves which
can be 30 days pre delivery and 60 days post delivery.
 National/ festival/religious/declared/Week-off’s cannot be PREFIXED and / or
SUFFIXED to maternity leave.
 Maternity leave can be clubbed be other leaves category based on the medical
condition and at the discretion of Management.
 Intervening National/ festival/religious/declared/Week-off’s will be counted as part
of the leave.

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 Encashment on basic pay for employees who doesn’t cover in ESI or insurance
scheme whereas for employee under ESI shall be entitled for medical benefits as per
ESI terms and conditions. Employee unable to continue service on medical ground
shall be settled with the amount in full and final settlement.
 No amount shall be paid in advance at the time leaves it shall be reimbursed on the
day of joining the service along with the salary (applicable for those who were not
covered under ESI or insurance)

4. Rules and Regul ation

a) Leaves entitl ement for Permanent employee
i) Employees will be entitled for leaves as per Annexure I .

b) Leaves entitl ement for Probationary empl oyee

i) Employee are entitled for maximum of 1 (one) leave during probationary period.
Upon confirmation employees will be entitled as per Annexur e I .

c) Long Leaves
i) Maximum of 5 continuous working days of planned leaves can be availed by an
employee once in a calendar year provided they should have eligible leave balance
and approved by the Management.
ii) Long planned leaves are not a special leave it’s the unused leaves of an employee
during a calendar year.
iii) Long planned leaves are considered limited to exams, pilgrim visits, festivals,
marriage, family occasions and other exceptional cases.

d) Priority of l eaves appl ication

i) Long planned leave applications are considered on priority basis first cum first
served as per following format:-
 Leave application considered on emergencies as per section (e) refers to
personal or family illness, accidents, maternity emergencies etc.
 Leave application considered on travels equal or more than 12 hrs a day.
 Leave application considered on festivals priority.
 Leave application applied one month before the travel date.

e) Emergencies
i) Circumstances prevail to employee sickness and fail to report to duty in such cases
intimation from family member, call or an email sent to Team Lead/Manager
copying to HR shall serve the purpose. Employee has to submit medical certificate
followed with Leave Application on the day of reporting to duty.
ii) For emergency casualties/hospitalization employee has to produce medical fit
certificate at the time of rejoining the duty. It is at Management discretion either to
reconsider the joining without LOP as per the policy.

f) Leaves Cr edited
i) Leaves are credited to employee at the beginning of every calendar year i.e. starting
from 1st of January to 31st of December.
ii) Leaves are credited to permanent employee on the day of joining on prorate basis
whereas for confirmed employee after confirmation.
iii) Maximum of five (5) leaves will carry forward to next calendar year and will be
lapsed by the of March next year for the year 2014 only.

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g) Leaves A ppr oval

i) An employee applying for one (1) day leave has to notify to Team Lead/Manager one
day before the leave requirement date. Leave application in the form of e-mail to
the concern Team Lead/Manager and as well as to the HR Department
(hrd@ektha.com, anr@ektha.com, Krishna.kumari@ektha.com). Unplanned leaves
can be informed over mobile/email during emergencies.
ii) An employee applying for long planned leaves has to submit leave application one
month prior notice from travelling date and approval of leaves will be considered
meeting to conditions as discussed in Section (a), (b), (c) and (d).
iii) An employee applying for maternity leave has to give one (1) month prior notice
after consulting a doctor.
iv) Maximum of 10% leave application cap will be considered in a month and
recommended for approval as per Section (d). On certain cases limit can be
extended by maximum of two based on the seriousness of case.
v) Not more than two (2) applications in a row from same department can be granted
for leave unless there is seriousness of case.
vi) Leave approval tied with project status hence approval or rejection of leave is at the
sole discretion of Management.

h) Business hours/ Permission/Overtime /Compensatory off’s

i) Business Hours
 Regular business hours starts from 8:30 AM to 7:00 PM IST but certain cases
business hours will change with shifts as per the project requirement which shall
be communicated by the Management and complies with nine (9) hrs of
business hours per day or must clock 45 hrs per week. Employee must report to
work latest by 9:30 AM.
 One hour shall be allocated to break timings which shall be categorized as
Annexur e II
Category Time
Refreshment 10 Min
Lunch 40 Min
Refreshment 10 Min

