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LibreOffe Referenfe Card Sheets (sheets)

LibreOfice Basic The Doc object points to the document (ex: Doc=ThisComponent).
Access to sheets
Calc Work with Sheets objects:
Active sheet MySheet = Doc.CurrentController.ActiveSheet
Beginner Sheet list AllSheets = Doc.Sheets
v. 1.11 – January 13, 2018 Number of sheets NumberSheets = Doc.Sheets.Count
Sheet object (by index [base MySheet = Doc.Sheets(index)
Writen with LibreOffe v. 5.3.3 – Platform : All 0])
Sheet object (by name) MySheet = Doc.Sheets.getByName("SheetName")
LibreOffice Documents Check existence (name) Exist = Doc.Sheets.hasByName("SheetName")
Sheet index Index = MySheet.RangeAddress.Sheet
Current document
Modify sheets
Dim Doc As Object
Doc = ThisComponent Add a sheet named Name at Doc.Sheets.insertNewByName(Name, p)
Open another existing document position p(base 0)
Delete a sheet Doc.Sheets.removeByName("SheetName")
Visible mode
Duplicate a sheet Doc.Sheets.copyByName("SourceName","Target-
Dim Doc As Object to the position p (base 0) Name", p)
Dim PathDoc As String
Dim Props() 'here, this table is not initialized Move sheet Doc.Sheets.moveByName(SheetName, p)
PathDoc = ConvertToURL("C:\Path\To\CalcFile.ods") to the position p (base 0)
Doc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL(PathDoc, "_blank", 0, _ Manage sheets
MySheet is a sheet object.
Invisible mode Activate sheet Doc.CurrentController.ActiveSheet = MySheet
Dim Doc As Object Protect sheet MySheet.protect(password)
Dim PathDoc As String (password can be empty)
Dim Props(0) As New Unprotect sheet MySheet.unprotect(password)
PathDoc = ConvertToURL("C:\Path\To\CalcFile.ods") Tab color MySheet.tabColor = RGB(255, 255, 0)
Props(0).Name = "Hidden" 'the document will open hidden"
Props(0).Value = True Link a sheet
Doc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL(PathDoc, "_blank", 0, _ Link to a file (ex:, "", "Text - txt - csv (StarCalc)", _
CSV) Filter,
Turn visible a posteriori Break a link MySheet.setLinkMode(
Doc.CurrentController.Frame.ContainerWindow.Visible = True e.NONE)
Doc.CurrentController.Frame.ContainerWindow.toFront() Find last row/column used
Create a new Calc document MySheet is the sheet object to explore. Row and Col are information to fetch.
From (1) the default template or (2) a specific template. Dim Cur As Object ' cursor on the cell
Dim Range As Object ' the used range
Dim Doc As Object Dim Row As Long
Dim Props() 'here, this table is not initialized Dim Col As Long
Model = "private:factory/scalc" '(1) Cur = MySheet.createCursorByRange(MySheet.getCellRangeByName("A1"))
'or Cur.gotoEndOfUsedArea(True)
Model = "C:\Path\To\ACalcTemplateFile.ots" '(2) Range = MySheet.getCellRangeByName(Cur.AbsoluteName)
Doc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL(Model, "_blank", 0, Props()) Row = Range.RangeAddress.EndRow
Col = Range.RangeAddress.EndColumn
Save a document
The document already exist Cells (cells)
(equivalent to File > Save ) Below Cel is an cell object.
Use the method store from the document object. Ex : Access to cells
The document was not yet saved
MySheet is a sheet object. Access to cell object:
(equivalent to File > Save as ) Cel = MySheet.getCellRangeByName("A4")
By cell default notation
Dim Doc As Object 'the object document to store By name Cel = MySheet.getCellRangeByName("TVA")
Dim PathDoc As String 'the path for saving By coordinates X and Y Cel = MySheet.getCellByPosition(0,3)
Dim Props() 'the saving properties. (empty) Wih X=0 (col.A) ; Y=3 (row.4)
PathDoc = ConvertToURL("C:\Path\To\CalcFile.ods")
Doc.storeAsURL(PathDoc, Props()) Access to active cell
☞ If a copy, it turns to active document Doc is an document object and ActiveCel the active cell object.
