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Corrupt and quiet

Brain damaged
Like a mental hemorrhaging
A bloody heart's craving

Tattooed on your clear skin

Running hands over it
Dusting off your innocence
Dancing on ground that's caving in

Men and women in pain

Broken children going insane
Holding their breaths
Hearts heaving in their chests

Painstaking memories
Sipping tears from souls unclean
Empty verses, lyrics obscene
Children who will never be seen

You've lost your health

Now, what do you have left?
Raped just like the rest
Nothing to show, no family crest

Tear jerkers
Hard workers
Acid-bathed men
You simply cannot win

Thoughts under arrest

Burning names off the list
Fighting with a pointless fist
Lost in the lifeless mist

Current education system in India. X

Testing today has taken over schools. The pressure of society for a person to strive to reach the
best schools and therefore the best education, to do this your test scores have to be the best. This
brings up the question on whether or not the highest test scores show who the smartest people
really are? These high test scores raise the question, does the school you go to have an influence
on how you do on your tests. If it does make a difference does the money involved create a
preddjudicous. Also should someone use all their powers available to find get into the best schools?
Society is leaning more towards Machiavelli's view where the ends justify the means. This also
brings morals into the situation.
The education system of today has used testing as an easer way to show how smart someone is.
Teachers use tests to see how well students understand what they have taught. This has a positive
effect making the students learn the material that the teacher wants them to learn, however the
student ends up just learning it because they have to. In order to become educated someone has to
want to learn something. That is the only way that they would truly push themselves to further their
knowledge. The only thing that pushes students to learn today is the pressure that society makes.
These pressures consist of anything from parents pushing the child to go to college, to business that
will not hire anyone without a college degree. Parents want to see their child succeed more then the
child wants too.
The child wants to succeed too because no one wants to grow up only to be able to work in a
minimum wage job. Without the benefits of a college degree a person is limited as to what positions
are available in today's workplace. The better the college that the person got the degree from the
better chance they have at the job.
This leads into the whole network of schooling involved to get the best jobs available. In order to get
into the best college to get the best job one has to go to the best high school, which takes the best
lower school, and to get into that lower school one has to get into the best preschool. This path is not
an exact one but there is a quality of school that has to be kept up with.

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