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c c cc 

c c 

 c cc 

 c c 

ëParking Brake
ëService Brake
3 — raulic
Disc Brakes
Drum Brakes
Dual S stem
3 Antilock Brake S stem (ABS)
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ë ainetic Energ
ë ass
ë Weight
ë Spee
ë nertia an
Drum Brake
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DSC BRAaES consist of two pas that grasp a
rotating isk. The isk, or rotor, connects to the
wheels b an axle. You control the grasping power.
When ou pull on the brake, the clamps come
together on the isk, forcing it to stop spinning an
causing our vehicle to slow own an eventuall
Disc-st le brakes evelopment an use began in
Englan in the 1890s. The first caliper-t pe
automobile isc brake was patente b Freerick
William Lanchester in his Birmingham, Ua factor in
1902 an use successfull on Lanchester cars.
t took another half centur for his innovation to be
wiel aopte.oern-st le isc brakes.
1. 1949 ʹ Crosle —otshot
2. 1953 ʹ Jaguar C-T pe racing car
3. 1955 ʹ Citroën DS
4. 1956 ʹ Triumph TR3
5. 1965 ʹ Rambler arlin , For Thunerbir
an so on͙͙.
Disc brakes offer better stopping performance than
comparable rum brakes, incluing resistance to
brake fae.
Disc brakes were most popular on sports cars when
the were first introuce, since these vehicles are
more emaning about brake performance.
Discs have now become the more common form in
most passenger vehicles.
The esign of the isc varies somewhat. Some are
simpl soli cast iron, but others are hollowe out
with fins or vanes joining together the isc's two
contact surfaces.
This "ventilate" isc esign helps to issipate the
generate heat an is commonl use on the more-
heavil -loae front iscs.
Discs ma also be slotte, where shallow channels
are machine into the isc to ai in removing ust
an gas.
Some iscs are both rille an slotte. On the
roa, rille or slotte iscs still have a positive
effect in wet conitions because the holes or slots
prevent a film of water builing up between the
isc an the pas.
One reason is the isc's lack of self-assist makes
brake force much more preictable, so peak brake
force can be raise without more risk of braking-
inuce steering or jackknife on articulate
Another is isk brakes fae less when hot, an in a
heav vehicle air an rolling rag an engine
braking are small parts of total braking force, so
brakes are use harer than on lighter vehicles, an
rum brake fae can occur in a single stop.


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Disc brakes are often on the front (an
sometimes on the rear) wheels of cars

Do the real work of braking

Unlike rum brakes, o not self-energize

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Different materials have ifferent coefficients
of friction

Pa material can be chosen for performance

or to create a balance between performance
an urabilit
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Asbestos brakes were use for ears because of

their extremel high friction coefficient, but
avances in science has shown that it is a cancer
causing substance.
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Discs are usuall amage in one of four wa s:
warping, scarring, cracking, or excessive rusting.

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Warping is often cause b excessive heat. When
the isc's friction area is at a substantiall higher
temperature than the inner portion (hat) the
thermal expansion of the friction area is greater
than the inner portion an warping occurs.

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Scarring (US: Scoring) can occur if brake pas are
not change promptl when the reach the en of
their service life an are consiere worn out.

Cracking is limite mostl to rille iscs, which
ma evelop small cracks aroun eges of holes
rille near the ege of the isc ue to the isc's
uneven rate of expansion in severe ut

The iscs are commonl mae from cast iron an a
certain amount of what is known as "surface rust" is
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The most common caliper esign uses a single
h raulicall actuate piston within a c liner,
although high performance brakes use as man as

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Sometimes a lou noise or high pitch squeal occurs
when the brakes are applie. ost brake squeal is
prouce b vibration (resonance instabilit ) of the
brake components, especiall the pas an iscs
(known as £   
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Brake juer is usuall perceive b the river as
minor to severe vibrations transferre through the
chassis uring braking.
Two istinct subgroups: Π(or Π), or  

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When braking force is applie, small amounts of
material are grauall groun off the brake pas.
This material is known as "brake ust" an a fair
amount of it usuall eposits itself on the braking
s stem an the surrouning wheel.
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XBrake PealͶforce input to s stem from river
XDesign gives a echanical Avantage

Xaster C linerͶconverts force to pressure

XPressure is use to move brake pas into place

XBrake PasͶprovie friction force when in contact with

XWorks to slow or stop vehicle
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The brake pas are esigne for high friction with
brake pa material embee in the isc in the
process of being while wearing evenl .
XCaliperͶhols pas an squeezes them against rotor
The è !" '!(% is the assembl which houses the
brake pas an pistons. The pistons are usuall
mae of aluminum or chrome-plate steel. There
are two t pes of calipers: floating or fixe.

XRotorͶspins with wheel

XWhen use in conjunction with brake pas, slows vehicle

XVentsͶhelp provie cooling to brake

Caliper T pes
There are 2 t pes of Calipers
ë Calipers are isc brakes that use a caliper that is FED in
position an oes not slie. The have pistons on both
sies of the isc. There ma be 2 or 4 pistons per caliper

ë uch more common
ë Single Piston
ë Easier to work with
ë On ͞inboar sie of caliper
Fixe Caliper

ͻotorc cles an some

import trucks an cars
use this t pe

ͻSimilar to bic cle

Sliing Caliper

Applies pressure to
two pas on opposite
sies of rotor
ë Sliing
ë Fixe
Friction aterial
expose to air
Fixe Caliper
ë Applies two pistons to
opposite sies of rotor
ë Caliper sta s stationar
ë Disc Brakes require
higher h raulic
Caliper Operation


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X Step 1: Force is applie to b river to the master c liner

X Step 2: Pressure from the master c liner causes one brake pa
to contact rotor
X Step 3: The caliper then self-centers, causing secon pa to
contact rotor
n a isc brake, the brake pas squeeze the )#)
instea of the wheel, an the force is transmitte
h raulicall instea of through a cable. Friction
between the pas an the isc slows the isc own.
A moving car has a certain amount of kinetic
energ , an the brakes have to remove this energ
from the car in orer to stop it. Brakes convert the
kinetic energ to heat generate b the friction
between the pas an the isc. ost car isc brakes
are vente.
Vente isc brakes have a set of vanes, between the
two sies of the isc, that pumps air through the
isc to provie '))(%&-.
Vente Rotors

Vente Rotors have Fins in the spaces

between their machine surfaces. These
spaces allow air to pass through, which
helps carr heat awa .
onvente Rotor

on Vente Rotors are use on smaller

vehicles, an have no cooling fins

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