Save a copy If Doc.currentSelection.supportsService _
Like above but with Doc.storeToURL(PathDoc, Props()) ("") Then
'It's a cell
☞ The copy does not become the active document. ActiveCel = Doc.currentSelection
Close a document End If
Use the method close from the document object: ThisComponent.close(True) Select a cell
Document information
The document object expose properties Cell coordinates
Location The folder of the document. Coordinates (Object) Coord = Cel.CellAddress
☞ Empty string is not yet saved Sheet index (Integer) NumS = Cel.CellAddress.Sheet
DocumentProperties (Object) Additional properties (below). Columns index (Long) NumC = Cel.CellAddress.Column
DocumentProperties Row index (Long) NumL = Cel.CellAddress.Row
Author Author's name ModifyDate Last modification date Sheet container object MySheet = Cel.Spreadsheet
CreationDate Creation date. Subject Document subject (string). Absolute coordinates (String) Coord = Cel.AbsoluteName
Description Document description Title Document title (un)protect cells
ModifiedBy User name who modified the UserDefined- Custom properties Cel.CellProtection can take boolean values:
document. Properties (Object). Prevent modification CellProtection.IsLocked = True
Is it a Calc document? Hide cell formula CellProtection.IsFormulaHidden = True
The Doc object points to the document (ex: Doc=ThisComponent). Hide cell CellProtection.IsHidden = True
CalcOK = Doc.SupportsService("") Don't print cell CellProtection.IsPrintHidden = True

Calc – General functionalities Access cell contents

The Doc object points to the document (ex: Doc=ThisComponent).
Read text contents MyText = Cel.String
Automatic calculation Read numeric contents aNumeber = Cel.Value
Active? (Boolean) Auto = Doc.isAutomaticCalculationEnabled Read cell formula (en-US names) TheFormula = Cel.Formula
Disable Doc.enableAutomaticCalculation(False) Read cell formula (localized names) LaFormule = Cel.FormulaLocal
Enable Doc.enableAutomaticCalculation(True) Cell type TheType = Cel.Type
Force recalculation Doc.calculate (only for formulas not updated) Empty a cell Cel.String = ""
Doc.calculateAll (all formulas) Contents type ( Type property)
Protect document The constants represent the cell informa-
Is document protected? Test = Doc.isProtected tion type (Cel.Type, above) :
Protect document Doc.protect(password) [password can be EMPTY Empty cell VALUE Numerical value
empty] TEXT Text contents FORMULA Formula contents
Unprotect document Doc.unprotect(password)
Write in a cell
Replace existing text Cel.String = "Hello !"
Replace an existing value Cel.Value = 1.234
Replace an existing formula Cel.Formula = "=AND(A1="YES";A2="OK")"
Replace an existing formula Cel.FormulaLocal = "=ET(A1="OUI";A2="OK")"
LibOBasic_3_Calc_Flat_A4_EN_v111.odt (localized)
Ranges (ranges) Rows/Columns (rows/columns)
Range = set of cells, (including a single one): Dim MyRange As Object Rows and columns are Sheet and Range objects properties.
Access to ranges General
MySheet is a sheet object. Get a range object Ran>: Rows (TheRows object) TheRows = MyRange.Rows
By cell default notation Ran = MySheet.getCellRangeByName("C2:G14") Columns (TheCols object) TheCols = MyRange.Columns
By name Ran = MySheet.getCellRangeByName("RangeName") Counting NbL = MyRange.Rows.Count
By coordinates Ran = MySheet.getCellRangeByPosition(2, 1, 6, 13) NbC = MyRange.Columns.Count
(X1, Y1, X2, Y2) A row (TheRow object (base 0) TheRow = MyRange.Rows(index)
Randomly Ran = ThisComponent.Sheets.getCellRangeByPosition(2, A column (TheCol object (base 0) TheCol = MyRange.Columns(index)
(ex third sheet) 2, 1, 6, 13)
Row/Columns properties
Active range Applies to Row or Rows (resp. Column or Columns).
Like active cell, but check "" or "[...].Sheet- Visible / Hidden (Boolean) IsVisible = True
CellRanges". Optimal width (Boolean) OptimalWidth = True
Range selection Insert/delete rows/columns where MyRange is an objetc. Define object RorC, and FirstPos and LastPos the positions of the begining and end of
Range coordinates the row set (resp. columns) to add/delete (Long).
Coordinates (Object) Coord = MyRange.RangeAddress Insert RorC.insertByIndex(FirstPos, LastPos)
Sheet index (Integer) Ran = MyRange.RangeAddress.Sheet Delete RorC.removeByIndex(FirstPos, LastPos)
Column rank (Long) NumCHG = MyRange.RangeAddress.StartColumn Freeze row/columns
top/left corner
Use the Controller object: MyController = ThisComponent.CurrentColtroller
Row rank (Long) NumLHG = MyRange.RangeAddress.StartRow
Is there one? Freeze = MyController.hasFrozenPanes
top/left corner
Freeze MyController.freezeAtPosition(1, 2)
Column rank (Long) NumCBD = MyRange.RangeAddress.EndColumn
Delete MyController.freezeAtPosition(0, 0)
bottom/right corner
Row rank (Long) NumLBD = MyRow.RangeAddress.EndRow Call a Calc function
bottom/right corner
MySheet = MyRange.Spreadsheet Use service ""
Sheet container object
Absolute coordinates (String) Coord = MyRange.AbsoluteName Usage
Named ranges Dim FCalc As Object
Dim Result As (context dependent)
The Doc object points to the document. With Dim TheRanges As Object Dim Params As (context dependent)
Named ranges TheRanges = Doc.NamedRanges Dim FunctionName As String
Number (Long) Nb = TheRanges.Count FCalc = CreateUnoService("")
Get a range (by index) MyRange = TheRanges(index) Results = FCalc.callFunction(FunctionName, Params)
Check existence (name) Exist = TheRanges.hasByName("RangeName") ☞ Function name, parameters and type of results depends on the selected function
Get range (by name) MyRange = TheRanges.getByName("Range-  The function name must be its English name.