 Employee working less than nine hours in day shall be calculated in a month and
adjusted in leave without notice.
 Company functions five (5) days a week (Sunday is weekly off and Saturday shall
be considered as corporate off) but certain times employees are required to
work on Saturday as per project schedules which shall be communicated by the
ii) Permission
 Employee can take permission for an hour and maximum of an hour (1) in a
month. Permission extending beyond one hour shall be adjusted in leave.
 Logging less than four (4) hrs in a day shall be considered as ½ day leave.
 Reporting after 10:00 AM and leaving at 5:00 PM require approval from Team
 Exception on timings/permissions is at the sole discretion of Management.
 Biometric Access: An employee can be excused 2 times in a month to fail to
access the biometric and which should be informed to the HR Department
immediately. More than 2 times will be considered as ½ or full day leave.

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iii) Compensatory Off’s /Overtime

 Employees are not entitled for compensatory off’s unless it has prior/proper
approval from Management. They will be eligible only if the Management insists
them to work on any important assignment on National/ festival/religious
holidays provided minimum 30% of employee strength has to work on same day.
 Applying for compensatory off’s required approval from Management.
 Compensatory off’s can be clubbed with any leave category and should have
approval from Team Lead/Manager.
 Compensatory off’s neither can be encased nor carry forward to next calendar
year. Work commenced during the last 3 months of the calendar year should be
applied within calendar year to avoid lapse.
 Working overtime will require approval from Team Lead/Manager.

i) Loss of Pay
i) Leaves without approval or prior notice will be treated as Loss of Pay even if leaves
ii) Leaves rejected by Management due to business timelines or employee breaching
the decision and taken leaves as granted shall be treated as absence from duty and
it’s at Management discretion to take action as it is inevitable.
iii) LOP is evaluated on disciplinary grounds referring to irregularity to work i.e.,
improper attendance or insufficient leave balance.
iv) LOP is calculated in payroll of preceding month on the basis of days absent or
insufficient leave balance maintained & the same shall be deducted from employees
v) If an employee fails to report to duty by mentioned date as in leave application, it is
deemed as absconding from duty with the company on his/her own accord.

j) Cancellation of Leave
i) Leaves are a matter of right however the Management has right to either reject or
approve leave application as business demands.
ii) Leaves approved are at Management discretion. The Management has every right to
reject or approve leave at any point of time based on exigency of business timelines
or seriousness of the case.
iii) An employee can apply for cancellation at any point of time or extend the leave
application during a calendar year as per section (3).

k) Extension of Leave
i) Extension of leave can be considered on seriousness of the case with proper
approval from Team Lead/Manager. A written leave application has to be submitted
on the day of reporting to duty.
ii) In the event employees extend leave without approval then such unauthorized
leaves will be treated as absence from duty referring to “Absence from duty” section

l) Absenc e from Duty

 Employees absent from duty without intimation or prior approval under any
circumstances will be treated as absence from duty.
 Rejoining the duty from absence is at Management discretion. Employee has to
provide explanation for such absence on the day of reporting to duty.
 Employees continuously absent from duty more than a week (including National/
festival/religious/declared/Week-off’s fall in-between) without prior approval from
Team Lead/Manager will be treated as unauthorized leaves. HR has to send an

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official correspondence to their mail id or give a call to find out the valid reason as a
part of confirmation. Action deemed fit shall be taken by the Management based on
the enquiry.
 If the Management doesn’t receive any response from the employee within the
stipulated time mentioned in official correspondence, it would be presumed as
employee absconding from duty or withdrawn from service of the company on their
own accord.

5. Leave s ettlement during Separati on/Retirement/Termination

a) Leaves need to adjusted during separation if any LOP is applicable against any leave
category shall be deducted from employee full and final settlement.
b) Employees will not be entitled to claim against any leave category.
c) Adjustment of leaves during Retirement/Termination is at Management discretion.

6. Process fl ow chart & procedur e for applying leave



Approve Deduct from

Rejected Leave Record End

No change in
Leave Record

 Employee:
a) Need to check leaves availability either in ERP or Leave records maintained by HR before
applying for leave.
b) Leave application need to be forwarded for approval from Team Lead/Manager.
c) It is at Management discretion either to approve or to reject leave application based on
exigency of business or seriousness of the case.

© 2015. Company shall review the policies periodically & reserves the right
to amend/withdraw any guidelines that suits org anization philosophy at any
point of time without assigning any reason whatsoever. Any unauthorized,
misuse and printing of this document is prohibited should take prior
permissio n from the Author.

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