Name") To get the function English name, switch temporarily to English Calc function names
Add TheRanges.addNewByName("Rangename", Co-
display, at Tools > Options > LibreOffice Calc > Formula, Use English function names.
Coord : range coordinates ord, _ Example 1 (function SUM())
CellRef : reference cell object CellRef.CellAddress, 0) Dim FCalc As Object
Delete (by name) TheRanges.removeByName("RangeName") Dim Results As Long
FCalc = CreateUnoService("")
Erase a range Results = FCalc.callFunction("SUM", Array(1, 55, 321, 8))
Erase MyRange contents MyRange.clearContents(EraseMode)
EraseMode is a value that define the type of cleaning. Use
Example 2 (function ROUND())
CellFlags.XXX and combine them with +) : Dim FCalc As Object
ANNOTATION Comments STRING Text Dim Results As Double
DATETIME Date/time formatted numbers VALUE Numbers (except date/time) Dim Params(1) As Variant
Params(0) = 1,2345 'number to round
FORMULA Formulae Params(1) = 3 '3 places
Get cell contents in a range FCalc = CreateUnoService("")
Results = FCalc.callFunction("ROUND", Params())
MyRange.DataArray is a table of cell values for MyRange.
Copy range contents into another range Create a Calc function
Have 2 ranges Source and Target, with same dimensions.
Copy contents (values) from Source into Target.DataArray = Source.DataArray
Target. Example : calculate the area of a trapeze (S = ((B + b) / 2) × H)
Write values in a range Function AreaTrapeze(GB As Double, PB As Double, H As Double) As
MyRange is a range object and MyTable a table, with same dmensions, where values Double
AreaTrapeze = ((GB + PB) / 2) * H
must be transfered to the range. End Function
Dim MyTable As Variant
MyTable = MyRange.DataArray 'MyTable takes the range dimensions Usage in Calc
'(give values to the tabel elements) If A2 is the large base, A3 the small base and A4 the height, the area of the trapeze is ob-
MyRange.DataArray = MyTable tained inserting the following formula in a cell: =AREATRAPEZE(A2;A3;A4)
☞ .DataArray is an embedded table: use .DataArray(i)(j) ☞ The macro receives the values of the arguments and not the cell object.
Traverse cells in a range ☞ The macro returns a value. It does not applies to a cell.
☞ The function must be located in a library accessible at runtime (e.g. Standard library of
From a collection (MyRanges.Cells) create an enumeration. Traverse the range calling the document or user) (otherwise, it produces the #VALUE! error).
its properties hasMoreElements and NextElement:
Dim Plages As Object
MyRanges =
MyRanges.insertByName("", MyRange)
LEnum = MyRanges.Cells.CreateEnumeration
Do While LEnum.hasMoreElements
MyCell = LEnum.NextElement
' apply instructions to object cell Credits
Author : Jean-François Nifenecker –
 Empty cells are not traversed ! We are like dwarves perched on the shoulders of giants. If we are able to see more and farther than the
Ranges: Miscellaneous latter, and this is not at all because of the acuteness of our sight or the stature of our body, but because we
are carried aloft and elevated by the magnitude of the giants (Bernard de Chartres [attr.])
Merge cells of MyRange MyRange.Merge Hisory
Range types Version Date Comments
Depending of the access mode, ranges implement one of these services: 1.01 01/10/2017 First version.
① ④
1.11 13/01/2018 Add range types.
② ➄
 Depending on the service implemented, ranges must be employed differently.
Test through method supportsService() (ex. below)
Cell or range?
To know the object type, test supportsService() with service_name below (boolean)
on the object (range or cell):
If MyObj.supportsService(service_name) Then … Licence
Replace service_name by : This reference card is under license
Cell ? "" ① CreativeCommons BY-SA v3 (fr).
Single range ? "" ④ Information
Multiple range ? "" ➄
 Always test a cell before a single range because a cell is also a single range !

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